《Prince Edward X Reader {Enchanted}》Prince Charming



(Y/N)'s pov

Before I could say another word, Narissa reached out to grab me. My heart raced as I saw her giant clawed hand coming towards me. People around us began to scream and run into each other to try and escape what was happening. I felt all the air leave my body as I was caged in Narissa's giant tight grip. "I'm not going to let you get in my way." Narissa snarled in my face. I felt myself on the verge of a panic attack as I was face to face with a giant dragon woman that now wanted to end my life. I struggled to try and break free from Narissa's grip but each time I attempted to free myself she would just close her fist tighter against me. Suddenly Narissa bolted to the window taking me with her. '(Y/N)!" I heard Edward call out to me and I turned to look at him the best I could. His horrified expression likely matched my own and all I could do was stare at him in fear. This was never how I imagined tonight would go. "Come along now Edward, I don't want you to miss this ending!" Narissa spoke with such evil glee to Edward as she slammed her head through the entire wall and began climbing up the side of the building. I screamed and clenched my eyes shut as I felt the force of the window breaking and both heard and felt glass shatter around me. I could hardly hear Edward's voice shout out to me as Narissa began climbing up the building. The pouring rain was beating against my face and when I looked down to shield my eyes from the rain my heart dropped. I could see just how high up in the air I was and all it would take for me to fall was if Narissa decided to release me from her grip. "You're crazy Narissa!" I screamed at her while trying to calm myself down the best I could. Narissa briefly stopped climbing and brought her face inches from my own. "No. Spiteful, vindictive, very large but never crazy!" She then yanked my body closer to her as she began climbing up the rest of the way towards the top of the building. I clenched my eyes tight and hoped that I would somehow survive this nightmare.


Edward's Pov

I couldn't believe what was happening, never would I imagine my own stepmother going so far as hurting innocent people to protect her title as queen of Anadalasia. Hearing (Y/N)'s screams made me feel fear I never thought imaginable. I ran to where both Narissa and (Y/N) previously stood and watched as Narissa climbed up towards the top of the building with (Y/N) still in her grip. "Edward!" I heard Giselle call out from behind me. I swiftly turned to see her and Robert running to me with my sword in Giselle's hand. "Edward you must hurry there may not be much time left to save her!" Giselle quickly handed my sword to me and without a second thought I darted out the shattered window. I will not allow Narissa to hurt (Y/N) or anyone else just for her own selfish greed! As I climbed up the building in the pouring rain, Narissa had finally reached the top and let out a treacherous laugh and then followed up with a monstrous roar. I kept climbing despite the pouring rain beating down on me. I couldn't let her hurt (Y/N), I refused to let it happen. "Narissa! I'm not going to let you take her!" I shouted at her I stood tall and showed that I was not afraid to fight her. Narissa crouched towards me and I swung my sword towards her face but missed as she pulled back quickly. "We're coming to the end of our story now! Are you at the edge of your seat Edward? Just dying to know how it ends?" Narissa threw her tail at me and I nearly fell off the edge of the building. I tightly held onto the beam that was next to me. "Edward!" (Y/N) called out to me in a panic. We made eye contact and I wished for nothing more than to free her from this terrible situation I have led her to end up in. Suddenly I felt something move along from my legs up quickly up to my arm. I nearly lost my grip from the shock until I was face to face with a familiar friend. "Pip!" I cheered out to my small companion. He began squeaking sporadically and waving his hands around as he was talking to me. "You've come to help me to best the beast?" I asked Pip as I was still hanging from the beam. Pip nodded his head and gave me a thumbs up as he then jumped past me and started climbing up the building towards Narissa and (Y/N). The top of the building began to crack and give way from the weight of a giant dragon on top of it. "How about this? They all lived happily ever after! Well, at least I did!" Narissa laughed while waving (Y/N) around in her grip. From what I could see Pip jumped in front Narissa and somehow his little body was enough extra weight to cause Narissa to start falling from the top of the building. In a panic she threw (Y/N) out of her hand so that she could hold onto the the building. (Y/N) let out a scream as she began to fall. Thinking quickly I threw my sword towards her and caught it beneath her bracelet which held her in place against part of the building. I let out a sigh or relief happy to see that she was unharmed for the most part. (Y/N) dangled from the edge of the building when suddenly Narissa was no longer able to hold herself up and fell from the top of the building. She tried to cast a protection spell but before she could finish she smashed into part of the building and was lit up in green and yellow flames. She desperately tried to hold herself up but was once again unable to and continued her fall down. Her screamed could be heard getting farther and farther away until a silence came. I never heard her hit the ground or felt any impact but it was quiet other then the pouring rain. Looking back up I saw (Y/N) struggling to keep herself up and her bracelet began to break. Just as the sword shatterd her bracelet she reached her hand up to grab onto the part of the building that was hanging directly over the edge. "(Y/N)! Hold on I'm coming to rescue you!" I began running towards (Y/N) not caring about anything else other than saving her. Pip was trying to keep her secured and was holding tightly onto her finger to hold her up. The rain was causing (Y/N) to lose her grip and she quickly slipped off of the structure. I threw my arms out to her and was able to grab her wrist, but the force of her falling and the rain caused me to stumble and we both began to slide across the building. I pulled (Y/N) into my arms to protect her as we slid further down the structure. All we could do was scream and hold onto each other as we waited for the inevitable. By some miracle we managed to come to a complete stop just as we reached the edge of the building. Both of us let out shaky breaths as we stared down at the drop that was almost our demise. We turned our attention away from the edge and looked at each other. (Y/N)'s hand rested against my chest and I'm sure she could feel my heart beating aggressively against her palm. I placed my hand on top of hers and held onto it tightly. "Is this a habit of yours? Needing help with the craziest scenarios?" I said as I grinned at her thinking back to how her offering her help to me is what led us here. "Only if you're the one there to help me." We both let out a small laugh as I gently placed my hand against (Y/N)'s cheek. I couldn't believe any of this was real but I didn't want this moment to end regardless of all the crazy things we had experienced during our short time together. (Y/N) and I looked into each others eyes as we finally leaned in together to let our lips meet. We held onto each other tightly as we finally kissed and it didn't matter that it was raining or that we were several stories up on the edge of a building after fighting my stepmother. All that mattered was that we were okay and that we had each other. This was the true loves kiss that I had been dreaming of.

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