《The Library's Patron.》Page 12 : The Fixers and the Thumb


The revelation by Lorent had the Fixers on duty, discussing their previous things as a whole. From 'Midnight Pancreas' to cases such as 'Crying Children' and even ones such as 'Contracts' by Pluto. One of the Ensemble members.

"But Lorent already said that the Ensemble members will be on every floor. So we'll need to take anything related to the Ensemble out."

"Olivier's right. We need to make adjustments... But what can we do?" Xiao was pondering on this while Albion was checking the news.

"Hey, guys. You might want to see this." They turned to the projector in the library. A news report of an unknown creature. They see a dog that was being kicked repeatedly. There was no reason to do that, but the teenagers kicking it seemed pretty happy to do so.

"Run!" They heard as the dog shifted into a large beast, charging at them. Biting off their pieces and ripping off their bodies. Then followed by gunfire from a figure that was in a blue coat. The camera fell as they heard the two clash.

"You damned, dog! Because of you wolves attacked our herd!"

"This is Liberty News Network. Today, we have found an unknown creature facing against what seems to be a Hunter." Roland and Malkuth were scratching their heads.

"It looks similar to what Geburah had on her floor doesn't it?"

"Yeah. It looks like the Big and Will Be Bad Wolf and Little Red Riding Hooded Mercenary but the colours are blue. Just what is going on there?"

"That is an aberration of those two. Weaker than the pair you mentioned but not exactly a cakewalk to deal with it. Hunters don't have an idea how to deal with it. But the Fixers here can." Lorent appeared out of thin air. Only to have Malkuth spill water on him.

"Ergh. Never mind. Malkuth, the extract will then be brought to the Library, where they will be placed in containers. We can't use them on any floors until we do some work on it. Malkuth, as you were formerly head of Control Team. You will be conducting the work with EGO Suits with and EGO weapons with your former employees. 10 of them have been revived and they are all at max statuses."

"Oh. I see.. Then what about my Librarians?"

"Your Librarians will act as a suppression team. The 10 of them are going to wake up soon, be sure to explain to them on all the details. Albion, these two creatures are roaming types. You can decide on which Fixers to send. The Control Team will be operating to help contain with the procedures of L Corp, the equipments that you've used before will work just the same. The Lynx Office will take hold of it."

"Philip, Salvador, Yuna. Can you three handle it?" Philip who was sipping on his cup of water gave a nod.

"Of course, Director. We will not let you down." Salvador said as he got up with Yuna. Philip's mask peeled off to reveal his face, putting on a pair of glasses.

"If I walk into the streets with my mask. I'd be causing a scene." Philip spoke as he left.

"Philip, wait!" Yuna called but it was left unheard.

"You two had been turned into books and he ran. He resented being a coward, even getting an ally from the Wedge Office and he still ran. Then he distorted. Give him some time to warm up." Argalia said.


"And take this. It's a tracker for those two. When they are active, you will see it guiding you to the location. Since they are an inactive for now, you wil be shown the general location." Lorent threw a pair of phones at them.

"Alright. Thanks. Blue Reverberation, thanks for the advice." Yuna said.

Stepping outside to see the Fourth Pack playing with the kids. They were using the Rhinos as a playground, climbing over them. When one fell, they would be caught by a Reindeer or a Rabbit. An odd sight to see would be an understatement, the Packs of R-Corp were known for their lethality and merciless nature.

"Let's move." The three of them were moving together, the location according to the phones given by Lorent was at a shopping mall. The sight of the Lynx Office Hunters had become the talk of town as some highlighted Salvador's age. Philip on the other hand was unknown because he wasn't with the mask.

"It's not reacting. It must be inactive but why here?"

"Sense of comfort, perhaps. It might enjoy tight spaces and because this is a foreign place. There's no telling how'd they react." Philip answered Yuna as he scanned the entire area within seconds. They walked around separately, the shopping mall had 5 floors which made it all the more difficult, that is not including the 3 levels in the basement. Walking around while keeping an eye on their trackers, Philip had his one installed by Lorent prior to leaving. After two hours, they returned. A little annoyed that nothing had popped on the radar.

"We should eat at least.."

"Shall we go to a cafe?" Salvador suggested, looking at the 'Cafe Artera' which had a few customers.

"Hi welcome to Cafe Artera. How can I help you today?" Salvador was looking at the menu, still thinking of a drink.

"Can I have your green tea latte? Yuna, Philip?"

"Coffee. Black." Philip said.

"I'll have an iced tea. Thanks." Salvador paid for them as they took a seat. People glanced over at their attire, they were Hunters but not the kind who were seen with all the fancy armor. Yet their weapons were what caught people's eye. Philip's long cane that hid a sword, Yuna's cello and Salvador's three weapons. The waitress delivered the drinks.

"Ah, excuse me. Are you Hunters?"

"Ah, yes. That we are young lady. We're with the Lynx office."

"So the guild war the other day.. Thank you. My brother was caught in it but he said he was saved by a man whose entire face was covered in wax." Yuna and Salvador turned to Philip who was sipping on his coffee.

"Is it possible that you can tell the masked man, thank you for me?"

"Of course. Thank you for serving us." The waitress left as Yuna and Salvador turned to Philip. His face was still as expressionless as ever.

"Philip." Glancing at Salvador as he took sips of his coffee, his entire face was tight with an expression of boredom.

"It's not easy to talk to both of you, when I left you both to die. So let's not force the closeness." Philip said as he finished his cup. Yuna and Salvador were trying to think of something to say but Philip was right. Even the brief moments they worked with Philip, his skills were much sharper than before. Even with that odd cane that hid a katana, Salvador was feeling his age.

"You're right, Philip. We shouldn't force this, but we both believed that you could go farther..."


"Please don't say anything more. I was tortured by the 8 O'Clock Circus. He used both of you against me. I show weakness and then it'll be the end. So I cover up my ears and my eyes. Best not to see anything or even feel anything." Philip said as their phones alerted them. They see the blue cloaked figure wielding a cane and a flintlock pistol. Then a large red dog glaring at the figure.

"That's them." Philip stood up as they see hands form over his face. Only leaving his mouth exposed, whereby Yuna and Salvador went to action.

"Hmm? Humans who dare to mess with us? I was about to hunt this damned annoyance and here you are. I'm sure you three would not be en-" Philip unleashed a swing with his blade, flames that struck the blue figure.

"Aberrations identified. Blue Smocked Shepherd and Reddened Buddy." Their phone speakers gave details. The damages that they were weak to.

"I'll take the Shepherd." Philip said as the Shepherd fired off the flintlock pistol. Rapid firing shots that Philip was weaving through the shots. It was striking the cafe behind, where the residents screamed. Only to see the marble statues of the winged children. The Unseeing, the Unhearing and Unspeaking children float as shields.

Yuna unleashed her cello case, letting the blades lacerate the Reddened Buddy, the large red dog with scars was growling.

"You cannot stop me. Only master's power c-" Salvador struck the Reddened Buddy's face with the two blades, emitting heat to burn it. The Reddened Buddy howled, swiping its claws at Salvador. The swipes were barely reaching him, only to see Salvador kick the Reddened Buddy's face. Then drawing out his Zweihander, unleashing a single swing. It bit the blade, then throwing Salvador to the side. Yuna still kept going, focusing on trying to overwhelm the Reddened Buddy.

"I can stop that wolf, you will never be able to handle it. Just like how you failed to protect your friends!" The Shepherd took the chance to dash at Philip who fell silent. Stopped his movements as if he was frozen.

"Now you're going to die!" The swing of the cane to Philip.

"Philip! Wake up!" Salvador roared, the cane had swung past Philip. Where he held a candle in his hands.

"Yuna, get back." Yuna went back as Philip kicked the Shepherd to the Reddened Buddy.

"May the flames take away your anger." Philip said as they see the candle's flame burn greatly, forming into humanoid figures that grabbed the arms of the Shepherd, restraining Reddened Buddy from moving.

"We'll take over from here." Philip looked up to see the 10 Agents with the Control Team band by their arms, leaping down wearing the equipment of EGOs. The flames died down as the Agents went at it with their batons, striking the two Aberrations. 4 of them were preparing the containment boxes, the 6 kept on fighting until the Reddened Buddy shed off its red frame, turning into a small dog where an agent kept holding it.

"It's okay... It's okay." The agent picked up the Reddened Buddy, then bringing it to the containment boxes.

"Thanks for hunting it. My name is Bong-Bong. Team Leader for Control Team." Bong-Bong introduced with the purple hair and bangs. Wearing the White Night EGO suit and wielding the Funeral of Butterfly pistols. The Rabbits appeared, wielding their guns as they escorted the Control Team, a warp opened up to the Library. Where Salvador, Philip and Yuna joined them into it.

"Good work, Control Team." Malkuth said where the Agents greeted Malkuth with smiles.

"We'll be doing our work on them soon. Where's the Director?"

"The Director is off with Roland and Argalia, heading to Yesod's floor."

Albion, Roland and Argalia stepped into Yesod's first path. Where Albion turned to look at the gears that were shifting the shelves that were building sized to his left and right. Standing on a suspension bridge, where Albion looked at a group of individuals wearing maroon capes. An old man with a scar to his eye. One tall man with shades who was clenched with his fists. A woman with purple hair and glasses. The total was 25 men and women standing before him.

"Blue Reverberation and... The Librarian." The old man spoke.

"Kalo, always the stoic." Argalia greeted where Kalo's men drew their rifles.

"Firearms? Roland, I thought you said firearms were a commodity in your world."

"They are, but they make their own bullets. Expensive but if they are in your command. They'd do well." Roland said as he put on his gloves.

"You were all turned to books and it would be an appropriate time for you to face the new Director. You've been awakened by the Library as a result." Albion looked at them, not a shred of hesitation despite Argalia being able to dodge bullets like nothing.

"Sorry, but we still belong to the Thumb. The rules are to be followed at all times. Even by you." Kalo said as he readied his revolver. Roland pulled out his mask. Albion put on the White Noise Gloves, where it synchronized with his Black Silence gloves.

"So the Librarian who caused the damage to the Fingers. You dare show your face here?" Roland did not say a word, as he was about to take a step forward, Albion stopped him.


"Let me do this Roland. I need to test myself." Albion said as the weapons were synchronized to the two gloves. Turning the gloves into gray as Albion seen a screen pop up.

White Noise and Black Silence has combined.

Both weapons have synchronized correctly.

New Dimensional Glove weapon set has been created.

The gloves will be black but with bright gray roses on the sides.

The Ashen Lynx. Weapons List.

7 Wars Workshop : A pair of revolvers, grenades and knife.

Lynx Logic: Anti material rifle.

Venture Industries : Great chain sword.

Long Wind Workshop : Two sabers without handguard.

Fang Workshop : Razor sharp gauntlets with machete.

Last Chance Workshop : Two Daggers.

Leigh Workshop : Conjoined claymores with an external grip.

Scythe Industry : Two sickles that can be combined into a scythe.

Mook Workshop Premier : Katana

New outfit.

The Black Suit of Lynx.

It will act as your primary armor.

The Lynx Suit, three piece with the cloak.

The cloak will act according to your thoughts. Capable of creating blades that attack enemies to ensure your back is covered.

Updating Skills.

The Ashen Lynx Increases combat potential by two fold. Lynx's Coat Blades will protect your back, can also be used to attack enemies. The Lynx's Prowl When using weapons of the Ashen Lynx lineage, it will unlock 'Lynx Takedown skill'. Lynx Takedown Multi target skill, uses weapons of the entire set + other weapons to add damage. Larger prey. The reckless the situation, the better. You will always be hungry and starving, sometimes. You need the best prey to bring out your recklessness. The True Unchained Lynx The Library Director Ego of Lynx can be used>

Screaming Lynx. Will be updated as time goes on.

"Shall we?"

"Attack!" Gunfire echoed throughout the area as Albion charged into the fray, he wasn't going to dodge it. He was running straight after them, then using the Leigh Workshop's conjoined claymore. A single fast swing that cut down 5 of the Thumb's soldiers. Then drawing out the Mook Workshop Premier. An Ashen Katana without a handguard, Albion went charging with a smile. slashing another 2 Thumb soldiers. The man with the shades charged in with fists while two other members went after Albion from behind. The coat reacted, unleashing blades that eviscerated them while Albion let go off the katana, going after the man with the shades. A punch that sent the man back as Albion pulled the pin of a grenade. A bright flash that stunned the others. Giving him a chance to go after the rest of the soldiers first, firing revolvers to the heads of the soldiers in one go. Holstering the revolvers as the Thumb had recovered from the flash.

A pull of a pin as thick white smoke blanketed their vision, Albion readied his pair of daggers, using the smoke for concealment as he dispatched the soldiers. They did not scream nor did they beg, they were relentless as the smoke cloud cleared. Leaving Kalo and his 3 men.

"What is your name?"


"My name is Kalo. The Sottocappo. These are my Capos, Boris. Katriel and Denis." Kalo introduced as the other three gave a nod. Boris was the man with the shades, Katriel was the long haired woman who was reloading her rifle and Denis was the black haired mane.

"We can only succumb to the person who is stronger than us. That has always been our rule." Kalo said as he charged in with his Capos. Boris's fast jabs had Albion to be careful while Katriel and Denis would flank him. Firing shots as Kalo who went in close. Swinging his explosive cane that pushed Albion back, Boris came through the smoke with the jabs. These were what seasoned combatants feel like.

Headbutting Boris head on, then grabbing Kalo's cane. Exploding into a cloud of smoke, then throwing Kalo at Katriel and Denis. Albion threw Boris down, then stomping on Boris's head. Then throwing more grenades at Kalo, Katriel and Denis. When it exploded, burning them in white phosphorous. The flames would buy him time as he went after them with the conjoined claymores. One good swing was all it took to sever the heads of the Thumb members.

In that moment of their death, Albion looked at the screen. Requesting whether to book them or to keep them as they are.

"Keep them." Kalo and his men were alive, they looked at Albion with a glare.

"I hear the Thumb is capable of handling even difficult situations. You were booked in your first incursion. Now you have been awoken to serve in the Library. I lead a guild called the Lynx Office. I have enemies that do not care about hurting innocent women or children. I trust you understand what I am saying?" The members of Thumb awaited for Kalo's orders, where he gave a nod.

"What are your orders, Director?" Albion snapped his fingers as the Thumb members looked at the screen in front of them, showing the orphanage that he had grown up in.

"I have a family in that orphanage and because I just destroyed two guilds for the attempt of kidnapping of a child in an orphanage, there may be more that want to cause chaos. In this world you will act as Hunters. Roland, Argalia. Please give them the books." The books that were passed to them were one of demons.

"These books when you burn them, will allow you to gain skills from them. Such as using magic. You can make your own bullets here by using the books. May I inspect one of your rifles?" Kalo gestured to a soldier to surrender the rifle, where Albion looked at the magazine. 15 rounds, then taking out the box shaped magazine. Scanning the bullet. It was a 30-06.

"I can get the bullets for these calibers to be bought but your special ammunition will be a different matter. Lorent."

"Yes, Director?" Lorent appeared by Albion's side.

"Is there a reception here?"

"None, the abnormality will be ready in a few days time. You may take the Thumb with you to have them registered at the Association. A reception will change depending on the situation. If the Librarian chooses to fight you, then you will not be required to face a Unique Reception. If they do not fight you. Then you will face a Unique Reception." Lorent answered. That helped explain why on floors the Librarians had freely submitted to him, there was no reception. It also explains why when Albion faced Ryn Sherwood, there was no need for a unique reception.

"Then Kalo, take your men and follow me." Albion said as they stepped out to the orphanage. Seeing Yan playing tag with the children.

"The Index kid can smile? That's a first." Katriel remarked.

"Did you meet him in the past?"

"Yes. He warned us about a fight between the Index and the Thumb would end poorly. I can imagine it is due to the Blue Reverberation's doing." Boris said which surprised the others.

"Let's get you registered. Your backgrounds are in the documents listed. Just touch it." They all did whereby they all felt a surge of information flowing through their minds. Their backgrounds were ingrained into their minds.

"So we were part of a recruiting firm. Now we're Hunters."

"I expect you lot to be at least B-Ranked and the Capos and Staccato to be A-Ranked Hunters when you leave. More details will come soon. When you're needed, I will let you know." Albion said as the Thumb members went to the Association for their registration. Valerian went back to the library to see Malkuth's Control Team that was handling the work on the Aberrations that had been gathered. The team leader, Levi went over to handle the Blue Smocked Shepherd. Just listening to it talk had made Albion's skin crawl bit by bit, the arrogance of the Aberration made him want to beat it to submission but that wasn't the way. The Reddened Buddy was being hugged by another agent.

"Director." Albion turned to Roland who showed more requests that were piling in. Some were sightings of Abnormalities and Aberrations that were not listed, but Malkuth had been able to identify them albeit with rough notes on the requests to the type of Aberrations and Abnormalities they were. Based on the people killed, their injuries or anyone who went missing.

"Some of these requests were completed, but not by us. Rather by people identifying themselves as Charles Office." Roland highlighted where Albion glanced over at Olivier and Angelica.

"You three, head out and make contact with those Fixers. If we can recruit them that'd be good." The trio gave a nod as they headed out, while Albion had received other news. The return of Avalon and Nervena to the Hunter's Association had created a huge uproar. The return of two legends who came back to rejoin the Lynx Office instead of the other groups. That was a bonus, having the infamous pair as his parents meant that in the event of anything. It would be a death sentence for most guilds.

Albion had to think for a moment. Ryn had came back with Nikolai, seeing the other Fourth Pack members that had blood over their clothes. More books in their hands, ready to burn them.

"What were the books?"

"Diamond Werewolves and Platinum Orcs. Seems like we can get skills to reinforce ourselves." Nikolai said, smoking her cigar as she glanced at the pages.

"Use it for yourselves. I'll collect what I need for the Library. If you've gotten the buffs and skills needed. Then put it over there, so we can figure things out. I'll need to go shop for our ammo." Albion left first.

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