《Crazier Then You (Twilight // Crazy Jane)》Chapter 32
As the months passed Janes hair continued to grow, she hadn't cut it since the asylum and it felt different. Especially as she lay on Paul's bare chest with his fingers running through it gently. She always kept her hair short as a way of protection, but she felt her guard slowly dropping. All because of Paul and the pack. They were showing her that not all men were monsters.... Not all men only wanted one thing from women.
"We're gonna be married in a week- doesn't that feel crazy?" Paul mumbles but the excitement was there as Janes insides clawed with nerves. The other personalities kept insisting it was mistake, others were more then ready like Karen, and Scarlett. Even baby doll was now excited as Paul would still allow her to get pancakes with Charlie almost every other day. Plus Paul watched kid movies with her all the time and he even took her to get ice cream when she was at the surface and bored.
"I'm always feeling crazy but- that definitely feels crazier..... I never thought this would happen for me with anyone. But- I'm glad it's you." Jane happily says cuddling into him more making him smile along with her.
And just like that the two were wrapping in the sheets again ready for the next round.
Jane found herself actually enjoying sex with Paul, he never rushed and he always asked her if everything was okay.
Things were finally peaceful in their lives letting Jane slowly lower her abrasiveness and accept her happiness.
They still hung out with the pack here and there but the two were slowly becoming obsessed with each other more then they already had been. Leah let it slip to Jane that since her and Paul had started getting intimate it was like he was even more protective and always thinking of her.
It made Jane weary at first to know things had slipped to the pack and it definitely set Hammerhead off. She came forward whenever the topic of intimacy came up around the pack daring them to say anything about the host body. Of course they never would but hammerhead never knew when to relax, she was always on high alert.
"I gotta go to patrol." Paul pouts pulling her closer rather then untangling himself from her. "Don't be late again soon we will be going on our honey moon and you won't have to do it at all." Jane smiles softly knowing he got an earful from Sam since he had been late the last few times.
Paul groans but slowly stands up setting Jane to the side as he begins to leave for the door. As he's about to leave he turns around giving her a kiss goodbye before running out into the woods. Jane felt a smile grow on her face as he ran off into the woods leaving her to her own thoughts.
Jane would say she became somewhat domesticated on the aspect she'd clean and do laundry but cooking was still a struggle.
As Jane begins to cook dinner ready to pack some away for Paul for later a knock comes to the door.
At first it would seem like no big deal but Jane found it odd since they rarely had company and when they did it was usually the pack while Paul was there.
Walking to the door Jane peeps through the peep hole and stops her body going rigid.
Paul's dad was outside and he looked pissed.
"I know your there! Your cars are both here!" He drunkenly bellowed making Janes feet plant to the ground and her eyes to go wide. Her breathing was heavy as she quickly tip toed to the bedroom closet and sank to her butt.
They hadn't spoken to Paul's dad since before their engagement. He wasn't invited to the wedding and some family members had told him about it only fueling his anger. His banging on the door continued making Jane cover her ears and take deep breaths unsure of what to do at first.
Finally she decided to text someone from the pack to let them know and hope they could come get her or something. At first she was gonna text one of the boys but still hesitated before texting Leah instead. Leah answered right away saying she'd let the pack know right away.
A sigh of relief leaves Janes body before a big bang is heard making her body go still.
The door had finally opened.
Jane texted Leah but got no response this time, meaning she could already be in wolf form to let the guys know. A second later a howl rings out into the night making Janes hands shake more and more.
Every little noise led her to believe that he was coming closer and closer to finding her. And maybe he really was but Jane didn't want to think of that.
Jane pressed herself up against the right side of the closet door on the floor. That way if he did open it and look inside maybe he would completely miss her.
"WHERE ARE YOU!" His scream made her jump and pray he didn't hear a sound from her. He was right outside the bedroom door.
James heart was racing praying to whatever god or greater being would have the guys and Leah there already.
Janes heart stopped.
It was the familiar creaking of her bedroom floor as he slowly looked around in there. She could hear him kneel and look under the bed before aggressively huffing. He struggled to get up but he soon managed in his drunken state.
And then it was quiet again.
Jane didn't even breath as she held her breath scared any noise would alert him of her presence.
Hammerhead was ready to surface but Jane did not want to hurt Paul's dad or worse kill him. Her wedding was in a week and something told her if she allowed hammerhead to do either of those two plans she'd be spending her honey moon in prison. Or worse back in Gothams asylum.
The closet doors swung open and Jane feels her heart lurch in her throat, his frame looks into the closet and right before he looks down at her there's a yell from the front door.
Almost immediately he slams the closet doors shut making Jane jump in the slightest.
As Paul's dad left the room she could hear two distinct yells but she couldn't stand, she couldn't move.
Instead she shut her eyes trying to force away and bad paranoid thoughts she had. What would he have done if he found her? Why had she hidden in a bedroom closet? What if he would have tried to do something to her? What would she do or tell Paul? She probably would have let Hammer head kill him before finding out.
As the yells grow louder Jane finally finds the courage to stand on shaky legs and slowly make her way out of the room.
For a second the yells stop and a punching noise is heard making Jane think the father was once again beating his son. That made her sun to the front yard to see a snarling Paul being held back by Sam as his father laid on the ground holding his jaw.
A weird sickly sweet smile on his face as he looks up at his son before his eyes trail to Jane. Jane uncomfortably crosses her arms around herself to block the view of her heavily clothed body. Paul was practically heaving as his father gave her an obvious once over.
Maybe most men were monsters.
And only some were decent like the pack, but Jane began to think it was a small selection.
Jane didn't know what was said before her arrival but Paul's father kept staring at her with both anger and something else. He knew someone was home yet no one came to answer the door so he took matters in his own hands. He truly believed Paul had also been avoiding him inside until his yells came from outside.
But he was pissed that Jane didn't answer the door.
"Speak of the devil and she'll come huh son?" Paul's father says with a big boisterous smile as Paul's eyes narrowed. Seth and Leah now stood along side Jane with serious expressions.
They proceeded to slowly block the view of her entirely only making an even worse pit form in Janes stomach.
"Get out of here Mr. Lahote. Or we will be calling the cops." Jared's voice was unusually stern as he stood in front of Paul crossing his arms. "You think you little shits get any right to tell me what to do? MY ONLY SON DIDN'T INVITE ME TO HIS WEDDING BECAUSE OF HIS STUPID BITCH FIANCÉ! I mean really? What have I ever done? I've hardly talked tot he girl? Are you uncomfortable with me around her son? Why is that? Huh?....... Scared I'll take her form ya?" He said the last part lowly and if the pack didn't have heightened hearing they would have missed it.
The sickly smile that grew on his face made Janes insides go cold. She read his lips at the last part but truly believed she was mistaken since she could hardly look around Seth and Leah.
But a snarl ripped through the night air along with the shredding of clothes and Sam's yells. He was trying to alpha command Paul but the angered wolf was seeing red.
Paul's father stood in absolute shock as he saw his son as a wolf bearing his teeth at his own father.
The legends were true.
And he was finding out the worst way possible.
Before Paul could charge at his human father again Sam shifted as well fighting him back into the woods.
After their bodies rolled off fighting everything slowly quieted down feeling eery. Paul's father simply stood there staring at the direction the wolves disappeared.
He seemed to be in shock but no one was giving him sympathy, in fact they hated he now knew. Not that anyone would believe the town drunk anyway.
"Let's go inside." Leah huffs turning around and guiding Jane inside. Seth follows the girls walking inside as Jared stays outside watching the drunk man. Quil and Embry were on patrol and Jacob.... Was MIA.
"What uh- what did he say to Paul?" Jane asks as she picks at her sleeves anxiously, and Seth was going to answer but Leah gave him a look. It was obviously something unpleasant making Jane fear the worse.
Jared walking through the front door makes Jane look weary but no one comes in with him. The sound of a truck pulling away makes Jane sigh with relief. Her body that had been rigid since the drunk man's arrival finally relaxed as she took a deep breathe.
Jared wasn't his usual humorous self as he looked angry and kept wiping his face due to the stress of it all.
"I don't know how Paul's gonna calm down but- we are gonna stay here until he does." Jared informs the others making them nod.
Jane put on a tv show trying to busy herself and not worry for Paul.
It proved difficult so she soon put on cartoons knowing baby doll would take over and give her a chance to go to the underground.
It looked the same as usual but the atmosphere was tense making Jane rub her own arms for comfort. Driver 8 was kind and sent a wave as Jane stepped off the platform and began her trek to the others.
It was almost comical how they all sat in chairs in a big circle, it reminded Jane of the asylums group therapy.
"Jane- perfect timing. Some of the others have worries and.... We need the balance we need to talk these issues out." The secretary informs as she takes Jane to an empty seat. It wasn't all of the personalities, only the ones that frequented to the surface.
The ones who were not happy with things.
"How about we have someone start us off?" Secretary asks looking around before her eyes set in Hammerhead who looks pissed off. "Hammerhead. Let's discuss your worries first." The chipper voice calls making the bald woman scoff and shake her head. She stares Jane down with a look that could kill as she holds her hands up with fake mockery.
"So she's finally gonna listen to something we say? You've basically been holding this body hostage since we moved here. Doing things we don't fucking want. Like sex? Who gave you the right." Hammerhead spat making Jane take a deep breathe.
She would no longer just sit there and let them try and ruin something that was good. Good for all of them. Good for Jane.
Especially good for Kay Challis.
"Paul isn't like other men. Not all of them are pea brained assholes who only think about getting pussy okay? He makes me happy and Kay happy. Her happiness is why we do what we do. We are here to protect her. Paul and the wolves help us do that too- she's the invisible force keeping you guys down because your interference is messing up what she wants." Jane rambles as the other just stare at her blankly.
"You knew...... you knew it was her this whole time?" Hammerhead whispers with saddened eyes. For months they were trying to figure it out, they were beginning to fear they were no longer needed. That they would disappear.
"Not at first- and it's not like I'm the one doing it okay? But- I am primary for a reason. I have her interests at heart always." Jane mumbles as Scarlet laughs and shakes her head.
"Her interests or yours?" She asks bringing a cigarette to her red painted lips.
"Because- from where I'm sitting you look like your the one clinging to this man. I mean I can see why believe me I see it for-... all aspects. But it's not your call it's the girls. How do we know it's not actually you doing this force." Scarlett asks making some agree as Jane looks mortified.
"Because I wouldn't do that. I wouldn't lie to you guys- we are a family. Very dysfunctional but we are....... If this is about Katy- ." Jane begins to say but the others go stiff and shoot glares at her.
"You don't deserve to say her name. You haven't come and shared your respects at all. She died protecting us and you from those pale freaks. You weren't here. You didn't help us handle anything about it. You've been too busy with your precious Paul." Karen says sounding bitter making Jane go slack jawed but slowly close it and nod.
"Your right. I wasn't here for you guys. I'm sorry okay but- I just thought if I kept busy I wouldn't have to think about it. Katy's gone. And I can feel it everyday when I'm up there. It's like a piece of me is missing. A piece of us. She was more a silent fiery presence but you could always feel her hovering around. She was always ready to protect the body and she died doing just that." Jane whispers looking away from them as her eyes burned slightly.
She tried not to think of Katy often.
It hurt too much.
"You all- you should all stop this. Paul is good. He's always been good. He's made mistakes but we all have." Penny approaches the group meeting she wasn't allowed to due to her being perfectly fine not coming to the surface.
"Shut it Penny this doesn't concern you." Hammerhead spat rudely but Penny didn't look offended by it.
The group continued their bickers until Jane felt herself going to the surface. Baby dolls pig tails still in her head making her rip them out and look around the room.
The wolves were leaving as Paul said quick quiet goodbyes to them. Jared lingered along with Sam before they too left making Paul sigh. He hasn't noticed Jane sitting up and looking at him until he turned. His entire body went stiff for a second before he slowly approached her as if he'd spook her.
"...... are you okay?" He finally asks scared Jane had been hurt somehow and Jane nodded mutely staring at him.
"He didn't- do anything. He just came into the house and started looking for us so- I hid in the closet." Jane informs making him nod and his knuckles to go white as he squeezed his hands together in frustration.
"What did he say to you?" Jane asks making the boy huff and shake his head as if saying it would make him phase right then and there.
"Paul..... please?" Jane asks and his voice was cold and harsh, not directed at her in the slightest. But as the man he spoke of.
"He said things.... About you. Called you crazy.... But..... said that something made up for that." He began to shake lightly letting Jane know what he was implying. That her body made up for that.
"Im sorry he said that to you." Jane mutters with a dry mouth, she felt disgusted to know he had said something so vial. And knowing Paul she was still getting the more watered down version of the story.
Paul laughs shaking his head a scowl on his face as he laughs with anger and disbelief instead of humor.
"Im the one that should be saying sorry..... I hate him." Paul seethes making Jane rub his arm for comfort. She could relate to hating her father figure, she was glad Paul never met him.
"Im okay with that. And- I can handle myself so you don't have to worry about me." Jane tries to say nicely but he looks her in the eyes. "It's my job to keep you safe. If he would have so much as touched you I would have- I already almost did. Just from his words." Paul snarls making Jane nod slowly trying to process that maybe her worries in that closet had been accurate.
She could have been sexually attacked a third time.
"Come on. Lets- do something to clear your thoughts." Jane says grabbing his hands and leading him to their room for a snuggle session. As they walk in he looks around the room with distrust at the scent before burrowing his face into Janes neck.
Leah explained it was to put his scent in her, not that Jane minded.
The pair soon lay on the bed curled up together in an awkward silence. Jane didn't know what to do or say to get his mind off it.
"Where do you think those leech freaks are sending us for our honey moon?" Jane asks out of no where making Paul snort at the name before thinking about it. "Probably somewhere expensive as shit. Probably a mansion by the ocean or something." He says with a smile making Jane smile as well. "We could make sand castles." Jane says with a big beaming smile directed at Paul who's body slowly relaxed into the mattress.
"That's all you can think of doing on the beach?" He teases with a deeper tone that lets Jane know his sexual insinuation. "Mmmm not the only thing. Also licking..... ice cream." Jane teases making Paul laugh out now as he had looked to her with anticipation.
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