《Prince Edward X Reader {Enchanted}》Ever Ever After


(Y/N)'s pov

Edward and I slowly pulled apart and looked into each others eyes and I truly didn't want this moment to end, minus the being on top of a building part. I then came to a concerning realization. "Edward,

how are we going to get down from here?" Edward's expression quickly changed into one of shock as he wondered the same thing. I couldn't help but chuckle as I watched Edward stretch his neck out to look for a way down.


After sitting in the rain on top of the building for thirty more minutes, Giselle and Robert were able to find a ladder tall enough to reach us. Once Edward and I climbed back down I was able to take in all the damage Narissa had done to the place. From the giant shattered window, to the broken furniture and decorations, and even my shoe stranded on the floor. I laughed softly to myself as I saw my shoes laying on the floor amongst the chaos. "Figures I'd lose a shoe." Robert hearing my comment also let out a laugh while Edward and Giselle didn't seem to understand my joke. Before I could pick my shoes up, Edward kneeled down and picked one of them up before looking up at me. "May I?" He asked softly as he gestured the shoe towards me. I grinned at him and nodded my head. He gently placed the shoe onto my foot and looked up at me with a sweet expression. "It's a perfect fit." I had to resist the urge to laugh, he truly was a picture perfect Prince Charming. "I would hope so Edward, it is my shoe after all." I slid my foot into the other shoe as Edward picked himself up and stood close to me. He took my hand in his and we both smiled at the contact. "(Y/N) come with me to Andalasia." Edward said to me softly as we held eye contact. My eyes widened and my heart began to race in shock and excitement. "Edward I don't know what to say." Edward then took both my hands in his and pulled them close to him. "Say yes (Y/N). I want nothing more then to spend the rest of my days with you by my side. I have realized that you are my true love and I cannot imagine going another single day without seeing you or hearing your voice. My heart is yours and I hope you may possess the same feelings for me. I hope for a day where we are together in Andalasia as man and wife." I couldn't believe what I was hearing, even though Edward and I had only met a few days ago it felt like I've known for many years and I've never felt this way before with anyone else. I was excited for the opportunity to see what a future with Edward was like and even though this was extremely spontaneous I knew I would never have another chance of being with Edward if I let this moment slip by. "I'll go with you Edward." I squeezed his hands back as he grinned at me in excitement. He quickly pulled me towards him and into a kiss that left me breathless. After we pulled apart he leaned his head down and placed his forehead against mine. "You will not regret this (Y/N). I will spend every day for the rest of our lives making you happy and showing me how much I cherish you." I smiled softly and felt my cheeks warm up. "Just know Edward that I want to wait before that whole man and wife thing happens. This is enough big decisions for one day." Edward placed his hands on my cheeks and I tilted my head up so I was looking into his eyes. "If you wish to wait a hundred years then so be it as long as I can by your side until you are ready." I smiled and rolled my eyes at his dramatics. "Alright Romeo let's get out of here!" Edward tilted his head likely confused by the nickname but shook it off as he swiftly picked me up and spun us around, both of us laughing together. The joy that filled my entire body and soul was enough for me to know that I was making the right the choice and that Edward and I were meant to be together. Edward took my hand once again and together we ran into the nightly lit streets. The whole time we were laughing and smiling together like the love sick fools we were. We stopped in front of a manhole in the middle of the street. I looked at Edward in confusion as he pulled the cover off. "After you milady." He said as he put one hand in front of himself and the other behind his back dramatically. Well, not like this was the craziest part of my day anyways. I jumped into the manhole with Edward quickly following behind me.



Andalasia was like a completely different world. I mean, I guess technically it was a different world. It was a place where animals could talk and there was definitely a lot of singing. It made Edward's behavior make complete sense now. After several months of living together in Andalasia I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life there with Edward forever. He properly proposed to me one evening and I immediately said yes. After much preparation the day was here and I was ready to walk down the aisle and marry my Prince Charming. It was still wild to comprehend everything about mine and Edward's relationship from start to where we currently are but I wouldn't have it any other way. Once I made my way down the aisle I was able to see my soon to be husband. Both of us dressed in white with the biggest grins on our faces. The priest had us say our vows to one another and afterwards told Edward that he may kiss the bride. Edward lifted my veil and without hesitation I pulled him into a passionate kiss that officially pronounced us man and wife. Here we are after everything together,now in a completely different world that I once would have never been able to imagine, but with him as my lawfully wedded husband. Luck was on both of our sides and together we had found our happily ever after.


The ending is finally here! It only took several years but this book is finally coming to a proper ending!! I cannot believe how many of you guys enjoyed my story and stuck around for so many years to read it. Thank you so much for your patience and extremely kind words. I really enjoyed working on this story and I am glad that it is finally coming to completion with the ending I've been excited to write for years. I will begin working on the second book for Disenchanted soon and it will likely be done quickly since there are not many Edward scenes so I will be coming up with my own scenarios rather then trying for scene by scene accuracy from the film. But before I start writing the next book I would love to hear all of your opinions first.



In the movie Edward and Nancy did not have any children and I was wondering if you would like to see Edward and (Y/N) have a kid or kids? If so would you prefer boy or girl or both? The disenchanted movie was pretty lackluster to me and to other people I'm sure, so I would love to make the second book much more enjoyable for the Prince Edward fans and add more Edward scenarios so please leave any ideas or what you were hoping to see from disenchanted in the comments. This input will help me a lot with writing the second book since Edward only had like four brief scenes the entire film. I look forward to reading any suggestions and hope you have enjoyed this story!

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