《Deviant's Masquerade: Setting Lore Compendium》Side Project: Deviant’s Masquerade The Card Game (Card List #1)


Side Project: Deviant’s Masquerade The Card Game (Card List #1)


Game Rules

-The game takes place on two 3x3 grids, with each player having control of 1.

-At the start of the game each Player picks 3 Mask Cards for the game, and sets each unit on any free space on their side of the board.

-Each Round lasts until every unit in play has taken a Turn, with Turn order being based on each unit’s Speed value.

--If two opposing units have the same value then the last player to have a Turn goes second.

--If two allied units have the same value then their player can select which goes first.

-At the Start of each Round both players Draw a Card, plus an additional Card for every Mask they’ve lost as well as generate Resources for that Round.

-When a Player gets down to their final Mask that Mask takes a Final Stand and begins producing Twice as many resources as well as gaining 2 Turns each Round.

-Players go back and forth until all Masks are defeated for a respective player, with the player of the last standing Mask winning.

--Note: The game does not end when a Player runs out of Cards.

-Each unit on their Turn is capable of performing the following Actions:

--[Moving] their Move value

--Performing a Basic Attack, dealing their [Atk] value to any unit within [Range] spaces of them.

--Triggering one of their Card Abilities.

--Play a Card.

--Trigger an Op or Structure.

--Pass, causing them to generate twice as many Resources on the next Turn.

-Deck Rules

--Heroes will not work with Villains.

--Anti-Heroes and Anti-Villains will work together, but still count as Heroes and Villains respectively.

--Rogues will work with anyone but do not count as Heroes or Villains.

--Your Deck Must have a minimum of 30 Cards excluding your Masks, and can have no more than a Maximum of 50 Cards.

--You can only have 1 Copy of each Mask unless otherwise stated.

--You can only have 2 Copies of every other Card unless otherwise stated.

-Playable Card Types Include

--Skills which trigger a specific effect and gain bonus effects depending on a Mask Card’s classes.

--Consumables which are similar to Skill Cards but don’t change based on classes.

--Minions which are new units to fight for you, but consume resources as upkeep at the start of each Round. (If Minion’s Spd Turn has passed at summoning they get an immediate Turn, otherwise they must wait for their actual Turn placement.)

--Equipment Cards which raise an equipped unit’s stats or offer more abilities. Each unit can only equip 1 Card unless an ability or effect says otherwise.

--Op Cards which allow you to trigger a repeating effect in exchange for consuming a unit’s Turn.

--Structure Cards have HP like units but have no upkeep and generate a constant effect until destroyed.

--Location Cards which have a passive effect that lasts until removed, but each player can only have 1 Location active at a time.

--Level UPs Cards which require you complete a specific condition in a given Round but allow you to upgrade a Mask Unit with better stats and new abilities.


--Quick Action- This action does not use up a character’s Turn. If a unit cannot use Quick Actions, then they can still use this Action but doing so will use their Turn.

--Reaction- This Action can be performed outside of a unit’s normal Turn without using their Turn, if a specific condition is met first.

--Counter- If an attacking unit is within Range, this unit can attack them without using their Action.


--Follow-Up- If an ally attacks a unit within this unit’s Range, this unit can attack them without using their Action.

--Protect- If an ally unit within Move is about to be attacked this unit can take the attack in their place.

-Physical Debuffs

--Burning- This unit takes 1 Fire Damage at the start of each Round, and has all incoming Healing reduced by 1. (Effect stacks up to 3 times, but lasts indefinitely.)

--Bleeding- Whenever this unit Acts they take 1 Damage. (Effect has no limit, but when applied 1 stack is nulled for every point of Armor on a unit. Additionally 1 Stack is removed for every 2 HP a unit heals.)

--Poison- This unit takes 1 Damage at the start of each Round, and cannot use Quick Actions. (Effect has no limit, but when applied 1 stack is nulled for every point of Armor on a unit.)

--Freezing- This unit cannot use Quick Actions, and loses 5 Speed per stack. (Unlimited stacks but 1 falls off at the end of each of this unit’s Turns.)

--Blinded- Whenever this unit targets another unit, flip a coin to decide whether it works or misses.

--Stunned- This unit cannot Act until the end of their Next Turn.

-Mental Debuffs

--Fear- Increase the cost of all non-Passive Cards and Abilities by 1 Morale, this lasts until the end of the next Round unless reapplied.

--Pain- This unit cannot use Quick Actions or Reactions. (Can be stacked, butremove 1 Stack whenever this unit does not take Damage between Turns.)

--Mind Control- This unit is under your opponent’s Control until the end of their next Turn.

--Charmed- A unit cannot attack or target the unit that Charmed them.

-External Debuffs

--Snared- This unit cannot Move or use Quick Actions until the effect is ended. (Transport negates and removes this.)

Balancing Rules

Each Character/Legend/Mask Card has 200 points of potential, with each of their Level Up cards being equal to an additional 75 points of potential.

Minion cards have 75 points of potential for every Resource they cost to play.

Potential conversion is:

-Name: No Cost

--Alignment: No Cost

--Classes: 5 for 1.

---Exception: If a unit has a main class, they can get another subclass cheaper.

--HP: 1 for 1.

--Atk: 2 for 1.

--Spd: 1 for 1.

--Armor: 10 for 1.

--Range: 10 for 1.

--Move: 10 for 1.

--Resources: 20 for 1.

---Exception: Morale costs 15 for 1. (Since anything can be used for neutral but Morale is just Morale. And Morale abilities are scaled slightly weaker.)

-Abilities 20 for 1.

--Cost reduced to 10 if ability requires a resource. (Potential value is still 20 but +10 for each additional resource without raising base cost.)

---Minion making abilities still count as 20, since ability minions don’t have upkeep.

--Abilities should cost around 20 points of potential based on how they’re used, with repeating effects equaling roughly 10 points per use.

--Double edged abilities gain an additional 10 points of potential for every 10 in detriment, without affecting base cost.

--Faction Abilities function differently based on the number of faction members present. (Approximately: 1=10 and 3=40) Claiming faction membership does not affect ability value.

-Playable cards have similar rules to the above, with one use cards having 20 effect potential per resource conversion, and lasting cards having +10 per resource due to effect permanence.

-Debuff immunity starts at 5 but you can get 3 for 10 if lore allows.


Cards: 110 Masks, 115 Other


Set: Hacking Reality (1 Mask, 5 Other)

-Name: Maya Williams


--Alignment: Hero

--Classes: Bruiser, Blaster, Puppeteer, M.A.D.

--HP: 25

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 35

--Armor: 1

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 2 Tech

--Reality Hacker: Maya can use Tech as the resource for any Skill Card with an elemental affinity, other Class restrictions still apply.

--Deploy DM (Costs 1 Tech) As a Quick Action, Maya deploys a Drone Minion with 5 HP, 0 Atk, 35 Speed, 0 Armor, 0 Range, and 1 Move.

--Inventive (Costs 1 Tech) Search your Deck for any Tech Card before paying its Cost and Playing it.

-Card Name: COMP

--Card Cost: 1 Tech

--Card Type: Equipment

--Requirements: M.A.D.

--Personal Gear (Maya Williams): This unit can only be equipped by Maya Williams, and does not take an Equip Slot.

--Reality Hacking Interface: Whenever Maya uses Reality Hacker, reduce the cost of the used Skill Card by 1.

-Card Name: Hand Cannons

--Card Cost: 2 Tech

--Card Type: Equipment

--Requirements: M.A.D.

--Electric Burst (Costs 1 Tech) Deal 5 Electric Damage to a target within Melee and apply [Paralyzed] until the end of the next Round. Paralyzed units cannot Move or use Quick Actions.

--Sonic Burst (Costs 1 Tech) Deal 5 Damage to a target within Melee and knocking them back 1 Space.

--Flame Burst (Costs 1 Tech) Deal 5 Fire Damage to a target within Melee and apply a stack of [Burning]. Each stack deals 1 point of Fire Damage and reduces healing by 1.

--Flash Burst (Costs 1 Tech) Deal 5 Light Damage to a target within Melee and apply [Blinded] until the end of their next Turn. Whenever a Blinded unit attacks or uses a Skill they have to flip a coin, if they call it wrong their attack or Skill misses.

-Card Name: Heavy Weight

--Card Cost: 1 Tech

--Card Type: Equipment

--Requirements: M.A.D., Bruiser

--Melee Weapon: Increase the equipped unit’s Melee Damage by 5.

-Card Name: Little Critter Minions

--Card Cost: 1 Tech

--Card Type: Minion

--Requirements: Maya Williams

--Classes: None

--HP: 5

--Atk: 0

--Spd: 40

--Armor: 0

--Range: 0

--Move: 2

--Lab Helpers: Reduce the cost of all non-Skill Tech Cards played by Maya Williams by 1.

-Card Name: Informant Network ()

--Card Cost: 1 Tech

--Card Type: Op

--Requirements: M.A.D.

--While Active any unit can use this Op Card to spend 1 Morale to look at the top Card of you or your Opponent’s Deck (but not both) and decide whether to leave it on top or send it to the bottom of the Deck.

--Experience Intel Gathering: If this Op is used by a [Tactician] or an [Overwatch] you can use this effect on Both you and your Opponent’s Deck in 1 Action. (But you still have to do it 1 Deck at a time.)


Set: The Huntsman’s Quest (14 Masks, 7 Other)

-Name: Jon Whitaker

--Alignment: Rogue

--Classes: Scrapper, Infiltrator, Practitioner

--HP: 25

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 45

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Magic and 1 Morale

--Guardian of Childhood: This unit is a [Guardian of Childhood] and cannot deal damage to [Child] units, but automatically uses [Protect] and [Counter] on any attack against an allied [Child] if possible.

--Pix the Fairy (Costs 1 Magic) As a quick action, heal a unit within Range for 5 HP.

--Momentum (1 Morale): Once per Turn, change any movement or basic attack for this unit into a quick action.

--Ambush (1 Morale): Quick Action- Gain Hidden. (This unit cannot be directly targeted by any enemy attack, skill, or ability. This effect is lost the next time this unit attacks or uses an ability.)

-Level Up Name: The Huntsman of Blackwell

--Level Up Condition:

--Alignment: Anti-Hero

--Classes: Marksman, Puppeteer

--HP: 5

--Atk: 0

--Spd: 10

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 0

--Resources: None

--Horde Breaker: This unit deals an additional 5 damage whenever they do damage to a Minion unit. The first attack this unit does against a Minion unit each Turn is a Quick Action.

--Contracted Summoner: Reduce the Cost of all Magic Minions by 1 for this unit. This unit can spend 1 Magic to search your deck for a Magic based Minion before paying its cost and playing it.

-Level Up Name: The Beast of Blackwell

--Level Up Condition: Jon Whitaker deals a deathblow to any unit, or is afflicted with a Mental debuff.

--Alignment: Anti-Villain

--Classes: Dark Practitioner

--HP: 5

--Atk: 0

--Spd: 5

--Armor: 0

--Range: 0

--Move: 0

--Resources: 0

--Insanity Consuming: This card can use Morale as if it were Madness. Additionally, this unit is immune to Mental Debuffs.

-- Rip And Tear: All melee attacks and abilities by this unit apply a stack of Bleeding, if a unit is already Bleeding deal an additional 5 damage.

--Dark Beast: Reduce the Cost of all [Dark Practitioner] Cards by 1. This unit can spend 1 Magic to search your Deck for any [Dark Practitioner] Card before paying its cost and playing it.

-Name: Pix, The Fairy

--Alignment: Rogue

--Classes: Blaster, Medic, Fairy

--HP: 10

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 45

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 2

--Resources: 2 Magic

--Separate But Still Together: This Unit can only be played if Jon Whitaker is on the board. While this unit is active [Jon Whitaker] cannot use his [Pix The Fairy] ability.

--Partners (Jon Whitaker) This unit is Partners with Jon Whitaker. Whenever Jon attacks Pix can spend 1 Morale to perform a [Follow-Up] if possible, additionally whenever Pix attacks Jon can spend 1 Morale to perform a [Follow-Up] to her if possible.

--Flighty Flier: Whenever this unit is attacked, flip a Coin. If you call it correctly, your opponent’s attack misses. Additionally, this unit can spend 1 Morale to Move as a Quick Action.

--Mend (Costs 1 Magic) Restore 10HP to an ally within Melee and remove [Poison].

--Distraction (Costs 1 Magic) As a Quick Action, add [Blind] to a unit within Range.

-Name: Minerva Whitaker

--Alignment: Anti-Hero

--Classes: Scrapper, Infiltrator, Marksman, Tactician

--HP: 30

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 40

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--Resources: 2 Morale

--Ma Whitaker: If another unit with [Whitaker] in their name is attacked Minerva will automatically [Protect] them if possible. She can then spend 1 Morale to [Counter] if possible, regardless of whether or not she managed to [Protect] them.

--Momentum (1 Morale): Once per Turn, change any movement or basic attack for this unit into a quick action.

--Ambush (1 Morale): Quick Action- This unit gains Hidden.

-Name: Ying Zhang

--Alignment: Hero

--Classes: Scrapper, Bruiser, Blaster

--HP: 30

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 35

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Magic and 1 Madness

--Mad-Corrupted Incarnate (Dragon): This unit can use Madness as if it were Magic. Additionally this unit counts as both an [Arcane (Incarnate)] and a [Dragon].

--Storm Incarnate: Ying is healed by [Electric] damage and can use Magic for any Skill Card with the [Electric] or [Wind] affinity regardless of resource. However Ying cannot use any card with an affinity other than [Electric] or [Wind].

-Name: Noctis Sullivan

--Alignment: Anti-Hero

--Classes: Scrapper, Infiltrator, Nightmarian (Horror)

--HP: 25

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 50

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 2

--Resources: 1 Magic

--Nightmarian (Horror): This unit’s Attacks and Abilities apply [Fear] to the target, and apply it for an additional Round. Additionally, this unit can attack units with [Fear] from +1 Range away but takes +5 Damage from [Light] attacks. (Units with [Fear] have to pay 1 additional Morale to Play a Card, but lose [Fear] if not re-applied by the end of the Next Round.)

--Guardian of Childhood: This unit is a [Guardian of Childhood] and cannot deal damage to [Child] units, but automatically uses [Protect] and [Counter] on any attack against an allied [Child] if possible.

--Ambush (1 Morale): Quick Action- This unit gains Hidden.

-Level Up Name: The Boogieman

--Level Up Condition: 3 or more enemy units are afflicted with [Fear].

--Classes: None

--HP: 5

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 10

--Armor: 0

--Range: 0

--Move: 0

--Resources: 1 Magic

--Beware, Beware: This unit now applies [Fear] to all Enemies within Range at the start of each Turn. (This includes those in Range due to Nightmarian (Horror).)

--The Boogieman’s Scare (1 Magic) Move to a space Adjacent an enemy within Range before attacking them, if this unit is afflicted by [Fear] deal an additional 5 Damage. Additionally, if this ability Breaks [Hidden] it does double Damage.

-Name: Charee ‘Cherri’ B’omma

--Alignment: Rogue

--Classes: Scrapper, Marksman, Infiltrator, Practitioner

--HP: 20

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 60

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Magic

--Inferni (Imp): The first time this unit moves each turn it is a Quick Action. If this unit moves, reduce the cost of the next Skill Card she plays this Turn by 1.

--Ambush (Costs 1 Morale) Quick Action- This unit gains [Hidden].

--Explosive’s Expert (Costs 1 Morale) As a Quick Action, search your Deck for any [Explosives] Card, before revealing it to your opponent and adding it to your hand.


Sub-Set: Beasts of Blackwell

-Name: Edna Donovan

--Alignment: Anti-Hero

--Classes: Blaster, Arcane, Practitioner

--HP: 30

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 35

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--Resources: 2 Magic

--Arcane Practitioner: All Practitioner Cards cost 1 less for this unit to play. This unit can spend 1 Magic to search your deck for any Practitioner Card before paying its cost and playing it.

--Enchantress (1 Magic) As a Quick Action, search your Deck for any [Enchantment] Card, reveal it to your opponent and add it to your hand.

--Potioneer (1 Magic) As a Quick Action, search your Deck for a [Potions] card, reveal it to your opponent and add it to your hand.

-Level Up Name: Mistress of Magic

--Level Up Condition: Your team has used a Potion, an Enchantment, and a Practitioner Card in one Round.


--HP: 0

--Atk: 0

--Spd: 15

--Armor: 0

--Range: 0

--Move: 0

--Resources: 1 Magic

--Master Enchantress: Reduce the cost of [Enchantment] Cards by 1 for this unit.

--Potion Mistress: Reduce the cost of Potions by 1 for this unit.

--Magical Mastery: Once per Turn this unit can turn any Magic Card into a Quick Action if it’s not already. If it is already a Quick Action, reduce its cost by 1.

-Name: Quartermaster Rogers

--Alignment: Rogue

--Classes: Scrapper, Bruiser, Slasher (Hunter)

--HP: 35

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 40

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Malice

--Always Stocked: Once per Turn when a [Brew] Card would be sent to the Discard pile from Playing it or being Discarded you can instead return it to your Hand.

--Horde Breaker: This unit deals an additional 5 damage whenever they do damage to a Minion unit. The first attack this unit does against a Minion unit each Turn is a Quick Action.

--Drink The Pain Away (Costs 1 Malice) As a Quick Action search your Deck and Discard pile for a [Brew] Card, reveal it to your opponent and add it to your Hand.

--Fire and Booze (Costs 1 Malice) Discard a [Brew] Card from Hand, select a Space within Range+1. Any unit within this Space or one of its Adjacent spaces takes 5 Fire Damage and gains [Burning].

-Name: Alexander De Sade

--Alignment: Anti-Villain

--Classes: Blaster, Tactician, Puppeteer, Dark Practitioner

--HP: 25

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 45

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Magic

--Dark Lord: Reduce the cost of any [Dark Practitioner] this unit plays by 1. Additionally, this unit can spend 1 Magic to search your Deck for any [Dark Practitioner] Card before paying its cost and playing it.

--Legacy of Desade: At the start of each Round this unit generates 1 Magic for every unit afflicted with [Pain] and every unit afflicted takes 1 damage for every stack of [Pain].

--Inflict Pain (Costs 1 Magic) Select a unit with Range, deal 5 Damage and apply a stack of [Pain]. (Units afflicted with Pain cannot use Quick Actions or Reactions, remove 1 Stack whenever this unit does not take Damage between Turns.)

-Level Up Name: The Sadistic Protector of Man

--Level Up Condition: Have at least 3 stacks of Pain active on your enemies.


--HP: 5

--Atk: 0

--Spd: 0

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 0

--Resources: 1 Magic

--Your Pain, My Gain: DeSade regains 1 HP for every point of damage inflicted by [Legacy of DeSade]’s natural Trigger. Additionally, once per Turn Inflict Pain can be cast as a Quick Action.

--Their Suffering Will Save You (Costs 2 Magic) Select an Ally Unit then trigger [Legacy of DeSade]’s damage aspect and heal this unit for every point of damage inflicted.

--Make Them Suffer (Costs X Magic) Trigger [Legacy of DeSade]’s damage aspect once for every Magic spent on this ability.

-Name: The Corrupted Beast of Blackwell

--Alignment: Villain

--Classes: Medic, Slaver

--HP: 20

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 60

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 0

--Resources: 1 Madness

--Power in Corruption: At the start of each turn this unit generates 1 Madness for every [Corrupted] unit in play. Additionally, once per Turn, the Beast can spend 1 Madness to turn another ability into a Quick Action.

--Create Corrupted (1 Madness): Create a Corrupted Corpse with 10 HP, 5 Atk, 35 Speed, 0 Armor, 1 Range, and 1 Move. These units count as [Corrupted].

--Corrupting Influence (1 Madness) Pick an enemy unit within Range, then take control of it until the end of its next turn. This unit counts as [Corrupted].

--Corrupting Waters (1 Madness) Restore 5 HP to a unit within Range, this unit becomes [Corrupted] for the rest of the game. If the unit is already [Corrupted] they gain 5 Atk until the end of the next Round.


Sub-Set: Southside Coven

-Name: Valentina Alejo

--Alignment: Anti-Hero

--Classes: Scrapper, Blaster, Practitioner, Puppeteer

--HP: 25

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 45

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Magic

--Coven Combat Specialist: This unit is part of the Southside Coven. When this unit uses a [Spell Script] you can return the spell to your hand instead of discarding it. This ability can trigger a number of times equal to the number of Southside Coven members on your team each Round.

--Contracted: The Scarecrow: This unit cannot summon any minions except for [The Scarecrow] and is immune to [Fear]. On her turn Valentina can spend [3 Magic] to search your deck, hand, and discard pile for a minion named [The Scarecrow] and summon it.

--Momentum (1 Morale): Once per Turn, change any movement or basic attack for this unit into a quick action.

-Name: The Scarecrow

--Card Cost: 3 Magic

--Card Type: Minion (Contracted Summons)

--Classes: Demon, Bruiser, Guardian

--HP: 66

--Atk: 6

--Spd: 33

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 2

--Contracted Demon: This minion can only be played by a Mask with [Contracted: The Scarecrow]. Should this Mask be defeated so is this minion.

--Fear Demon: Attacks and abilities by this unit apply [Fear], if the enemy already has [Fear] they take an additional 5 damage.

--Fear Eater: This unit is immune to [Fear]. At the start of each round this unit generates 1 Magic for every unit afflicted with [Fear] before healing for the same amount.

--Protect Contractor (1 Morale): Reaction- When a unit with [Contracted: The Scarecrow] is damaged within movement range, this unit can take damage in their place and then [Counter] if the enemy is within attack range.

-Name: Artemis Foster

--Alignment: Anti-Hero

--Classes: Blaster, Arcane, Practitioner, Tactician

--HP: 25

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 40

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--Resources: 2 Magic

--Coven Jack of Trades: This unit is a member of the Southside Coven. As a Quick Action, spend 1 Magic to search your Deck for any non-Minion Magic card with a magic cost up to the number of Southside Coven members in play before revealing it to your opponent and adding it to your hand.

--Mystical Options (Costs 1 Magic) Look at the top two cards of your deck, add one to your hand and discard the other.

-Name: Audrey Meadows

--Alignment: Rogue

--Classes: Arcane, Bruiser, Tactician

--HP: 30

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 35

--Armor: 1

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--Resources: 2 Magic

--Coven Potions Mistress: This unit is a member of the Southside Coven. Whenever a member of the [Southside Coven] uses a [Potion] consumable, the card is turned into an Op card instead of being discarded. These Op cards will be discarded if used by someone outside the Southside Coven.

--Stranglethorn Vines (Costs 2 Magic) Pick a target within Range and apply [Stranglethorn]. Units with Stranglethorn take 5 Damage at the start of each Round and cannot move or use Quick Actions. This Debuff is removed if another unit uses their action to help, the afflicted unit uses a Skill to Move, or they use an ability with the Fire Affinity.

-Name: Edme De La Croix

--Alignment: Hero

--Classes: Blaster, Puppeteer, Arcane, Practitioner

--HP: 20

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 40

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--Resources: 2 Magic

--Magical Mentor: The first time an allied unit would use a Magic Card each Round, reduce its Cost by 1. (This does not apply to Edme.)

--Enchantress (1 Magic) As a Quick Action, search your Deck for any [Enchantment] Card, reveal it to your opponent and add it to your hand.

--Summoning Ritual (Costs 1 Magic) Search your Deck for a Magic Minion Card before paying its Cost and Playing it.

-Level Up Name: Coven Mentor

--Level Up Condition: Have at least 1 member of the [Southside Coven] in Play.

--Classes: Tactician

--HP: 5

--Atk: 0

--Spd: 5

--Armor: 0

--Range: 0

--Move: 0

--Resources: 1 Magic

--Coven Mentor: This unit is an honorary member of the [Southside Coven].

--You Can Do It Dear! (1 Morale) As a Quick Action, Edme encourages another unit to take her Turn in her place.


Set: Get Ink’d (5 Masks, 8 Other)

-Name: Joshua Durand

--Alignment: Anti-Villain

--Classes: Wonderlander, Bruiser

--HP: 45

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 35

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Madness and 1 Malice.

--Mal-Corrupted Wonderlander (Ink Stained): This unit can use Malice as if it were Madness, but takes double damage from [Fire] Damage.

--Boss of the Cartoon Cabaret: This unit is a member of the Cartoon Cabaret. This unit can spend 1 Madness to search your deck for any card with [Dream of the Cartoon Cabaret], before paying its cost and playing it. This cost is reduced by 1 for every member of the Cartoon Cabaret other than Joshua Durand.

--Toon Hands (Costs 1 Madness) As a Quick Action, increase Joshua’s Range by 1 and Atk by 5 for the rest of the Turn.

--Ink Tag (Costs 1 Malice) As a Quick Action, this unit applies a stack of [Ink Stains] to an enemy within range. Each stack reduces a unit’s Speed by 5.

-Level Up Name: Boss of the Cartoon Cabaret

--Level Up Condition: Have at least 1 other member of the Cartoon Cabaret in play.

--Classes: Tactician, Puppeteer

--HP: 5

--Atk: 0

--Spd: 10

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 0

--Resources: 1 Madness

--Get ‘em boys. (Costs 1 Madness) Within your range create an Ink minion with 20HP, 5 Atk, 25 Speed, 1 Range, 1 Move, and no armor. All of these units count as part of the Cartoon Cabaret.

-Level Up Name: The Ink Machine

--Level Up Condition: There are 15 stacks of [Ink] in play.

--Classes: None

--HP: 15

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 0

--Armor: 0

--Range: 0

--Move: 0

--Resources: 1 Malice

--Malicious Healing (Costs X Malice): This unit heals for 5HP for every point of Malice spent on this ability, before removing all Physical debuffs except for Burning.

--Drowning in Ink (Costs 1 Malice): Convert all Ink stacks on an enemy within range into damage.

-Name: Christian Durand

--Alignment: Hero

--Classes: Scrapper, Bruiser, Tactician, Stylist

--HP: 35

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 45

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 2

--Resources: 1 Madness

--Big Brother: This unit is brothers with Joshua Durand. This unit can be played on any team with Joshua Durand regardless of Alignment rules. Additionally, this unit can spend 1 Morale whenever Joshua is about to take damage to [Protect] him.

--Rule of Cool: Whenever this unit would take damage flip a coin, if called correctly the attack is avoided. Whenever this unit would perform a basic attack flip a coin, if called correctly perform an immediate [Follow-Up]. This unit can spend 1 Madness to re-flip a coin.

-Level Up Name: Styles Fleeting

--Level Up Condition: Successfully use Rule of Cool twice in a single Round.

--Alignment: Hero

--Classes: N/A

--HP: 5

--Atk: 0

--Spd: 10

--Armor: 0

--Range: 0

--Move: 0

--Resources: 1 Madness

--Stylish Stylist’s Style: Whenever you successfully use [Rule of Cool] gain a stack of [Style]. You can consume 1 stack of Style in place of Madness to re-flip a Coin.

--Aggressive Style: [Rule of Cool] now also performs a [Counter] regardless of range, if you win the defensive coin flip.

-Name: Madeline ‘Maddie’ Thomas

--Alignment: Anti-Hero

--Classes: Scrapper, Overwatch, Medic

--HP: 25

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 50

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 2 Morale

--Livin La Vida Loca: All allied units can convert Morale into Madness.

--Partners (Christian Durand) This unit is Partners with Christian Durand. Whenever Christian attacks Maddie can spend 1 Morale to perform a [Follow-Up] if possible, additionally whenever Maddie attacks Christian can spend 1 Morale to perform a [Follow-Up] to her if possible.

--First-Aid (Costs 1 Morale) Restore 10HP to an ally unit within Melee Range.

-Name: The Cartoon Cabaret

--Card Cost: 2 Madness

--Card Type: Location (Wonderland)

--Dream of the Cartoon Cabaret: This dream is part of the Cartoon Cabaret and can only be played by a member of the Cartoon Cabaret. If all Masks of the Cartoon Cabaret are defeated, destroy this Card.

--While this location is in play

---Any Card with [Dream of the Cartoon Cabaret] costs 1 less Madness to a minimum of 0 Madness to play.

---Any Minion with [Dream of the Cartoon Cabaret] has no upkeep cost.

-Card Name: The Ink Machine

--Card Cost: 1 Madness and 1 Malice

--Card Type: Structure

--Requirement: Wonderlander

--HP: 20

--Dream of the Cartoon Cabaret: This dream is part of the Cartoon Cabaret and can only be played by a member of the Cartoon Cabaret. If all Masks of the Cartoon Cabaret are defeated, destroy this unit.

--Ink Machine: While this structure is active the basic attacks of all Cartoon Cabaret members apply stacks of [Ink] equal to their base attack. For each stack of Ink reduce the target’s Speed by 1 to a minimum of 1. (This stacks with other applications of [Ink].)

--Feed The Machine (Costs 1 Malice) Deal damage to an enemy adjacent to The Ink Machine equal to the number of [Ink] stacks on them. (This ability can be used by any ally unit.)

-Card Name: The Cartoon Bar

--Card Cost: 1 Madness

--Card Type: Op

--Requirement: Wonderlander

--Dream of the Cartoon Cabaret: This dream is part of the Cartoon Cabaret and can only be played by a member of the Cartoon Cabaret. If all Masks of the Cartoon Cabaret are defeated, destroy this unit.

--Fully Stocked (Passive) If the [Cartoon Cabaret] is in play Consumable (Brews) are not destroyed upon use, but instead become Op Cards.

--Bartender Active (Costs 0 Madness) Until the end of the next Round all (Brew) Cards become Quick Actions.

-Card Name: Spirit Raising Spirits

--Card Cost: 1 Madness

--Card Type: Consumable (Brew)

--Dream of the Cartoon Cabaret: This dream is part of the Cartoon Cabaret and can only be played by a member of the Cartoon Cabaret. If all Masks of the Cartoon Cabaret are defeated, destroy this unit.

--Restore 10 HP to a unit.

-Card Name: Avery Jones, Manager of the Cartoon Cabaret

--Card Cost: 2 Madness

--Card Type: Minion (Boss Dream)

--Requirement: N/A

--Classes: Overwatch

--HP: 25

--Atk: 0

--Spd: 75

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

–[Boss Dream of the Cartoon Cabaret]: This unit is part of the Cartoon Cabaret and can only be played by a member of the Cartoon Cabaret. If all Masks of the Cartoon Cabaret are defeated, so is this unit. You may only have 1 copy of this Card in play at a time.

--Cabaret Manager: (Costs 1 Madness) Search your deck for any card with the [Cartoon Cabaret] tag in its description, reveal it to your opponent and add it to your hand before shuffling your deck. You can spend a second point of Madness and the card’s cost to play it immediately.


Sub-Set: Get Ink’d Possible Persons of Interest

-Name: Fiona Steele

--Alignment: Hero

--Classes: Scrapper, Tactician, Arcane (Incarnate)

--HP: 25

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 50

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 2

--Resources: 2 Magic

--Encouragement and Compassion: Due to kindness and understanding all allied units have their alignment shifted 1 towards Hero for the rest of the game.

--Sword Incarnate: This unit cannot play any non-Morale Skill or Minion Cards unless they have [Sword] or [Blade] in their name, but reduces the cost of any Card that fits that criteria by 1 and can use Magic as the resource for said Cards.

--Swordsmith (Costs 1 Magic) As a Quick Action, search your Deck and Discard pile for any Card with [Sword] or [Blade] in its name, or any [Equipment (Weapon/Sword)] Card before paying its cost and playing it and/or equipping it.

-Name: Cameron Ericson

--Alignment: Anti-Hero

--Classes: Blaster, Bruiser, Psychic

--HP: 30

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 45

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--Resources: 2 Psionics

--Fractured Psionic: This unit can use Psionic as if it were Magic or Madness.

--Mind Split And Focused (Costs 1 Psionic) Reaction- When this unit plays a [Psionic] or [Magic] Skill Card Turn it into a Quick Action.


Set: The Gamer’s guild (3 Masks, 4 Other)

-Name: The GM

--Alignment: Rogue

--Classes: Puppeteer, Overwatch, Wonderlander

--HP: 25

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 40

--Armor: 0

--Range: 3

--Move: 1

--Resources: 0

--Guild GM: This unit is a member of the Gamer’s Guild. This unit generates 1 Madness for every member of the Gamer’s Guild in play.

--Veteran Wonderlander: The first time this unit plays a Madness Card each round, that Card becomes a Quick Action.

--Level Up (Costs 1 Madness) As a Quick Action, pick a Minion or Equipment card currently in play. Search your deck for a version that costs up to 1 more Morale and replace the chosen card. 2 Morale equals 1 Madness for this ability.

-Name: DJ Decker

--Alignment: Rogue

--Classes: Puppeteer, Blaster, Arcane

--HP: 20

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 45

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Magic and 1 Madness

--Mad-Corrupted Arcane: This unit can use Magic and Madness interchangeably.

--Gamer Guild Musicmaster: This unit is a member of the Gamer’s Guild. Whenever you trigger a Magic spell effect, increase the Speed of all Gamer Guild members by 10 until the end of the next Round.

-Name: TPK

--Alignment: Rogue

--Classes: Scrapper, Bruiser

--HP: 45

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 55

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Madness

--Gamer Guild Battlemaster: This unit is a member of the Gamer’s Guild. As a Quick Action, spend 1 Madness to search your deck for an Equipment card with a cost up to the number of Gamer’s Guild members in play and equip it to an allied unit.

--Battle Frenzy: Any time TPK takes damage she gains 1 stack of [Frenzy]. She can consume a stack of [Frenzy] to [Counter] a melee attack against her, Move 1 space as a Quick Action, or to turn a Basic Attack into a Quick Action.

Sub-Set: Gamer’s Guild Card

-Card Name: Spell Amp

--Card Cost: 1 Magic

--Card Type: Construct

--Requirement: None

--HP: 10

--Anytime a unit casts a Magic spell you can repay the spell’s cost to cast it again. (Only works once per Spell Amp.)

-Card Name: Maddening Spell Amp

--Card Cost: 1 Magic and 1 Madness

--Card Type: Construct

--Requirement: None

--HP: 20

--Anytime a unit casts a Magic spell you can repay the spell’s cost to cast it again. (Only works once per Spell Amp.)

--As long as this construct stands Madness abilities now count as Magic spells.

-Card Name: Beat Bears

--Card Cost: 1 Madness and 1 Morale

--Card Type: Minion

--Requirements: None

--Classes: Bruiser

--HP: 45

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 35

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--[Dream of the Gamer’s Guild] This unit can only be played by a member of the Gamer’s Guild.

--Bounce Them Out of Here (Costs 1 Morale) Attack a unit within Melee and then knock them back 1 Space, if they can’t be moved they take an additional 5 Damage instead.

-Card Name: Beatz the Bear

--Card Cost: 2 Madness

--Card Type: Minion

--Requirements: None

--Classes: Bruiser, Guardian

--HP: 45

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 35

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--[Boss Dream of the Gamer’s Guild] This unit counts as a Member of the Gamers Guild and can only be played by a member of the Gamer’s Guild, if there are no members of the Gamer’s Guild in play this unit is defeated. You may only have 1 copy of this Card in play at a time.

--Gamer Guild Bodyguard: This unit automatically protects allied units within Move+1 if they are a member of the Gamer’s Guild.

--Bounce Them Out of Here (Costs 1 Morale) Attack a unit within Melee and then knock them back 1 Space, if they can’t be moved they take an additional 5 Damage instead.


Set: Quest Rogues (3 Masks)

-Name: Zylah

--Alignment: Rogue

--Classes: Scrapper, Blaster, Infiltrator, Mal-Corrupted

--HP: 25

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 55

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 2

--Resources: 1 Malice

--Shadow Dancer: Whenever this unit would take damage flip a coin, if called correctly the attack is avoided. Additionally, whenever this unit would perform a basic attack flip a coin, if called correctly perform an immediate [Follow-Up]. You can consume 1 [Shadow Token] to reflip a coin.

--Shadow Regalia (1 Malice) As a Quick Action, gain 1 [Shadow Token] increasing this unit’s Speed by 5.

--Lashing Shadows (1 Malice) Deal Atk Shadow Damage to a unit within Range+1. You can consume X Shadow Tokens to deal an additional 5 Damage per Token consumed.

-Name: Andre

--Alignment: Rogue

--Classes: Bruiser, Tactician, Traveler (Orkin)

--HP: 50

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 35

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 2 Morale

--Orkin Hide: This unit is immune to [Bleeding], [Poison], and [Stun]. Additionally, this unit removes 1 stack of [Burning] each Round.

--Guarded Block (Costs 1 Morale) Reaction- When this unit is attacked, they gain 5 Armor for the duration of the attack.

--Counter Blows (Costs 1 Morale) Reaction- After taking damage this unit can perform a [Counter] attack if possible.

-Name: Tru Grit

--Alignment: Rogue

--Classes: Scrapper, Bruiser

--HP: 40

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 40

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Magic

--True Grit: This unit generates 1 stack of Grit every Turn, as well as an additional stack every time they use a Skill Card. For every stack this unit’s basic attacks deal 1 more damage and they take 1 less damage from all enemies. 1 Stack falls off at the end of each Round.

--Street Brawler: Whenever this unit attacks or is attacked by an enemy unit this unit gains a stack of [Grit].

--Grit Your Teeth And Grin (1 Magic) As a Quick Action, consume all stacks of Grit and then regain 5 HP for each stack removed this way.

--Showstopper (1 Magic) Deal 5 Damage to a unit in range for every stack of Grit on this unit, then remove all stacks of Grit.


Set: And All The Sinners Saints (17 Masks, 5 Other)

-Name: Mercer

--Alignment: Anti-Hero

--Classes: Scrapper, Marksman, Infiltrator

--HP: 30

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 45

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--Resources: 2 Morale

--Vengeful Vigil: This unit is a Vigil. Whenever an ally Vigil -including this unit- is attacked this unit can spend (1 Morale) to perform a [Counter] if the attacker is within range.

--Momentum (1 Morale): Once per Turn, change any movement or basic attack for this unit into a quick action.

--Experienced (Costs 1 Morale) Reaction- When an enemy unit plays a non-Morale Skill Card increase the cost by 1.

-Level Up: The Demon of Saint’s Way

--Level Up Condition: Used Vengeful Vigil twice in one Round.

--Alignment: Anti-Hero

--Classes: Bruiser

--HP: 5

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 5

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 0

--Resources: 0

--Protective Rage: Whenever an allied unit -including Mercer- takes damage Mercer gains a Rage Token. He can consume these tokens in place of Morale for any ability native to his Card(s).

--Undying Rage: Once per round when Mercer should be defeated he can consume all Rage Tokens to regain 5 HP per token.

-Level Up: The Saint of Sinner’s Way

--Level Up Condition: Mercer has used [Protect] on another unit.

--Classes: Guardian

--HP: 10

--Atk: 0

--Spd: 10

--Armor: 1

--Range: 0

--Move: 1

--Resources: 0

--Saint’s Protect: Reaction- When an allied unit within movement range is damaged, this unit can take damage in their place. (This ability costs no Morale.)

--First Aid (Costs 1 Morale): Restore 10 HP to an ally unit within Melee range.

-Level Up: The Demon Saint of the Way

--Level Up Condition: Mercer has both the [Demon of Saint’s Way] and [Saint of Sinner’s Way] titles active.

--Classes: N/A

--HP: 0

--Atk: 0

--Spd: 0

--Armor: 1

--Range: 0

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Morale

--Endless Rage: Mercer gains 1 Rage Token at the start of each of his Turns.

--The Way of Death and Violence (Costs X Morale) This ability deals damage equal to 5 times the number of Morale and Rage Tokens consumed by this ability. If this ability brings a unit’s HP to 0 that unit is [Executed] and any restorative abilities are negated.

-Name: Scarlet

--Alignment: Anti-Hero

--Classes: Bruiser, Blaster, Infiltrator, Malcontent

--HP: 30

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 50

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Malice

--Adaptive: Whenever Scarlet takes elemental damage she gains an affinity token based on the damage’s affinity. She then takes no damage from that affinity and can use Malice as payment for any skill card of that affinity. Scarlet can only have one of these tokens at a time.

--Malicious Shifting: At the start of every Round Scarlet gains 1 stack of [Malice Shifting] and heals 2 HP for every stack. Additionally, for each stack she gains 1 Atk and 1 Speed.

--Ambush (1 Morale): Quick Action- Gain Hidden. (This unit cannot be directly targeted by any enemy attack, skill, or ability. This effect is lost the next time this unit attacks or uses an ability.)

-Name: Bell

--Alignment: Anti-Hero.

--Classes: Puppeteer, Blaster, Overwatch, Malcontent

--HP: 25

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 45

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 2 Malice

--The Shadow Legion: Bell and all of her Shadow Echoes gain 5 Speed for every Echo in play. Additionally, her first use of [Her Other-Selves] each round becomes a Quick Action.

--Her Other-Selves (Costs 1 Malice) Create a Shadow Echo with 5 HP, 5 Atk, 40 Speed, 0 Armor, 1 Range, and 1 Move.

-Name: Lily White

--Alignment: Rogue

--Classes: Puppeteer, Medic, Psychic, Eldritch, Child

--HP: 20

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 35

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--Resources: 2 Madness

--Princess of the Mists: Every space within this unit’s Range becomes coated in Mists. As long as a [Creature of the Mists] is on one of these Spaces reduce its upkeep by 1.

--Healing Mists (Costs 1 Madness) Restore 10 HP to a unit within Range.

--Monsters of the Mists (Costs 1 Madness) Search your Deck for a [Creature of the Mists] Minion before paying its cost and playing it.

-Name: Dread Knight of the Mists.

--Card Cost: 3 Madness

--Card Type: Minion (Creature of the Mists)

--Classes: Bruiser, Guardian

--HP: 60

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 25

--Armor: 2

--Range: 1

--Move: 3

--Bound Knight: Lily White: This unit is bound to Lily White and can only be played by her, and will be dismissed upon her defeat. Reduce this unit’s upkeep by 2 as long as it is within 1 Space of Lily White at the End of the Round.

--Sworn Knight: This unit auto-protects Lily White and can spend 1 Madness to Move to a space adjacent to the attacker if possible, before he [Counters] the attack.

--Dread Knight: This unit’s attacks apply [Fear] if the unit already has [Fear] it takes an additional 5 Damage instead. This unit becomes [Hidden] at the end of his Turn if adjacent to Lily White.

-Card Name: Renegade’s Rhapsody Revolver

--Card Cost: 2 Morale

--Card Type: Equipment (Weapon/Gun)

--Requirements: Mercer

--Twin Weapons: A second of this weapon can be equipped to the equipped unit, if there is a second weapon this weapon’s first use/basic attack is a Quick Action each Turn.

--Concussive Rounds: Whenever this unit performs a basic attack flip a Coin if called correctly Stun the target.

--Alternative Ammunition (Costs 1 Morale) As a Quick Action, search your Deck for an [Ammo] Card before paying its cost and equipping it to this unit.


Sub-Set: The Vigils

-Name: Vigilance

--Alignment: Hero

--Classes: Scrapper, Infiltrator, Tactician

--HP: 30

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 45

--Armor: 1

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Morale

--True Vigil: This unit is a Vigil. For every Vigil on your team, generate an additional unit of Morale each round.

--Experienced (Costs 1 Morale) Reaction- When an enemy unit plays a non-Morale Skill Card increase the cost by 1.

--Momentum (1 Morale): Once per Turn, change any movement or basic attack for this unit into a quick action.

--A Change of Plans (1 Morale): As a Quick Action, Discard a Card then Draw.

-Name: Safeguard

--Alignment: Hero

--Classes: Scrapper, Guardian, Infiltrator

--HP: 30

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 45

--Armor: 1

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 2 Morale

--Protective Vigil: This unit is a Vigil. If a unit within [Move] range is about to be attacked, this unit can spend [1 Morale] to [Protect] them. If the unit is a [Vigil] this ability can reach 1 space further and costs no Morale.

--Guarded Block (Costs 1 Morale) Reaction- When this unit would take damage, they gain 5 Armor for the duration of the attack.

--Momentum (Costs 1 Morale) Once per Turn, change any movement or basic attack for this unit into a quick action.

-Name: Nightwatch

--Alignment: Hero

--Classes: Overwatch, Tactician

--HP: 20

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 75

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 0

--Resources: 1 Morale and 1 Tech.

--Calculating Vigil: This card is a Vigil. As a quick action spend 1 Morale to look at a number of cards on top of your deck equal to the number of Vigils on your team. Then return these cards in any order.

--Limiting Options (Costs 1 Morale): Look at the the top card of your Opponent’s Deck and decide whether to leave it or Discard it.

--Opening Options (Costs 1 Morale): Draw a card.

-Name: Swansong

--Alignment: Hero

--Classes: Scrapper, Infiltrator

--HP: 25

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 55

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 2

--Resources: 2 Morale

--Bloody Vigil: This unit is a Vigil. This unit's attacks and abilities apply 1 Stack of Bleeding for every Vigil on your team.

--Momentum (1 Morale): Once per Turn, change any movement or basic attack for this unit into a quick action.

--Ambush (1 Morale): Quick Action- This unit gains Hidden.

-Name: Hard Knocks

--Alignment: Hero

--Classes: Scrapper, Infiltrator

--HP: 30

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 50

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 2

--Resources: 2 Morale

--Streetwise Vigil: This unit is a Vigil. As a quick action, spend 1 Morale to look at a number of cards on the top of your opponent’s deck equal to the number of Vigils on your team. You can then return these cards to the top of their deck in any order.

--Momentum (1 Morale): Once per Turn, change any movement or basic attack for this unit into a quick action.

--Ambush (1 Morale): Quick Action- This unit gains [Hidden].

-Name: Virtue [3rd Edition]

--Alignment: Hero

--Classes: Scrapper, Infiltrator, Scout

--HP: 25

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 60

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 2 Morale

--Cooperative Vigil: This unit is a Vigil. Whenever an ally attacks, this unit can spend 1 Morale to perform a basic follow-up attack if the target was within Range. If the allied unit is a Vigil then Virtue can also move before checking for the follow-up range. (If target is still outside of range )

--The Virtue Legacy: You can have more than 1 copy of this Mask on your team. Additionally, on this unit’s turn you can search your deck and hand for 1 Safeguard, Virtue (The Second), or Virtue (The Third) and then replace this Virtue with the chosen Mask. The new card retains this card’s abilities but not their stats. (This ability can only be used once.)

-Name: Virtue (The Second)

--Alignment: Hero

--Classes: Scrapper, Infiltrator, Guardian, Scout

--HP: 25

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 55

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 2 Morale

--Heroic Vigil: This card is a Vigil. When an allied unit would be defeated, this unit can sacrifice himself to save them by giving them all of his own HP. If the unit was a Vigil their HP is fully restored instead and they generate an additional point of Morale from now on.

--Momentum (1 Morale): Once per Turn, change any movement or basic attack for this unit into a quick action.

--Protect (1 Morale): Reaction- When an allied unit within movement range is damaged, this unit can take damage in their place.

-Name: Virtue (The Third)

--Alignment: Hero


--HP: 25

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 45

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Morale and 1 Tech

--Technological Vigil: This unit is a Vigil. All Vigils can use Morale as if it’s Tech.

--Momentum (1 Morale): Once per Turn, change any movement or basic attack for this unit into a quick action.

--The V Drone (Costs 1 Tech) Within your Range create 1 [V Drone] Minion with 10 HP, 0 Atk, 35 Spd, 1 Move, 1 Range, and 0 Armor. This Minion counts as a Vigil and is immune to Mental Debuffs. (You can only have 1 [V Drone] in play at a time.)

-Card Name: The V Insignia

--Card Cost: 1 Morale

--Card Type: Equipment

--Requirements: Heroic Alignment

--The equipped unit becomes an Honorary [Vigil] and is now affected by all Vigil Faction abilities.


Sub-Set: Sinners of the Way

-Name: Crawk

--Alignment: Rogue

--Classes: Bruiser, Scrapper, Traveler

--HP: 45

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 35

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 2

--Resources: 1 Morale

--Amphibios: This unit is immune to damage from the Water affinity.

--Brothers (Baki): This unit is brothers with Baki. Whenever this unit’s brother attacks this unit can spend 1 Morale to perform a Follow-Up if possible. Whenever this unit’s brother is attacked this unit can spend 1 Morale to Counter or Protect (only one) if possible.

--Street Brawler: Whenever this unit attacks or is attacked by an enemy unit this unit gains a stack of [Grit]. For every stack this unit’s basic attacks deal 1 more damage and they take 1 less damage from all enemies. 1 Stack of Grit falls off at the end of each round.

-Name: Baki

--Alignment: Rogue

--Classes: Bruiser, Blaster, Traveler, Practitioner

--HP: 40

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 40

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Magic

--Amphibios Mage: This unit is immune to damage from the Water affinity. Additionally, reduce the cost of [Water] affinity spells this unit uses by 1.

--Brothers (Crawk): This unit is brothers with Baki. Whenever this unit’s brother attacks this unit can spend 1 Morale to perform a Follow-Up if possible. Whenever this unit’s brother is about to take damage this unit can spend 1 Morale to Counter after or Protect before (only one) if possible.

--Water Blast (1 Magic) Fire a wave of water dealing 5 damage of the [Water] affinity and knocking an enemy back by 1 Square.

-Name: Rojo

--Alignment: Anti-Villain

--Classes: Blaster, Scrapper, Arcane

--HP: 25

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 40

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 2

--Resources: 2 Magic

--The DBK Standard: This unit is a member of the DBK crime family. Whenever an enemy unit with less resources than the number of DBK members in play uses a Skill card, raise the card’s cost by 1 Morale for being mediocre.

--Dominion of Flame: This unit is immune to Fire damage. Additionally, this card can use Magic in place of any resource for any [Fire] affinity card.

--Hot Blooded (1 Magic): As a Quick Action, Rojo gains 1 stack of [Blazing Blood]. He can then consume one of these stacks to either turn a movement into a Quick Action or add 5 Fire Damage to his next attack.

-Name: Clockwork

--Alignment: Rogue

--Classes: Eldritch, Puppeteer

--HP: 20

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 40

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 3 Madness

--Not Quite Human: This unit is immune to all Physical and Mental Debuffs.

--Inspiration In Insanity: This unit can use Madness as a currency for any Equipment card. Additionally, this unit can spend 1 Madness to search your Deck for any Equipment card, before paying its cost and equipping it to any allied unit.


Sub-Set: Villains of The Way

-Name: Killian Jones

--Alignment: Villain

--Classes: Bruiser, Deadman (Corpse)

--HP: 55

--Atk: 10

--Spd: 35

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Ectoplasm

--Killer Cannibal: Whenever this unit defeats another unit he regenerates 10 HP. Additionally this unit can attack ally units.

--Chainbound (1 Morale) As a Quick Action grab any unit within Range+1 and move them to an adjacent space.

--Concussing Blows (Costs 1 Morale) This unit attacks a unit dealing ATK Damage and applying [Stun] until the end of their next Turn. A Stunned unit cannot Act.

-Name: Bedlam

--Alignment: Villain

--Classes: Tactician, Overwatch, Puppeteer, Slaver

--HP: 20

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 50

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--Resources: 2 Madness

--Hero’s Breaking Point: Bedlam can be played with any Heroic Aligned Mask, these Masks count as Villains for the rest of the game. This ability does not apply to any unit that counts as a Vigil.

--Break, Break, Break Their Minds (Costs 2 Madness) Pick any unit within Range and take control of it until the end of their next Turn. When the controlled unit is not under your control they gain the [Broken] Debuff until 1 Turn has passed with them outside your control. [Broken] units cannot play Cards, use Quick Actions, or use their Abilities. Vigils immediately break out of control, but still receive [Broken] Debuff.


Set: The Donovan Family (11 Masks)

-Name: Samuel Donovan

--Alignment: Anti-Hero

--Classes: Bruiser, Tactician, Overwatch

--HP: 35

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 40

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 2 Malice

--Family, First, Foremost, Forever: All units with Donovan in their name, or who are members of the [Donovan Family] generate an additional Morale each Round.

--Too Old For This (1 Morale) As a Quick Action, Sam annoys, guilts, bribes, blackmails, or otherwise coerces an allied unit to take his Turn for him.

--Make Mischief (1 Malice) Reaction- After using [Too Old For This], without looking, pick a Card from your opponent’s Hand and move it to the top of their Deck.

-Name: Jericho King

--Alignment: Anti-Villain

--Classes: Scrapper, Tactician

--HP: 25

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 55

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 2 Morale

--Touched By Madness: This card can use Morale as if it were Madness. Additionally, this unit is immune to Mental Debuffs.

--A Change of Plans (1 Morale): As a Quick Action, Discard a Card then Draw.

--Momentum (1 Morale): Once per Turn, change any movement or basic attack for this unit into a quick action.

-Name: Aiden Castiel Donovan Caine

--Alignment: Anti-Hero

--Classes: Scrapper, Bruiser, Blaster, Marksman

--HP: 30

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 40

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Malice and 1 Morale

--Flamebound: While this unit is active, [Burning] for all enemy units is treated as if there are twice as many stacks when triggered for Damage or Healing.

--Experienced (Costs 1 Morale) Reaction- When an enemy unit plays a non-Morale Skill Card increase the cost by 1.

--Malice Injection (Costs 1 Malice) As a Quick Action, this unit regains 5 HP. Additionally, this unit can attack [Hidden] units for the rest of this Turn.

-Name: Felix Donovan

--Alignment: Anti-Hero

--Classes: Scrapper, Tactician, (Fractured) Malcontent

--HP: 30

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 45

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 2 Malice

--Fractured Malcontent: Xerberos: At the start of the game search your Deck for any [Grace], [Sin], or [Xilef] Mask cards in your Deck and Equip them to this unit. You can then Spend 1 Malice to switch one of these Cards into control and Equip this unit to the new primary. Adjust this character’s stats accordingly but Damage and Debuffs carry over.

--Primary Personality (Costs 1 Malice) As a Quick Action, other personalities switch control back to Felix. All personalities can use this ability.

--A Change of Plans (1 Morale): As a Quick Action, Discard a Card then Draw.

-Name: Grace Donovan

--Alignment: Anti-Hero

--Classes: Scrapper, Blaster, (Fractured) Malcontent

--HP: 25

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 60

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 2 Malice

--The Ice Dancer: This unit is immune to [Ice] Damage. This unit can play any [Ice] affinity Skill Card using Malice as its payment.

--Momentum (1 Morale): Once per Turn, change any movement or basic attack for this unit into a quick action.

-Name: Sin Donovan

--Alignment: Anti-Villain

--Classes: Scrapper, Blaster, Bruiser, (Fractured) Malcontent

--HP: 35

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 45

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Malice

--The Unchained Demon: This unit is immune to [Fire] Damage. Whenever this unit Damages another unit he regains 5 HP.

--Cinder Step (1 Malice) As a Quick Action, Transport this unit to a Space within this unit’s Range.

--Burning Chains (1 Malice) As a Quick Action grab any unit within Range+1 and move them to an adjacent space before applying a stack of [Burning]. At the start of each Round [Burning] deals 1 point of Fire Damage per stack and reduces all Healing to the unit by the same amount.

-Name: Xilef Donovan

--Alignment: Rogue

--Classes: Tactician, Overwatch, Eldritch, Malcontent

--HP: 50

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 20

--Armor: 0

--Range: 3

--Move: 0

--Resources: 1 Malice and 1 Madness

--Malice and Madness: This unit can use Madness and Malice interchangeably.

--The Ominous Watcher: This unit cannot use Consumables, nor can this unit Play Cards that do not use Malice or Madness. The first time this unit plays a Malice or Madness Card each Round it becomes a Quick Action.

--Glitching Reality (Costs 1 Madness) As a Quick Action, select a space within Range and move this unit there. This ability can be used as a Reaction when this unit is about to take damage.

-Name: Cassandra Donovan

--Alignment: Anti-Hero

--Classes: Scrapper, Puppeteer, Dark Practitioner, Medic

--HP: 35

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 45

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Magic

--Flesh Sculptor: Reduce the upkeep of all [Flesh Sculpted] Minions by 1. Additionally, decrease the cost of all [Flesh Sculpting] Skill Cards by 1 as well.

--Recycling: Whenever a [Flesh Sculpted] Minion is defeated, it leaves behind a [(X) Dark Materials] structure, with X equaling the defeated Minion’s Cost. When the structure is within Range this unit can spend 1 Magic to search your Deck for a Minion with a cost of X and play it.

--Mend Flesh (1 Magic) Restore 10 HP to an allied unit within Range and remove any Physical Debuffs other than [Burning].


Sub-Set: Donovan Family Associates

-Name: Allison ‘Rook’ O’herra

--Alignment: Anti-Hero

--Classes: Scrapper, Tactician, Marksman, Cyberpunk

--HP: 30

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 40

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 2

--Resources: 1 Tech and 1 Morale

--Still Human: At the start of the game search your Deck for both a [Leg] and a [Spine] Augmentation Costing 1 Tech each and equip them to this unit. These are the only Augmentations this unit can equip for the rest of the game.

--Partners (Jericho King) This unit is Partners with Jericho King. Whenever Jericho King attacks Rook can spend 1 Morale to perform a [Follow-Up] if possible, additionally whenever Rook attacks Jericho can spend 1 Morale to perform a [Follow-Up] to her if possible.

--Momentum (1 Morale): Once per Turn, change any movement or basic attack for this unit into a quick action.

-Name: Poppet Jones

--Alignment: Anti-Hero

--Classes: Scrapper, Infiltrator, Cyberpunk

--HP: 25

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 50

--Armor: 1

--Range: 1

--Move: 2

--Resources: 1 Tech

--Partners (Aiden Caine) This unit is Partners with Aiden Caine. Whenever Aiden attacks Poppet can spend 1 Morale to perform a [Follow-Up] if possible, additionally whenever Poppet attacks Aiden can spend 1 Morale to perform a [Follow-Up] to her if possible.

--Momentum (1 Morale): Once per Turn, change any movement or basic attack for this unit into a quick action.

--Ambush (1 Morale): Quick Action- This unit gains Hidden.

-Name: Amelia Steele

--Alignment: Anti-Hero

--Classes: Medic, Marksman, M.A.D.

--HP: 20

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 45

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--Resources: 2 Tech

--Punk Stitchworker: Reduce the Cost of all [Augmentation] Cards by 1 for this unit. This unit can spend 1 Tech to search your deck for any [Augmentation] Card, before paying its cost and equipping it to an allied unit.

--Stitch Them Up (Costs 1 Tech) Restore 10HP to an ally unit within Melee Range, and remove all Physical Debuffs.

--Bartender’s Side Hustle (Costs 1 Morale) As a Quick Action, search your Deck for a [Brew] Card before revealing it to your opponent and adding it to your Hand.


Set: The Grey Family (5 Masks)

-Name: Solaris Grey

--Alignment: Rogue

--Classes: Scrapper, Bruiser, Marksman, Tactician, Infiltrator

--HP: 35

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 40

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 2 Morale

--Papa Grey: This unit is a member of the Grey Family. Any time another member of the Grey Family would be attacked this unit will automatically [Protect] them if possible. (Note: Move in this case is increased by 1 for the Youngest Greys if no other unit [Protects] them first.) At which point Solaris can spend 1 Morale to [Counter] if possible.

--Experienced (Costs 1 Morale) Reaction- When an enemy unit plays a non-Morale Skill Card increase the cost by 1.

--Soul Injection (Costs 1 Morale) As a Quick Action, this unit regains 5 HP.

-Name: Sophie Grey

--Alignment: Anti-Hero

--Classes: Scrapper, Marksman, Infiltrator, Tactician

--HP: 25

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 45

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--Resources: 2 Morale

--Big Sister Grey: This unit is a member of the Grey Family. Whenever another member of the Grey Family is attacked by a unit within Range this unit can spend (2 Morale) to Interrupt the attack and perform a [Counter] thus stopping it.

--Soul Injection (Costs 1 Morale) As a Quick Action, this unit regains 5 HP.

--Momentum (1 Morale): Once per Turn, change any movement or basic attack for this unit into a quick action.

-Name: Nico Grey

--Alignment: Anti-Villain

--Classes: Marksman, Bruiser, Puppeteer, M.A.D.

--HP: 25

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 45

--Armor: 1

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Tech

--The Grey Genius: This unit is a member of the Grey Family. Inspired by their family this unit gains 1 additional Tech each Turn for every unit of their family in play.

--Mechanical Genius: Reduce the upkeep of all [Machine] Minions by 1. Additionally, this unit can spend 1 Tech to search your Deck for a [Machine] Minion before paying its cost and playing it.

-Name: Ellie & Luna Grey

--Alignment: Hero

--Classes: Arcane, Blaster, Child

--HP: 20

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 45

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 2 Magic

--The Youngest Greys: This unit is part of the Grey family, and can be with any other member of the Grey family regardless of Alignment rules. If this unit is attacked any other member of the Grey Family within their own Move range will [Protect] this unit for free. (If there are two units in range, pick 1 of them to use [Protect].)

--Night and Day: As a Quick Action, Ellie and Luna can switch which of them is the current leader. If Ellie is in charge they gain the [Bruiser] class and 5 Atk, if Luna is in charge they gain the [Puppeteer] class and 1 Range. This ability can be used once per Turn.

--You do this and I’ll do that (Costs 1 Morale) Ellie and Luna can turn any Card into a Quick Action by having one of them cast it before triggering [Night and Day].


Sub-Set: Grey Family Associates

-Name: General Scalian

--Alignment: Rogue

--Classes: Scrapper, Tactician, Infiltrator, Traveler

--HP: 35

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 45

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 2 Morale

--New Anima Reptilian: This unit can use Morale in place of Magic for up to 1 unit of Magic, additionally this unit gains 1 Armor and is immune to Poison.

--Mercenary General: Reduce the upkeep of all Minions by 1 Morale. Additionally, this unit can spend 1 Morale to search your Deck for a Minion Card before paying its Cost and Playing it.


Set: The Dreamweaver (3 Masks)

-Name: Tempest

--Alignment: Hero

--Classes: Scrapper, Puppeteer, Wonderlander

--HP: 30

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 65

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 2

--Resources: 1 Madness

--Dreamweaver: All [Dream Woven] cards cost 1 less Madness for this unit to play. This unit can spend 1 Madness to search your deck for a card with [Dream Woven], pay its cost and play it.

--Momentum (1 Morale): Once per Turn, change any movement or basic attack for this unit into a quick action.

-Name: Ariel

--Alignment: Anti-Hero

--Classes: Scrapper, Bruiser, Infiltrator, Malcontent

--HP: 25

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 55

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 2

--Resources: 1 Malice

--Healing Factor: At the start of each Turn restore 5 HP to this unit.

--Shadow Knight (1 Malice) As a Quick Action, Ariel gains 1 stack of [Shadow Armor]. Each stack increases his Armor by 1.

--Protect (1 Morale): Reaction- When an allied unit within movement range is damaged, this unit can take damage in their place.

-Name: Geneticist

--Alignment: Villain

--Classes: Puppeteer, Medic, Slaver

--HP: 25

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 50

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 2 Malice

--Dark Corruptor: The first time this unit uses a [Corrupting] ability becomes a Quick Action each Turn.

--Corrupting Influence (1 Malice) Deal Atk damage to an enemy unit within Range, then take control of it until the end of its next turn.

--Corrupting Malice (1 Malice) Restore 5 HP to a unit within Range and increase their Atk by 5 until the end of their next Turn.


Set: Legends of the Traveler’s Tales (7 Masks, 13 Other)

-Name: Blade

--Alignment: Anti-Hero

--Classes: Scrapper, Marksman, Infiltrator

--HP: 25

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 60

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 2 Morale

--Unbroken Will: This unit is immune to Mental Debuffs.

--Bloody Duelist: Whenever this unit is attacked, flip a coin if you call it correctly, take no damage and [Counter] if possible. This unit can spend 1 Morale to re-flip the coin.

--Momentum (1 Morale): Once per Turn, change any movement or basic attack for this unit into a quick action.

-Name: Joanna Brookes

--Alignment: Anti-Hero

--Classes: Scrapper, Bruiser, Guardian, M.A.D.

--HP: 35

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 45

--Armor: 1

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Tech

--Heat Ignition System: This unit gains 1 stack of [Heat] at the start of each Turn up to 5 stacks. Each stack of [Heat] increases her Attack by 2 and her Speed by 5.

--Shield Projector (Costs 1 Tech) Reaction- When an allied unit within Range would take damage they gain a shield blocking 5 Damage for the attack. This ability can be used multiple times in a single Reaction.

--Heat Breaker (Costs 1 Tech) Move this unit up to [Heat] stack squares away, removing 1 stack with each square traveled, before attacking a unit within Melee for Atk. Then consume all stacks of [Heat] to deal an additional 5 Damage per stack.

-Name: Tristan Xavier Sterling

--Alignment: Rogue

--Classes: Infiltrator, Tactician, Puppeteer, Slaver

--HP: 20

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 50

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--Resources: 2 Morale

--The Game of Puppets: Reduce the cost of all [Tactician] and [Puppeteer] Cards this unit plays by 1.

--A Tug of the Strings (1 Morale) Reaction- When an enemy unit is about to act, change their action to a different ability -if they have the resources- or a basic attack. Your opponent can select the new target of both.

--And You Make Them Dance (1 Morale) Reaction- When this unit is targeted by an enemy unit choose another unit within both this unit’s Range and the attacking unit’s Range (but not the unit themselves) and have that unit take the attack/effect instead.

-Name: Triss and Trevor

--Alignment: Anti-Hero

--Classes: Scrapper, Bruiser, Infiltrator

--HP: 20

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 55

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 2 Magic

--The Shadow Duet: This unit cannot play Minion cards. This unit takes no damage from the Shadow affinity and can use Magic to play any Skill Card with a Shadow affinity. Additionally, this unit counts as both an [Arcane] and a [Demon].

--Triss’s Skill (1 Magic) Perform a Basic Attack with the Shadow Affinity before gaining Hidden.

--Trevor’s Strength (1 Magic) As a Quick Action, select an enemy unit within (Range+1) and move them to an adjacent square. This unit takes an additional 5 damage from any attack or ability with a [Shadow] affinity until the end of the Round.


Sub-Set: Chem City Cartel

-Name: Aldrich

--Alignment: Anti-Villain

--Classes: Tactician, Marksman, M.A.D.

--HP: 25

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 40

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Tech

--The Chem King: This unit is part of the Chem City Cartel. Reduce the cost of [Chem] Cards for any member of the [Chem City Cartel] by 1.

--Make Them Fear You: Attacks and abilities by this unit against enemies apply [Fear], if the enemy already has [Fear] they take an additional 5 damage instead.

--Chem Dealer (Costs 1 Tech) As a Quick Action, search your Deck for a [Chem] card, reveal it to your opponent and add it to your hand.

--Waste Not Want Not (Costs 1 Tech) Reaction- Whenever a [Chem] Card would be added to your Discard pile whether from Use or Discard, return it to your Hand instead.

-Name: Mayhem

--Alignment: Anti-Villain

--Classes: Marksman, Blaster, Tactician, M.A.D.

--HP: 25

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 55

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Tech

--Chem City Bombers: This unit is part of the Chem City Cartel. Any member of the Chem City Cartel can pay 1 Tech to search your Deck for an [Explosives] Card before paying its cost and playing it.

--Bomb Maker (1 Tech) As a Quick Action, search your Deck for an [Explosives] Card before revealing it to your opponent and adding it to your Hand.

--Game of Booms (X Tech) Reaction- When an [Explosives] Card is played by any unit -including this one- pay the Card’s Cost (X) as Tech and create an exact copy before having this Unit play the copy.

-Level Up Name: The Chem Princess

--Level Up Condition: Mayhem played 2 [Chem] Cards in a single Turn.

--Classes: None

--HP: 5

--Atk: 0

--Spd: 10

--Armor: 0

--Range: 0

--Move: 0

--Resources: 1 Tech

--Chem Blood: This unit is immune to Poison. Additionally, whenever this unit is affected by a [Chem] Card or Poison effect she regains 5 HP.

--Chem Dealer (Costs 1 Tech) As a Quick Action, search your Deck for a [Chem] card, reveal it to your opponent and add it to your hand.

--Waste Not Want Not (Costs 1 Tech) Reaction- Whenever a [Chem] Card would be added to your Discard pile whether from Use or Discard, return it to your Hand instead.

-Name: The Chem Beast

--Alignment: Anti-Villain

--Classes: Bruiser, Scrapper

--HP: 40

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 55

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 2

--Resources: 1 Morale

--Chem City Vigilante: This unit is part of the Chem City Cartel. If a unit within [Move] is about to take damage this unit can spend 1 Morale to [Protect] them. If the unit is part of the [Chem City Cartel] this unit can also [Counter] if possible.

--Chem Beast: This unit is immune to Poison. Additionally, whenever this unit is affected by a [Chem] Card or Poison effect it regains 5 HP.

-Card Name: Restorative Inhalant

--Card Cost: 1 Tech

--Card Type: Consumable (Chem)

--Requirements: None

--As a Quick Action, restore 5HP to the user and remove a stack of [Poison].

--Efficient Use: If used by an M.A.D. you can spend 1 Morale to return this Card to your Hand instead of the Discard Pile.

-Card Name: Restorative Serum

--Card Cost: 1 Tech

--Card Type: Consumable (Chem)

--Classes: None

--Restore 10 HP to the user and remove any stacks of [Poison].

--Medical Experience: If used by a [Medic] this can be applied to another unit within Range instead.

-Card Name: Primal Inhalant

--Card Cost: 1 Tech

--Card Type: Consumable (Chem)

--Requirements: None

--As a Quick Action, increase the user’s Atk by 5 until the end of their Turn.

--Efficient Use: If used by an M.A.D. you can spend 1 Morale to return this Card to your Hand instead of the Discard Pile.

-Card Name: Primal Serum

--Card Cost: 1 Tech and 1 Morale

--Card Type: Consumable (Chem)

--Requirements: None

--As a Quick Action, increase the user’s Atk by 5 until the end of their Turn.

-Card Name: Gas Grenade

--Card Cost: 1 Morale

--Card Type: Consumable (Explosive + Chem)

--Classes: None

--Pick a square within Range. All units within 1 Range of that square gain a stack of [Poison].

-Card Name: Chem Pellets

--Card Cost: 1 Tech

--Card Type: Consumable (Chem)

--Classes: None

--As a Quick Action, pick a unit within Range that unit gains a stack of [Poison].

-Card Name: Gas Canister

--Card Cost: 1 Morale

--Card Type: Structure (Explosive + Chem)

--Classes: None

--HP: 5

--Any unit adjacent to this structure at the start of their Turn gains a stack of [Poison].

--Explosive: If this structure is destroyed by an attack it deals 5 damage to all adjacent units.

--Temporary: This Structure is destroyed at the end of the next Round.

-Card Name: Restorative Fountain

--Card Cost: 1 Tech

--Card Type: Structure (Chem)

--Classes: M.A.D.

--HP: 10

--Any non-Machine unit can use this structure to restore 10 HP.

-Card Name: Poison The Well

--Card Cost: 1 Tech

--Card Type: Op (Chem)

--Classes: None

--1 Morale: Until the user’s next turn any time an enemy uses a Consumable or Structure to Heal the affected unit gains a stack of [Poisoned]. Said Consumable or Structure also cannot remove Poison.

-Card Name: Gas Mask

--Card Cost: 1 Morale

--Card Type: Equipment (Mask)

--Classes: None

--This unit is immune to [Poison].

-Card Name: Gang Goon

--Card Cost: 1 Morale

--Card Type: Minion

--Classes: None

--HP: 10

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 35

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--No Abilities

-Card Name: Crime City Cartel Goon

--Card Cost: 1 Tech

--Card Type: Minion

--Classes: None

--HP: 10

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 35

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--This unit is a member of the Crime City Cartel.


Set: The Dead West (2 Masks, 2 Other)

-Name: Wyatt De La Croix

--Alignment: Rogue

--Classes: Marksman, Puppeteer, Medic, Dark Practitioner

--HP: 25

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 55

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Magic

--Soulbound: Wretch’s Requiem (Costs 1 Magic) Search your hand, deck, and discard pile for the equipment card [Wretch’s Requiem] and equip it to this unit.

--By Day His Hands Healed: Spells that restore health cost 1 less Magic for this unit. This unit can spend 1 Magic to heal a unit for 10 HP.

--By Night The Dead Rose: Reduce the upkeep of [Necromancy] Minions by 1. This unit can spend 1 Magic to search your deck for a (Necromancy) Minion, before paying its cost and playing it. This effect is a Quick Action if a unit was defeated over the last Round.

-Card Name: Wretch’s Requiem

--Card Cost: 1 Magic

--Card Type: Equipment (Weapon, Gun)

--Soulbound: Wyatt De La Croix: This card can only be equipped to [Wyatt De La Croix].

--Ranged Weapon: While equipped, increase the equipped unit’s Range by 1.

--Cerberus Shot (Costs 1 Morale): Attack a unit within range, if that unit produces [Magic] [Ectoplasm] or [Malice] deal double the equipped unit’s Atk to them and prevent them from using Skill Cards of their Resource until the end of their next Turn.

-Name: Samuel Grimm

--Alignment: Rogue

--Classes: Marksman, Bruiser, Deadman, Practitioner

--HP: 40

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 50

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Ectoplasm

--Dead Arcanist: This unit can use Ectoplasm and Magic interchangeably.

--Soulbound: Reaper’s Revenge (1 Ectoplasm) Search your hand, deck, and discard pile for the equipment card [Reaper’s Revenge] and equip it to this unit.

--Vengeance (Costs 1 Ectoplasm) After taking damage perform a Counter attack if the attacker is within Range. Give the countered unit [Marked For Vengeance].

-Card Name: Reaper’s Revenge

--Card Cost: 1 Ectoplasm

--Card Type: Equipment (Weapon, Gun)

--Soulbound: Samuel Grim: This card can only be equipped to Samuel Grim.

--Ranged Weapon: While equipped, increase the equipped unit’s Range by 1.

--Elemental Shot (1 Ectoplasm) As a Quick Action, change the affinity of this gun’s attacks. If the equipped unit casts a Spell with this affinity increase its damage by 5.


Set: Sanctuary (13 Masks, 1 Other)

-Name: Ashlynn Thorne

--Alignment: Hero

--Classes: Marksman, Puppeteer, Arcane

--HP: 25

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 40

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--Resources: 2 Magic

--Sanctuary Captain: Summoning Specialist: This unit is a member of [Sanctuary]. All Magic Minions played by a Sanctuary unit, themselves count as members of [Sanctuary] and have their upkeep reduced by 1.

​--Spell Slinger: This unit’s first Magic Skill Card each Turn is a Quick Action.

--Summoning Ritual (Costs 1 Magic) Search your Deck for a Magic Minion Card before paying its Cost and Playing it.

-Name: Kestrel

--Alignment: Anti-Hero

--Classes: Blaster, Infiltrator, Scout, Practitioner, Dark Practitioner

--HP: 20

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 55

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Magic

--Sanctuary’s Caged Bird: This unit is a member of Sanctuary. Once per Round when this unit should be defeated you can resurrect them with 5 HP for every Sanctuary unit active on your team. If this effect is triggered Stun this unit until the end of their next Turn.

--Bundle of Trauma: This unit is immune to Mental Debuffs. (He’s used to functioning with more of them than you can give.)

--Warp Step (Costs 1 Magic) As a Quick Action, select a space within Range and move this unit there. This ability can be used as a Reaction when this unit is about to take damage.

-Name: Varian Miller

--Alignment: Hero

--Classes: Bruiser, Guardian, Practitioner

--HP: 35

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 40

--Armor: 1

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Magic

--Sanctuary Apprentice Practitioner: This unit is a member of [Sanctuary]. If another member of [Sanctuary] plays a Magic Card, reduce the Cost of Varian’s next Spell by 1 until the end of his next Turn. (This stacks up to the number of [Sanctuary] units.)

--Mud Maker: Whenever this unit plays a Magic Skill Card with the [Earth] or [Water] affinity, then this unit can also play a Magic Skill Card of the unused Affinity for 1 less Magic.

--Mud Shield (Costs 1 Magic) Reaction- When an allied unit within Range would take damage they gain a shield blocking 5 Damage from the attack. This ability can be used multiple times in a single reaction.

-Name: Sarah Sionis

--Alignment: Rogue

--Classes: Puppeteer, Slaver, Tactician, Slasher (Social)

--HP: 25

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 45

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--Resources: 2 Malice

--Sanctuary’s Sionis Slasher Sister: This unit is a member of the [Sionis Family] and [Sanctuary]. Reduce the upkeep of all minions played by units that share a faction with this unit by 1.

--Your Mind, All Mine (1 Malice) Take control of an enemy unit within Range until the end of their next Turn. If this unit is a minion, you can pay a second point of Malice to make this unit yours until they’re defeated or you dismiss them. While under your control you can pay their upkeep cost in Malice.

Sub-Set: Rosemary Branch

-Name: Nicholas Stone

--Alignment: Anti-Hero

--Classes: Blaster, Tactician, Practitioner

--HP: 30

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 55

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Magic

--Sanctuary Director: Rosemary Branch: This unit is a member of [Sanctuary] and [Sanctuary Rosemary Branch]. Whenever another member of [Sanctuary Rosemary Branch] is truly defeated this unit begins producing another unit of Magic given how he no longer has to waste effort corralling them.

--Master Alchemist: Reduce the cost of all [Alchemy] Cards by 1. This unit can spend 1 Magic to search your Deck for an [Alchemy] Card before paying its cost and playing it.

-Name: Caleb Cross

--Alignment: Anti-Hero

--Classes: Scrapper, Blaster, Slasher (Hex)

--HP: 25

--Atk: 10

--Spd: 40

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 2

--Resources: 1 Malice

--Sanctuary Redemption Slasher: This unit is a member of [Sanctuary] and [Sanctuary Rosemary Branch]. All [Sanctuary] units can spend 1 Morale to turn their first attack into a Quick Action each Round (this does not consume other attack Quick Actions). Units from [Sanctuary Rosemary Branch] can use this twice each Round.

--Great Teacher Cross: Reduce the cost of any Skill card played by a [Child] or a member of a [Sanctuary Jr. Agent] on your team by 1. (This does not stack with itself.)

--Malicious Healing (Costs X Malice): This unit heals for 5HP for every point of Malice spent on this ability, before removing all Physical debuffs except for Burning.

-Name: Maxwell Romanov

--Alignment: Anti-Hero

--Classes: Blaster, Tactician, Infiltrator, Psychic, Child (Technically)

--HP: 20

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 35

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--Resources: 2 Psionic

--Sanctuary Time Traveler: This unit is a member of [Sanctuary] and a [Sanctuary Jr Agent]. As a Quick Action, this unit can spend 1 Psychic to look at a number of cards on top of you or your opponent’s Deck equal to the number of [Sanctuary] units and [Sanctuary Jr. Agents] in play. (Units with both Factions count as 2 for this ability.)

--Future Adjustments (Costs 1 Psionic) Reaction- Whenever you or your opponent Draw, you can Discard all newly drawn Cards before their owner Draws replacements for them. (None of these Cards are Revealed to the other.)

--Second Mastery of Psionics (Costs 1 Psionic) Reaction- When a Psionic Card would be sent to your Discard Pile instead return it to your Hand.


Sub-Set: Sanctuary D.A.R.C

-Name: Philo Sif Erston

--Alignment: Rogue

--Classes: Blaster, Tactician

--HP: 30

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 30

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Magic

--Sanctuary D.A.R.C. Archivist: This unit is a member of [Sanctuary] and [Sanctuary D.A.R.C.]. This unit can spend 1 Morale to search your Discard pile for a Card with a Cost equal to the number of [Sanctuary] units on your team before adding it to your hand. If you also have three units from [Sanctuary D.A.R.C.] this ability Costs 0 Morale.

--Dark Alchemical Purist: This unit can use no Magic Cards outside of [Alchemy] and [Necromancy] Skill Cards, but can play those Cards regardless of Class restrictions.

--Alchemical Drain (Cost 1 Magic) Deal 5 Damage to a unit within Melee range before restoring 5 HP to this unit.

-Name: Ethan Levi

--Alignment: Anti-Hero

--Classes: Bruiser, Puppeteer, Eldritch

--HP: 25

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 50

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Madness

--Sanctuary D.A.R.C. The Sane One: This unit is a member of [Sanctuary] and [Sanctuary D.A.R.C.]. All [Sanctuary] Units are immune to Mental Debuffs as long as this Card is in play. All [Sanctuary D.A.R.C.] are capable of ‘accidentally’ attacking this unit.

--Eldritch Friendship: Once per game when this unit would be defeated, instead search your Hand and Deck for the Level Up Card: Ethan Levi, The Eldritch Vessel and Play it while fully healing this unit.

--Accident Prone (1 Madness) Ethan Levi is terribly clumsy and has an ‘unfortunate accident’ that has nothing to do with his associates, dealing 10 Damage to himself. This ability is disabled on level up.

-Level Up Name: The Eldritch Vessel

--Level Up Condition: Trigger Eldritch Friendship.

--Classes: None

--HP: 15

--Atk: 0

--Spd: 0

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 0

--Resources: 1 Madness

--Eldritch Regeneration (Costs 1 Magic) As a Quick Action, this unit regains 5 HP.

--Eldritch Pull (Costs 1 Madness) As a Quick Action, grab a unit within Range and pull them to an adjacent Space. This ability can also be used on [Hidden] units, removing the effect.

--Eldritch Assault (Costs X Madness) Grab a unit within Melee and deal 10 Damage to them for every Madness spent on this ability. If this attack kills a unit, it also triggers Eldritch Regeneration for free.


Sub-Set: Punk Squad #27

-Name: Dulce Flores

--Alignment: Hero

--Classes: Medic, Overwatch, M.A.D.

--HP: 20

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 65

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Tech

--Sanctuary Squad Medic: This unit is a member of [Sanctuary] and [Punk Squad #27]. When using a healing skill on another member of these factions heal an additional 5HP for each faction they share. (This does not apply to self-heals.)

--Punk Medical Manager: All Cards that restore health cost 1 less for this unit. This unit can spend 1 Tech to search your deck for any [Augmentation] Card, pay its cost and equip it to an allied unit.

--First-Aid (Costs 1 Morale) Restore 10HP to an ally unit within Melee Range.

-Name: Tadashi Hamato

--Alignment: Hero

--Classes: Infiltrator, Scrapper, Scout, Cyberpunk

--HP: 25

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 55

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 2

--Resources: 1 Tech

--Sanctuary Squad Surveillance Specialist: This unit is a member of [Sanctuary] and [Punk Squad #27]. As a Quick Action, this unit can spend 1 Morale to look at 1 card in your opponent’s hand. This number is increased by 1 card for each unit that shares a faction and 2 for each that shares 2 factions.

--Momentum (1 Morale): Once per Turn, change any movement or basic attack for this unit into a quick action.

--Ambush (Costs 1 Morale) Quick Action- This unit gains Hidden.

-Name: Margaret ‘Mags’ McGee

--Alignment: Anti-Hero

--Classes: Marksman, Blaster, Bruiser, Cyberpunk

--HP: 35

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 35

--Armor: 1

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Tech

--Sanctuary Squad Muscle: This unit is a member of [Sanctuary] and [Punk Squad #27]. Whenever an allied unit that shares a Faction with this unit attacks this unit can spend 1 Morale to perform a Follow-Up attack if the target was within Range or if the allied unit is within Move when attacked this unit can spend 1 Morale to [Protect] them.

--Over Heat System: At the start of each Turn this unit gains 1 stack of [Heat]. Each stack of Heat increases this unit’s Atk by 2 and her Speed by 5. When you reach 6 Stacks this unit is Stunned until the end of her next Turn at which point she loses all Stacks and heals for 5 HP.

--Tech Weapon Tinkerer: (Costs 1 Tech) As a Quick Action, look through your Deck and Discard pile for a Tech Equipment Card, pay its cost and equip it to this unit.

-Name: Jason Cobbs

--Alignment: Rogue

--Classes: Puppeteer, Tactician

--HP: 20

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 40

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Psionic and 1 Tech

--Psy-berpunk: This unit can use Tech as if it were Psionic. Additionally, this unit counts as both a [Psychic] and a [Cyberpunk].

--Punk Squad Wildcard: This unit is a member of [Punk Squad #27]. As a Quick Action, this unit can spend 1 Psionic to discard a number of cards up to the number of [Punk Squad #27] members you have in play, before drawing the same number of cards.

--Neural Accelerator (Costs 1 Tech) Reaction- When this unit plays a [Psionic] or a [Tech] Skill Card Turn it into a Quick Action.


Set: Heroes Guild (12 Masks, 0 Other)

Sub-Set: Quest Heroes

-Name: Starlight

--Alignment: Hero

--Classes: Blaster, Guardian, Tactician, Arcane

--HP: 25

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 55

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Magic

--Starlit Hero: As long as Starlight is in play, all Heroic units have the Cost of Cards with a [Light] reduced by 1.

--Tracking Star Shot (1 Magic) Deal 5 Light Damage to a unit within Range, ignore Dodge effects and Hidden for this attack.

--Starfield Blitz (3 Magic) Deal 5 Light Damage to all units within Starlight’s Range, before applying [Blinded] to all of them until the end of the next Round.

-Name: Puck

--Alignment: Anti-Hero

--Classes: Marksman, Blaster, Infiltrator, Tactician

--HP: 25

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 45

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Psionic and 1 Magic

--A Psychic’s Magic Trick: This unit can use Psionics as if it were Magic. Additionally, this unit is both a [Psychic] and a [Practitioner].

--Ace Up My Sleeve (1 Magic) Reaction- Search your deck for a Reaction card that fits a situation before paying its cost and playing it. If you can’t find a Card then Pass.

--Card Trick (Costs 1 Psychic) As a Quick Action, Draw a card then Discard a card.

-Name: Terraform

--Alignment: Hero

--Classes: Scrapper, Blaster, Tactician, Arcane

--HP: 30

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 50

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Magic

--Jr Hero Leader: If a unit is a [Child] and within this unit’s Move this unit can [Protect] them. If the unit is also a [Hero] you can trigger [Elemental Fighter] without performing an attack.

--Elemental Fighter: After using a basic attack, this unit can pay the cost for any Magic Skill Card with a [Water] [Earth] [Wind] or [Fire] affinity in your hand and play it.

--Momentum (1 Morale): Once per Turn, change any movement or basic attack for this unit into a quick action.

-Name: Stella Star

--Alignment: Hero

--Classes: Blaster, Puppeteer, Guardian, Child

--HP: 20

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 40

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Magic.

--True Hero’s Starpower: Every Heroic unit -excluding this one- gets +1 Morale each Round for having Stella Star’s optimism nearby.

--Pile o’ Fluff: Flufflepuffs can move onto units equipping themselves to that unit. If the unit is an Enemy they can no longer use Quick Actions and lose 5 Speed. If the unit is an Ally the Flufflepuff takes damage in their place.

--Friend of Flufflepuffs (1 Magic) As a Quick Action, summon a Flufflepuff with 5 HP, 0 Atk, 35 Speed, 0 Armor, 0 Range, and 1 Move. These Flufflepuffs require 2 Flufflepuffs to perform an Op and cannot use skill cards.

-Name: Shadow Slinger

--Alignment: Anti-Hero

--Classes: Marksman, Blaster, Infiltrator, Arcane

--HP: 20

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 60

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 2

--Resources: 1 Magic

--Spell Slinger: This unit’s first Magic Skill Card each Turn is a Quick Action.

--Shadow Dash (Costs 1 Magic) As a Quick Action this unit can Move. Additionally, this ability can be used as a Reaction when this unit is about to take damage.

-Name: Iron Golem

--Alignment: Hero

--Classes: Bruiser, Blaster, Guardian, M.A.D.

--HP: 60

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 30

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Tech

--Power Armor Bulk: This unit has no limit on the number of Equipment Cards they can have, and gains 1 additional Armor for every piece of Equipment attached to him.

--Armor Upgrade: Reduce the cost of Tech Equipment Cards by 1 for this unit. This unit can spend 1 Tech to search your Deck for any Tech Equipment Card before paying its cost and equipping it to this unit.

-Name: Power Flight

--Alignment: Hero

--Classes: Bruiser, Psychic

--HP: 45

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 45

--Armor: 1

--Range: 1

--Move: 2

--Resources: 1 Psionic

--Active Flier: When attacked from outside of Melee Range this unit can flip a coin for every space between her and her attacker, if any of these coins are called correctly the attack is avoided. Additionally, this unit can spend 1 Morale to Move as a Quick Action.

--Concussing Blows (Costs 1 Morale) This unit attacks a unit dealing ATK Damage and applying [Stun] until the end of their next Turn. A Stunned unit cannot Act.

Sub-Set: Hero’s Guild (Classic)

-Name: Aurora

--Alignment: Hero

--Classes: Scrapper, Blaster, Guardian, Arcane

--HP: 20

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 40

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--Resources: 2 Magic

--Growing Light: At the start of every Turn Aurora gains a stack of [Growing Light] with each stack increasing her Speed by 5. Every 4th Stack also generates an additional Magic each Round.

--Swords of Light (Costs X Magic) Aurora creates X swords of light before attacking enemies within range with them, with each sword dealing 5 Light Damage to whatever unit it hits (this does not have to be 1 unit). She can spend up to her current stacks of [Growing Light] in magic on this ability.

--Light Shield (Costs 1 Magic) Reaction- When an allied unit within Range would take damage they gain a shield blocking 5 Damage from the attack. This ability can be used multiple times in a single reaction.

-Name: The Iron Guardian

--Alignment: Hero

--Classes: Scrapper, Bruiser, Guardian, M.A.D.

--HP: 30

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 40

--Armor: 1

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 2 Tech

--Weapons Master: This unit has no limit on how many Equipment cards he can have equipped.

--Battlesmith (Costs 1 Tech) As a Quick Action, search your Deck for any Tech Equipment Card before paying its cost and equipping it to an allied unit.

--Tech Repair (Costs 1 Tech) Reaction- When a Tech Card would be sent to your Discard Pile instead add it to your Hand.

-Name: Redline

--Alignment: Hero

--Classes: Scrapper, Blaster, Arcane

--HP: 20

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 55

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 3

--Resources: 1 Magic

--Faster... Faster. Faster!: At the start of each Turn this unit gains a stack of [Faster], with each stack increasing their Speed by 5. Every 5th Stack also generates an additional Magic at the start of each Round.

--Needle In The Red: At the start of Redline’s first Turn each Round he gains an additional Turn for every 40 Speed he has at that point.

-Name: Assessment

--Alignment: Anti-Hero

--Classes: Tactician, Overwatch, Infiltrator, Psychic

--HP: 25

--Atk: 0

--Spd: 55

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--Resources: 2 Psionic

--Pacifist: This unit will not cause damage to another unit, and will negate any part of a Card he plays that does damage or applies a Physical Debuff. (This does not apply to Minions he plays.)

--Reliable Bodyguard: If this unit has no Minion, this unit can search your Deck for a Morale Minion and play them. This unit has no upkeep as long as it’s Assessment’s Minion.

--Run and Hide (1 Morale) This unit Moves and then gains [Hidden].

--Limiting Options (1 Morale) Discard the top card of your Opponent’s Deck.

--A Change of Plans (1 Morale): As a Quick Action, Discard a Card then Draw.


Sub-Set: Hero’s Guild (New Gen)

-Name: Network

--Alignment: Anti-Hero

--Classes: Puppeteer, Overwatch, Tactician, M.A.D.

--HP: 20

--Atk: 0

--Spd: 50

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--Resources: 2 Tech

--Multitasking Engineer: The first time this unit plays a Tech Card or uses a Tech Ability, it becomes a Quick Action.

--Drone Production (1 Tech): Create a ‘Tech Drone’ Machine with 5 HP, 0 Atk, 30 Spd, 0 Armor, 1 Rng, 2 Move, and an immunity to Mental Debuffs. (This ability triggers [Multitasking Engineer].)

--Opening Options (Costs 1 Morale): Draw a card.


Set: General Cards (18 Other)

Sub-Set: General Equipment

-Card Name: Knife

--Card Cost: 1 Morale

--Card Type: Equipment (Weapon)

--Requirements: None

--Slashing Weapon: Equipped Unit’s Melee attacks now apply a stack of [Bleeding]. For each stack of [Bleeding] a unit takes 1 Physical Damage every time they Act. Remove a stack for every 2 HP a unit is healed by.

--Small Melee Weapon: If a unit is a [Scrapper] or [Infiltrator] this Card does not use up a character’s Equip slot.

-Card Name: Poisoned Knife

--Card Cost: 2 Morale

--Card Type: Equipment (Weapon)

--Requirements: None

--Slashing Weapon: Equipped Unit’s Melee attacks now apply a stack of [Bleeding]. For each stack of [Bleeding] a unit takes 1 Physical Damage every time they Act. Remove a stack for every 2 HP a unit is healed by.

--Poisoned Weapon: This Unit’s Melee attacks now apply a stack of [Poison]. For each stack of [Poison] a unit takes 1 Physical Damage at the End of each Round and cannot perform Quick Actions. Remove 1 Stack at the Start of each Round.

--Small Melee Weapon: If a unit is a [Scrapper] or [Infiltrator] this Card does not use up a character’s Equip slot.

-Card Name: Shotgun

--Card Cost: 1 Morale

--Card Type: Equipment (Weapon/Gun)

--Requirements: None

--Power Weapon: The equipped user’s basic attacks deal 5 more Damage.

-Card Name: SMGs

--Card Cost: 1 Morale

--Card Type: Equipment (Weapon/Gun)

--Requirements: None

--Rapid Fire: Each Turn the equipped unit’s first basic attack is a Quick Action.


Sub-Set: General Consumables

-Card Name: Grenade

--Card Cost: 1 Morale

--Card Type: Consumable (Explosive)

--Classes: None

--Pick a square within Range. Units on that square take 5 Damage.

--If the user is a Blaster any units adjacent to the target Square take 5 Damage as well.

-Card Name: Incendiary Grenade

--Card Cost: 1 Morale

--Card Type: Consumable (Explosive)

--Classes: None

--Pick a square within Range. Units on that square gain a stack of [Burning].

--If the user is a Blaster any units adjacent to the target Square gain a stack of [Burning] as well.

-Card Name: Molotov Cocktail

--Card Cost: 1 Morale

--Card Type: Consumable (Explosive)

--Classes: None

--Pick a unit with Range, deal 5 Fire Damage to this unit before applying a stack of [Burning].


Sub-Set: General Skills

-Card Name: Dodge

--Card Cost: 1 Morale

--Card Type: Skill

--Requirements: None

--Reaction- When a unit is attacked, they avoid the attack receiving no damage or debuffs.

--Agile: If this Card is played by a [Scrapper] or an [Infiltrator] you can pay an additional Morale to return this Card to your Hand instead of the Discard Pile.

-Card Name: Block

--Card Cost: 1 Morale

--Card Type: Skill

--Requirements: None

--Reaction- When a unit is attacked, they gain 5 Armor for the duration of this attack.

--Durable: If this Card is played by a [Bruiser] or a [Guardian] you can pay an additional Morale to return this Card to your Hand instead of the Discard Pile.

-Card Name: Defensive Counter

--Card Cost: 2 Morale

--Card Type: Skill

--Requirements: None

--Reaction- When a unit is attacked, they gain 5 Armor for the duration of this attack before [Countering] with a basic attack of their own.

--Brawlers: If this Card is played by a [Scrapper] or a [Bruiser] you can pay an additional Morale to return this Card to your Hand instead of the Discard Pile.


Sub-Set: Marksman Cards

-Card Name: Auto-Loader

--Card Cost: 1 Morale

--Card Type: Equipment (Utility)

--Requirements: Marksman.

--Support Gear (Gun): This Card does not take an Equip slot as long as the required weapon (Gun) is equipped.

--Ammo Holster: Ammo no longer consumes an Equipment slot.

--Alternative Ammunition (Costs 1 Morale) As a Quick Action, search your Deck for an [Ammo] Card before paying its cost and equipping it to this unit.

-Card Name: Armor Piercing Rounds

--Card Cost: 1 Morale

--Card Type: Equipment (Ammo)

--Requirements: Marksman

--Ammo: This Card does not take up a character’s Equipment Slot as long as there isn’t another Ammo Card equipped. If the equipping unit has an Ammo Card when this Card is equipped replace it with this one before discarding the old Ammo.

--Pierce: This unit’s attacks and Marksman abilities ignore up to 1 Armor on their target.

-Card Name: Anti-Tank Rounds

--Card Cost: 2 Morale

--Card Type: Equipment (Ammo)

--Requirements: Marksman

--Ammo: This Card does not take up a character’s Equipment Slot as long as there isn’t another Ammo Card equipped. If the equipping unit has an Ammo Card when this Card is equipped replace it with this one before discarding the old Ammo.

--Powerful Pierce: This unit’s attacks and Marksman abilities ignore up to 3 Armor on their target.

-Card Name: Anti-Matter Rounds

--Card Cost: 3 Morale

--Card Type: Equipment (Ammo)

--Requirements: Marksman

--Ammo: This Card does not take up a character’s Equipment Slot as long as there isn’t another Ammo Card equipped. If the equipping unit has an Ammo Card when this Card is equipped replace it with this one before discarding the old Ammo.

--This unit’s attacks and Marksman abilities ignore all Armor.

-Card Name: Assault Rifle

--Card Cost: 2 Morale

--Card Type: Equipment (Weapon/Gun)

--Requirements: Marksman

--Rapid Fire: Each Turn the equipped unit’s first basic attack is a Quick Action.

--Rifle: The equipped unit gains +1 Range.

-Card Name: Sniper Rifle

--Card Cost: 2 Morale

--Card Type: Equipment (Weapon/Gun)

--Requirements: Marksman

--Rifle: The equipped unit gains +1 Range.

--Scoped: If the attacked unit is at a Range of 3 or more, the equipped unit’s basic attacks deal an additional 5 Damage.


Sub-Set: Infiltrator Cards

-Card Name: Hidden Blade

--Card Cost: 1 Morale

--Card Type: Skill

--Requirements: Infiltrator

--Deal 5 Damage to a unit within Range, this is doubled if the user is [Hidden].

--Assassin’s Skill: This Skill Card does not remove [Hidden] when used.

-Card Name: Strike and Hide

--Card Cost: 1 Morale

--Card Type: Skill

--Requirements: Infiltrator

--Deal 5 Damage to a unit within Range, then gain [Hidden].

--Assassin’s Skill: This Skill Card does not remove [Hidden] when used.


Set: Magic (2 Masks, 29 Other)

-Name: Memento De La Graves

--Alignment: Rogue

--Classes: Memento

--HP: 40

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 25

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Magic

--Half-Life: For every 10 HP this unit is missing, generate an additional point of Magic at the start of Each Round.

--Magical Mentor: The first time an allied unit would use a Magic Card each Round, reduce its Cost by 1. (This does not apply to Memento.)

--True Magical Mastery: Memento counts as all Classes for any Magic Card, allowing him to play any Magic Card and trigger any Class Perks for those Cards.

--A Memory of Magic (1 Magic) Search you or your opponent’s Discard Pile for a Magic Card before paying its Cost and Playing it. You can pay 1 additional Magic (2 Magic Total) to trigger this ability as a [Reaction] when a unit is about to take Damage.

-Level Up Name: The Half Life King

--Level Up Condition: Memento generates 4 Magic in a Round.

--Classes: None

--HP: 35

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 20

--Armor: 0

--Range: 0

--Move: 0

--Resources: None

--Of Life and Death (4 Magic) Deal 5 Damage to every enemy unit regardless of Range before Healing for the same amount. This ability is Catastrophic and cannot be avoided.

-Name: Molly Abigail Grimm

--Alignment: Anti-Hero

--Classes: Arcane, Practitioner, Dark Practitioner, Medic, Blaster, Puppeteer

--HP: 35

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 35

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Magic

--Half-Life: For every 10 HP this unit is missing, generate an additional point of Magic at the start of Each Round.

--Apprentice Contractor (Costs 1 Magic) Search your Deck for a Magic Minion Card before paying its Cost and Playing it.

--Apprentice Spell Caster (Costs 1 Magic) Search your Deck for a Magic Skill Card before paying its Cost and Playing it.

Sub-Set: Magic Equipment

-Card Name: Apprentice Spell Script Bandages

--Card Cost: 1 Magic

--Card Type: Equipment (Utility/Armor)

--Requirements: Practitioner

--Wearable Scripts: For free, you can attach a Spell Script to this Card. As long as that Spell Script is attached the Equipped unit can use that Spell Script as if it were a regular ability without sending it to the Discard pile. You may only have 1 Spell Script attached to this card at a time.

-Card Name: Master’s Spell Script Bandages

--Card Cost: 3 Magic

--Card Type: Equipment (Utility/Armor)

--Requirements: Practitioner

--Wearable Scripts: For free, you can attach a Spell Script to this Card. As long as that Spell Script is attached the Equipped unit can use that Spell Script as if it were a regular ability without sending it to the Discard pile. There is no limit on how many Spell Scripts you can attach to this Card.

-Card Name: Basic Practitioner’s Talisman

--Card Cost: 1 Magic

--Card Type: Equipment (Talisman)

--Requirements: Practitioner

--Basic Magical Foci: The equipped unit generates 1 additional point of Magic each Round.

-Card Name: Practitioner’s Bloody Talisman

--Card Cost: 1 Magic, 1 Morale

--Card Type: Equipment (Talisman)

--Requirements: Practitioner

--Bloody Foci: The equipped unit generates 1 additional point of Magic each Round for every unit with [Bleeding] at the start of that Round. Additionally, reduce the cost of any Magic Skill that involves [Bleeding] by 1 for the Equipped unit.

-Card Name: Practitioner’s Vampyric Talisman

--Card Cost: 2 Magic

--Card Type: Equipment (Talisman)

--Requirements: Practitioner

--Bloody Foci: The equipped unit generates 1 additional point of Magic each Round for every unit with [Bleeding] at the start of that Round. Additionally, reduce the cost of any Magic Skill that involves [Bleeding] by 1 for the Equipped unit.

--Vampyric Foci: Whenever the equipped unit casts a spell on a [Bleeding] unit, heal this unit for 2 HP per stack of [Bleeding] upon spell cast. (This triggers Bloody Foci for all applicable Skill Cards.)

-Card Name: Practitioner’s Poisonous Talisman

--Card Cost: 1 Magic, 1 Morale

--Card Type: Equipment (Talisman)

--Requirements: Practitioner

--Poisonous Foci: The equipped unit generates 1 additional point of Magic each Round for every unit with [Poisoned] at the start of that Round. Additionally, reduce the cost of any Magic Skill that involves [Poisoned] by 1 for the Equipped unit.

-Card Name: Practitioner’s Toxic Talisman

--Card Cost: 2 Magic

--Card Type: Equipment (Talisman)

--Requirements: Practitioner

--Poisonous Foci: The equipped unit generates 1 additional point of Magic each Round for every unit with [Poisoned] at the start of that Round. Additionally, reduce the cost of any Magic Skill that involves [Poisoned] by 1 for the Equipped unit.

--Toxic Foci: Any Magic Skill Card played by the Equipped unit that targets another unit now applies an additional stack of [Poisoned] (regardless of whether or not it already did). (This triggers Poisonous Foci for all applicable Skill Cards.)

Sub-Set: Magic Minions

-Card Name: Corvo, The Crow Who Feasts

--Card Cost: 3

--Card Type: Minion (Summons)

--Requirement: Heroic Alignment

--Classes: Bruiser, Guardian, Scout

--HP: 45

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 55

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 2

--Resources: 0

--The Crow Who Feasts: Whenever this unit defeats another unit it gains a [Growing Murder] Token, each Token can be spent as if it was a unit of Magic for Corvo’s abilities and regenerates at the start of the Round.

--Murder & Misery: All of Corvo’s attacks and abilities cause a stack of [Crow’s Misery] until the end of the next Round. If a unit has 1 stack they can no longer use Quick Actions. At 2 Stacks the unit becomes Stunned until a stack falls off.

--Murder of Crows (1 Magic) Send a flurry of crows after a unit within range dealing 5 Damage. You can spend an additional point of Magic to make this a Quick Action.

--Murder en Mass (3 Magic) Send a flurry of crows after all enemy units regardless of Range dealing 5 Damage. (This ability is [Catastrophic] and cannot be avoided.)

-Name: Bruiser

--Card Cost: 2 Magic

--Card Type: Minion

--Requirement: Heroic Alignment

--Classes: Bruiser, Guardian

--HP: 40

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 30

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Orkin Hide: This unit is immune to [Bleeding], [Poison], and [Stun]. Additionally, this unit removes 1 stack of [Burning] each Round.

--Bodyguard: This unit automatically protects allied units when possible.

-Card Name: Flufflepuff

--Card Cost: 1 Magic

--Card Type: Minion

--Requirements: Not-Villain

--Classes: Flufflepuff

--HP: 5

--Atk: 0

--Spd: 35

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Not The Brightest Spell: It requires 2 units with this effect to perform an Op and this unit cannot use Skill Cards.

--Magically Indestructible (Costs 1 Magic) Whenever this unit would be defeated, you can nullify the attack instead.

--Cheaper Than Cheap: This unit has no upkeep cost.

-Card Name: Young Fairy

--Card Cost: 1 Magic

--Card Type: Minion

--Requirements: None

--Classes: Medic, Fairy

--HP: 5

--Atk: 0

--Spd: 30

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Mend (Costs 1 Magic) Restore 10HP to an ally within Range.

-Card Name: Fairy

--Card Cost: 1 Magic, 1 Morale

--Card Type: Minion

--Requirements: None

--Classes: Blaster, Medic, Fairy

--HP: 5

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 45

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Flighty Flier: Whenever this unit is attacked, flip a Coin if you call it correctly, your opponent’s attack misses. Additionally, this unit can spend 1 Morale to Move as a Quick Action.

--Mend (Costs 1 Magic) Restore 10HP to an ally within Range.

Sub-Set: Spell Scripts

-Card Name: Blaze Script

--Card Cost: 1 Magic

--Card Type: Consumable (Spell Script)

--Restrictions: Practitioner

--As a Quick Action, Deal 5 Fire damage to a unit within Range.

-Card Name: Ignition Script

--Card Cost: 1 Magic

--Card Type: Consumable (Spell Script)

--Restrictions: Practitioner

--As a Quick Action, apply [Burning] to an enemy unit within Range, causing the unit to take 1 Fire Damage per stack at the start of each Round and reducing their Healing by 1 per stack.

-Card Name: Frost Script

--Card Cost: 1 Magic

--Card Type: Consumable (Spell Script)

--Restrictions: Practitioner

--As a Quick Action, Deal 5 Ice damage to a unit within Range.

-Card Name: Shock Script

--Card Cost: 1 Magic

--Card Type: Consumable (Spell Script)

--Restrictions: Practitioner

--As a Quick Action, Deal 5 Electric damage to a unit within Range.

-Card Name: Flash Script

--Card Cost: 1 Magic

--Card Type: Consumable (Spell Script)

--Restrictions: Practitioner

--As a Quick Action, apply [Blinded] to a unit within Range. Whenever this unit attacks or uses a Skill they have to flip a coin, if they call it wrong their attack or Skill misses.

-Card Name: Vine Snare Script

--Card Cost: 1 Magic

--Card Type: Consumable (Spell Script)

--Restrictions: Practitioner

--As a Quick Action, a unit within Range becomes wrapped in Vines preventing them from moving or using Quick Actions until the end of the next Round.


Sub-Set: Sign Craft

-Card Name: Igni Sign

--Card Cost: 1 Magic

--Card Type: Skill (Sign Craft)

--Restrictions: None

--Deal ATK Fire Damage to a unit within Range and apply [Burning], causing the unit to take 1 Fire Damage per stack at the start of each Round and reducing their Healing by 1 per stack.

--Arcane Power: When played by an Arcane, apply 2 stacks of [Burning] instead.

--Experience Hands: When played by a Practitioner, if you have another [Sign Craft] Card in your hand, you can pay its cost to play it and trigger it after this Card.

-Card Name: Force Sign

--Card Cost: 1 Magic

--Card Type: Skill (Sign Craft)

--Restrictions: None

--Deal ATK Wind Damage to a unit within Range and push the unit back a Space if possible. If they cannot be pushed back they take an additional 5 Wind Damage.

--Arcane Power: When played by an Arcane, you can push back the unit twice.

--Experience Hands: When played by a Practitioner, if you have another [Sign Craft] Card in your hand, you can pay its cost to play it and trigger it after this Card.

-Card Name: Frost Sign

--Card Cost: 1 Magic

--Card Type: Skill (Sign Craft)

--Restrictions: None

--Deal ATK Ice Damage to a unit within Range and apply a stack of [Freezing]. Each stack reduces a unit’s Speed by 5 and prevents that unit from using Quick Actions, but a unit loses 1 Stack at the end of each of their Turns.

--Arcane Power: When played by an Arcane, apply 2 stacks of [Freezing] instead.

--Experience Hands: When played by a Practitioner, if you have another [Sign Craft] Card in your hand, you can pay its cost to play it and trigger it after this Card.


Sub-Set: Necromancy Spells

-Name: Necrotic Touch

--Card Cost: 1 Magic

--Card Type: Skill (Necromancy)

--Requirement: Dark Practitioner

--Effect: Deal ATK Damage to an adjacent enemy, and apply 1 [Necrotic Scarring].

--Note: Each stack of Necrotic Scarring reduces healing on a unit by 2.

-Name: Draining Touch

--Card Cost: 1 Magic

--Card Type: Skill (Necromancy)

--Requirement: Dark Practitioner

--Effect: Deal ATK Damage to an adjacent enemy and then restore that amount to this Card’s user.

--Dark Medic: If this Card was played by a [Medic] instead of healing themselves they can heal an ally within Range.

--Medic’s Toolkit: If this Card was played by a [Medic] you can pay 1 Morale to return this Card to your Hand instead of the Discard Pile.

-Name: Necrotic Blast

--Card Cost: 1 Magic, 1 Morale

--Card Type: Skill (Necromancy)

--Requirement:Dark Practitioner, (Blaster or Marksman)

--Effect: Pick an enemy within Range + 1, Deal ATK Damage, and apply 1 stack of [Necrotic Scarring].

--Note: Each stack of Necrotic Scarring reduces healing on a unit by 2.

--Arcane Power: If this Card was played by an [Arcane], apply 2 stacks of [Necrotic Scarring] instead.

-Name: Soul Reaver

--Card Cost: 2 Magic

--Card Type: Skill (Necromancy)

--Requirement: Dark Practitioner

--Effect: Pick an enemy within Range then apply 5 Damage for every stack of [Necrotic Scarring] the target has, before restoring that much health to the caster.

--Dark Medic: If this Card was played by a [Medic] instead of healing themselves they can heal an ally within Range.

--Ranged Combat: If this Card was played by a [Blaster] or a [Marksman] increase the Range of this card by 1.


Sub-Set: Necromancy Minions

-Card Name: Shambling Dead

--Card Cost: 1 Magic

--Card Type: Minion (Necromancy)

--Requirements: Dark Practitioner

--Classes: None

--HP: 5

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 20

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Cheap Minion: This unit’s Upkeep is reduced by 1.

-Card Name: Walking Dead

--Card Cost: 1 Magic

--Card Type: Minion (Necromancy)

--Requirements: Dark Practitioner

--Classes: None

--HP: 10

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 35

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--No Abilities

-Card Name: Running Dead

--Card Cost: 1 Magic, 1 Morale

--Card Type: Minion (Necromancy)

--Requirements: Dark Practitioner

--Classes: None

--HP: 10

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 55

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 2

--Runner: This unit’s first Move action each Turn is a Quick Action.


Set: Madness (1 Mask, 6 Other)

-Name: The Cheshire Killjoy

--Alignment: Anti-Villain

--Classes: Scrapper, Tactician

--HP: 25

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 55

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 2 Morale

--Touched By Madness: This card can use Morale as if it were Madness. Additionally, this unit is immune to Mental Debuffs.

--Maddening Frenzy: Any time Killjoy takes damage he gains 1 stack of [Frenzy]. He can consume a stack of [Frenzy] to [Counter] a melee attack against him, Move 1 space as a Quick Action, or to turn a Basic Attack into a Quick Action.

--Laugh It Off (1 Madness) As a Quick Action, this unit regains 5HP and removes all physical Debuffs excluding Burning.

Sub-Set: Madness Skill Cards

-Card Name: New Possibilities

--Card Cost: 1 Madness

--Card Type: Skill

--Requirements: None

--As a Quick Action, both you and your opponent Draw a Card.

-Card Name: Russian Roulette

--Card Cost: 1 Madness

--Card Type: Skill

--Requirements: None

--As a Quick Action, both you and your opponent pick a Card from the other’s hand without looking at the Cards themselves. The selected Cards are then Discarded.

-Card Name: Gambler’s Fortune

--Card Cost: X Madness

--Card Type: Skill

--Requirements: None

--For each Madness spent on this Card flip a Coin and call it. If you call it right, you Draw a Card if you call it wrong, your opponent Draws a Card instead.

--Consolation Prize: If you won no coin flips Draw 1 Card.

--Coin Trick: If this Card is played by a Tactician or Infiltrator, you can spend 1 Madness to re-flip any number of these coins in an attempt to change the results.

-Card Name: Resetting The Board

--Card Cost: 2 Madness

--Card Type: Skill

--Requirements: None

--All Minion and Equipment Cards played over the last Round are dismissed.

--Tactical Exception: If this card is played by a Tactician or Overwatch you can choose one Card to keep on the board.

-Card Name: Changing The Game

--Card Cost: 2 Madness

--Card Type: Skill

--Requirements: None

--Both you and your opponent discard your hands before Drawing 3 Cards each.

--But Stacking The Deck: If this card is played by a Tactician or Overwatch you Draw an extra Card.

-Card Name: Spinning The Table

--Card Cost: 3 Madness

--Card Type: Skill

--Requirements: None

--You and your opponent Discard your hands before Drawing the number of Cards the other held.


Set: Tech (1 Mask, 6 Other)

-Name: Diablos (Dio) Ex Machina

--Alignment: Rogue

--Classes: Scrapper, Blaster, Tactician, Artificial

--HP: 40

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 40

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Tech

– A Calm Artificial Mind and Body: This unit is immune to Mental Debuffs as well as [Bleeding] and [Poison].

--The Poet in Motion: At the start of each Turn this unit gains 1 stack of [Flow]. Additionally, whenever this unit is attacked you can flip a Coin, if called correctly the attack is avoided. You can spend a stack of [Flow] or a point of Tech to re-flip this coin.

--Momentum (1 Morale): Once per Turn, change any movement or basic attack for this unit into a quick action.

Sub-Set: Tech Equipment

-Card Name: Pulse Shotgun

--Card Cost: 1 Tech

--Card Type: Equipment (Weapon/Tech)

--Requirements: None

--Equipped unit’s basic attacks deal 5 more Damage.

--Stunning Weapon: On basic attack’s the equipped unit flips a Coin if called correctly apply [Stun] to the target.

-Card Name: Proper Plating

--Card Cost: 1 Tech

--Card Type: Equipment (Upgrade)

--Requirements: M.A.D.

--(Armor) Upgrade: This Card does not take up an Equipment Slot if [Armor] is equipped to the equipping unit.

--The equipped unit gains 1 Armor.


Sub-Set: Tech Consumables

-Card Name: Modified Healing Herbs

--Card Cost: 1 Tech

--Card Type: Consumable (Herb)

--Requirements: None

--Restore 10HP to the user while removing any stacks of [Poison].

--Medical Experience: If used by a [Medic] this can be applied to another unit within Range instead.

-Card Name: Regenerative Serum

--Card Cost: 2 Tech

--Card Type: Consumable (Chem)

--Requirements: None

--As a Quick Action, user regains 5 HP.

--Additionally, the user regains 5HP each Turn and is immune to Physical Debuffs until the end of the next Round.

--Medical Experience: If used by a [Medic] this can be applied to another unit within Range instead.

Sub-Set: Tech Ops

-Card Name: Gather Resources

--Card Cost: 1 Morale

--Card Type: Op

--Requirements: None

--Any unit can use this Op to generate 1 Tech for the next Round.

--Recycling Experience: If used by an M.A.D. you can choose to use this point of Tech during the current Round.

Sub-Set: Tech Minions

-Card Name: Worker Drone

--Card Cost: 1 Tech

--Card Type: Minion

--Requirements: M.A.D.

--Classes: None

--HP: 5

--Atk: 0

--Spd: 40

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Simple Machine: This unit is immune to Mental Debuffs.


Set: Psionics (2 Masks, 6 Other)

-Name: Frank Sionis

--Alignment: Villain

--Classes: Psychic, Blaster, Tactician, Slaver

--HP: 30

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 40

--Armor: 0

--Range: 3

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Psionic

--Father of the Sionis Family: This unit is a member of the [Sionis Family]. This unit can spend 1 Psionic to search your Deck for a [Slaver] Card before paying its cost and playing it. Additionally, this unit can use [Slaver] Cards on any allied member of the [Sionis] Family if desired.

--Picked Them Off The Streets (Costs 1 Psionic) Summon a [Slaver Victim] with 20 HP, 5 Atk, 25 Spd, 0 Armor, 1 Range, and 1 Move. You can spend an additional Psionic to make this a Quick Action.

-Name: Jacob Sionis

--Alignment: Rogue

--Classes: Tactician, Medic, Psychic, Slaver

--HP: 20

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 40

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--Resources: 2 Psionic

--Sionis Family Caretaker: This unit is a member of the [Sionis Family]. This unit can use Psionic Weaving on any member of the [Sionis Family] within Range excluding [Frank Sionis].

--Psionic Weaving (Costs 1 Psionic) As a Quick Action, this unit regains 5 HP and removes all stacks of Bleeding.

--Psionic Bullets (Costs X Psionic) Fire X Psionic Bullets at units within Range, with each bullet doing 5 Damage. This unit takes 5 Damage for every 2 Bullets fired.


Sub-Set: Psionic Skills

-Card Name: Clairvoyance

--Card Cost: 1 Psionic

--Card Type: Skill

--Requirements: None

--Your opponent reveals their hand to you, and keeps it revealed until the end of the Round.

--Acquired Intel: If this Card was played by a [Tactician] or an [Overwatch] this effect supersedes effects that have you pick cards from your opponent's hand without looking.

-Card Name: Future Insights

--Card Cost: 1 Psionic

--Card Type: Skill

--Requirements: Psychic

--Look at the top 3 Cards of your Deck and arrange them in any order, before returning them.

--Predicting The Enemy: If this Card was played by a [Tactician] or an [Overwatch] you can look at the top Cards of your opponent’s Deck instead.

-Card Name: Psionic Stitch

--Card Cost: 1 Psionic

--Card Type: Skill

--Requirements: Psychic

--Restore 10 HP to a unit within range.

--Medic’s Toolkit: If this Card was played by a [Medic] you can pay 1 Morale to return this Card to your Hand instead of the Discard Pile.

-Card Name: Mind Control

--Card Cost: 1 Psionic

--Card Type: Skill

--Requirements: Psychic, Slaver

--Take control of an enemy unit until the end of their next Turn.

-Card Name: Psionic Redirection

--Card Cost: 1 Psionic

--Card Type: Skill

--Requirements: Psychic, Slaver

--Reaction- When this unit would be attacked, have the attacker target a unit in both this unit and the attacker’s Range.

-Card Name: Mind Melter

--Card Cost: X Psionic

--Card Type: Skill

--Requirements: Psychic

--Deal 5 Damage to a unit in range for every Psionic spent on this Card.


Set: Deadmen (3 Masks, 20 Other)

-Name: Papa Bones

--Alignment: Anti-Hero

--Classes: Blaster, Deadman (Skeletal)

--HP: 10

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 60

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--Resources: 2 Ectoplasm

--Deadland King: The Bone Daddy: Reduce the Cost of all [Skeletal] Cards by 1 for this unit. This unit can spend 1 Ectoplasm to search your Deck for a [Skeletal] Card before paying its cost and playing it.

--Dead Beat (Costs 1 Ectoplasm) Reaction- Once per Round, at the end of this unit’s Turn you can use this ability to grant this unit an immediate Extra Turn.

--Dead Step (Costs 1 Ectoplasm) Instant- This unit Moves. If this ability is used during this unit’s Turn this counts as a Quick Action.

-Name: The Phantom King

--Alignment: Anti-Hero

--Classes: Bruiser, Deadman (Revenant)

--HP: 50

--Atk: 10

--Spd: 30

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 2 Ectoplasm

--Deadland King: The Phantom Reaper: Reduce the cost of all [Ectoplasm] Skill Cards by 1. This unit can spend 1 Ectoplasm to search your Deck for a [Ectoplasm] Card before paying its cost and playing it.

--King of the Phantom Court: This unit is a member of [The Phantom Court]. All members of the Phantom Court can play all [Ectoplasm] Skill Cards regardless of other restrictions.

-Name: The Dead Doctor

--Alignment: Villain

--Classes: Bruiser, Medic, Tactician, Slaver, Deadman (Ghoul)

--HP: 25

--Atk: 10

--Spd: 30

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Ectoplasm

--No One Is Off Limits: At the start of each Round create an [Innocent Victim] with 5 HP, 0 Atk, 35 Spd, 0 Armor, 0 Range, and 1 Move within Range. You have no control over these units but when a Deadman unit you control kills this unit they regain 5 HP.

--Death Is Only The Beginning (Costs 1 Ectoplasm) Kill an [Innocent Victim] within Range. Search your Deck for a Deadman Minion, before paying its cost and playing it. This minion has no upkeep cost.

--Just Getting Started (1 Ectoplasm): Reaction- When this unit performs a Basic Action or uses one of their abilities, turn it into a Quick Action.

--Find 'Volunteers' (Costs 1 Morale) [Trigger No One Is Off Limits] to spawn an [Innocent Victim] within Range. Any of this unit’s Minions can use this ability.

Sub-Set: Deadman Equipment

-Card Name: Coagulated Blood

--Card Cost: 1 Ectoplasm

--Card Type: Equipment (Physiology)

--Requirements: Deadman

--Ectobiology: Deadmen have no limit to the number of Physiology Cards they can equip as long as they are Ectoplasm Cards and do not share a Name.

--Coagulated Blood: Equipped units are immune to [Bleeding] and [Poisoned].

-Card Name: Deadened Flesh

--Card Cost: 1 Ectoplasm

--Card Type: Equipment (Physiology)

--Requirements: Deadman, Not-Skeletal

--Ectobiology: Deadmen have no limit to the number of Physiology Cards they can equip as long as they are Ectoplasm Cards and do not share a Name.

--Armored: Equipped unit gains 2 Armor.

-Card Name: Heavy Bones

--Card Cost: 1 Ectoplasm

--Card Type: Equipment (Physiology)

--Requirements: Deadman, Not-Spectral

--Ectobiology: Deadmen have no limit to the number of Physiology Cards they can equip as long as they are Ectoplasm Cards and do not share a Name.

--Reinforced Skeletal Structure: Increase the Equipped unit’s Current and Max HP by 10.

-Card Name: Ectoplasmic Core

--Card Cost: 1 Ectoplasm

--Card Type: Equipment (Physiology)

--Requirements: Deadman

--Ectobiology: Deadmen have no limit to the number of Physiology Cards they can equip as long as they are Ectoplasm Cards and do not share a Name.

--Ectoplasmic Core: Equipped unit generates 1 additional Ectoplasm each Turn.

-Card Name: Ice Core

--Card Cost: 1 Ectoplasm

--Card Type: Equipment (Physiology)

--Requirements: Deadman

--Ectobiology: Deadmen have no limit to the number of Physiology Cards they can equip as long as they are Ectoplasm Cards and do not share a Name.

--Ice Core: Reduce the cost of all [Ice] affinity Cards by 1. Additionally, this unit becomes immune to [Ice] Damage and [Freezing].

-Card Name: Fire Core

--Card Cost: 1 Ectoplasm

--Card Type: Equipment (Physiology)

--Requirements: Deadman

--Ectobiology: Deadmen have no limit to the number of Physiology Cards they can equip as long as they are Ectoplasm Cards and do not share a Name.

--Fire Core: Reduce the cost of all [Fire] affinity Cards by 1. Additionally, this unit becomes immune to [Fire] Damage and [Burning].

Sub-Set: Deadman Minions

-Card Name: Death Echo

--Card Cost: 1 Morale

--Card Type: Minion

--Requirements: None

--Classes: Deadman (Spectral)

--HP: 5

--Atk: 0

--Spd: 20

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Death Is Not An Escape: This Card counts as an Ectoplasm Card. Additionally, whenever this unit is Defeated, return it to your Hand.

-Card Name: Weak Spectral

--Card Cost: 1 Ectoplasm

--Card Type: Minion

--Requirements: None

--Classes: Deadman (Spectral)

--HP: 5

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 25

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--No Abilities

-Card Name: Spectral

--Card Cost: 1 Ectoplasm, 1 Morale

--Card Type: Minion

--Requirements: None

--Classes: Blaster, Deadman (Spectral)

--HP: 15

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 40

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 2

--Etheral: This unit is immune to Physical Debuffs.

-Card Name: Weak Ghoul

--Card Cost: 1 Ectoplasm

--Card Type: Minion

--Requirements: None

--Classes: Deadman (Ghoul)

--HP: 10

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 30

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--No Abilities

-Card Name: Ghoul

--Card Cost: 1 Ectoplasm, 1 Morale

--Card Type: Minion

--Requirements: None

--Classes: Scrapper, Deadman (Ghoul)

--HP: 20

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 45

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 2

--Sprint (1 Morale) As a Quick Action, this unit Moves.

-Card Name: Weak Corpse

--Card Cost: 1 Ectoplasm

--Card Type: Minion

--Requirements: None

--Classes: Deadman (Corpse)

--HP: 20

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 20

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--No Abilities

-Card Name: Corpse

--Card Cost: 1 Ectoplasm, 1 Morale

--Card Type: Minion

--Requirements: None

--Classes: Bruiser, Deadman (Corpse)

--HP: 40

--Atk: 10

--Spd: 25

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Concussing Blows (Costs 1 Morale) This unit attacks a unit dealing ATK Damage and applying [Stun] until the end of their next Turn. A Stunned unit cannot Act.

-Card Name: Phantom of the Court

--Card Cost: 1 Ectoplasm

--Card Type: Minion (Phantom)

--Requirements: None

--Classes: None

--HP: 5

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 10

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 2

--Phantom of the Court: This unit can only be summoned by a member of [The Phantom Court]. If you have a member of [The Phantom Court] active when this unit is defeated, return this Card to your Hand.

--Phantom Rush: The first time this unit moves each Round becomes a Quick Action.

Sub-Set: Deadman Skill Cards

-Card Name: Hungry

--Card Cost: 1 Ectoplasm

--Card Type: Skill

--Requirements: Deadman

--The user of this Skill does ATK Damage to a unit before healing for the same amount.

-Card Name: Ectoplasmic Blast

--Card Cost: 1 Ectoplasm

--Card Type: Skill

--Requirements: Deadman, Blaster

--The user of this Skill does ATK Damage to a unit within Range+1.

-Card Name: Invisibility

--Card Cost: 1 Ectoplasm

--Card Type: Skill

--Requirements: Deadman (Spectral)

--Reaction- If the user was targeted by an attack or ability, they interrupt the Action and gain [Hidden].

--If the user is an [Infiltrator] this card gains the [Instant] and [Quick Action] properties.

-Card Name: Intangible

--Card Cost: 1 Ectoplasm

--Card Type: Skill

--Requirements: Deadman (Spectral)

--Reaction- If the user would take Damage from an enemy unit, negate that Damage and any secondary effects.

-Card Name: Chilling Touch

--Card Cost: 1 Ectoplasm

--Card Type: Skill

--Requirements: Deadman

--The user of this Skill does ATK [Ice] Damage to a unit within Melee, before applying a stack of [Freezing] to the target. Each stack reduces a unit’s Speed by 5 and prevents that unit from using Quick Actions, but a unit loses 1 Stack at the end of each of their Turns.

-Card Name: Chilling Blast

--Card Cost: 1 Ectoplasm

--Card Type: Skill

--Requirements: Deadman, Blaster

--The user of this Skill does ATK [Ice] Damage to a unit within Range, before applying a stack of [Freezing] to the target. Each stack reduces a unit’s Speed by 5 and prevents that unit from using Quick Actions, but a unit loses 1 Stack at the end of each of their Turns.


Set-Malice (5 Masks, 5 Other)


Sub-Set: Slashers

-Name: The Slasher King

--Alignment: Villain

--Classes: Scrapper, Bruiser, Tactician, Slasher

--HP: 45

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 35

--Armor: 1

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Malice

--A True Slasher: This unit counts as all Slasher sub-classes.

--The Slasher Royale: This unit can only be allied with Slashers, but all Slashers under the King’s banner -including the king himself- gain 5 Atk as long as the King stands.

--Hail To The King: For each enemy Mask defeated, this unit begins generating 1 additional Malice, and heals for 5HP at the start of each Round.

-Name: Jackie C. Rhodes

--Alignment: Anti-Villain

--Classes: Scrapper, Blaster, Infiltrator, Slasher (Hex)

--HP: 20

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 50

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Malice

--Bad Blooded Slasher: This unit is a Bad Blood. This unit generates 1 Malice for every unit [Bleeding] at the start of the Round, before healing for the same amount. This unit is immune to [Bleeding].

--Bloody Frenzy: Any time Jackie takes damage he gains 1 stack of [Frenzy]. He can consume a stack of [Frenzy] to [Counter] a melee attack against him, Move 1 space as a Quick Action, or to turn a Basic Attack into a Quick Action.

--Vampyric Blade: This unit’s Melee attacks and abilities apply a stack of [Bleeding] and afterwards heals this unit for 2 HP per stack. For each stack of [Bleeding] a unit takes 1 Physical Damage every time they Act. Remove a stack for every 2 HP a unit is healed by.

-Level Up Name: Jack, The Bloody Ripper

--Level Up Condition: There are at least 5 stacks of [Bleeding] in Play.

--Classes: Bruiser, Slasher (Hunter)

--HP: 40

--Atk: 0

--Spd: -10

--Armor: 0

--Range: 0

--Move: 0

--Resources: 1 Malice

--The Bloody Ripper: This unit deals an additional 5 Damage to all [Bleeding] targets. Additionally, [Bleeding] now takes 5 HP healed to remove a stack.


Sub-Set: Malcontent

-Name: Samhain The Tallman

--Alignment: Anti-Hero

--Classes: Blaster, Tactician, Malcontent

--HP: 40

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 45

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 1

--Resources: 1 Malice

--Shadow Dominion: This unit is immune to Shadow Damage. Additionally, this card can use Magic in place of any resource for any [Shadow] affinity card.

--Shadow Spears (Costs 1 Malice) Samhain unleashes a flurry of piercing Shadows at a target dealing 5 Shadow Damage at a target within Range+1. This attack ignores 1 Armor.

--Hangman’s Forest (Costs X Malice) Target X units on the field before dealing 5 Shadow Damage to each of them. Stun Samhain and all of these units until the end of his next Turn.

-Name: Raimundo Morales

--Alignment: Anti-Hero

--Classes: Scrapper, Infiltrator, Malcontent

--HP: 25

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 50

--Armor: 0

--Range: 1

--Move: 3

--Resources: 1 Malice

--Shadow Walker: Whenever this unit Acts he gains a stack of [Trailing Shadows] increasing his Speed by 5 after completing his action.

--Shifting Shadows: (1 Malice) Reaction- Whenever this unit would take damage flip a coin, if called correctly the attack is avoided. Whenever this unit would perform a basic attack flip a coin, if called correctly perform an immediate [Follow-Up]. You can consume 1 [Shadow Token] to reflip a coin. This only triggers [Shadow Walker] once per use.

--Dive Into Shadows (Costs 1 Malice) Move this unit up to [Trailing Shadows] stack squares away, removing 1 stack with each square traveled, before attacking a unit within Melee for Atk. Then consume all stacks of [Trailing Shadows] to deal an additional 5 Damage per stack.

-Name: Gaslight

--Alignment: Anti-Hero

--Classes: Scrapper, Blaster, Guardian, Infiltrator, (Fractured) Malcontent

--HP: 25

--Atk: 5

--Spd: 60

--Armor: 0

--Range: 2

--Move: 2

--Resources: 2 Malice

--Fractured Lungs: At the end of any turn Gaslight doesn’t use his respirator he gains [Wheezing] and cannot use Quick Actions or Reactions until the debuff is removed. If he already has Wheezing when this is triggered he takes 5 Damage regardless of Armor.

--Regenerative Respirator (1 Malice) As a Quick Action this unit regains 5HP, and removes [Wheezing].

--Smoke Dash (1 Malice) As a Quick Action this unit can Move. This ability can be used as a Reaction when this unit is about to take damage. A second point of Malice can be spent to use this ability to move an adjacent ally in either case.


Sub-Set: Malice Skill

-Card Name: Terrifying Presence

--Card Cost: 1 Malice

--Card Type: Skill

--Requirements: None

--As a Quick Action, apply [Fear] to a unit within Range.

--(Note: Units with [Fear] have to pay 1 additional Morale to Play a Card, but lose [Fear] if not re-applied by the end of the Next Round.)

--A Frightening Game: If this Card was played by a [Tactician] or an [Infiltrator] you can spend 1 Morale to return this Card to your Hand instead of the Discard Pile.

-Card Name: Blood Thirsty

--Card Cost: 1 Malice

--Card Type: Skill

--Requirements: Not- Slasher (Social)

--Attack a unit and apply a stack of [Bleeding] to them. If the unit was already [Bleeding], this ability does an additional 5 Damage.

--Violent Tendencies: If this Card was played by a [Scrapper] or a [Bruiser] you can spend 1 Morale to return this Card to your Hand instead of the Discard Pile.

-Card Name: Sadistic Satisfaction

--Card Cost: 1 Malice

--Card Type: Skill

--Requirements: Slasher

--Attack a unit before healing for 5HP.

--Personal Satisfaction: If this Card was played by a [Puppeteer] or [Slaver] you can spend 1 Morale to return this Card to your Hand instead of the Discard pile.

-Card Name: Sadomasochistic

--Card Cost: 2 Malice

--Card Type: Skill

--Requirements: Not- Slasher (Social)

--Reaction- After a unit takes damage they [Counter] if possible and then heal for 5HP if they hit a target.

--Violent Tendencies: If this Card was played by a [Scrapper] or a [Bruiser] you can spend 1 Morale to return this Card to your Hand instead of the Discard Pile.

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