《New Beginning in the Magical World》Chapter 93.


Chapter 93.


“Did he just say a Dragon?”

“That’s a Dragon?”

“I told you, there is nothing that Lord Hubert cannot defeat. Just looked at this, they even brought back this dragon as a tribute for the success of their mission.” Cheered by one of the soldiers standing from the back.

These were just some of the talks that they heard around their surroundings as their soldiers started to crowd around his father, loudly cheering and talking while many were still staring dumbly at the huge body of the Dragon they were dragging.

They were obviously shocked by this sight, as it wasn’t normal for them to see a Dragon this far from their territory, and they also didn’t expect that a young Dragon like this would be the main culprit of the invasion of the fog and mutated creatures.

They never heard that Dragons have this kind of power to create a parasitic fog that can infect anyone, but what they don’t know is that this Dragon is not the main culprit of this invasion but something else.

The real culprit of this madness has already been solved by several rank 5 Magic beasts living in the enchanted forest, and this young Dragon that Hubert and the others have killed is just a decoy for it to escape this place.

But it’s plan has gone wrong from the very start as those Magic beast have already set their sight on him as a payment for the damages and destruction it caused, and also as an offering to that mysterious being of the enchanted forest.

In fact, Hubert and the others have remained oblivious to this event, they didn’t even know that a much greater battle have occurred in the depths of the enchanted forest involving several rank 5 magic beasts and one mysterious creature.

If they just know the fact that it takes multiple rank 5 magic beast to take this one monster down then Hubert and the others would realize how dangerous their mission is.

Even with the help of the legendary shield of the church of Agatha, they still won’t be able to take it down with them, as Hubert and his knight would not be enough power to harm its body, and only a supreme rank human or a rank 5 magic beast can do it. Due to the fact that it already managed to accumulate enough strength for the past two months when it first shows up.

Maybe encountering this Dragon as a decoy can be considered as their good luck. Because Hubert and his knights won’t stand a chance in killing it, and they would only put their lives in danger.


Although this Dragon wasn’t the main perpetrator of this event its power is not something to be triple with. The powerful breath that it releases is enough to melt their armor, It’s scales are hard enough to stop their sword. Couple with its terrifying recovery speed, this young Dragon would be a challenge to defeat below the Grandmaster rank.

The only reason why they all managed to come back whole is because of the shield of obedience, without its powerful defense maybe several of them have already turned to ashes by now. The corrupted fire breath alone is so powerful that a simple touch of its flame melts their armor made from magic metals.

The only thing that remains unaffected by its breath is the shield of obedience, it truly is a powerful shield as it can even block such a powerful attack. If Hubert decided to face this young dragon on his own it would be hard to tell who would emerge victorious between the two.

Hubert might be a strong knight especially when he is in his manic state, but the dragon’s incredible recovery speed would definitely be a problem in the long run of their fight. The longer it goes the harder it is going to be for him.

Thankfully he have his own squad of knights on his back willing to fight this creature, with their help they were able to subdue this young dragon in a short time. But still Hubert feels like something’s wrong with their fight, he couldn't help but feel like they were just pawns in a much larger game.

Before leaving the forest Hubert already asks Callisto to scan their surroundings for anything peculiar but he finds nothing aside from the weird energy cursing in the dragon's body, Callisto told him that it was quickly banishing at an astonishing speed.

And now, that they have finally arrived in their city the weird energy in the dragon’s body has already banished, and only it’s weird corpse remains. Many of their people immediately got frightened by the sight of this creature.

As it appears twisted and malformed, with exposed decaying flesh on its body. With tattered and torn wings and bones protruding through the flesh. Overall, the corrupted dragon is a grotesque and terrifying sight, a twisted parody of the powerful and majestic creatures they are supposed to be.

That’s why Kiel’s reaction to the sight of it is understandable but he is not the only one who was shocked by this but also everyone who takes a good look at it. Because of this dragon's corpse, their people looked at their knights with clear worship in their eyes.

Even Lucas is in awe, as he doesn’t expect to see a dragon on their land. They are known to be highly territorial beings and they rarely show their selves to the world, as they spend most of their time slumbering in the depths of their dens, rolling in their richest of gold.


“But there seems to be something off about this Dragon.” Said by a young soldier.

“What do you mean? You speak as if you saw a Dragon before, isn’t this the first time a real dragon was seen in our place?”

“Ahahahaha I know, it’s just that its appearance is very different from the story I heard.”

“It’s obvious that many of those Dragon stories out there are fake or have been greatly exaggerated, but this dragon in front of you is the real deal. Man, just imagine the story that we could tell to other people who will visit our city I’m sure they would be intrigued by this.” The man said happily before he was quickly overwhelmed by the loud applause and cheers of the throngs of crowd around them.

The people of Florentine city have immediately greet Hubert and his knights with a fiery welcome as everyone stops their work to celebrate their victory.

“Okay, Calm down, Calm down. I know every one of you is happy that we are now finally free from this crisis but were still not done with our problem this is just the start of our long recovery and I hope that we can all work together to rebuild our city and make it stronger than ever before.” Hubert said, trying to settle the crowd.

“We will do whatever it takes to help you, Lord Hubert,” said by one of the soldiers. “We are all in this together.” Cheers by the crowd as some of them disperse in order to continue their cleanup operations.

Hubert nodded, grateful for the support of his people. He knew that it would take a lot of hard work and determination to rebuild the city, but he was confident that they could do it.

“Now that the fog is gone we can finally put our hearts to rest.” Said by Hugo beside him as everyone nodded their heads.

“But there is still a lot of work to do here, the damage is just too severe. That’s why we can’t rest yet, not at this moment.”

Which earns him a nod from Hubert. “I agree. And besides, I’m sure it won’t take us a long time before we receive a visit from the kingdom.”

“Soldiers go back to your positions, I’m certain that we were about to receive visitors in the next coming days. So, prepare yourself to welcome them.” He announces as he reminded his soldiers to be attentive in welcoming the kingdom's convoy.

They immediately understand what their lord meant, now that the parasitic fog has been lifted the Turox kingdom is finally free to send their people to come in their land to observe everything that happens during this past two months.

“Father, you all looked tired. Why don’t you take this opportunity to have some rest while waiting for our visitors to arrive.” Lucas eagerly said as he tried to get on his father’s good side.

But Hubert didn’t take this seriously as he immediately looked at Michael in the eye, asking if his son had done something wrong. Lucas only does this kind of stuff every time he had done something outrageous and that’s why Hubert already knows that something had happened while they were gone.

Seeing his uncle's inquiring eyes Michael can only nod his head in shame as he failed to do his task in stopping his cousins from his impulsive decision. Seeing Michael’s response Hubert can only sigh in dissatisfaction and shake his head.

“Lucas, what have you done this time?” Hubert asked his voice heavy with frustration.

"It's nothing, Father," Lucas said, trying to play it off as if it were nothing. "Just a small exploration, that's all."

But Hubert knew his son too well, and he could see the guilt written all over his face. "I want to know the truth, Lucas. What did you and Michael do?"

Michael spoke up, “This is not the proper place to discuss it my lord, I’m afraid it’s something confidential.”

Hubert's expression hardened. "I see. You both know the rules. You should have known better than to disobey them." He turned to Michael, "And you, Michael, you were supposed to be the responsible one. I trusted you to keep Lucas in check, and yet you both ended up getting yourselves in trouble."

Lucas hung his head in shame, knowing that he had disappointed his father yet again. Michael also felt guilty, knowing that he had failed in his duty to keep Lucas safe. But still, he was hoping that the cube they found can make him forget all of this.

Hubert sighed, "I'll deal with this later. Right now, I need to focus on this. But you both will have to face the consequences of your actions.” Lucas and Michael nodded, understanding the seriousness of the situation.

As Hubert and his knights make their way to the mansions leaving the huge dragon corpse in the center of their plaza protected by their soldier.

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