《Rishton Ka Manjha - MaAn》𝙓𝙄𝙓 | 𝙁𝙪𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣|


Nrityagan Academy, Thaltej

Anuj, GK, Anupama, Devika, Vikram, Samar, Nandini, and Kinjal reached the dance academy. Anupama and Samar lit a diya in front of the Natraj Statue and bowed down in reverence followed by Nandini, who also shared a passion for classical dance. Anupama kept the intricately carved and designed box on the pedestal and handed over the ghungroos to Samar who went away to change. Kinjal and Nandini helped others settle down. The dance studio had been carefully curated. The wooden vinyl flooring along with the earthy hues gave rustic vibes. It indicated a strong connection with nature—the cultural roots to be more precise. Kinjal and Nandini along with Vikram, Devika, and Anuj were sitting cross-legged on the floor whereas GK sat on the sofa near the dancing arena giving all of them a better view of the dance face-off.

Anupama set up the lighting when Samar came in wearing a traditional black cotton dhoti. He was bare-chested. The well-chiseled body gave Nandini a heart attack. She was busy drooling on him, making Kinjal push her elbow into Nandini's stomach. "Stop embarrassing yourself", she said in a whisper. Nandini was flushed out. The red hues on her cheeks gave way to her emotions. Kinjal looked at her teasingly. Devika looked at her with all smiles when Samaira barged in surprising all. She was about to go to Anupama when Vikram and Anuj pulled her back. Vikram shushed her and whispered,"Sit quiet, Samaira, or else there will be no performance." She whined to which Anuj just chortled, when Samar walked towards her and asked raising his eyebrow in a whisper, "Samaira you are really fond of my mother's dance right?" She nodded. Samar being satisfied with the answer said softly. "Choti, Please I would love you to take a video of this in your own style." The statement left Samaira emotional and so she happily obliged.

Anupama and Samar sat down and tied their ghungroos respectively. Both of them bowed down and did classical namaskar. They both shared a look and nodded at each other as Nandini pressed the remote at Samar's signal. The soft instrumental Carnatic music was a melody to the ears. The rhythm started to pulse into the mother-and-son duo. The breathtaking face held its enigmatic smile as she broke into what could only be called an earthly manifestation of sacred grace. Samar lifted his feet off the ground and dives head first onto the stage, as a mermaid would tear the water's surface. His hands gently caress the platform for only a moment, as he comes back, having rotated a full circle. The dance form brought a smile to Anupama's face as she recognized the flow of energy. This was Samar's home. A place where he could be himself away from the chaos of the world. The energy was infectious and thus it was about time for magic and madness to begin.

Anupama twirled in a circle with poise defining the grace and elegance which brought in a wave of feminine aura. The feminine counterpart was a match for the masculine energy that Samar possessed. The soft facial features were the highlight that emitted radiance. The lasya weaved in beautiful emotions of motherhood. Emotions that defined the epitome of creation just like Nataraja himself. The moves were complemented by Anand Tandava. There was a display of pure unadulterated happiness on Samar's face. This shade of Samar caught everyone off guard. The sheer joy and ecstasy. Soon the movements picked up pace as the music got more dramatic. The energetic and power-packed performance had an element of spontaneity apart from the soft footwork rather than the regular heavy tapping. It was well supported by the intricate hand gestures that were well emoted through eyes emphasizing on the core emotion as was the notion associated with Kathak. The subtle transition along with the perfect synchronization of moves was unexpected. It was unusual as there was a seamless blend of a known style that in a way electrified the atmosphere.


It was the mother and son who were reminiscing their bitter-sweet moments. They kept on moving in fanatic circles and let the tears roll down their eyes. It got everyone misty-eyed. It was as if they were getting rid of those painful memories that had held them down or rather weighed them down. The pain of ignorance and years of anguish was strongly reflected which soon culminated in a blissful scenario wherein Samar rested his knees on the ground followed by Anupama who had the signature arm gesture which is the left arm raised vertically and the right arm kept at the shoulder level and bent forward at the elbow, the fingers of both hands decoratively extended. A basic stance that is linear and asymmetric in character. The onlookers were spellbound as they witnessed the clash of two different stark contrasting dance forms - Kathak and Bharatnatyam. It left the audience in awe as the stage had indeed been set on fire. None of them had ever imagined that fusion of two classical forms would be so enthralling to watch. The face-off was truly one of its kind.

Speechless was the word for everyone. The commitment and dedication towards the craft spoke volumes and thus Anupama, as well as Samar, were grateful. The respect that was being given to them made them choke on their emotions. Soon a few moments later Anupama was clad in a plain black kurti and jeggings with hair left open whereas Samar was clad in a simple off-white kurta pyjama, as both of them walked towards the group. Samaira hugged Anupama and said, "That was mind-blowing. The dance has been etched in my heart."Devika and Vikram hugged Anupama as well as Samar. "You reminded me of the dance competition, remember?", said Devika. Vikram piped in, "That was the last I saw a dance performance. I missed you seeing like this Anupama."The compliments were backed by the hoos and haas of Kinjal and Nandini along with Samaira. GK blessed Anupama and Samar as he said, "Gayatri would have been happy to see you dance so passionately."

Anuj was in a trance though the dance had uplifted his mood to some extent tears stabbed his heart. The dance had given an insight into the zeal and passion that Anupama possessed. The fusion served as an eclectic mix that had an element of freshness. It was common but what made it stand out was the execution. The search had already ended yet he wanted to be sure and so he asked, "The dance has been truly eye-catching and soulful, Anupama. Samar, you amaze me, man. Anu, could you please let me know how this ritual came up, I mean the idea of fusion?" Vikram gave a knowing smile whereas Kinjal piped in, Even I have the same question." Anupama gave a wide smile and answered, "It just clicked Anuj. We chose to go with the flow of the moment. It was during one of our low moments both of us resorted to dancing our hearts and he surprised me with the steps of Bharatnatyam. Since then it has been our ritual sort of to rewind and relax. "Anupama smiled and further continued"The fusion is an indication that two different styles and forms can be beautiful. It is the depiction of the balance of two energies masculine and feminine. Sometimes we need a shift in perspective bringing in a fresh approach. It tends to break through the monochromatic thought processes and mindset."Anuj, Vikram, and Devika smiled as the answer left them tongue-tied. She was engulfed in a hug by the trio. They could see the progress that Anupama had made as a person. She was reconnecting with her principles that had been long forgotten.


Samar chimed in as he held his ears, "Mummy, sorry. I should have not reacted that way.", to which Anupama pulled him into her embrace and brushed off the tear from the corner of his eye. He continued further, "It is exhilarating, and the soothing music tends to help us to introspect and retrospect. It is a form of cardio that I would prefer over an exercise regime. It is my safe zone allowing me to be myself."Nandini walked up to him and squeezed his hand in an effort to impart some strength and solace. Anuj spoke up, looking at Samar whilst caressing his head affectionately, "Sometimes there are issues that are beyond our comprehension, buddy. Yet as a parent, we would always wish for the best interests of our children which would be revealed through the play of time. The only thing that we can do is to be mindful of our approach by being observant, rational, and patient." Suddenly there was a loud rumble and Samaira looked at everyone sheepishly. She said, "I am famished and hungry." There was a roar of laughter. "Bhukkad", muttered Samar under his breath, to which Samaira hit her elbow in his stomach. "Ouch" responded Samar. There were ripples of laughter again. Vikram backed her, GK spoke up, "I think we should order something from outside as it is everyone is exhausted." Devika agreed and said, "That's a better idea." Anupama said, "We get good Gujarati snacks nearby." Samar too backed her. Soon Samar, Vikram, and Anuj went together to bring whereas Kinjal and Nandini ordered some hot piping tea from the stall in front of the academy.

Half an hour later everyone was gorging on the dhoklas and khaman apart from the chutney whilst sipping some hot tea when Samaira walked up to Samar and leaned on him. Samar was lost in his thoughts as looked at Anupama and then at Anuj. He found the two most important people of his life similar yet so different from each other. He could see the sparks flying yet he felt that it was so wrong of him. The mere thought was scary yet there was a faint lining of hope. Samaira looked at him clueless and she followed his eyes. She whispered to him, as she held his hand,"It is a blissful sight. Sometimes we need to leave things the way they are. Let time take its course." He just smiled at her maturity and looked at her. She was a complete kid at heart. He then asked her wordlessly, "What?" She simply fished out her phone and showed him the recording of the dance. Samar was ecstatic. He spoke in a suggestive manner,"I think we need some editing here and there." Samaira nodded her head in approval and said,"I have the right man for the job." Samar looked at her quizzically. "Saveer.", she responded, and as soon as she recalled something she exclaimed loudly, "O fish!!"

Samaira's loud exclamation left everyone startled whereas Samar jolted due to her scream that almost sounded screeching to his ears. He rubbed his ears. Samaira looked at Anuj and said, "Please don't tell me he knows everything including that accident, right?" Anuj simply mouthed a "Yes", making Samaira face palmed herself. She made a crybaby face and looked at Anuj pleadingly. Her antics left Anupama, Samar, Kinjal, and Nandini amused whereas the rest were trying to stifle their laughter. She started walking to and fro biting her nails making Anuj and Vikram irritated. A habit that had them annoyed to the core. Anuj heaved a sigh as it was time to address the elephant in the room. He pulled her into an embrace and forwarded her a glass of water. He said in a crisp yet gentle voice, as Samaira plopped down and leaned her head over his shoulder, "Samaira, I remained silent by choice that day. I was hurt and disturbed. It is a natural reaction from me since I have seen you grow up right before my eyes. I have grown to adore and cherish you. I have been extremely possessive and protective about my loved ones." He took a momentary pause and continued, Princess, It would be wrong if I say he is okay. He is hurt. The incredulous thoughts scared me then wonder what would have come of him had he witnessed that incident right in front of his eyes. He might have bruised his knuckles breaking away the punching bag." The statement made Samaira worry whereas Anupama was left unsettled as she recalled Anuj's bruised knuckles.

Anuj side-hugged her followed by Samar and Anuj continued, "He'll come around and you are bound to listen to him as he bares his heart out. That is his way of expressing his love." The last line pricked her heart. Samaira asked in a feeble voice,"He'll be fine, right?" Anuj blinked his eyes in assurance as he embraced her tightly. He lovingly pecked her forehead and comforted her. The conversation had stirred Anupama from within. She got up and walked up to Samaira. She caressed her cheeks lovingly and kissed her forehead. "Let's get going, Anuj, Anu, and Devika we have a meeting to attend. Samaira ?"spoke Vikram.Samaira understood the implying question and replied, "I'll stay here, Dad." Samar and Nandini looked at Vikram and assured him.

Devika hugged Samaira followed by Vikram and walked out. Anuj and GK too bid adieu. Kinjal along with Anupama too left. The ride to the office was a fun affair except for Anuj and Anupama who seemed to be lost in their world.

AK Group of Industries, Prahladnagar

Work had always been fun because of the different outlook that Anuj possessed towards it. It was his baby that soon ignited the flames of passion within him. He was in his cabin after having a discussion with the PR team whereas Vikram and Devika went ahead to attend the meeting. Anupama had been overlooking the work that she had delegated to the intern under her. Anuj had been working relentlessly and tirelessly on his dream project to avoid any loose ends. It had taken him a thorough research that lasted months to bring the idea kicking and alive. A dream that his mother had seen as a patron of arts and culture apart from being an artist herself. He had just completed briefing the legal team with the paperwork that was needed to ensure legal compliance and was going through the footage of the security breach of the office that had taken place in his absence when Vikram entered. Anuj just gave a faint nod and got back to the tab. Vikram sighed. Vikram asked, "What have you been thinking Anuj? I have been observing you since morning. You seem to be preoccupied after the dance." Anuj relaxed himself a bit and said, "The dream project - Jijivisha: Through Generation and Beyond." A full-blown smile came over Vikram's face.

Vikram looked at Anuj who looked pensive. He nudged him to which Anuj just exhaled sharply. "I need a partner on board. A partner whose values are similar to mine. The feeling that I have towards this dream is personal yet on the professional front I want it to be enriching and lucrative rather than being the regular run-of-the-mill. It would be a compulsion sort and I would prefer willingness rather than compromises and adjustments. I think I have found one but...", and he trailed off. Vikram gave a knowing smile and said, "Anupama?" Anuj looked at him blankly. Vikram rephrased his question, "What's the issue, Anuj?"Anuj got up and looked at the city skyline from the glass structure and said, "She is the perfect fit. You told me about her work ethic and the qualities that she possesses. I resonate with the values and principles. There are these typical mindsets. I have been dealing with them but with the media and all the herald, it's going to get tough. I know that she would take the bull by its horns but the slander is way too damaging. I would prefer to keep her away from this rather than adding to her mental woes, especially with that man in the picture. It can affect Samar too. It's the kid involved in the equation. I know the world might think that I have given her the partnership because she is a friend but I would say that she has commanded it by her perseverance and dedication."

Vikram smiled and spoke in a soft voiceAnuj it's okay. I get that hesitance. You have drawn the boundaries but you really cannot control the play of destiny right? What is meant to happen will be bound to happen for sure. It is something beyond your control so just go with the flow rather than being so harsh on yourself. It will inflict more pain and suffering and nothing else. About the partnership, that is for her to decide. It is Anupama who has to take a call regarding whatever you have to offer. You are giving her a platform to grow and explore herself as a businesswoman. Anuj, she considers you to be her best friend. You have always been the wings beneath her dreams. She trusts you. So be assured." This is what caught Anuj's ear and hence he said, " I would prefer to stay away rather than breaking her trust. It would be so wrong." Vikram got up and embraced Anuj as a gesture of comforting him.

Vikram's statement did manage to shed his inhibitions yet he was reluctant. He took a deep breath and allowed some moments of solitude to clear his mind. A few moments later he had made up his mind. There was a fire in his eyes and a faint smile on his face for he had found his answer to his dilemma. He requested Anupama to come over and before that instructed the core team to prepare the partnership papers with guidance from the legal team.

A few minutes later there was a knock at the door. "Come in",answered Anuj. It was Anupama. She sat down in front of Anuj whereas Anuj exhaled sharply. He began, , finished Anuj sliding a file towards her.

Anupama was dumbstruck. Anuj understood her expressions and so he further continued,

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