《I Can Make You Smile (David x Reader)// CAMP CAMP》12


I and David walked through the store, he eventually began whistling and trying tools here and there. He grabbed a rope and threw it over his shoulder. He then grabbed an Axe, about to swing but decided that he didn't want to let go of my hand in order to swing it the proper way.

I let go of his hand, causing him to frown but also take this time to wipe his nervous sweat off to his pants leg. I grabbed a fake sword and a Halloween mask,

"Beware you demon counselor! For I have the sword of wizardry!" I yelled. He laughed, grabbing a wooden weapon as well before putting on a pair of woodworking goggles,

"You should beware my mighty powers!" He yelled, stomping around the aisles. "You have no match to my abilities!" He yelled, raising his knees as he walked. I hid in an aisle, sitting on the floor and peaking over the edge. "I said~ beware!" He yelled, stabbing my sides from behind. I yelped before it evolved into giggles as he pointed his weapon at me. "Victory is mine~" he laughed,

"You may have won this battle, Demon! But I assure you!! I shall win the war!!" I cried, throwing off my mask and laying on the floor, dead.

David couldn't contain his laughter as he pulled off the goggles and placed them on the shelf beside him, placing his weapon there as well. I set my stuff there as well, turning to the other shelf.

"So, um, what else do you need?" I laughed. He grabbed the ax and carried it with him,

"We could use another one of these." He laughed. He then picked up a hunting knife, placing it on the end of his finger before yelping.

"Why would you do that?!", I yelled. He chuckled nervously,

"I was curious?" He laughed. I asked the cashier for a bandage before going back to David and gently wrapping it on his newly opened wound.

"Right on the nerve, Davey." I chuckled, shaking my head. He pointed over to a pile of supplies,

"Do we need all of that?" I asked with a laugh,


"Yes." David nodded. I sighed, let's get a box then. We filled the box up before I attempted to pick it up to carry to the car.

"Jeez-", I muttered, leaning all the weight in my chest as I walked.

"Here, let me." David smiled, taking the box from my hands with ease. He then carried it into the back seat of the car, shutting the door.

"Where do you wanna go next?" I asked. David shrugged, "Gwen said we could stay away all night. I guess we can go to a hotel. If you want to?" David smiled.


"Is that...Max...?" I asked. David quickly got out of the car, looking into a shop window. I watched as he instantly frowned. "Yep. It's Max."

"Max!" David scowled.

I watched as Max, Niel, and Nikki all climbed into the backseat, soon buckling up. The car was quiet. I wanted to ask about sick Nikki but felt too much tension to say anything.

My eyes trailed to David, his knuckles white from holding the steering wheel, I turned to him, giving a warm smile,

"We can go to the hotel another day," I suggested. David glanced at me, his expression turning soft.

"I'm suddenly regretting multiple recent choices." Niel whimpered. Nikki groaned,

"This is your fault, Max." She grumbled.

"Shut up! This is fine!" Max yelled. I bit the inside of my cheek to refrain from debating to that. "As soon as we get back to camp we find Gwen and-"

"He's not taking us back to camp!" Neil yelled. I glanced to the camp Campbell sigh as we passed right by it. David's expression turned to pissed again, I placed my hand on his arm but he shrugged it off.

"All I've ever tried to do is help you. I keep trying to tell you about the joys of camping. Of being part of a team, of helping your fellow campers. But no. You never try. You just push and push and push! I don't know what to say anymore. I've got nothing left. You left me no choice." David grumbled, turning off the car.


David then got out, rummaging was heard outside the car until he was finished.

"Are you. Fucking. Serious?!" Max yelled. I sat up in my chair to look out at what he was doing. Nikki jumped out,

"yay!!!" She screamed. I stepped out of the vehicle as well,

"God. No. Please." Niel wimpered. I gently grabbed Niel,

"It's not as a bad as it looks." I smiled.

"You sick bastard. Your getaway from the camp is TO GO CAMPING?!" Max screamed. I sat on the trunk of the car,

"Oh well," I muttered.

"I don't know what to tell you any more about how cool camping can be. All I can do now is show you." David smiled.

"The hell you think you're going?" Max asked, grabbing Niel.

"I gotta get back to work." He answered. "I got a 401K, whatever that is."

"Come on guys! Did you know I have the Farmers Almanac on tape?"

"David- no-" I started.

"If we start now we can finish 1973!" David smiled. Max groaned,

"Just. Kill us!" He cried. I sighed, sliding off the back if the car.

"Let's... Not go with the tape." I smiled. David frowned.

"Please?" He asked. I shook my head,

"No, Davey." I chuckled. I turned on the only station that'll work, Pop.

"Thank you, Samuel!" Max groaned. David turned to the tents.

"This one's mine and that one is for You three." David smiled. I glanced at the two tents.

"What about me?" I asked. David paused. "Oh... Right... Um- looks like we're sharing a tent!" He smiled.

"Okay!" I grinned, climbing into mine.


"Lanterns out kids!" David smiled, turning the nob on the lantern in the younger one's tent. He then turned to me, giving a bright grin.

"We're not going to bed just yet. I have a surprise for you." He smiled. I rose a brow,

"For me?" I asked. He nodded, reaching out his hand. I paused before grabbing, letting him pull me off the ground.

"Come on! You'll love it!" He grinned. He pulled me through the trees,

"Do you know where you're going?" I asked. David smiled,

"I used to hear all the time when I was a little camper!"

He then came around me, placing his hands over my eyes.

"Oh no! David!" I yelled.

"Trust me, Samuel." He smiled. I gulped at the idea of him saying 'Trust me' and my fake name 'Samuel' in the same sentence. I sighed,

"... Okay."

We walked for a bit before David abruptly stopped his tracks,

"Ta-dah!" He smiled. We stood at the edge of a cliff, one that hung over the calm water. He gently wrapped his arm around my waist, pointing to the setting sun hiding behind the mountains. I smiled, looking at the perfect colors that spread across the sky.

"It's... It's beautiful. How...? How did you find this spot?" I asked. David smiled softened,

"I didn't. Cameron did, and he showed me." He smiled. "And... I don't know. I just felt like I should share it with you." He grinned. I stepped forward to the ledge before sitting, letting my legs dangle. David joined, sitting beside and gently swinging his feet.

"I'm... I'm glad I went to town today, instead of going on that date with Bonquisha." David muttered. my fist tightened slightly at the mention of her name, David noticed this and chuckled, "I'm going on one date with her, and then that'll be it. Then I'll be staying single for probably an eternity. Unless one of those women that Max messaged, somehow find me." He laughed. I laughed along, at the thought.

"Although... I guess I don't have to stay single...Um... Would you like to go on a date?" David asked.

"W-What?" I asked. David's face flushed,

"O-Oh! I thought-! I just, last time I checked normal friends don't hold hands while walking around town or flirt constantly even though this is your 6th day- I just-!" David yelled. I leaned away from him slightly, very unprepared for his sudden outburst. He sighed, running a hand through his poof of bangs. "I'm sorry... I'm just... Confused." He whispered.

(Word count - 1392)

(Written on Mon, Aug 6th)

Angry and confused David? Or depresso, love-struck David?

Also seriously, is this moving too fast?

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