《I Can Make You Smile (David x Reader)// CAMP CAMP》31



I cannot express how thankful I am for this

"Alright, kids, since today is going to be a bit..." She paused to think of the words, "Stressful! I have decided our morning activity will consist of yoga exercise and deep meditation."

Both I and David passed out Yoga mats, which I truthfully don't even recognize ever being in the storage closet. I kept a purple one to myself and placed it down, deciding I would join this session.

I sat down and focused on Gwen, finding her focused on the campers.

While pulling some grass blades up and ripping them in two, Max, Niel, and Nikki approached,



"If you had to pick, who would you say is the best camper here?" Nikki questioned.

"... That's a tough question to put on a camp counselor." I chuckled.

"Just answer the damn question," Max grumbled. I narrowed my eyes slightly,

"Well, I know for a fact it's not you. None of you three actually." I answered.

"See! She's a waste of time, let's ask Nerris." Max said before leading the other two away. David then walked next to me, placing his hands on his waist as he kept an eye on the campers. I gently reached up and grabbed his wrist, pulling it down so I could read his watch,




The birds flew from Harrison's hat, one smacking their wing hard against Jermy. It then flopped, kinda like a fish in a way in an attempt to fly. Long story short, I put a bandage around their wing and now it's sitting on a bed I made for them out of a pillowcase and a few leaves on Davids desk. I don't think he'll mind...



With the clay, I made a small cup, nothing big not too tiny either in my opinion.

"Do we even have a kiln?" I questioned, looking over to David who seemed to be making a bowl or something,

"I don't think so? We just hand them to the quartermaster and they come back glossed and everything."



"Shut up Harrison! Your magic is stupid and won't help me! I can just cast a spell!!"

I placed my hands on my hips, stopping immediately after realizing how much of a David action that was,

"What's going on over here?"

Harrison shrugged, "This sorcerer is having a fit just cause she won't help me put her helmet on."

"That is incorrect. I-"

I carefully moved the helmet and clipped it under Nerris's chin, "There. When you take it off, try not to pinch yourself." I smiled before turning and helping other campers,

"See? I didn't need magic."

"You didn't need spells either."


"I can't do this. I can't fucking do this!" Max yelled, covering his head with a groan.

"Hang in there, Max! The days almost over."

"He roasted Space Kid with his farts!!"

"Wait, when did that happen?" I questioned.

"Did you not see that?!" Max turned to me, anger and frustration clear across his face.

"Ahem!" Preston yelled, gaining the attention of everyone on the cheaply made bleachers. I returned to my seat by David, letting out a small sigh, "The time has come for the final activity of the day. A stunning performance piece/improvisational fusion. Now, I'll need a suggestion from the audience. Quick!! Someone shouts out a theme!!" Preston finished.

"Pewdiepie vs T-series-!" I shouted,

"Ooh! Ooh! The forest!" David called out, his features lighting up.


"Hoooo boy, that is really-"

Petrol then dropped down.

"Acceptable! Under these conditions. So, I will work with it!" Preston forced a smile.

"Did you not hear me-" I started,

"Everyone search inward for the part of the forest that calls most to you. Once you've found your muse, you will design a costume and give a brief performance on its behalf." Angry faced Shakespeare wannabe, "... Please."

I turned to David, "... The forest? I- really?"

"Whaaaat? The best way to get these campers in the camping spirit is to have them become one with the forest!" He grinned before standing, "okay! Who's our first performer?"

"Guess it's my time to shine." Jermy smiled. A stick then fell, "Awe, beans." He sighed before bending down to pick it back up only for his pants to rip. I looked away, signing while slowly sinking into my chair.

"Ladies and gentlemen, for my performance piece, I chose to represent the sticks of the pine tree."

David then started laughing

H y s t e r i c a l l y


I gave a confused glance to my Boyfriend.

"That's clearly birch!! Birch! You big dummy!!" He yelled, pointing to Jermy with tears in his eyes. I facepalmed, kept my head in my hands.



Petrol then blew the whistle, Pikeman and Snake soon appearing afterward.

"No, wait, I didn't mean it!! I'm the nice one!!"

"He was just playing around!!" I defended.

"Well, well, well, you finally blew it." Pikeman grinned.


Gwen grabbed my shoulder and shook her head at me.

"Good job, Petrol." Pikeman then pointed to David, "And you lost!!"

Max then popped out from the pile of campers, "I can't fucking believe you, you stupid moron! Suck a dick!!" Max then broke out a smile, "oh God, that feels better."

"Now, as per our agreement, the Wood Scouts will take Camp Campbells best camper. Now... Who's it gonna be...?"

"Are we seriously gonna just give up a camper?" I questioned. David leaned to me slightly,

"A deal is a deal, (Y/N/N)."

"No! Not Jermy Fartz!!" Neil yelled out.


"Yeah, Neil, what are you talking about? Jermy's the worst-" Max started but was interrupted by an elbow to the side. "Oof. Uh... Yea, anyone but Jermy Fartz..."

"Yeah! Don't take Jermy!!" Nikki yelled.

"He's my best friend!" Space kid joined in.

"He is radiant and Marvelous!!!" Dolph added. Pikeman laughed,

"Well, it seems like the choice is obvious. Very well, then! You're coming with us!"

"You don't want me... I'm the worst." Jermy said nonchalantly.

"And so modest, too. We'll see how Camp Campbell survives without Jermy Fartz." Pikeman laughed as he left the stage with his scouts.

Again, I hoped he choked or something.

Gwen then smacked David hard in the back of the head, "Way to go, idiot." She scowled.

"We really dodged a bullet there," Max commented.

"David was just correcting them?" I said my best attempt at helping Davids situation.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Neil questioned.

"Yeah, David. That wasn't very nice." Nikki stepped in.

"Look, guys..." David laughed nervously, looking away, "When there are people who are difficult too- its just that- sometimes the nicest thing to do is- I... Uh. Sometimes! Just... Sometimes, okay!!" Davids features then turned a bright red. I bit my lip to contain laughter at his flustered face, "Sometimes!!" He then walked off, a pouty kind of way.

"Oooh! I get it. He was a fa-"


(I had to go through his chapter like 5 times to make sure Grammarly didn't change 'Jermy' to 'Jeremy' for the hundredth time.)

What do you think David's point was? What do you think he was actually going to say? *please answer this cause I'm genuinely curious on y'all response*

(Finished on Tue, Dec 4th 8:54 PM :))

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