《Stacking The Deck!》Chapter 12 - Yarden vs Dark Magician Girl
Yarden Odhar: 4000 LP
Dark Magician Girl: 4000 LP
"I'll be going first, kay?" Dark Magicial Girl winked, six cards appearing in her hand, "Hope you don't mind." she wiggled her tongue teasingly.
"Go for it." Yarden shrugged, he didn't mind either way.
"Alright then, to start things off, I'm going to be summoning Apple Magician Girl, in Attack Mode!" Dark Magician girl said, placing one card down. A moment later, in a flash of light, a voluptuous dark skinned girl in a belly bearing leotard of the same design as her summoner appeared.
Apple Magician Girl - Spellcaster/Fire/Level 3/Effect: 1200/800
'What kinda card is that! I've never heard of this thing before!' Yarden's eyes went wide.
"But I'm not done yet, I also activate the spell card Double Summon, letting me make two normal summons this turn, and I'll be using that second summon to bring out my cute little Fire Sorcerer in defense mode!" Dark Magician Girl continued.
In another flash of light, a small blonde girl clad in black black robes and a black hat appeared, kneeling in front of Dark Magician Girl.
Yarden grimaced, that one he did recognize. And since flip effects were done away with...
Fire Sorcerer - Spellcaster/Fire/Level 4/Effect: 1000/1500
"Now, my little cutie here has a nice effect. By banishing up to two cards from my hand upon her summoning, I can deal you eight hundred points of damage for each one!" his opponent added, taking two of her cards and depositing them into her graveyard.
As she did so, Fire Sorcerer stood up, holding two small hands into the hair, twin fireballs appearing above her palms and then thrust them out, shooting them at Yarden, before dipping back into her kneeling position.
Yarden ignored the the phantom heat that roiled over his skin as they slammed into him in a storm of glittering embers. His life points dropping by a total of sixteen hundred.
Yarden Odhar: 2400 LP
Dark Magician Girl: 4000 LP
"Looks like I'm in the lead~" Dark Magician girl teased, "And before I end my turn, I'm gonna use the last card in my hand, I play the continuous spell card, Magician's Right hand! And see, while this card is on the field and I have a Spellcaster monster in my control, the first time you activate an effect each turn with a monster or spell card, that effect will be negated and the card destroyed!"
A spell card flashed into existence in front of her on her back row, and from it, a long spindly hand emerged, fingers wiggling in Yarden's direction almost tauntingly.
'She's played all her cards already, but she's got two monsters on the field, done nearly half my life points in damage and blocked me from using at least one effect from any card per turn.' Yarden's lips pursed into a frown.
This could be a problem. She was much better than he gave her credit for.
Yarden drew a card, gave it a look over, and then got started, "Alright then, first I'll be playing the spell card Foolish Burial, which would usually let me send one card from my deck to the graveyard, but because of Magician's Right Hand, it'll be going straight to the graveyard," he said, placing the card down and activating it. As soon as he died, the hand coming from her spell card wriggled and glowed, and the card that appeared before him, burst apart. He sent it to the graveyard. Gotta make some sacrifices for this, "Now, I'll be playing a Double Summon of my own, to summon the Luster Dragon and Winged Dragon Guardian Of The Fortress 1 from my hand."
The spell cards swung up into existence as he played it, followed by a bipedal, human sized, sapphire scaled dragon, and a much larger, wyvern-like dragon with pure blue scales appearing in front of him.
Luster Dragon - Dragon/Wind/Level 4/Normal: 1900/1600
Winged Dragon Guardian Of The Fortress 1 - Dragon/Wind/Level 4/Normal: 1400/1200
"Well, looks like my cute little juniors won't be sticking around for long, huh?" Dark Magician Girl mused with a laugh.
"Exactly, but before that, I'm activating a spell card from my hand," Yarden grinned, "It's called Stamping Destruction, and as long as I have a dragon type monster on my side of the field, I can use this spell card to destroy one of your spells or traps on the field and deal you five hundred points of damage."
Yarden played the card and clicked his fingers. "Now, Winged Dragon, light up her Magician's Right Hand!" he ordered.
Winged Dragon Guardian Of The Fortress 1 gave a bellowing roar, the summoned spirit opening his mouth and unleashing a massive gout of flame that shot through the air and impacted against her spell card, destroying it utterly.
Yarden Odhar: 2400 LP
Dark Magician Girl: 3500 LP
"Oh poo!" Dark Magician Girl pouted.
"And as you know, I'm not done there sweet cheeks, because I'll be attacking your Fire Sorcerer with Luster Dragon and your Apple Magician Girl with Winged Dragon Guardian Of The Fortress 1!" Yarden grinned.
Both dragons opened their mouths and attacked once more, this time, together. Winged Dragon unleashing that same gout of flame that slammed into and through the Apple Magician Girl, while Luster Dragon unleashed a stream of sparkling sapphire blue fire that washed over Fire Sorcerer, and with twin screams, both monsters were destroyed.
Yarden Odhar: 2400 LP
Dark Magician Girl: 3300 LP
"And I'll finish off by playing one card face down." Yarden finished, a face down card shimmering into existence in front of him.
He had to follow her example there and use all six of his first drawn cards. But, it was needed at this point.
"You cleared my field pretty quickly there, hehe," Dark Magician girl gave a laugh as she drew a card, "But, you won't have the advantage again for long, because I'm playing the legendary pot of greed! It lets me draw two extra cards!"
Legendary indeed. Pot of Greed was a favorite of his. For the simple fact that, there was no ban list here at all. He'd at first thought that there was a banned list, and the Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy Of The End was on it, like in the anime. But, Kaiba had apparently gotten it taken off after he got those bullshit Blue-Eyes support cards, and since it was the only card on the ban list at the time, that meant there wasn't one at all now. There wasn't even a hard limit on how many of a card you could have in the deck, beyond the ruled three of each card.
So he could run three pot of greed, like a prick.
"Oh, and lookie what I've drawn, just the cards I need to turn this around," Dark Magician Girl cheered, "Check this out cutie, I'll be playing the spell card Dimension Fusion, and what it does, is it lets me pay two thousand life points to make a special little effect come to pass. It allows both players to summon as many monsters from their banished zone as possible."
Another absurd card. And one that was banned back home as well. "I don't have any monsters in the banished zone." Yarden replied with a sigh.
"Oh, I know, good for me cuz I have two," she stuck her tongue out at him and wiggled it. She placed the card on her duel disk, and immediately, above her, a swirling dark portal appeared in the air, "And I'll be using it to summon forth my Berry Magician Girl in attack mode, and none other than me! The Dark Magician Girl in attack mode!"
Yarden Odhar: 2400 LP
Dark Magician Girl: 1300 LP
Twin lights of gold shot out of the portal to appear in front of her, dying away to reveal a small baby girl, a scepter in one hand, and a pacifier in her mouth. And a very beautiful copy of herself.
Berry Magician Girl - Spellcaster/Earth/Level 1/Effect: 400/400
Dark Magician Girl - Spellcaster/Dark/Level 6/Effect: 2000/1700
Well, there went Luster Dragon. 'Or, it would if it weren't for my trap card.' Yarden made sure not to show the grin he wanted to let out. It was a very specific card he got from Titan's deck and slipped into his own main deck.
If she attacked. This duel was over. He'd finish her off next turn if she did.
"Now, before I go into my battle phase, I need to play the other card I drew with Pot of Greed," Dark Magician Girl stated with a perky smile, "I'm playing the spell card Dark Magic Attack, and it lets my copy blow away all spells and trap cards on your side of the field!"
Wait, what!?
The copy of Dark Magician Girl gave a shout and thrust out her scepter. From it, a massive bolt of dark sparkling energy shot out and slammed into his face down card, destroying it.
And there went Mirror Force.
"What the hell!?" Yarden gaped, "That's not how that card works, Dark Magic Attack only works for the Dark Magician card!" he called bullshit!
Dark Magician Girl gave him a confused blink, "..No it doesn't?" she replied, "I suppose it's fair with how rare my and my teachers cards are. But, as long as a card doesn't refer to me and my master separately, I can use those cards as well. I'm a Dark Magician monster as well after all!"
Bullshit! Utter bullshit! Since when was that a thing? Another anime world change?
Yarden's eyes widened as a thought came to him. No, rather a memory. Of Atem dueling Arkana during Battle City. And him using Dark Magic Curtain, to special summon Dark Magician Girl.
Shit. It hadn't even occurred to him shit like this would be applicable!
"Now that I've enlightened you to my awesomeness, I'll be attacking your Luster Dragon with myself! Go me! Dark Burning, yay!" she continued.
Her copy gave a shout, and this time, fired a massive pink sparking sphere of energy that slammed into Luster Dragon, wiping it from existence.
Yarden Odhar: 2300 LP
Dark Magician Girl: 1300 LP
...Well at least that Berry Magician Girl was so weak. Though, it obviously had some kind of effect that he'd need to be wary of. Especially considering she summoned it in attack mode of all things.
"My turn?" he asked, and when she happily nodded, he drew a card.
He smirked as he saw the card staring back at him. As always, his deck provided when he was in need.
"Alright, I'll be playing the card I just drew, the spell card Revived Serpent Night Dragon!" Yarden stated, "This card lets me choose any one monster on the field and offer it up as tribute to special summon a Serpent Night Dragon from my hand, deck or graveyard, and the monster I'm choosing, is your Dark Magician Girl!"
"Oh no!" Dark Magician Girl grimaced.
The card appeared before Yarden, and moments later her Dark Magician Girl was destroyed and sent to the graveyard, her remains forming into a cloud of ebony dark flame that burst apart to reveal his ace monster.
Serpent Night Dragon - Dragon/Dark/Level 7/Normal: 2350/2400
"Now, I'll be attacking. Winged Dragon attack her Berry Magician!" Yarden ordered.
Winged Dragon Guardian Of The Fortress roared, flames pooling within his maw, before he unleashed it at the tiny little baby magician.
"I activate her effect!" Dark Magician Girl cut in, "When Berry Magician is targeted by a card effect or attack, I can switch her position and then special summon a 'Magician Girl' monster from my deck, and I'm picking another Dark Magician Girl."
As she finished, the flames of Yarden's dragon consumed her monster and wiped it out. But, since it switched to defense position, Dark Magician Girl took no damage. And then, light burst into existence and from it, appeared another Dark Magician Girl.
Only this one was a little different.
Dark Magician Girl - Spellcaster/Dark/Level 6/Effect: 2300/1700
It was three hundred attack points stronger. "So that effect works with Dark Magician Girl's in the graveyard as well huh?" Yarden noted with narrowed eyes. Admittedly, he'd never seen Yugi or Atem use more than one in the original show.
"Yep!" she grinned at him, flashing him a thumbs up.
"Well, whatever, it won't do you any good either way, it only saved you for this turn," Yarden grinned, "I'll attack her with Serpent Night Dragon, go Ebony Flame!"
Serpent Night Dragon nodded and reared back graceful, glittering black embers that seemed to suck in all the light around it pooling in his mouth. Before he unleashed it in a tidal wave of ebony black flame that burnt the second Dark Magician Girl out of existence.
Yarden Odhar: 2300 LP
Dark Magician Girl: 1250 LP
"Well, an extra turn is better than losing." Dark Magician Girl shrugged with a smile.
She did have a point. And who knows what she'd draw next? Better to play on the safe side.
"My turn again then, draw!" Dark Magician girl beamed.
"Ooh, it's a goodie!" DArk Magician Girl cheered, "I play Graceful Charity, this lets me draw three cards, but I have to discard two."
She drew two cards, looked them over, and grinned massively, before depositing two into her graveyard, "Now I'm gonna activate this card here that I kept, I hear it's one you like a lot too," she winked at him, "Go, the spell card Dragon's Mirror!"
Say what now? All she had in her graveyard was spellcasters though!
"With this, I can banish the monsters needed for a dragon type fusion from my graveyard and use them to fusion summon that monster!" she explained, "And I'll be banishing one of the Dark Magician Girls in my graveyard, alongside the Beastking of the Swamps that can be substituted for any one fusion material, that I just discarded with Graceful Charity, to special Summon Me again! Dark Magician Girl The Dragon Knight!"
Oh shit!
A swirling portal opened up above her, and from it, a massive blue scaled dragon shot out, and riding atop it was another copy of the blonde spirit, only this one, was wearing plated armor and carrying a sword!
Dark Magician Girl The Dragon Knight - Dragon/Dark/Level 7/Fusion/Effect: 2600/1700
"And, thanks to me playing Dragon's Mirror, I can activate the effect of Magician's Robe that I sent to my graveyard with Graceful Charity as well," she continued, "Thanks to me activating a spell or trap, I can special summon it to the field in defense position!"
Dark light swirled into existence like a whirlwind and a ghostly glowing blue robe, looking like that of the Dark Magician appeared floating before her.
Magician's Robe - Spellcaster/Dark/Level 2/Effect: 700/2000
"Sadly I don't have any cards in my hand to activate my copy's effect, but she can still take down your Serpent Night Dragon," Dark Magician Girl pumped her fist happily, "Go Dark Dragon Burning!
The dragon opened its mouth and unleashing a massive white hot beam of blinding pink plasma that seared into Yarden's ace monster and blew him away.
Yarden Odhar: 2050 LP
Dark Magician Girl: 1250 LP
"And with that, I end my turn, and I switch to you!" she winked.
She had a wall in defense mode. And she had a powerful twenty six hundred beat stick that could destroy any card on the field just by discarding one.
One card alone probably wasn't going to cut it here.
'C'mon!' Yarden hyped himself and his deck up and drew a card, with baited breath. His smirk returned when he saw what it was, "Alright! Just what I needed. I'll be playing Pot of Greed!"
As he played the card, the all too familiar grinning green pot monster appeared before him, and he drew two more cards. And he laughed as he saw what he drew, "And, now I'll be playing Pot of Greed again to draw two more cards!" Yarden smugly declared, repeating his previous action and drawing two more cards.
Dark Magician Girl cupped a hand around her mouth as she burst into giggles, "My, you really are greedy aren't you? And so shamelessly upfront about it."
"I am who I am, and I don't see any point hiding who I am," Yarden shrugged, what was the point of hiding who you were and being a total faker? To fit in? Fuck that, no thanks! "And now, let's see how you like this. I'll be playing the spell card Future Fusion to send the Divine Dragon Ragnarok and Lord of D from my deck to the graveyard, which allows me to fusion summon King Dragun!"
He'd learned something interesting not long ago. He hadn't even bothered looking at the card text for Future Fusion, assuming it would be the same one he was used to. But no, the version he had was actually a bit different. Instead of having to wait two turns, it brought the fusion summoned monster to the field instantly. But it could not attack on the turn it was first summoned with Future Fusion.
Nobody had called him out on it before though when he used it then used Dragon Mirror. Because, why would they? At that time, he could have had two Five Headed Dragon's on the field, and he didn't, because he didn't read the card text.
Well, he at least knew now.
A prismatic swirl of blue light swirled around the air above his head as he played the card. Lord of D and Divine Dragon Ragnarok appearing above him, before getting sucked inside and disappearing. A moment later, their fused form appeared, the torso of Lord of D, a man in dragon bone armor, with the lower half of a huge golden serpentine dragon.
King Dragun - Dragon/Dark/Level 7/Fusion/Effect: 2400/1100
"But I'm not done there, and I'll be using his effect. Once per turn, I can special summon one dragon type monster from my hand to the field," Yarden continued, "And I'll be bringing out my Hyozanryu, in Attack Position!"
A flash of light signaled the arrival of the diamond scaled dragon in front of him, huge glittering diamond wings crossed over his body defensively.
Hyozanryu - Dragon/Light/Level 7/Normal: 2100/2800
"Now battle, I'll be attacking your Magician's Robe with Hyozanryu!" Yarden followed up quickly, pointing at her ghostly robed monster.
Hyozanryu grinned broadly, showing off rows of sharp golden teeth. White flames pooled in the diamond dragon spirits mouth and he gave a roar as he unleashed them in a white hot wave that seared the ghostly robes out of existence.
"Since I summoned Magician's Robe with its effect, it gets banished after leaving the field." Dark Magician Girl helpfully informed,
"Good to know," Yarden nodded, "And I'll be finishing my turn by playing one card face down."
Now, it all just depended on what she drew next. It was a risk. But high risk, was high reward.
"Hehe, you're actually really good you know? Every turn you've made incredible plays, like this one, you had nothing on your field, and now you have two powerful dragons," Dark Magician Girl chirped, "You really know how to play your cards. And your deck is really eager to give you whatever you want or think you need. I can tell how much love you've given your cards."
"It's easy to do so when your deck is the best of the best," Yarden couldn't stop his chest from puffing out proudly and the proud smirk from spreading across his face. There may in fact be a good reason why Serpent Night Dragon was the one he considered his ace. They were actually, quite similar, "But don't worry, I'll make sure to give you just as much love when I win." he winked.
"Oh I don't doubt you'd love to give me some 'loving'," she winked back with another giggle, "But, let's see you win first before you boast, kay?"
Wait, how'd she know that!? Did Serpent Night Dragon blab?
'She wished to know what you were like as a person before she would commit to meeting you master, I was merely being truthful in that beyond her power and usefulness, you were most likely very attracted to her.' Serpent Night Dragon replied within his mind.
Well, good on him Yarden supposed. He couldn't really give him into trouble either, because he accomplished the goal right? He wasn't sure how to feel about Dark Magician Girl being told by a dragon he wanted to fuck her. That was just so weird to picture.
'Look on the bright side Yarden, at least she took it well.' Petit Dragon snorted.
Well, there was that at least, he supposed.
A musical giggle resounded in his ears, 'Don't worry Master, Dark Magician Girl knows the image she presents, she won't be at all offended by something as natural as that,' Dreamsprite reassured him, 'Besides, Master's the best! Just keep up what you're doing and it'll work out!'
His lips tugged back up into a smirk at the encourage and he shot it towards Dark Magician Girl, "Then come at us already, and then I'll boast once I win." he replied.
"You don't lack in confidence at least," Dark Magician Girl replied, amused, "Alright then, I think it's time to get rid of your dragons. I'm gonna activate my Dark Magician Girl The Dragon Knight's effect, and by discarding 1 card from my hand to the graveyard, I can destroy one face up card on the field, and I'll be choosing your King Dragun!"
"How about no?" Yarden countered, "Because, King Dragun has a cool little effect. While he's on the field, you can't target any of my dragon monsters with card effects."
Dark Magician Girl pouted, before smiling brightly again, "Alright, if that's the way you want to play, I'll just activate the quick play effect of the card in my hand instead then," she right herself, "By sending Aleister The Invoker from my hand to the graveyard, I can boost one fusion monsters attack and defense by one thousand points until the end of the turn!"
The busty blonde duel spirit discarded the card in her hand, and as she did, a powerful white aura surged into existence around Dark Magician Girl The Dragon Knight.
Dark Magician Girl The Dragon Knight - Dragon/Dark/Level 7/Fusion/Effect: 3600/2700
God damnit! Yarden cursed inwardly. If only that monster's effect only rose the attack points! Now his trap was useless this turn!
"Now, I'll be attacking Hyozanryu with my dragon riding self! Go Dark Dragon Burning!" Dark Magician Girl ordered.
Her monster unleashed a massive beam of flaming pink energy that slammed into Hyozanryu. The diamond dragon huffed out a growl of annoyance, before bursting apart and getting sent to the graveyard.
Yarden Odhar: 550 LP
Dark Magician Girl: 1250 LP
"Looks like I'm back in the lead, teehee!" Dark Magician Girl mused, "Anyway, turn end, and now that it has, my monsters attack and defense points go back to normal!"
Dark Magician Girl The Dragon Knight - Dragon/Dark/Level 7/Fusion/Effect: 2600/1700
Damnit. This was by far the lowest his life points had reached since he got here. Not one person had challenged him like this at all. It was a constant back and forth.
But. Yarden's smirk didn't leave him at all. This Aleister The Invoker, a card he'd never heard about until now, it was only a tiny little step back.
He just needed to draw one decent card, and this duel was his."This'll be the last turn." he promised and believed.
His deck wouldn't let him down.
"Oh?" Dark Magician Girl hummed in interest, "You're gonna win this turn? Color me interested, let's see what you've got."
"Draw!" he shouted, and drew his card.
Return Of Dragon Lords.
Perfect. He'd won!
"I play the spell card, Return Of Dragon Lords!" Yarden gleefully said, "By using this, I can resurrect one dragon type monster of level seven or eight from my graveyard and bring them back to my field. Revive, Hyozanryu, in attack mode!"
Hyonzaryu reappeared with a roar, giant diamond wings flared out proudly and golden horn gleaming.
Hyozanryu - Dragon/Light/Level 7/Normal: 2100/2800
"Err, what good will he do? He's weaker than my monster." Dark Magician Girl asked with a cute tilt of her head, looking lost.
"Oh trust me, he's perfect for this, because I'm activating my face down card!" Yarden replied, and his face down trap card swung open, displaying the image of a massive dragon, a massive gout of flame shooting from its maw "Burst Breath! This trap card allows me to sacrifice one dragon type monster on my side of the field, and by doing so, all other monsters on the field with less defense points than its attack, are destroyed. And I choose King Dragun!"
"B-but wait, you said King Dragun can't be targeted for card effects!" Dark Magician Girl spluttered.
"Only my opponent!" he countered with a laugh.
King Dragun detonated in a massive explosion, and Dark Magician Girl The Dragon Knight gave a startled squeal as it swept over her and her mount, wiping them from existence.
While Hyonzaryu with big and beefy twenty eight hundred defense points, was completely unaffected.
"And now, you have nothing left on the field to stop me from attacking!" Yarden continued, punching his fist out towards her in excitement, "Go Hyozanryu, finish her off with Diamond Blaze!"
"Right!" Hyozanryu laughed proudly and fired off the glittering white hot flames from before out of his maw. They washed over Dark Magician Girl and she slumped to her knees in a bit of a daze as her life points dropped alongside her to a grand total of zero.
Yarden Odhar: 550 LP
Dark Magician Girl: 0 LP
"And that's game." Yarden smirked at her, crossing his arms.
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The Reborn Otaku's Code of Practice for the Apocalypse
Lacking a pocket dimension, lacking a power, lacking a thigh to hug onto and the three life advantages (money, power, and looks), he had been cautiously living in the apocalypse for ten full years, getting closer to falling into the zombies' mouths, but unexpectedly he had the bad luck to be caught in a fight between two gangs and die, it really left people feeling disappointed. But when he opened his eyes, he had returned to a decade ago, three months before the apocalypse! Like before he still lacked an ability, an ordinary person without a pocket dimension, but he did have ten full years of experience in living in the apocalypse! Even if he didn't fight zombies, didn't hunt monsters, he could still live a careful farming life in the safe zone. Find a safe house, utilize all kinds of skills from his previous life to farm in exchange for meat, and if possible, find a person to peacefully spend the rest of his life with; ordinary people had their own ordinary little pieces of happiness. Originally believing he had picked up a beauty he returned home to prepare a golden house, but on the contrary he was the one being pushed down;someone once said, whether it is people or matters, by no means can you only look at the surface!This is not my work. For Offline reading purpose.Credits to the Author.And please don't vote the story because i don't own it.Thank you.
8 124