《Goblin's Glory》Chapter 20 Goblin's Gambit


Dink walked to meet Axion in the middle of the crowd, who circled to enclose the pair. People began making bets on who they believed would win. Dink was the clear underdog, he barely reached above Axion’s waist in height. No one could see any way that an ordinary Goblin could beat the large Attuned Beastfolk warrior. Most of the punters were practical and bet on Axion, but a few couldn’t resist the long odds and made large wagers on Dink’s victory.

“With everyone making wagers around us. I can’t help but feel a little left out. How about we make one of our own?” Axion suddenly offered.

“What did you have in mind? Women, gold, humiliation?” Dink responded.

He glanced toward Lady Estra before looking toward the catgirl with an open expression of lust. He could feel Lady Estra’s distress through their bond in response to his words. Axion held up a hand to decline.

“No, no, no. Lady Estra is like a little sister to me. Plus my mistress would use my hide as a floor mat for when she entertains guests if I ever dreamed of touching her favourite pupil. I have something a lot more interesting in mind. Look over there, do you see that cage on the table? That’s an awakened mushroom from the expanding woods. They’re a monster species known as ‘Myconids’. I just won it off that unfortunate fellow lost in his cups at the bar,” Axion replied, nodding in the direction of a dejected mage slumped over the bar.

Axion then gestured toward a small cage on the table stacked precariously on a pile of copper and silver coins. Inside the cage, there was a creature that Dink had never seen before. It was a strangely cute mushroom making mewling sounds from an adorable, tiny mouth. Its mushroom cap was a deep maroon colour, decorated with white dots in the shape of hearts. Its eyes drew Dink's attention. They were captivating, mesmerising him as soon as he made eye contact. Dink instantly felt a connection to the creature. Hearing its cries, he felt a strong sense of empathy along with a desire to free it from the cage.


“I want to accept, but I have nothing of similar value to offer. Except for Murkuk. How would you like to be the proud owner of a Goblin mage?” Dink negotiated.

“Ha! That would be a first for me! I accept!” Axion agreed with a booming laugh.

“Excellent, shall we get started then? Wait a moment, is that Magebane that I smell?” Dink replied, sniffing a bitter scent coming from the oil smeared on Axion.

“I don’t want anyone accusing me of cheating when I win,” Axion stated, causing the crowd to erupt in laughter.

"No weapons. I don't want any more of my escort to die," Estra interjected

“You insult me, Axion. I’m not ignorant. Magebane won’t affect you as an Attuned. It’s to restrict mana leaving the body,” Dink said with a sneer as he removed his bastard sword scabbard, tossing it carelessly to Murkuk.

Dink could feel Murkuk’s acceptance of his fate through the bond as he clutched the bastard sword in his arms. It wasn’t unusual for Goblin chieftains to exploit their underlings. Loyalty was a foreign concept to all of the monster races.

“Peace. Magebane oil affects mana tattoos. Notice that as it’s massaged into my fur, the pathways close. It’s only a recent discovery. See. Do you actually think you can win, weapons or not?” Axion asked as he attempted to placate Dink. Lifting a palm to rub his muscles vigorously. It caused the faint light emitting from the mana tattoos to flicker and dim.

“You may regret doing that. A good fighter always believes that they’ll win. Half of them are wrong. Even Attuned have regretted underestimating me on the arena floor. You will be no different. Let’s begin,” Dink stated with a disappointed sigh.

“First, we need an impartial party to hold our wagers. Lady Estra, may we impose upon you to act as the bookie?” Axion asked, walking to retrieve the caged mushroom from the pile of coins.


“I guess so,” Lady Estra reluctantly agreed with a frown.

“Murkuk, you can just continue to stand where you are. I don’t intend to lose,” Dink instructed with a toothy grin.

Lady Estra walked to tentatively accept the cage containing the Myconid. Dink dodged under her elbow to peer inside the bars. He curiously poked a finger inside the creature’s tiny mouth. The mushroom monster stopped mewling to begin suckling Dink’s finger. Dink felt a small portion of his mana begin to be syphoned as it drank. He sniffed an enticing aroma coming from the Myconid. He clamped his hand over his mouth to prevent himself from breathing it in.

Spores spread outward through the tightly packed crowd, causing Dink to look around curiously. Onlookers began to tremble as they breathed in the spores, their eyes taking on a purple hue. Murkuk used his cloak to cover his face while watching the spores suspiciously. Dink became aware of Lady Estra’s emotions through their bond. Her flawless face had become bestial, contorted by lust with purple-hued eyes. She licked her lips hungrily as she prepared to pounce on Dink. His finger fell out of the Myconid’s mouth with an audible pop as Lady Estra dropped the cage to the floor.

“Restrain yourself!” Dink hastily commanded.

It had the intended effect as the arcane contract activated to enforce his order. Lady Estra appeared visibly distraught as she clutched her arms across her chest, creating an enticing display. She shuddered while crossing her legs together, slightly bent. She closed her eyes before biting her lip to control her raging emotions. Dink attempted to ignore her through the bond to investigate the rest of the room. He was interrupted by an enraged roar.

Dink shoved Lady Estra to the ground as he leapt in the opposite direction. A claw flew overhead where the pair had stood only moments before. Dink tucked his shoulder as he hit the floor, rolling to his feet in a fluid motion. Axion stood above the languid form of Lady Estra, looking down with extended claws. Dink could hear his low, hostile growl.

He placed his fingers to his lips and unleashed a piercing whistle to draw Axion’s attention. He stared into the Beastfolk’s purple-hued eyes. A confident grin formed on Dink’s face as Axion turned toward him, his eyes narrowing in concentration.

“It’s time to get this show on the road,” Dink said, dropping into a fighter’s stance.

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