《I Can Make You Smile (David x Reader)// CAMP CAMP》30


I stuffed my hands into my pockets, only for David to frown and slide his hand down my arm to hold my hand. I sighed with a smile before gently interlocking our fingers.

we watched as the frisbee smacked Niel in the cheek, for it to then fly to Max who caught it with ease. QM blew the horn, causing the campers to cheer and the boy scouts to boo.

"Curses! Foiled again! Our plan to use Africanized honeybees was supposed to be foolproof!" Pikeman yelled. I rolled my eyes,

"Give it up before your super villain monologue becomes a 5 paged dairy entry-" I sassed before being cut off,

"In your zit-covered face, Pikeman!" Max yelled, jumping with a pointing finger.

"You incredulous pest! I will not rest until you all answer to the Wood scouts!"

"Never gonna happen, losers!" Nikki yelled, joining in on the conversation. David let go of my hand so he can quickly run up to the trio,

"Guys, guys, can't we all just be nice to one another?" David asked, bending down to one knee to be at least close to the children height.

"Campbell campers being nice? Impossible!" Pikeman sassed. I placed a hand on my hip with a scoff,

"You say that like you're better than us." I defended.

"Of course I am! The only things you classless simpletons understand is mean-spirited sarcasm and snide remarks!"

"I'll give you a snide remark..." Max... Remarked.

"Now hold on just a minute. We can be nice!" David stepped in.

"Please! Your lot couldn't be nice even if they tried!" Pikeman said, putting his back to the Campbell campers.

"Oh, really? You wanna bet?" David challenged. I gently grabbed onto my BF's arm,

"Okay, David, fun's over, let not turn into Cameron now-"

"As a matter of fact, I do." Pikeman smirked


"David, don't," Gwen said, moving past the campers.

"I'll bet you that Camp Campbell can't go 24 hours without being mean. If you lose, then you'll surrender your camp and campers to the Wood scouts." Pikeman explained.


"Goddamn! Why is everything always for the fate of the camp?! We just played FRISBEE for the fate of the camp!!" Max complained

"Fine, fine. If you lose, we'll simply take your best camper." Pikeman smiled. David narrowed his eyes,

"And if we win?" He questioned.

"We won't take your best camper."

"That doesn't seem fair-"

"Deal!" David shook Pikeman's hand. I facepalmed as everyone groaned, is my boyfriend stupid?


Yes he is

"David! You idiot-" Max yelled.

"Play nice, remember?" Pikeman teased. Max groaned, easily showing that he was ready to throw hands at Pikeman.

"Petrol! We're falling back to base. Remain here to observe the campers and blow this whistle if you witness any... Poor behavior." He threw the whistle up to him before going to an overly sophisticated stance. "Come, Snake! We've got an extra bunk to prepare for our new recruit!" He laughed easily as he walked away, and truthfully, I hoped he choke. Once out of sight Gwen glared,

"Well, great, David! Thanks to you and this stuuuu..." Gwen looked at Petrol before stopping herself, "-Pendous wager! We definitely won't look like idiots when we don't fuck this whole thing up!"

"Oh, come on, gang! We just have to to be nice to everyone for one day!" David smiled.

The school bus then honked before slamming into David. I ignored who was getting off and instead quickly helped David up from the impact.

"New kid's here," QM said. Wasn't the old man just here a few minutes ago?

David wrapped an arm around my shoulders as he brushed some dirt off and examined a new cut, "New kid?" He questioned, looking up to the door. His face dropped slightly,

"Hey, everybody. My name is Jermy Fartz." The kid said, giving a smile.

David smiled back, and so did I, but not the others,

"Oh." Max simply spoke.

I moved from Davids' arms to the new camper, "Well! Welcome to Camp Campbell! Let me lead you to the mess hall, where most of our current campers are right now!" I grinned. We all walked into the mess hall, once in I found a spot off to the side at a table, where David soon joined me.


David gave a soft smile, "Sounds like they're talking about who the best camper is." David chuckled.

"Who do you think is the best?" I questioned. David turned to me, giving a kind grin,

"I think everyone is the best in their own way." He said before giving me a soft peck on the cheek and walking to the trio,

"Now, kids. Let's not spend time arguing over who's the best. You're all the best!" David grinned.

"Literally impossible," Neil answered. I sighed, at least he tried. I walked up to the group, standing by Davids side.

"Now, why don't we all put this silly bet aside and focus on welcoming Jermy to-"

"Fartz," Jermy said. David gave an uncertain expression,

"Jermy... Fartz to Camp Campbell! Who's up for a nature hike?" David grinned? Jerry handed me a paper,

"This is...?" I questioned, flipping it over to look at the wording.

"I hate to be a Deborah Downer, but this letter is from my mom, Mrs. Fartz, says I can't go on hikes due to my-" He then full out farted, no excuse me, heads up, or shame, "IBS."

I hated covering my nose and making a deal out of it, feeling as though it'll embarrass the person who did it or make me come out as immature, but at this time, I had to cover my nose or something.

"Jesus Christ!" Max groaned.

"Okay, guys. I'm drawing a line here. Back where I'm from I used to be the loser kid that everyone laughed at and you know what? It sucked! I say we give this guy an honest shot." Neil declared. I smiled at the usual science brat. "So... Jermy! Uhh...what kind of stuff did you get up to back home?" Neil questioned seems to do his best to look interested.

"Well, on weekends, I would practice kissing with my dog, Chuckles," Jermy replied. Neil has a questionable expression and I couldn't help but grab Davids hand in an attempt for comfort.

"Oh," Neil answered.

"Yeah, it's harder than you'd think. He never seems super into me, so I had to slather peanut butter all over my gums." Jermy finished. I kicked at the ground,

"At least he has a nice vocabulary," I commented to David who gave a simple nod in reply.

"I'm... Going to wash this hand." Neil said before leaving the mess hall.

"It was chunky, by the way." Jerry added, "The peanut butter-."

"Emergency huddle!" Gwen screamed.

I, David, Max, and Nikki joined Gwen,

"I am extremely disappointed in your kids." She started.

"What did we do?" Nikki questioned.

"Guys, Jermy is clearly a young boy with special needs. I just don't think he's all there. Now making fun of each other is all well and good, but this? This is just not cool."

"We wanna help Gwen, but there's just a limit that needs certain people," I added. "Maybe you could help him, we're not exactly fit for that."

"I think he just needs to learn-"

"Actually-" Jermy jumped into the circle, causing us to let out a small yelp, "-and I get this a lot- my nervous doctors have assured me that I am completely on track developmentally. I'm just another one of the guys, so let me have it!"

Gwen aggressively grabbed his shirt, "Kid! I am trying, but you've got to work with me here."

"Sorry," Jermy said before letting out a loud one.

"Christ, what is wrong with this fuc-"

"Max! The wall has ears."

Petrol creepily stood outside with a whistle causing Max to press his lips together annoyingly.

"... Let's go outside." Gwen said, ushering the kids out of the mess hall.

(Word count - 1335)

(Finished writing on Sat, Nov, 17, 11:54 PM :)))

Jasper or Quartermaster?

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