《What the Green Bird Sees》Ebullient


Ebullient (adjective): enthusiastic

It was Valentine’s Day.

He got chocolates. Well, at least they seemed like chocolates. The little cocoa-flavored pieces came to him in tiny silver packets, tucked with their daily rations of bread, dried fruit, and bottled water. He’d popped a few in his mouth before picking up his weapon, and…

“It tastes like nuclear waste,” he said, nodding. “I like it.”

His squadmates laughed. The four men that he’d befriended on his first day in the area poked at him with ridicule and disbelief alike. “No way. I’d rather eat dog crap than whatever that is. Did you lose your taste buds just now?”

They tossed their portions, one by one, into his lap, and he tore another open before stuffing the rest in his pack. “Nope. Doing fine.”

Despite their exasperated grins, he threw the chocolate in the air like a circus performer, and lunged to catch it in his mouth. Again, horridly bitter. “Phew!”

“We’re about to head to the frontlines again. Don’t tell me you’re coming along with your head screwed backwards.” One of his squadmates clapped him jokingly on the shoulder, the weight of his hand nearly making him stagger. “Wonder what nuclear waste tastes like, haha!”

“Like effort,” he mumbled and took a swig of water. “Like someone out there caring enough to grant us some sweets. It’s not half bad.” He picked up his equipment and opened the bunker door. “Let’s go.”

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