《BFB Voting Thingy》Episode 25: Strange Changing Game
*In a lush meadow, Ruby, Nickel, and Cloudy are talking. *
Ruby: It's really nice to get to connect with you guys!
Cloudy: Yeah! I feel exactly the same.
Nickel: It's really nice to connect with someone that isn't uh, y'know, Leafy. And I think we haven't really talked in the past.
Ruby: Well, I remember from BFDIA, we used to be on Team No Name for... like... 3 episodes?
Nickel: Wow, that was over 10 years ago! I barely remember who was even in BFDIA.
Cloudy: I was stuck in the LOL during that time. Not fun.
Ruby: Hey, wait. I have a question. Do you guys know what's going on with... Teardrop?
Nickel: Why do you ask?
Ruby: I just never really knew her, and I was just wondering if you guys had any information on what she does.
Cloudy: I've never even noticed Teardrop. I thought she would be out by now.
Nickel: I don't know if we ever talked about anything? But I feel like I remember her...
Ruby: Well, she ate you in BFDIA 4, so I can see why you remember her, LOL!
Nickel: That's honestly... creepy that you remember that. But, anyways, I should try to get more information on her. She seems interesting.
Cloudy: Mmm, I don't think I'm gonna do this. I'm going *Cloudy vanishes*
Ruby: Welp, that's my cake at stake bell! I'll leave you to it, Nickel!
*Ruby walks away from Nickel, leaving him alone, as he gets a closer view at Teardrop*
Nickel: I don't know who you are, or what you want, but this isn't over...
*Teardrop is oblivious*
Cloudy: Uh... Nickel, what's going on here...
Nickel: Huh? I thought you left.
Cloudy: Vanishing is much different than leaving. Read the captions next time.
*C-C-C-C-Cake at stake!*
Match: It's, like, elimination time already? That's bogus.
Spongy: I haven't been up elimination in a hot minute. It seems scary...
Bubble: Oh, Spoingy, there's nothing to worry about! We have the "Alloiance Poiwer!"
Spongy: Look how that turned out for Bottle...
*Bottle sits, sulking, alone.*
Bubble: Oh, yeah, that's not fun.
Lightning: So, how many votes did we get this time?
Announcer: We got 13 votes. It's something. So firstly, Bubble and Lightning were the ones with 0 votes, so they get an eggplant.
Bubble: Eggplant?
Lightning: What are we supposed to do with this???
Annnouncer: I don't care. Anyways, the next one safe is Spongy, with just 2 votes.
Spongy: Yay!! I was scared that I was going to be targeted since I was on a different team, but I guess that's not the case here!
Announcer: Next up is Ruby, with 2 votes, also. Here's your slice of Eggplant.
Ruby: Uh, no... You can keep it.
Announcer: And now we're down to Match and Flower. Two Iconic girls from the first season.
Flower: I don't get it? What did I do wrong?...
Match: Oh, like, noes! I don't want to, like, end up with Pence Pence!
Announcer: The final one safe is... Match. She had 4 votes, while Flower had 5.
Match: Yay! The alliance power worked today!
Flower: WHAT!? This is stupid! What did I even do for this?? I was just respecting my space, and Lightning was the one who was disturbing me! But he gets 0 votes???
Announcer: That sucks.
Flower: Why I ought to crush you!!! But I, uh... won't. Because I forgot to bring my announcer crusher... :/
Announcer: How sad. *Announcer makes Flower disappear*
Spongy: Some people just never change.
Lightning: Tell me about it...
Robot Flower: Wow. I didn't actually expect to outlast my normal counterpart.
Tree: Well, you know what they say. AI out live us all.
Announcer: Welp, it's good thing she's gone. Now we're down to the final 40.
Tree: 40? Huh, it felt like there was more.
Needle: Yeah... Wonder where all those contestants went.
Announcer: None of your business.
Needle: Geez, whatever.
Robot Flower: So, what's on the agenda today?
Remote: Yeah. I am also curious, what's the 25th challenge going to be?
Announcer: Well, today is a special day.
Foldy: W-Why?
Spongy: He's probably just going to say something about a crazy challenge...
Announcer: Incorrect. This is going to be something new.
Gaty: Well, hurry up and tell us what it is!
Announcer: You all are going to get...
*The TV Announcer has lights up*
Announcer: New Teams!
*Everyone Gasps*
TV: I could have said that myself...
Needle: Wow! I didn't expect new teams, considering how close I've grown to my friends.
Gaty: Yeah... Do we still get to choose our team members, though?
Announcer: Yes! You will make 5 teams with 8 members each.
Robot Flower: Can we start now?
Announcer: Yep! Go.
*Pen, Eraser, and Blocky POV* Pen: So, guys. We're definitely getting together, right?
Eraser: Weird wording, but sure. We can join together to make a team!
Blocky: I'm down for this idea.
Pen: But who else do we put on the team?
Blocky: Hard question.
*Foldy, Marker, and Stapy watch from a distance*
Foldy: Do we want them on our team?
Stapy: Meh, I'll pass.
Marker: Can I join them?
Foldy: Yeah, sure. But we're not going.
Marker: Alright! Goodbye! *Marker leaves to join Pen, Eraser, and Blocky.*
Stapy: Wow, great going Foldy! We just lost Marker.
Foldy: Not my fault that he's incompetent.
Eraser: Marker, you're the homie. Welcome to the team!
Marker: Thanks, guys!
*Remote, Robot Flower, TV POV* Remote: So, guys, are you up to the mechanical mind team idea?
TV: Of course!
Robot Flower: I've been waiting to unite since episode 1!
TV: Speaking of memories...
Remote: Let us give a moment of silence for our lost friend Roboty.
Golf Ball: Mechanical minds, want to join forces?
Remote: Uhhh...
TV: Sure. Just agree to bring Basketball on.
Basketball: I'm already here. Why would you want me here anyways?
TV: You're fun to tease.
Basketball: Expected...
Donut: Hey, can I join you guys? I'm sorry for seeming like a begger, but I have the feeling that my old team might not be on the best terms with me. Plus, new people equal new experiences!
Golf Ball: Of course!
Lightning: I was also wondering if maybe I could join too...?
Basketball: I don't think we've met before...
Remote: She seems levelheaded, so I'd allow her.
Golf Ball: So that makes 7 members. One spot left... Tennis Ball!
*Golf Ball calls out to Tennis Ball* Golf Ball: Tennis Ball! Tennis Ball! Join back on the team! I miss you so much!
*Tennis Ball looks at Golf Ball with an uncomfortable look.* Tennis Ball: GB, I'm so, so sorry. But I just don't think I can handle your team again... Please, try to find someone else. *Tennis Ball walks away, leaving GB speechless.*
TV: Blud got rejected 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
Donut: TV, this really doesn't seem like the right time...
Bottle: Uh... I'm sure you guys wouldn't mind if I just popped in...
Donut: Oh, hey Bottle.
*The Losers POV* Pin: Should we just keep everyone we had last time?
Coiny: That seems like a pretty decent idea, honestly.
Needle: Plus, none of us want to leave, right?
Clock: Nope.
*Everyone shakes their heads in agreement*
Coiny: Well, who else do we add to the team?
Needle: Hmm...
Pin: Well, there's- oh wait, never mind...
Clock: By the way, where did Teardrop go?
*Teardrop POV* Teardrop thinks about where to go. She isn't sure about anything, but then-- she sees a group of people coming her way.
Ruby: Teardrop! You should join our team!
Teardrop thinks about this choice. She doesn't really want to join this team, but then again, it's not like she can play this game alone, anyway.
Match: Like, you can be an honorary member of our alliance!
Bubble: Wait, but Match-
Match: Hm? What is it, Bub?
Bubble: Wouldn't that be an alternate? Isn't that what... Pencil did?
Match: Bub, bub. It's not an alternate! It's an honorary member. Big difference. Teardrop is just like a member of the alliance!
Bubble: Then... why isn't she?
Match: Ah, um, hm. Yeah...
*While Match and Bubble continue discussing, Teardrop notices Nickel walking up to her*
Nickel: Hey, Ruby, Spongy! Can I uh, join this team?
Ruby: This is about Teardrop... isn't it?
Nickel: Affirmative.
Spongy: Well, I don't mind if you join the team. I still remember you from the W.O.A.H. Bunch!
Nickel: Speaking of W.O.A.H Bunch... Bomby, do you want to join?
Bomby: Sure! But only if I can bring the homie Gelatin.
Gelatin: Aw, yeah! What's up, new teammeos!
Match: Like, yikes.
*Cloudy and Rocky POV* Cloudy: Nickel left us, Rocky. I guess that means we're alone now.
Rocky: Hmph!
Cloudy: Well, at least there's still Balloony?
Balloony: Oh, yeah. I don't mind teaming up with you guys.
Rocky: Yay!
Woody: You guys wouldn't forwet about me, wight?
Balloony: Oh, yeah, of course not!
Cloudy: Hm, well, we have the Beepers here, but should we add someone else?
*Tree and Black Hole walk up to BEEP* Tree: Did you say something about free spots on your team?
Black Hole: We were just interested in joining with you guys so we can tie up loose ends.
Cloudy: I mean, we don't have any grudges against you guys. Rocky would agree with that.
Rocky: Mhm!
*Tree holds out his hand* Tree: So, it's a deal?
*Balloony shakes Tree's hand* Balloony: Indeed, it is.
Woody: Wuh, we still have two fwee spots left!!
Stapy: Well, Woody, how would you like it if WE joined your team?
Foldy: Free of charge!
Cloudy: Whatever. We weren't going to pay you anything, anyways.
*Foldy walks up to Rocky* Foldy: Salutations, new teammate!
Rocky: Mhm!
*Pen's Team POV* Pen: Oh, hey TB. What are you doing here?
Tennis Ball: I was wondering if I could join your team?
Eraser: Oh, yeah, I wouldn't mind that.
Blocky: Nice to have you on another team with me again!
Tennis Ball: Yeah, t-thanks.
*The Losers POV* Coiny: Woah, I have an idea, guys!
Pin: And what's that supposed to be?
Coiny: What would happen if we... and the jocks over there joined teams?
Pin: That Eraser over there? Yuck.
Needle: I mean... I guess we could. I'm not really sure, though. They have five members, and we only have four. So, it wouldn't work, would it?
Clock: Oh, I can fix that problem for you guys. *Clock randomly walks off from the team*
Coiny: W-whug- Clock, wait! ...
Pin: He's gone already.
Needle: Wonder what was up with that... Anyways, -
Coiny: Let's get the teams together!
Pen: Oh, that sounds like a nice deal, Coin Creature.
Blocky: For real!
Tennis Ball: Hey, guys...
Pin: Oh, hey TB.
Needle: Uh, yeah. Hey.
*Bleh POV* Gaty: Well, I guess that just means we have to be a team.
Taco: I don't mind. We're perfect as is!
Puffball: Mhm. Sure.
Gaty: But don't we still need 3 extra members on our team?
Saw: Clock, Barf Bag and Leafy are over there without a team.
Lollipop: Ugh. Barf Bag.
Puffball: Whatever. I'll go get them.
*Puffball heads over to where the three are.
Barf Bag: I can't believe my team just left me like that. What did I do?
Leafy: Exactly what I'm thinking!
Clock: I just left because I didn't care about my team.
Barf Bag: Wow. Cool...
Puffball: Hey, you guys. Do you want to be on a team with me and the rest of Bleh?
Leafy: Oh, sure?
Barf Bag: Wh- Yeah, fine.
Clock: Not really.
Puffball: You kind of don't have a choice.
Clock: Whatever.
Puffball: I'm back.
Lollipop: Ugh. It's that Barf Bag.
Barf Bag: Oh, shut up, LolliPOOP!
Taco: Oh, this is gonna be great...
Leafy: Yeah, tell me about it.
Announcer: So, are you guys all finished with the team making process?
Saw: I would say so.
Clock: Pretty much.
Announcer: So, let's get to the team names.
Spongy: Do we get to choose them?
Announcer: Fine.
Rocky: Bleh!
Cloudy: Well, what do we name our team?
Tree: I would think we would name it something dynamic. Like something that really gets in your head!
Stapy: It's just hard to find the perfect word...
Woody: Apples!
Black Hole: Woah, wait!-
Marker: What's our team's name?
Needle: Well, if their doing Apples, I think it's only fair we do something similar.
Pen: Ooh! Oranges!
Coiny: That's kind of basic.
Blocky: A name too simple makes the name indistinguishable... or whatever.
Tennis Ball: So, Tangerines?
Blocky: Perfect!
Gelatin: Ah, yeah. Now it's our turn for a name.
Bomby: Make it good!
Gelatin: Calm down hothead, I have the perfect name.
Bubble: What ois it?
Gelatin: Starfruit. Since, we're the stars of the show!
Bomby: I love it!
Donut: I get our team isn't in the best state right now, but we need to get through this together!
Lightning: That's the spirit!
Remote: But what do we even name ourselves?
Basketball: I say we name ourselves-
TV: Kiwi. We're naming our team Kiwi.
Basketball: Rude, man.
Golf Ball: F-fine... I guess...
Gaty: I guess that leaves us, huh?
Lollipop: I guess that so.
Gaty: Oh, shush.
Clock: So, I was personally thinking we name ourselves, "Grapes." It just fits.
Leafy: Wow, me too!
Saw: I think we all share the same sentiments.
Barf Bag: Well, actually-
Lollipop: I'm sorry, was someone speaking?
Barf Bag: ...
Announcer: Alright, are you all done? Let me see if I got this right...
Puffball: Hm, that seems appropriate.
Eraser: Yeah. Good job, Announcer.
Announcer: Thanks, guys. I worked really hard to get you guys here. (And to think we're not even halfway done yet...)
Leafy: Don't sweat it, speaker man. But I do have a question.
Announcer: Yes?
Leafy: What's the next challenge? Considering we have new teams and everything...
Announcer: Hm, I haven't thought about that one... Here, give me a second.
*The contestants watch as announcer builds a throwing contraption*
Needle: How is this gonna be our challenge, Announcer?!
Announcer: Let me explain. So, this will be a precision contest. You will have to throw this bouncy ball exactly into the small hole 15 feet away.
Bottle: Wow, that's quite the distance.
Remote: Talk about it.
Bottle: Oh, didn't see you there! Hey, Remote!
Announcer: Does that make sense to you guys?
Coiny: I don't see how it wouldn't!
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