《Natasha Romanoff one-shots // Natasha x reader ;)》gun


i made that ^^

sorry no smut but I feel bad for not posting love you tho ❤️

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"Y/n go up to that person and steal their gun-" Bucky giggles, discreetly pointing towards some woman who was making coffee.

"No! Are you crazy? Who even is she?" I question, watching the women tentatively. All I know is that she had red hair and a nice ass.

"She's just like an officer here, she's like Maria kinda, but less important. She just walks around with a gun waiting for a threat-" Clint replies to me.

"If she's waiting for a threat then I won't get away with it-" i sighed, shaking my head. I've just recently joined the avengers not too long ago. I don't really know anyone but Bucky and Clint.

I knew Bucky long before I joined, and he introduced me to Clint. We always do the dumbest things together for no reason.

Last week, the three of us went into McDonald, casually walked behind the counter, and stole some food. The workers were confused, and even the manager was clueless.

We ran out the back before they called the police or anything though. We always get away with things, cause we're just clever like that. Just the other day we slightly robbed a bank.

We only stole maybe a $100, but it was fun, and then we donated the money to charity. I'm genuinely surprised we've gotten away with all the shit we've done, despite how shitty they really are.

They're just fun little side missions I guess.

"Go- it's now or never-" Bucky says, slightly nudging me. The red head turns around as she listened to Steve brag about something to Tony.

"Jesus she's hot- I'm not doing that- she's too pretty-" I replied, holding my arms up defensively.

Clint snickered as he shook his head at me. "Who cares? She's harmless I swear, just go up to her, maybe pin her against the wall and snatch her gun, and then run off-" Bucky orders.

"If I do this then you're going to steal rocket for me so I can flush that hairy piece of shit down the toilet-" I say sternly.

"Ok ok, fine-" he replies. I have beef with rocket. He smacked my ass with his ugly paws and threw skittles at my head. I hate skittles. I've already cut some of his fur off and shoved it down the beasts throat, but he's still pissed me off.

"Kay, are you sure she isn't important?" I say hesitantly, placing my glass of water down on the counter. "Yes, I'm sure, she wouldn't hurt a fly-" Clint informs.

Despite the grin plastered on both of their faces, which was odd, I slowly made my way over to the woman.

I lingered there for a little, leaning against the wall to decide on my next move. Whilst I was quarrying, I could hear Steve talking to this red robot dude.

Apparently he's married to that sokovian witch girl, I don't even remember her name but she cooks the best soup ever. I can't fathom why she would want that, because when he speaks he sounds like a literal Shakespearean megaphone.

I watched the red head closely. Surely she won't fight back. I then made my move, walking over, slamming her back against the wall, and tracing my hand down to her thigh.

Just as my fingertips grazed the handle of her pistol, she groped onto my wrist tightly, pulling my body away, and slamming me against the wall. Well fucking hell.


That hurt like a bitch too. If I was wearing a water bra, then it would've absolutely popped, because holy shit did she slam my tits into that damn wall with no hesitation.

She then pinned my arms behind my back tightly. This isn't fun. Actually it kinda is, but no it really isn't.

"Get off-" I groaned, doing everything in my will to attempt to release myself. Absolutely no luck at all.

"Excuse me, bitch?" She spat out. Oh...she has a...nice voice. It sorta has this degrading tone to it. I feel like she could say something cute like 'I love puppies' but it would still come out aggressive in a way. You know?

"Who the fuck do you think you are huh?" She scoffed. Ok this is not cool. I can feel everyone else around me go silent. They're definitely watching me become a scheming failure right now. Even that red robot vision man shut his fat fake gob for this little show.

"I said get off me you whore!" I snap. I'm convinced that this woman works out multiple times a day, because holy shit is she strong.

She then literally kneed my ass, pushing me towards the wall again. Oh...oh my fuck...if she wasn't hot, then this wouldn't be fun.

And it's not like she dared to move her knee either. Help why is her knee underneath my pussy. I don't usually take it this fast, but I'm not one to complain either.

"Don't you fucking talk to me like that. Don't think about doing anything like that ever again, do you fucking understand me?" Well she's certainly a rhetorical piece of shit...

Never mind. She lifted her knee higher, making me whine at her quietly. This is just bullying. "Shut up." I mumbled.

Then her man handling grip drifted towards my hair, grasping onto it tightly as she looked deep into my eyes. She has...pretty eyes. Oh boy.

I groaned as her grip tightened on my hair. I will become a hairless monk soon. "UNDERSTAND?" She nearly screamed.

"Y-yes-" I replied quickly and nervously. I'm only nervous because if she pulls any harder, my brain might rip out my damn skull.

"Good, don't you think you can run around here and do whatever the fuck you want to me." If she wasn't propping me up by my hair then I would've collapsed.

She then lets go, gives me a final dirty look, and leaves the room. Fucking hell. Bright and early on a Monday morning and I just got brutally attacked for no reason.

Clit and Bucky walk over to me, nearly pissing themselves laughing.

"YOU TOLD ME SHE WAS HARMLESS!" I shout, placing a hand over my hair. My scalp is burning.

They just kept laughing. "Who the fuck even is she?" I groaned, sitting down on the couch with annoyance.

"Natasha-" Clint replies, calming down from his laughter. It's seriously not that funny if you ask me, I've seen funnier things happen.

"Who the hell is Natasha? Am I supposed to know who Natasha is?" I ask as they sit down next to me with a sigh.

"Y/n that's black widow..." Tony replied as if it was obvious. Well that was the missing piece of the puzzle I was seeking for. Of course she was.

"What?! I thought the black widow was supposed to be like ugly and...not as hot..."

Clint chuckles and rolled his eyes. "I can't believe you did that-" he says with a giggle. Me either to be honest.


"That's the point, she's deceiving." Bucky replies. "We'll that's a fact." I mumbled dryly. "That was genuinely so funny- you nearly cried-" he added with a laugh.

"No I didn't!" I argued defensively. They wouldn't stop laughing though. "She's fucking horrifying! I practically saw my life flash before my eyes." I replied defensively.

"She barely lay a finger on you." Clint scoffs. "Yes she did! She practically groped me!"

"We'll, she hates you now-" Tony sighs. Oh god, I don't want her to hate me. Especially if we're on the same team. Especially if she shot, which she is. Especially if she's aggressive.

"Shit, what do I do now then?" I ask them worryingly. "Sleep with one eye open, she'll probably come to your room at night and murder you." Bucky says seriously.

"What?! I-I don't- I don't want that! I'm not sleeping my my room tonight-" I say nervously. I'm genuinely terrified that she'll shoot me the next time she sees me.

"You're so gullible, worse than Peter-" Tony chuckled, shaking his head. "I wouldn't put it past nat tho-" Bucky shrugs.

"No but seriously nat is a nice person." Clint says softly. Well no she damn isn't. I doubt she's nice to anyone after that.

"If she likes you that is..." Bucky added quietly. "Go and fall down a drain with the rats and die. Also you need to get me rocket like you promised." I snap.

"Ok, ok, fine, I'm on it-" he sighs, standing up and walking away. "I don't want her to hate me, Clint help me, what do I do?!" I asked frantically.

"Ok, first of all, take in a deep breath and calm the fuck down. You should've probably go over and maybe apologise, I don't think she'll hate you as much then-" he shrugs.

"Well first of all no, I won't calm down. And secondly, I don't trust you. If I go up to her then I'll make it worse!" I exclaim.


Dragged. I was completely dragged towards the Russians room. When I say dragged, I mean dragged to the point where I have carpet burn on my leg. Dragged.

"Clint I'm not doing this!" I whisper-shouted at him angrily as he let go of my arm. "Yes you are. If you don't do it now then she'll just hate you more."

I groaned at him and rolled my eyes as he knocked on her door. "Promise you won't leave? If I'm alone with that manic bitch then god knows what'll happen." I tell him sternly.

He raises his hands up and chuckles. "I'm right here." He's going in my list of doubts he is.

The door swung open dramatically, revealing the widow herself. Oh fuck. She wasn't happy to see me at all. In fact, she looked me up and down as if I had cooked her cat in the microwave.

"Bye-" Clint said, walking away. I knew he'd do that. I'm gonna get him back for leaving me here.

"What do you want?" She asks harshly. I paused for a second, nervously staring at clints back as he abandoned me.

"Uhm-" I mumbled nervously. I didn't even plan out a script for this.

"Spit it out yeh?" I take back what I said earlier, she really is a rhetorical bitch. I bit onto my lip nervously, still watching Clint. I fear what would happen to me if I met eyes with her.

"Um, just wanted to uh- s-say-" I paused at my own words. I really do need to spit it out, because even I don't have the damn patience for myself right now.

"Are you gonna fucking continue or are you going to waste my time?" Why is she genuinely such an ass? I've never met anyone so rude in my life.

"Um...no..." I mumbled quietly. "Which one hm? Look at me when I'm talking to you." I quickly lifted my gaze at her. I can't do this today. It's not even lunch time yet and I've already had a traumatic experience. Not to be dramatic.

"N-no- I just wanted to apologise." I spoke, staring at her thighs. I will continue to stare at anything by her face.

"Go on then." Oh...she wants an actual apology? That simply won't do.

"I'm sorry for...you know um, trying to steal your gun or whatever-" I rambled on. "And uh it was stupid and it was an accident-" I added quietly.

The fact that she was quiet for a split second made me worry, and look up at her face. "Are you really that stupid? How do you accidentally waltz over to someone and start attacking them?"

That's a good question that is. "No uh, I didn't think you were that important so that's why i tried to snatch your gun-" I admit.

"Excuse me?"

I paused, trying to find the right words. "Ummm well...you know...Umm...yeah..uh...you know-"

"Shut the fuck up" she snaps. "Ok." I replied quickly . Im honestly happy she told me to shut the fuck up, because holy shit my book of vocabulary is broken. All that's inside of it is 'um' 'yeah' 'well' 'uh' 'you know'. Fucking hell I sound like a broken fucking record.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" She questioned. That's genuinely a nasty question. Because first of all, it's none of your business, and second of all...it's rude.

"Answer me!" she shouts, slamming her door with her hand. Jesus. Literally call Jesus because Someone needs to be sent down to hell. ASAP.

"Y-you told me to shut up...." I answered quietly. "Well I asked you a question you dumb bitch." Harsh. My iq level is actually pretty high.

"Im just here to apologise, you don't need to be mean to me for no reason..." I mumbled.

"Well you wanna know what I think about your apology?" She went on again. I don't care what you think about my apology, shove it up your ass for all I care.

"Go on."

"I fucking think it's fucking bullshit. Don't come wasting my fucking time again. Next time fuck right off and don't fucking bother me in the fucking first place!"

Five times. She said 'fucking' five times in one sentence. Six if you count 'fuck'. Fucking lunatic.

"Fine. Fuck you then. I take back my apology, I hope it keeps you up at night." I replied dryly. She then gave me the dirtiest look ever.

"You wanna get smacked or what?" She said she hates my apology so I take it back, so she then wants to smack me? Manic.

"I have no reason to be smacked." I replied.

She scoffed as she crossed her arms. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to piss you off." I apologised again.

All I got in reply was a blank stare. "I don't need you to accept my apology either. I can live without your validation." I added.

"Well I'm not gonna accept your apology, so you won't get my validation." I swear she's so childish. Fucking acts like a three year old.

"Fine by me. See you later Natasha." See, I'm mature. I can apologise and be calm. I love that about myself. I really make myself proud sometimes.

"Fucking better not see you around." She muttered dryly as I turned around. "Love you too!" I shout back at her with a smirk.

She pulled a face and shook her head. "I don't love you!"

"Awww I love you more!" I giggled.

"Y/n fuck right off and stop doing that! Say it again and I'll-"

I cut her off with a simple. "Love you too cutie pie, see you tonight!" And with that, I turned around the corner and ran. To be honest, I think I handled that pretty well. Well I didn't get smacked anyway.

I'm just interested to see her at the party tonight. Can't wait to see how pissed she'll get when I jokingly flirt with her to get her to shut up again. Haha. 😐

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I need smutty prompts. I'm working on requests I think this was a private one so there ugo. give me ur smuttiest gut wrenching request cause I'll do reqs but I wanna post smit in between them so GIVE ME IDEAS XXXX

Omg it's my bday soon guys I'm getting a dilf cake w all my dilfs on it and one Natasha Romanoff of it.

K love u all hope ur all okay my private chat is always open to u x


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