《Project You》Chapter 48


I think lately Karsen has used some small amount of our sexual encounters as a stress reliever.

And no, I didn't feel used, because it was not just him, it was the both of us.

Because we were both stressed over our final college exams and he was stressed over his football matches too and I was stressed over this publicly dating thing and as soon as I was stressed he was on his knees and as soon as he was stressed I was on my knees.

And now today was Thursday, one of the most stressful days not because it was Thursday, but because it was just before his biggest game, and as captain Karsen was supposed to be at the game early, and he was, till he found me, got me in his car, specifically in his backseat, and my dress was up my thighs and his pants around his knees and we moaned into each others mouths, hands in each others hair, and he guided me on him, whispering how good I made him feel till he came inside of me and I was so happy to be on the pill because I was not ready to go get plan B's every other week.

Yeah. I know. Woah.

It was the quickest sex we'd ever had, and now we panting, still pressed against one another, and I kiss his forehead softly, moving his hair away from his skin and he kisses my shoulder, putting my dress straps back in its place.

"Stop worrying." I tell him softly in his ear, and he looks over to me, swallowing, "I don't know what I want Addy." He says, and he says it so sadly that I hear the break in his voice and my eyes almost threaten to water because what does he mean?

Does he mean us?

Im about to ask when he clarifies. "I don't know if I want to be a NFL player or an artist or follow my fathers path or what." He says, finally speaking to me about all his thoughts instead of having sex till we were too exhausted to think about anything but how we made each other feel like everything was going to be okay.


"You don't have to know just yet." I tell him, putting my hands to his cheeks to make him look right at me, "Do your best in all aspects, and decide later baby, you'll figure it all out, you always do, and whatever you choose to do i'll be here to support you no matter what, so just choose what you love Karsen, okay?"

He stares at me, eyes softening and I feel the tension leave his body as he relaxes more, "You're cute when you get soft with me."

I glare at him and he grins at me and it feels like the first day I gave him coffee for the first time and wow how time has flew by because now the man I begrudgingly worked with is the man I love.

Life has a weird sense of humor.

"Anyway." I say, both interjecting my thoughts and moving off of him, setting my panties right as he sets his shirt and pants too, "Go kick their asses Krist."

He snorts, "I plan on it." He replies before he looks to my jersey that I grabbed from the from seat to put over the black dress, or well, his football jersey and he smirks at it, so delirious from the need that he hadn't noticed I was wearing it when he pulled it off of me, "I'm fucking you in this later."

I almost choke at the abruptness of his words, "What if I'm too tired?"

He leans down and kisses my scrunched nose, "Fine, then i'll eat you out in only this."

I blush but push his face away from mine, and he chuckles at my fluster, because he's the only person who can get me this way.

"Just go Krist."


If I was a cheerleader I would've made a song about my boyfriend. And obviously I would've, because my boyfriend was the best out there, and all the others were fine and sure I adored Matt and Chance but I loved my man and seeing him play so well made my heart expand into a size I never knew could exist.


I never knew I could be this happy from someone else's winnings, or so proud of another human being. It was, a revelation to me really.

They won by a long shot. The other team had absolutely no chance.

And it was the best game of his i'd ever watched, not looking away for a moment and I think my eyes were dry from not blinking as much as I should've but I couldn't because I didn't want to miss anything.

And I didn't.

I can't help myself because this is either Karsen's last official football game of his life or his last college football game till he gets to the NFL and so I jump out of my seat just like Summer but this time I'm the first girlfriend on field and I slam my body into his and I shout, "You won! You won! You won!" Over and over and he laughs and nods and his face is red and he's sweaty but he's so happy and so handsome.

I melt.

"I won baby, I won." He says, leaning down and kissing my lips and I smile, moving back to gush, "You played amazing and i'm so proud of you, you're the freaking best player out here, every play was perfect-"

He's just listening to me rant about how good his last game was with a smile on his face and I think we both forget theres other people around us because right now we're all that matters to each other.

I don't finish my rant because he presses his palm to my mouth and speaks, "You're making me fall more in love with you somehow and its gonna make me cry like a fucking baby in front of everyone, so please stop."

My eyes widen.

And his dimple deepens and I think he's now red from blushing and not from running around this damned large football field.

He said he loves me.


The suddenness of the voice makes him drop his hand and I turn around, moving back to stand beside Karsen as the coach walks over and I blink.

Karsen nods and the man looks to me and smiles briefly before it drops and I know it's only pleasantries but he means no harm. "Its not up to me, but I advise you to apply for the draft." He says, tapping Karsen's shoulder, "You were one of the best team captains, and I wish you luck in your future boy."

Karsen grins and I smile at his grin.

"Thanks coach."

He nods a moment before looking to me, "You two are dating?"

We both nod and the coach hums, tapping my shoulder and I almost lose balance from that heavy tap alone, "Just keep him in check hon, he tends to get cocky."

Karsen rolls his eyes but I smirk knowingly, Karsen could be cocky, I nod at his words, "I humble him at every chance I get."

That makes coach laugh but the laughter is cut off by the other football boys barreling towards us and grabbing coach and Karsen away, celebrating with shouts and laughter and I have no idea whats going on but they're happy and honestly, thats all that matters.

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