《I Can Make You Smile (David x Reader)// CAMP CAMP》11


"Hey, Gwen. After yesterday I was wondering if I could get off with a small break?" He asked. Gwen shrugged.

"You know, Max has been getting to you a lot lately. You should take a break. I'll cover underwater basket weaving tomorrow. Take the campmobile and get outta Dodge for a day." She said. "Reset! Like I said, I'll cover tomorrow. You stay there and enjoy a nice and quiet sleep."

David smiled, "Thank you, Gwen... I'll be back tomorrow."

"You're taking Samuel with you, aren't you?" Gwen asked. David eyeballed Gwen,

"How'd you know?" He asked. Gwen pointed to me peeking through the window,

"I already see her waiting to ask if you got a yes or no." She chuckled. David looked at me and waved, I responded with a tiny one. Gwen then stood and handed David a piece of candy, who he, replied with wide eyes before quickly handing it back, shaking his head no.


"C'mon, Samuel!" He smiled, opening the door for me.

"Why, thank you~." I teased before sitting in the passenger seat.

He soon started up the car and we started our road to town.

"So what do you wanna do in town?" I asked. David shrugged,

"I just thought of touring you around. You don't seem to be familiar with these parts." David answered.

"Well, I've been here and there." I chuckled. I then pulled the handle on the seat and my back went down, "oof." I mumbled from the impact. He laughed,

"Yea, I think that one might be a bit broken." He chuckled. I kicked my feet up on the dashboard and let myself relax.

He then put on the radio,

"What kind of music do you listen to?" I asked.

"Uh, camp songs?" He chuckled.

"I meant, what do you play on the radio?" I asked.

~"Welcome to the audio audition of the Farmers Almanac for the year of our Lord, 1972 being in a being in a bissextile or leap year. Includes a weather forecast for all regions of the USA as well as planning cables, and Zodiac secrets, for every month.~

"Hoho, this one's gonna be good!" He smiled. I pulled the handle again, propelling my seat up. Oh no, I AM NOT sitting through this.

"Can I choose the station~? Please, ~?" I asked, giving puppy eyes. David looked at me and locked eyes before he sighed,


"Fine." He smiled. I leaned over and gently kissed his cheek,

"Thank you!" I smiled, flipping through channels but the only one to come on was pop. But I guess pop is better than nothing. "I'm a Barbie girl! In a Barbie world~!" I yelled, dancing in my seat. David would glance at me occasionally, chuckling to himself at my energy.

"Hey! Hey! You! You!", I pointed to David, pretending to sing in a microphone, "I Don't like your girlfriend! No way! No way! I think you need a new one! Hey! Hey! You! You! I want to be your girlfriend!" I giggled, rubbing shoulders with David at the last part. His cheeks flushed a dark red, which I myself found entirely adorable.


He stopped the car and I crawled out, stretching my legs as I was on the ground again.

"Where are we, Davey?" I asked.

"We're in a small town, I wanna buy some things for the camp!" He smiled. I gave a smitten grin,

"I'll be honest, I love that you're still looking out for the camp even on your break." I smiled. David smiled as well. We both walked into the nearest building, wanting to tour the town a bit. We both stepped into want seemed a bar.

"I'm going to use the restroom, I'll be back." David smiled before leaving my side. I sat on a stool, looking at the different drinks.

"I'll take a whiskey with some Pepsi." I smiled. The bartender rose a brow,

"Pepsi and whiskey is pretty much the worst combo." He chuckled. I shrugged,

"Oh well." I smiled. He handed my shot and I downed it before opening a can of Pepsi and drinking some. I handed the man a dollar which he gladly took.

"How old are you." The bartender asked,

"Don't worry, I'm 23," I answered.

"I thought you were 25." a man answered.

"Wha-", I looked up to see the Quartermaster sitting a few seats away.

"Sir, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'd like to ask you the same question." He chuckled.

"I'm just hanging out with David," I answered.

"Looks more like a date." He mumbled, downing a shot.

"Wha- it's not!"

"Sounds like you're convincing yourself."

"N-No! I'm convincing you!"

"Whatever." The man chuckled. I drank more of my Pepsi, ignoring the old man. I then stood, ready to leave the bar and the teasing quartermaster. A man I didn't recognize then walked to me, leaning on the counter. I could smell only Cigarettes and alcohol radiate off the man.


"What's a pretty girl like you doing in a bar like this?" The man asked. I cringed at such a cheesy pickup line.


"She's with me. Hello sir, this is my Girlfriend, Samuel." David smiled. Giving a threating glare to the man when he said 'Girlfriend'. David grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers.

"Oh, sorry for that." The man nervously chuckled before walking away. I looked at David then the counter,

"Drink?" I asked. David paused,

"I've never drunk alcohol before." He answered.

"How about one shot?" I asked. "This is a nice break. Why not let loose a little?" I asked, a smirk plastered on my cheeks.

"I've only ever ordered Shirley Temples." He mumbled He hesitated before ordering a shot for himself. He instantly took the shot, not wanting to take a chance to second think. He then coughed, leaning down slightly.

"It burns~!" He cried. I chuckled, handing him my Pepsi which he replied by chugging the rest of the can. He finished the can and laid his head on the counter. I gently rubbed his back with my hand that wasn't holding his' he then sprang up with a smile,

"I'm okay!" He grinned. I giggled slightly, grabbing the empty can and dropping it into the trash can. "Sorry, do you want me to buy you another one?" He asked.

I shook my head, "it's okay. I can get one another time." I grinned. He went to unlock our hands but I kept a grip.

Without saying anything David brought his grip back and continued to hold it as we left the building. We walked on the sidewalk and I slowed my pace,

"You can let go of my hand if you want to, I don't know what happened there, My brain just kinda refused." I nervously laughed. David brought the back of my hand to his lips and gave it a small peck,

"I don't mind." He grinned. I felt my cheeks raise their temperature so I looked away, causing him to chuckle. We both walked a bit until we stood in front of,

'Muffin tops'

We both walked in, hand to hand to realize it was a strip club.

"Really? A completely dead town that can't have fun but yet there are naked women on poles?" I asked.

"This doesn't seem very... Fun." David mumbled, his eyes trailing down as a girl walked by. I pulled him to the main counter,

"Do you guess actually have any bakery goods?" I asked. A girl wearing a skirt for a belt and barely even a bra nodded, turning to a side room that looked like an actual bakery.

"Uh, thank you." I smiled. The girl nodded, leaving the room. David's eyes as well. I snapped in front of his eyes,

"C'mon David, you make it seem like I wouldn't look like that if I dressed in the same getup," I grumbled. David opened his mouth to say something but closed it, his cheeks going a few shades darker. He then smirked,

"Wait, where you just... Jealous? That I was staring at that girl?" He asked. I drew in a small breath.

"N-No! I'm just surprised that you'd even stare at a girl." I remarked.

"All men are the same." The lady from the counter remarked.

"True that." I chuckled.

"I bet you he looks at you with the same desire as he did that girl. But with you..." She paused to look down at our interlocked hands, "I'm sure he puts more passion in the way he looks at you." The lady snickered. David's cheeks flushed,

"I-Its not-! I don't- I don't have Any desires with Samuel!" He defended. The woman cocked a brown but left the conversation there.

I pointed at a chocolate muffin and gave him puppy eyes. He smiled before asking for two.

We left the bakery with two chocolate muffins and two Honey sticks, one strawberry, and the other cherry. We then walked to the hardware store, where I stood at the front to finish my muffin before throwing it away and sticking the honey stick in my back pocket for later. David finished him and then we entered.

We walked through the aisles until I turned to David, seeing a bit if chocolate smear on the corner of his lips, I laughed gently,

"Well, someone's pretty happy to be in a hardware store." David chuckled.

"No, no, David." I chuckled, gently wiping the chocolate off his lip,

"Like a child eating their first birthday cake." I laughed. He laughed along, wiping his wrist over his lips.

(Word count - 1603)

(Written on Mon Aug, 6th)

Yea, I don't think there's an actual Bakery beside the strip club, but it's a possibility :P

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