《Luv A Thug (Key Glock)》Ch. 7



Keisha's house and Lay's "quarters" in mm.

I'm tired of the sad shit. Can we switch the language?

Hey Google, shuffle my playlist.

Now Playing

✨Live Again by Jonathan Baker✨


Chalynn laid with her eyes closed listening to the noise around the room. She could smell her favorite candle lit in the room, the sounds of Keisha's knitting pencils, Marlee pacing the room and Samaria touching her every five seconds.

"Girl get yo ass up. We tired of being in here." She felt Marlee poke her hand. Chalynn tried her best not to laugh at her younger sister. She heard Marlee pour her feelings out about how Chalynn was the best big sister money could buy.

"Come on pretty. You finna let a fine ass nigga like me slip through ya fingers cause you wanna be asleep? Ian no prince charming ass nigga." Key playfully scoffed and hesitantly bent down to kiss her forehead.

Right when she heard him turn on his heels she reached out to grab his hand.

Key snatched his hand away and made a sound of worry. He hadn't expected her to do that.

Chalynn's eyes fluttered open as she softly laughed at him. Every one sat and stared at her in complete shock.

How was she up .. laughing?

"She's awake! She's awake! Get Dr. Pierce." Marlee yelled with tears of joy running down her cheeks.

Samaria jumped out of her chair and ran to get Dr. Pierce.

"Come on lady. My bestfriend just woke up. Why you moving so slow." Samaria damn near dragged her down the hallway. All the doctor could do was chuckle.

When Dr. Pierce made it to the room she saw everybody crowded around Chalynn who staring at them with a smirk on her face.

"I see you finally told them you're awake." Dr. Pierce smiled, she had discovered Chalynn being awake when they had asked everybody to leave the room to take her tubes out.

"W-what? You've been awake this whole time?" Keisha crossed her arms over her chest, pissed. I think everybody was pissed at her, here they were worried to death and she was pretending to be sleep.

"I." Chalynn's voice came out hoarse so took a sip of her water before continuing, "It's not like that, I swear. Dr. Pierce you can tell them."

Everyone's eyes adverted from Chalynn over to Dr. Pierce.

"Tell us what?" Marlee sat down on the end of hospital bed.

"I would advise you all take a seat." Dr. Pierce sighed, she too this case so personal. The room collectively sat down and displayed nervous ticks.

"Lawd hammercy. Don't let her be paralyzed! Who gone help me wit my soul kitchen?" Keisha cried out being dramatic.

"Thankfully no. Remember how I told you all that, the abortion did not clear out all the way? Well that infection was really bad and .." Dr. Pierce shook her head to get her emotions together, "Unfortunately, it scarred her fallopian tubes and she won't be able to have any babies in the future. If she does fall pregnant there's a 10 percent chance of the fetus' survival rate."

Samaria gasped, tears immediately brimmed her eyes. The fact that Chalynn went through the abortion alone and didn't tell anyone plus now her not being able to have kids really threw her for a loop.

"And the gun shot wounds?" Key asked, her not being able to have kids didn't effect him too much because he didn't want kids. At least not at the moment.


He had invested this much time into her so he wanted to see how much of a recovery she had left.

"Chalynn's skin wounds are healed. Her being in the hospital for three weeks in a medically induced coma definitely helped with that. She will need physical therapy at least 4 days a week to be able to lift over her head and heavy things. She's a fighter though so I say as long as she stays on her pt, within 1-2 or so months she should be good as new." Dr. Pierce patted Chalynn's foot.

"You are so blessed Lay Lay! So blessed. So when can she come home?" Keisha asked, she had her guest room on the first floor prepared for her to stay.

"She can go home three days from now. Do you all know who she'll be staying with?" Dr. Pierce had taken note that her mother hadn't been back. Once again the room had fallen silent.

"Mom isn't letting me back home .. is she?" Chalynn face fell, how could her own mother abandon her after she got shot. Marlee quietly shook her head. She herself was scared to go back to her moms house.

"She'll be coming home with me." Keisha spoke up, she softly rubbed Chalynn's hair.

"Perfect. When it comes to discharging, I will give you her prescription list and a recommended physical therapist. I'd also recommend a psycho therapist. One day you're fine and the next day you're reliving your trauma." That was a fear of Chalynn's, especially because she was already having bad dreams.

Nightmares but you can't open your eyes. Imagine that.

"Emaje or Dorian didn't come by to see me?" Chalynn began to search the room but they weren't there.

"Not since it first happened." Samaria looked around at everybody in the room.

"Okay. Thank you guys for being here for me. Now if you don't mind. I would like to take a nap .. in peace." Key could tell she was visibly upset by her partners not being there.

"Before you do that. We're going to unhook you from the rest of these machines. Tomorrow though, we'll try to get you out of the bed. Can you all step into the hall for me?" Dr. Pierce asked as she paged her nurses. Everybody began stepping into the hallway but she stopped Key. "It was you wasn't it?"

"Me? What you mean?" He asked raising his eyebrow.

"You clogged her bullet holes. We'll pretend you didn't but, you saved her life. Had she not started to clot where that gauze was, she would've died. I guess you could say, you're her hood Prince Charming." Dr. Pierce smiled causing Key to chuckle.

"I guess so, huh?"

Once all the doctors and nurses left, Lay was left all alone in the room. She couldn't help but cry.

Now Playing

✨Good Day's by SZA✨

1 week later


"How's she doing miss Keisha?" Samaria asked as Keisha opened the door letting her inside the house. Her house smelled exactly how she imagined it to be, like love, grace and cinnamon.

"Samaria. She hasn't eaten, showered or anything. She only drinks water and takes those antibiotics. I force her to take them with crackers but she won't do anything else. I think the mental of the shooting is starting to set in. She looks horrible and smells even worst." Keisha waved her nose thinking about how bad Chalynn smelled.


"I can only imagine. Okay, well. That stops today." Samaria respectfully walked passed Keisha to Lay's bedroom which was on the first floor. Samaria walked into the gloomy room. It didn't help that Keisha had blackout curtains that made the whole room feel like nighttime.

Chalynn was buried under the thick duvet and pillows that rested on the bed. She didn't want to be bothered, she only wanted to sulk about what things she couldn't change. Such as her boyfriend and girlfriend not reaching out to her or seeing her while she was in the hospital.

She could only hope that Dorian didn't do something to Emaje that would keep her from coming around.

"Whoever you are. Just go away." She grumbled throwing a pillow at the figure which she soon regretted because her whole upper body began to hurt. "Ugh!" She groaned rubbing her chest softly laying back into the bed.

"God don't like ugly." Samaria snickered coming over and sitting next to Keisha.

"Go away!" She groaned again sliding a pillow over her face.

"No, you've sulked long enough. You wanna tell me what's wrong?" Samaria tossed back the covers, she had put on a fresh pair of scrubs before coming over so she could help get her best friend showered, fed and her sheets changed. Even though Lay smelled horrible she held her breath and got under the covers with her.

Lay shook her head no.

"Come on, you tell me a secret and I'll tell you one." Samaria nudged Chalynn's arm hoping that would get her to open up.

"I know all yo secrets. There's nothin you can tell me." Chalynn huffed, she really didn't feel like talking.

"Okay so be it." Samaria shrugged about to get out of bed. Chalynn's hand reached out to grab her, telling her to stay in place.

"The past three years, I have done nothing but love Emaje and Dorian. I helped them raise their son, I was there when both of them needed me. Whenever. I know it's probably not Emaje's fault. He's probably done something to her to make her not come and see me. I just feel it in my stomach. I killed baby and now I can't have anymore. I can't do shit on my own at the moment. Can't lift my arms above my head or wipe my ass. Do you happen to know how fuckin embarrassing it is to ask a woman who's already seen you at your lowest to help you wipe? I'm only twenty two. All of this because of an arrangement I thought was secure." Chalynn broke down in Samarias arms.

"Baby girl. They are not for you to worry about right now. I will tell you though Emaje knows you just like anybody else. She was cracking jokes with us and she was crying almost as much as me. You know I can't stand that relationship but I could tell they both love you. If you being shot hasn't shown you anything else. I think you need to follow through with leaving. You may not be so lucky next time." Samaria wiped away her besties tears.

"I know .. and I will. Enough about me. What was your news?" Chalynn asked not wanting to talk about it anymore.

"I'm pregnant, Lay." Samaria bit her lip nervously. She felt almost selfish telling her best friend that she was pregnant when she couldn't have kids.

"Oh my gosh. Are you serious?" Chalynn smiled widely as she looked down at Samarias stomach.

"Yes .. so I need you to get up. For your God baby. How you gone hold my baby and you can't even wipe yo self? Plus. Bitch you had Key Glock in yo hospital room erry day. You better get up and get yo man." Samaria kissed Lays forehead.

"Okay okay. Let's do it." Samaria helped Chalynn out of bed and into the shower. While her body was softening under the warm water, Sam took it upon herself to clean up the room. She made the bed with clean bed sheets and comforter. Vacuumed, cleaned up the water bottles and wiped down everything. "Mari! I'm ready."

Sam went into the bathroom and washed her best friend from head to toe. If she could do it for random ass people she could do it for her best friend.

Once Lay's body was clean, she dried her off and put ointment on her gun shot wounds and taped some fresh gauze over them.

Chalynn looked at her naked body in the mirror of the bathroom. She was thin, the hips and ass she once had were now depleted. Her face was sunken in and you could see her bone structure. It didn't help that she had hardly been eating since she's been home.

"You're still beautiful sis." Samaria smiled slightly scaring Lay out of her own thoughts.

She looked hideous, the body she had worked so damn hard for was now gone. She was paper thin and her face .. it was ugly to her. Key had seen her like, this? No wonder she hadn't heard from him since she'd been released. She was ugly and that scared him away.

Lay wanted to crawl back into her bed and cry some more. It wouldn't be of any use though. It wouldn't bring back anything that happened.

Turning away from the mirror, Lay began to shiver.

"You still cold?" Samaria asked helping her into her bra and panties. Chalynn nodded her head.

Sam went back into the room and got sweat pants instead of shorts and another tank top and hoodie for her to put on with some fluffy socks.

"Once you get more active you'll become warmer. You need to eat warm meals, drink room temperature water and teas to get your blood flowing. You lost a lot Lay and if you don't start taking care of yourself. You won't heal properly." Samaria lectured, her being cold was a sign her body wasn't producing blood the way it should be but it wouldn't if she didn't try and help herself.

"I hear you. Ima do better. For bean." Lay smiled small. She had agreed to eat the loaded potato soup that Keisha had made with her prescription today.

"Glad you talked some sense into her." Keisha side hugged Samaria.

"Eat up Lay. I'm going to clean your bathroom I'll be right back." Keisha took over feeding Lay because it became to hard for Sam to watch. She dismissed herself from the kitchen and as soon as she hit Lay's bathroom she began to cry.

Seeing some one who was once so lively look as though they want to die almost did her in.

Samaria promised herself and Chalynn, that she would nurse her back to healthy.

No matter how long it took.


Okay poor Lay lol

Short but if y'all are nice you'll get another one Friday.

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