《Modern Phantasia: siVisPride (Original!Urban Fantasy, Survival Thriller)》(Episode VII) Symbols (Of Our Times) (End)


Jackie felt how tired she was. It wasn’t ache anymore, but a metaphysical tearing from the inside. She fought against her buckling knees, forget about being anywhere near fighting condition. The consequences of just running away were beginning to add up as adrenaline started to fade. And even if they muster the little will they had left to fight, their abilities are still muted. The cold of the rain was beginning to get to her, as she shivered as her hospital gown clung to her feeble body.

And yet, for some reason, she never felt more hopeful.

She didn’t know why. As Jackie watched Sinclair causally pulling out her Aether device, she knew that the girl has a tricky and applicable ability to her name. An overly colorful clown that took them out all at once with a look. It didn’t help matters that like what happened oh so many months ago, they were exhausted and downtrodden. Now minus one and she has clearance to possibly kill them all.

Every angle that Jackie could see with her squinted, tired eyes… There was no way out. She really hoped in this moment, that siVis somehow doesn’t allow someone to read minds.

“I didn’t hear any of ya’!” Sinclair raised up her device, almost like smartphones of old. “Y’all better speak up, and mind that it’s rainin’ cats and dogs damn near! Surrender or run~?”

“…So. I’m guessing the previous offer is null and void now?”

Jackie jerked her head towards Tracy, who was rubbing her arm nervously. Just looking straight ahead, knowing that Jackie would want more than anything to read her face right now.

But she saw something. Tracy’s fingers twitching slightly, purposefully.

“You dirty--!” Aiko shouted.

“Not talking to you—don’t care—this is clearly the end of the line,” Tracy spat back, detached.

Jackie portrayed an expression of disbelief. Scanning towards Sinclair, before looking back at Tracy, moth agape.

Hoping against this cold reality that the girl doesn’t notice where her eyes lie.

Tracy’s fingers curled up against the arm. Giving the impression that she was in distress.

But what remained, was the thumb sticking up. Putting the two together, it was a thumbs up.

Jackie immediately jumped in, adding to the façade.

“Aiko,” Jackie said stern. “There’s no point. Let her do what she’s gonna do.”

Jackie turned back to Sinclair, holding her breath, praying that she didn’t tip the woman off.

But no, the lady in pastilles aimed her device, and started to take pictures of herself, the flashes even from afar being potent.

“Well then,” Sinclair chirped. “I figured that everyone hated a no good, dirty rat—but I’ve been wrong before. If you really mean what you mean, please understand… Now that offer has some probation added to it and a lotta earning back of good will~”


Sinclair kept snapping pictures, the flashing illuminating the area.


Now it all clicked for Jackie.

As the flashes wore off, she could faintly see Sinclair’s eyes settle back into place. If Jackie’s assumption was correct, then her eye beams can bounce off surfaces that she chooses, thus using the device’s screen. The flashes obscuring whatever she directed the blasts at.

Jackie could only grit her teeth behind her defeated façade. Whatever Tracy was doing, she had to trust.

Sinclair smiled, putting her device back into her pocket. Twirling her umbrella with her hand as she leaned in.

“But I need to hear it from the maul’s mouth,” Sinclair commanded under such a sugary and thin veneer. “I wanna hear you agree. Then I need you to raise your hands in neutrality.”

Tracy sighed. She looked up, her damp, red, long hair hanging as the pouring rain hit her face.

“I have to admit… Never thought I’d be making choices like these. Like why? Why someone like me—a rat right down to the letter—forced down this path…? I try to do something, and it only branches off into more hardship. It’s hard—”

“I know you look like one darling, but you ain’t a movie star—” Sinclair motioned with her two fingers. “Now let’s get on with it, raise you hands or join the people you just ratted out.”

Tracy lowered her head down, readying her hands at her sides. “I’m just stating things on the record… I guess I’m coming clean.”

Jackie glanced back to Aiko and then to River. Aiko was still fuming, while River was stone-faced, but met with Jackie’s gaze. Confirming that she was on board, and stepped up behind Aiko some, using her unassuming nature to her advantage.

Looking forward, Jackie saw Tracy slowly but surely rose her hands. The palms open, but the fingers mid-curl.


“You’re not taking us alive, bitch,” Tracy sneered as she thrusted her arms upward, grunting as she does.

And soon in an instant, the roof that the girls were on turned into a makeshift springboard. Catapulting them straight into the air as they travelled many feet that just climbed and climbed.

Jackie quickly looked, to see Aiko grabbed by River, surprised and dumbfounded before being let go.

“Aim and angle yourselves if you need to--!” Jackie yelled. “For now, we use the little movement and the smallest moments of rest we can muster! I’ll be your eyes, Tracy—be ready to open something!”

Jackie glanced back, only to find Tracy looking back, her face away from Jackie’s sight.

“We won’t be safe—” Tracy tried communicating. “—If she’s still on us—”

Jackie shook her head, using her siVis despite the shock of pain shooting across her body. Twisting around.


Only to see Sinclair bounding from insane heights, only using her legs. Calmly sailing down towards the girls like an arrow.

It was then that Jackie understood, where her ability was aimed at.

Using her enhanced sight, Jackie saw Sinclair chomp onto her thumb. No resistance or damage at all, as the rain drops slid off from her now shiny skin.

Reeling her head back, inhaling.

Jackie witnessed as her top half started to expand like a balloon as she continued and continued to suck in air.

“Fuck—” Jackie shouted. “She can make herself rubber too, girls!”

So if they try to bat Sinclair away, she’ll bounce back. If they crash land onto the ground, maybe grappling her in vain, she’ll absorb the blunt force. And if they manage to run on foot, she’ll bound from the buildings.

This was a perfect checkmate.

Sinclair used siVis to angle her arm towards her face, struggling due to the mass she’s taken. But she managed to wrap her painted lips around the bitten thumb.

And began to blow.

Transferring the air gained into the arm, Sinclair soon had a massive, rubber fist that she immediately balled up as soon as the process was over. Making her aim true, as the rest of the body that wasn’t the titanic arm was shifting with siVis.

As Sinclair thrusted the giant fist forward, she caused ripples in the path she was sailing it towards. As if she was parting the rain cloud themselves despite being so far away.

There was no way around it. They had to face her, like it or not. Between them falling and the force coming at them, there were no other options. That hope from before, rung hollow now.

…But it was that hope, on that quick rumination, that gave Jackie a critical moment.


River, who was above her on the side, looked down before getting a twinkle in her moody eye.


The canister fell as River ascended. As steam, within this cold air, she quickly rose into the skies with little struggle.

It gave Jackie hope that this gambit can be pulled off.

Aiko gave a quick glance, before tightening her expression.


She snapped towards the closest object near her, which was Tracy’s gown. Taking it over, she pulled the girl upwards to rival River, causing Tracy to exclaim in surprise as she was being dragged upwards.

All that was left was Jackie.

She poured enough into her fist.


Jackie punched the air, thrusting her fist. The energy had to escape somehow, and she caused an explosion that propelled her upwards.

She couldn’t let the numbness rob any other movement she needed right now, using her alive hand to scramble, catching the canister with barely her fingers and struggling to hold on.

Jackie met with the others as each of their respective abilities ended.

Wincing with an eye closed, Jackie looked towards Sinclair. Despite the shifting face… It clearly read confused. Surprised. Then shocked.

The girls—all of them—began sailing over the inflated fist. Not scaling it, not jumping over it. It was a pitiful thrust, using all of their abilities.

They instantly fell back down, landing on the fist as their weight allowed them to sink into it.

And within seconds, sprung them into the air once more. Darting into the air and blasting across the skies.

Immediately gaining feet away from Sinclair. A person they had no chance and was no match for.

Jackie looked back. Both as a caution, and for satisfaction.

And she got a treat indeed. The girl that prided herself on bubblegum colors and Southern hospitality, was fuming visibly as she fell towards the ground. Screaming,


The scream, becoming more and more distant as they’ve clearly got away.

As the rain coated her face as she sailed downward and downward, Jackie closed her eyes. To take this in. To let go of the tension, if not for today. To let that spark of hope, for a least for a spell, roar into existence as a fire within her body.

At least, after they don’t slam right into the streets.


Jackie opened her eyes to see a segment of street not only been raised up, but turned into a makeshift slide as she landed.

Tumbling across, feeling her siVis immediately activating to keep her alive, as her world turned about in multiple ways until the entire street settled back down. Ultimately rolling onto her back and stopping.

Hearing the rest rustle near her, only the ambience of the rain.

Jackie just stared up. Everything finally coming down, everything finally being able to rest despite the mountain of pain.

A light caught her eye. She trained her eyes to see a A.R. billboard, regretting it instantly.

It was a series of videos.

Videos of them. Their failures, from a third person perspective. All ending with text: “Don’t be like them. Be Extant.”

Tears welled up. The walls, down for Jackie. She couldn’t help to be bitter, every single time she made a step forward.

But she wasn’t going to stop moving. Not anymore.

“Oh boy…”

Jackie perked up, struggling to lift her head up to see Stark. Hoodie, looking down at this display.

“We really need to stop meeting like this…”

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