《Slime Girl》Chapter 146


- Shari -

Naturally, the king's gaze instantly settles on Liqu and me yet he doesn't seem to be too surprised.

Slightly incredulous, but not necessarily as shocked as I usually get as a response.

Though this shouldn't surprise me.

I guess giant humanoid slimes were a detail that wasn't left out in the reports to the king.

Okay Shari, don't get nervous.

That's only the fucking king of your country.

I mean it has already been some months since you got turned into a monster.

So meeting royalty is something one should get used to, right?


Who am I even trying to convince here?

Yet I should at least do something.

Since I thoroughly messed up my first impression towards the queen I might try to make it better this time.

So I lower myself to a kneeling position towards my acknowledged king.

At least as far as slimes are considered legitimate subjects.

Since my head is free, even with a downcast gaze I can see that he's staring at me.

"What is going on here, Serenia?" (king)

Oh my, now that he says it, didn't the count mention her name?

Though that was so long ago and not relevant to me at that time so it was promptly forgotten.

"Parcian, it seems that circumstances forced Count Kahan to send our daughter back and he prepared an... unusual escort." (Serenia)

Fine, maybe I should've memorized his name.

"What are you doing there, Shari? Is it this kneeling thing? But why now?" (Liqu)

By now I'm somewhat sure that this slime is out to sabotage me.

I hiss at her.

"Believe me, it's what's appropriate right now. So get down!" (Shari)

"Okay." (Liqu)

I didn't mean as a blob!!

"I see what you mean." (Parcian)

"And see, our daughter is here." (Serenia)

"Daddy!" (Anvenia)

There are many complicated expressions on his face.

Surprise, excitement, worry.

Shortly after they swept over him his hard expression softens when he looks at her.

"Hello, my little sunshine." (Parcian)

Oh my, that's heartwarming, how he embraces her and that despite the slime residue.

If I would have a heart that is.

And the thing that resembles it should by no means run hot.

"Daddy, there's so much I need to tell you!" (Anvenia)

"I'm sure there is, sunshine, but first I need to handle some state affairs. Please, let the maids tend to you and then go to bed. I'm sure you're very tired, it's already late." (Parcian)


Sorry, that I had not the leeway to consider proper bedtime.

"Soma, Aurelis-protocol. You know who to assign. Don't involve anyone unnecessary." (Parcian)

"Yes, your highness." (Soma)

Once again the number of people in this room dwindles with the parting guards.

Yet it's still full enough since the king apparently brought the whole royal guard which is very present and kinda conveys the idea that they're ready to engage us.

This kind of fearlessness makes me a tiny bit nervous.

"Could I now hear what exactly is going on here?" (Parcian)

"Ask the slimes. They were sent to us with best wishes from your good friend Radon." (Serenia)

"Count Kahan? Nevermind. You're telling me to talk to those... things?" (Parcian)

Stay calm, Shari.

Just the usual racism.

It wouldn’t do to become an enemy of the country.

Instead, I should stay professional.

"Second-rank officer Shari, reporting as ordered: The base of Count Kahan was attacked by a considerable enemy force. It was a large-scale attack from several hundred organized enemies. They managed to destroy most facilities and kill around half of the present soldiers. Under these circumstances, we weren't able to guarantee her highness' safety and it was decided to return her." (Shari)

"It truly talks like any person. How intriguing." (Parcian)

Excuse me?

I just informed you about a giant conspiracy that sends armies through your country.

So could your focus please be on this point and not my demeanor?

"Ahem, while we were on the way we were attacked by enemy forces. They killed Dion, the count's right hand, who was supposed to announce us so we could officially enter the palace. After this, we were forced to find another way in here. This proved as the only possibility to avoid certain troublesome individuals, especially after a certain incident in the local tavern that will probably go down as something like the great tavern massacre." (Shari).

"You were so good! How you sliced all of them down." (Liqu)

Sigh, thanks Liqu.

"You were responsible for that? We couldn't even identify most of the corpses!" (Parcian)

"Ahem, that was a completely inevitable event and the mere fact that nobody relayed anything about the princess being there tells enough about the nature of what happened there. On that note, I'd question the chancellor if I were you since that's the one we contacted before we got a killer squad as an answer." (Shari)

For a moment he's taken aback.

Then he seems to contemplate for a while before focusing again on me.


"I certainly don't know if you shouldn't be dealt with. The implications of this kind of intelligence are disturbing and even more so in combination with such abilities. All this while your knowledge alone already endangers the whole kingdom. Very dangerous indeed." (Parcian)

While it's not great if your king contemplates your death I don't feel threatened.

People who really plan on getting you killed wouldn't announce it beforehand.

"Careful. I'm trying to keep up with the courtesy but if you're saying things like this my comrade may become agitated. She's a bit overprotective and more than able and willing to violently act out on it." (Shari)

Glad nobody screams "insolence" now.

The king is at worst slightly irritated.

"Sigh, I haven't the slightest idea how to deal with you." (Parcian)

"Well, I'd appreciate a room with a tub in it and a meal, after a job well done. Also, there would still be the other members of our team. Not only those who're probably currently getting interrogated down there and are hopefully still alive. There would also be the ones still stuck in the sewers. Especially a certain maid who should be totally out of her mind by now." (Shari)

"The sewers!?!" (Serenia)

Sorry, but my options were rather limited in that regard.

"We'll discreetly search for them. However, you understand that everything that happened here is highly confidential? As that is, you're not allowed to leave the area." (Parcian)

Well, my fate could be worse than being stuck in the most expensive place ever.

"And where are we supposed to sleep now?" (Shari)

At this moment the queen barges into our conversation.

"As much as I appreciate your visit to my quarters, would it be possible that I might have it for myself again in the near future?" (Serenia)

"Alright, we will take care of the aforementioned issues. If you'd please follow." (Parcian)

The rooms on this floor should all be quite luxurious, so this is no issue.

I never expected to stay with the queen for a nightgown party.

To summarize, any room will do, even if I supposedly will have to share one with Liqu, I'm mentally very exhausted and now just want to rest somewhere.

As long as it's not the dungeon

Fortunately, we received quarters in the upper palace, where everything is high-class by default.

The main issue was that they couldn't let us roam through the whole complex, startling everyone we meet and causing an uproar, while they don't even have any idea regarding how to deal with us.

It's not like they could freely parade monsters around in the inner palace without having to deal with problematic questions.

On the bright side, I've at least heard that the others got officially received on the king's order before anyone could decide that this should be avoided through drastic measures.

And they apparently somehow managed to fetch the others.

I don't exactly know how it worked out but that's what I was told and I'm glad for Elin that she didn't have to spend the night in the sewers.

I on the other hand... well, I wouldn't have preferred the sewers but my current accommodations don't give me much.

It's certainly luxurious. I'm sure the bed is as fluffy as it can be.

Yet it's not like I should swing myself onto it.

Also, it's clean, spacious, and the carpet is probably worth more than my parents' house, which makes it a bit difficult to navigate this room.

And worst of all, the bathrooms are somewhere down the hall, which means no tub.

Sigh, I kinda miss my dungeon quarters.

"What do we do now?" (Liqu)

"Standby mode. It was a hard day and I want to rest." (Shari)

"Do you think this is a good idea? The area isn't exactly safe." (Liqu)

She's not wrong.

If they think our existence is too much of a scandal or simply the monster thing that once more backfires at us we might get woken up by a full-blown monster extermination squad.

If push comes to shove this room isn't offering much in terms of escape routes.

Yet after I met the royals I kinda doubt they'd stoop so low after we saved their daughter, several times already.

"Do you think they would attack us? What do you think about the queen or the king? They don't make this kind of impression." (Shari)

"You know that it doesn't work that way. I couldn't see maliciousness. At least not much. But that's not saying anything about what they'll do." (Liqu)

"But I'm exhausted." (Shari)

"Fine, then I'll keep watch." (Liqu)

As if that's something new.

She would watch me in my sleep anyways.

Well, it won't help to be suspicious.

If nothing happens, everything works out according to plan.

And if not, I'd be tired once the monster killers arrive.

For now, I should rest.

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