《Creation - The Path of a God》Chapter 185 (Book 2 - Zombie World)


Approaching a room, Claire noticed that it had a number next to the door. Like all the other rooms they had passed, it was evident that these would be assigned to adventurers wishing for their own workshop.

Compared to the residential area, the screens were playing people who were manufacturing items. But instead of being live, each of the displays was like promotions for creating items.

"The reason I like to work on equipment to be sold is that it gives me the ability to support those working hard to get stronger. My hammer allows me to generate Guild Points while helping to reach the goal of reclaiming the Earth." A man with a long thick beard lifted a hammer in the air. "Remember to ask Darlina to help you set up a free work station, so you can begin crafting weapons and armors! Mention my stream to help support what I'm trying to build!"

Having heard similar promotions as they went towards their work station, Claire pointed at the screen.

Noticing Claire indicating to the screen, Darlina smiled, "Though the simulation creates items for adventurers to take out and use, we still need plenty of adventurers to forge items to be used by those training in the simulations. That's why we made it, so each of the people making items could promote their stream. Each time someone mentions a particular person, Star and Moon gives that streamer Guild Points as a reward."

"It's like watching commercials on TV," Hannah mentioned as she watched the repeating ad.

Nodding, Darlina said, "That's a good comparison." Pointing at the door they approached, the robot said, "This is your room."

As the door slid open, Darlina indicated for them to enter.

What surprised Claire was the lack of equipment. Instead of seeing a forge, hammers, and other items she'd seen in the streams, there was an empty room with only a portal.

"As you've noticed, there isn't any equipment or materials inside the room," Darlina addressed their confusion.

"Why not?" Hannah asked, tilting her head as she tried to understand the logic.


"A question first. Are the two of you aiming beyond the free version?" Darlina asked the two of them.

Claire blinked at the question, looking to her friend.

Hannah also looked at Claire.

"The fact that the two of you are aiming for more difficult items, chances are that you'll outgrow the free version, which is only useful for creating basic items. Many of the screens in the main hallway, the adventurers are using higher-tiered workshops." Darlina paused for a moment before continuing, "It would be pretty inconvenient for you to have to move to a new location when your skills develop. Even more to bring in new equipment and transfer materials."

Slowly, Claire was able to understand what Darlina was telling them. "So the portal will lead to a workshop, and when we need to upgrade to the next tier, you'll just switch out where the portal's endpoint is?"

"Exactly," Darlina nodded. "By just adjusting where the portal leads to, you can access the needed workshop with little work on our end. And when you order material, you'll be able to easily acquire them without your workflow being interrupted."

"It's just like the simulations?" Hannah nodded when she understood what was happening.

"Just like when you're diving into the simulation to take on jobs," Darlina smiled happily that the two of them grasped the concept. "Would you like to check out your workshop now?" It waved to the portal.

Claire felt excited as she headed to the portal. Just like when entering the simulation, there was a slight sensation. She soon found herself inside a workshop that was twice the size as the room she was staying inside.

There was a large forge with various chains hanging from the top of it. Multiple barrels were close to the forge, looking to be filled with some type of liquid. Close by was a large anvil.

Along the walls were containers, likely where various metals would be stored. There were also long tables made out of dense looking wood.

"What do you think?" Darlina asked the two girls.


Going into the middle of the room, Claire twirled around as she soaked in the sight of their new workshop.

"This is where we'll form our business," Claire thought to herself, picturing the bright future ahead of them.

Though making equipment may not be as exciting as subjugating monsters inside the simulation, she still liked the idea of creating items that would help her fellow adventurers. Claire enjoyed the idea of someday her equipment being helpful for when they stepped back into the world above them.

"How do we learn how to use all this equipment and make the items?" Hannah asked Darlina.

Pulled from her thoughts, Claire looked at the robot, also curious. Neither of them had any training in this field, so it wasn't likely they could just watch a few videos to learn the process.

"To help out adventurers, we've created multiple methods of learning a trade," Darlina started. "At Star and Moon, we understand that people have a variety of learning methods. Some may be able to learn from watching the videos and mimicking the methods or by reading text." The robot outlined some of the mediums for learning. "But one of the best ways is to have one on one teaching sessions."

"We can have someone teaching us?" Claire asked in a startled tone. "How is that even possible? Aren't the other adventurers working on their own businesses?" She had an image of one of the adventurers being able to access their workshop and walking them through the process.

"Though that may be something we try in the future, I'm actually talking about having you taught by someone who is far more experienced," Darlina smiled at their confusion.

The robot walked over to a door on the side of the workshop, close to the portal.

Claire widened her eyes, not having noticed the door. Though now seeing the door, she was unsure where it led.

Darlina opened the door and let in sunlight. "You can come in now," It said to someone outside. Judging by the way Darlina addressed the person, it sounded as though it was familiar with the person.

The sunlight was soon blocked by a large outline of a person.

It wasn't until the door was closed that Claire noticed that it was a figure covered in scales. Staring at the head of the person, Claire realized that it appeared to be a humanoid dragon. Small horns protruded out of the head. A second later, she realized that the dragon was actually a woman.

Aside from parts of her face, shoulder, and arms that were covered in scales, the rest of her figured looked like a human's body. Her figure left no questions about her gender.

"Let me introduce you to Dragny, a Dragonian," Darlina introduced the female Dragonian. "She'll be in charge of your training. Just like your room, you'll be getting her service for no charge, though after several months, you'll need to pay for her services. Currently, the Guild is subsidizing your costs." The robot explained with a smile on its face.

Dragny grinned at Darlina, saying, "I appreciate working with you guys. Not everyone can afford my services."

"You say that even though you always have a long list of clients waiting to hire your services," Darlina replied back to the woman's comment.

The Dragonian shrugged, "Even if I was busy, I'd still have taken you up on your contract. I'm not stupid enough to refuse your Guild, considering I also receive support from you and your adventurers."

Listening to the two casually talking, Claire felt like it was a fantastic thing. Even though it was a simulation, Star and Moon had created an environment that seemed hyper-realistic. Just listening to the way Dragny was talking, it felt like she was an actual person that had objectives outside of her interactions with them.

Looking at the woman, Claire felt as though the woman had an interesting backstory. She was excited to learn from the Dragonian. Thinking back to what her parents would often talk about, this experience felt similar to being mentored by a successful businesswoman.

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