《Ddlg~Babygirl》Taking What's Ours


We drove to Little Mrs.Orphanage and looked around. Nothing stood out besides my twin brother Tyler. There was this smell that almost reminded you of a bog but was still quite earthy. Black Annis.

I mind-linked with Tyler, 'Hey we should be on guard. This smells like Annis territory.' He scrunched up his face, 'Yeah the earthy swamp smell gave it away. How did we not notice this sooner? Is there a lack of border control within the pack these days?' Alex gave a worried look to Tyler, 'I sure hope not.'

We knocked upon the orphanage's door and were greeted by another small child. This child's eyes glowed with golden hues and despair. He looked up at me and in a gloomy voice asked, "What can I assist you with?"

"I am looking for the owners of this orphanage, do you happen to know where I can find them?" I asked waiting for some form of objection that'll permit me to enter this building by force. "Sure, they are in the office let me bring you to them." I was surprised by the willfulness of the child to welcome us in considering this place shouldn't even exist.

Alex and I walk in startled that the interior looks not only well-kept but brand new compared to the child and Laura's clothes. We enter a large office filled with hundreds of books and files with the owners sitting at a desk facing us.

"We knew you would come back! Laura is one of our prized possessions here and has always been a fan favorite!" The two spoke with glee, my face scrunched in distaste for their words.

"Ah yes, Laura, a lovely doll she is. This is my work partner Alexander we own this state together although I'm sure you're already aware of this." I smile grimly as the Annis in front of us smile with their Cheshire grins.


"Ah yes, the Alpha twins. We were quite surprised to have seen you, Tyler, escort our little dove back home to us. Now it is even more exciting to see both you and Alexander in our domain. Now let us get to business, shall we? What can I assist you with today?"

Their sickening smiles and audacious thoughts that we would ever do business with them sickens me. As my anger begins to boil I am hit with this scent... the scent of winter mint and hazelnut that is so intoxicating my body is drawn to it.

I had long since left Tyler behind to deal with the diplomatic as I wander around the orphanage seething over these poor children who clearly aren't human. I finally make it to this large metal door that is obviously coated in Annis's blood. I can smell the sweet scent on the other side of the door but with the current situation, I cannot get to it.

"Tyler! Come here for a moment." I call for my brother and he enters the room followed by the disheveled Annis that appear to have gone a few round in a boxing match. "Annis, open the door," I command with my Alpha voice, and the Annis female inches towards the door to release the spell.

"Alphas, you can have her but as we said, at a fair price of 2 Million Dollars," The Annis male whispers. "Yeah, yeah whatever you can have your money but you won't leave here with your life." 2 Million dollars is thrown in the air as the two Annis's bodies are torn to pieces by the reserved pack mates who were hiding outside.

"I need to see her." I groaned as the blood trickled down the stairs to where my mate was laying. "Tyler, I have never been so happy to spend time with you." I holler up the stairs while picking up Laura and what appears to be a mangled rabbit. Tyler groans back at me clearly not amused with my behavior.

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