《Modern Phantasia: siVisPride (Original!Urban Fantasy, Survival Thriller)》(Episode VII) Symbols (Or Our Times) (Act 4)



Four girls in hospital gowns ran across their shining city’s streets, drenched within the downpour. Knowing that they’ve crossed a line they can never crawl back over to.

Jackie found it weird. She was expecting her bare feet, even with the light and reactionary siVis toggled to protect her soles, to step on glass, pebble, anything. But it was like the streets were just… Recently erected. But even then, there would’ve been imperfections with the firm asphalt, or something.

But as she continued to look around, her eyesight slicing through the downcast, it was clear. Davenport’s influence has completely warped the city more than the Shifts ever did.

Everything. It didn’t matter if it was office building, or apartment—store or park area. Gun-metal with a white sheen covered the entire structure. Thick, compact walls that tries so very hard to invoke seamless and edgeless future but illustrates the complete fear of the Shift Noumena due to how much it armors completely. Covers from every single convincible inch and then some. Just to be sure.

“We don’t even know where we’re going…” Tracy mewled out from Jackie’s left, sounding already exhausted.

Jackie looked over the right of her shoulder, directly eyeing River who was behind her.

She clutched a glowing blue canister in hand, with extra grip due to the pouring rain.

Jackie faced forward, “All we need to do is find a place to lay low and have that to guide us to her. Nothing more, nothing less. We keep running until we feel like we can’t anymore and even then, we have to go to a place they wouldn’t dare to look in.”

It wasn’t long before Jackie noticed the lights blinking in the background, and instantly put herself on edge.

“Be prepared for any of that to fail in some way,” Jackie said to her team. “siVis attacks are still weak, but we’ve gotten better at endurance due to how much shit we’ve been through. But our only strength is how bad we are. That’s our only Hail Mary, and if it doesn’t work? Keep running.”


“Got it,” Aiko said steely, determined.

River grunted in response.

“Eeehuwueue…” Tracy struggled to accept.

It was too hard not to notice anymore.

With each green light that flickered on the armored walls, there was a soft hum that pinged within the air. And the sound kept building, and building, and building until it nearly drowned the rainfall.

“Run or fight?” Aiko asked, as Jackie felt her stare against her back.

Jackie’s brow furrowed in thought.

“Gain distance and observe!” Jackie growled out, stopping and turning before the threat before them. The others doing the same.

Placing siVis on her bare legs, she jumped back a few feet, struggling to land as she crouches down. Her hand against the wet asphalt as she watched the other skid backwards after following her lead. Tracy stumbling on her left, River backing away still with canister in both hands, Aiko getting in front of her just to make sure.

The Davenports spawned from the walls. Less spawned and more… Forming within it before marching out.

A series of connecting circuits that glowed green snapping furiously together before forming into a skeletal frame. Still with the constitution of metallic goop before hardening into writhing wires that became humanoid men. With a massive, screen for a head that fashioned a glowing, ring cyclops eye.

Becoming a squad of ten. Marching towards the girls, side by side, file by file.

“Now,” one of the Davenoids began. “Let’s calm down here…”

And soon, one after another, repeated the phrase over and over. Beaming their collective one eye at the girls. Their distance slowly being chipped away, only because they’re trying to be gentle and slow.

Jackie glanced at the buildings around them, “I’m assuming the more we run, the more we cause them to be created. So that’s kinda bad.”

“Considering two punked a Trend,” River droned dryly with the fact. “Our chances are pretty slim if they weren’t already.”


“A bit,” Tracy retorted. “And considering we struggled with the one before that was barely built and still was kicking when I failed—I really don’t like our chances here.”

Then it clicked for her. Jackie’s mind, maybe siVis, maybe both—realizing something about that. Something that gives them a chance.

“But it’s been such a time since then,” Jackie raised her fists. “We’ll try it out. The moment it gets hairy, we’re done, okay?”

Maybe it was the rain. Maybe because she can physically feel how badly hurt she still was. But Jackie’s fists shook as she tightened them.

“okayokayokayokay—” Tracy raced forward and expanded her arms outwards.


The street divided into two flaps and folded in on itself, trying to force the Davenoids in.

The good five or six Tracy managed to get simply melted onto the street, becoming said flaps, quickly making it all for naught.

That gave the rest of the robots a reason to now rush in, being disarmingly quick.

Jackie rushed in, meeting the central one head on with a fist glowing blue with destructive energy.


She slammed her fist into the side of its head, causing it to explode seconds later as it fanned into the air, creating this frozen splat mark, the body recoiling by falling towards its side.

Only to snap back and the head to reform around Jackie’s now dead fist, and using that kinetic force to whip her down onto the ground.

Jackie’s back arched in pain, causing her to shout in agony. Seeing that her fist was still lodged in its robotic skull.

It grappled Jackie’s head, pushing her onto the wet ground, knowing full well that it was such an awkward position that caused further discomfort and an impasse. Locking her into place.

If it wasn’t for the side-effect of her ability, Jackie’s arm would be screaming with pain. But the numbness did not reach to her shoulder, placing the burden to it all at once.

But it was out of the corner of her eye that she saw her arm regain color. Within moments, Jackie will be out of the fight.

“This is for your own good, Sir-and-or-Madam—” the Davenoid tried to speak.

Jackie found herself flopping to the ground, the rest of her body that was raised, looking at her now alive hand before turning her head.

As always, Aiko was masterfully proficient with her ability, and tackled herself onto the Davenoid to take it over.

She failed to take it over.

It was so shocking—not just the fact it didn’t work… But seeing what happens to Aiko when she activates it. The Davenoid was reeling back, trying to take this see-through sheet of plastic off of itself, tugging and tugging as the plastic—Aiko—refused to yield.

Ultimately, the robot tore Aiko away and threw her into the wet wind—the sheet reforming into the girl as she landed onto her ass.

Jackie looked over to the other side, seeing Tracy and River moving backwards, as the merged Davenoids along with the others, sliding through the streets in their melted state.

“We’ve seen enough! Let’s get out of here, run!” as much as it burned to say it, Jackie knew it was the smartest choice.

For once, they knew what they were up against.

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