《Pokémon: Ultra Guardian》Assembling the Dream Team


After a short but intense discussion with Brock, Ash was now filled with a burning desire to set out on a new adventure through the vast and diverse region of Kanto.

"Serena..." Ash called out to her, his voice filled with a mix of excitement and determination, his eyes alight with the fire of adventure.

"Huh? What is it, Ash?" Serena asked, looking at Ash with confusion written all over her face.

"You know we won't be going to Alola anytime soon," Ash replied, his voice tinged with a hint of disappointment, a small frown forming on his forehead.

"What do you mean?" Serena asked, still confused, her brows furrowed in confusion.

"I want to know why I was the only one who could see Ho-Oh. I need to understand why it chose me. So, we'll be starting on a new journey soon," Ash said, rubbing his nose, his voice filled with determination and a sense of purpose.

"Ash?" His mother, who had been listening to this from the kitchen, came out to ask, her voice filled with concern and a hint of worry.

"Mom, it's..." Ash was unsure of what to tell her, but he knew he had to follow this calling, no matter how uncertain the path may seem.

"You don't have to tell me anything, but be careful. It's been a long time since you've been on an adventure like this," Delia replied with a smile, her voice filled with pride and understanding, her eyes shining with the love and support of a mother.

"Well then, it's decided," Ash said, his voice filled with excitement and determination, his fists clenched in determination. He made a fist and lifted it, "Let's go get my team ready then," Ash said, running out and heading to Oak's lab, with a spring in his step and a fire in his heart.

"Wait for me, Ash!" Serena called out as she ran behind him, her voice filled with excitement and a hint of nervousness, Pikachu in her arms.


: Oak Labs, Pallet town :

As Ash walked into the Oak Laboratories, he was greeted by the familiar faces of Professor Oak and Tracey. Tracey, who had been out on an errand, had just returned and greeted Ash with a warm wave and a smile. Ash reciprocated the greeting, and Tracey retreated to his room, where he was busy with some work.

Professor Oak, noticing Ash's presence, quickly shifted the conversation to the reason for Ash's visit. "So, you're here to choose a Pokémon team?", he questioned Ash, his voice tinged with curiosity.

Ash nodded, a determined look on his face. "Yes Professor, I need a team for a special quest I'm going to do here in Kanto," Ash said, his voice filled with excitement and a sense of purpose.

Serena, who had been running behind Ash with Pikachu, entered the Oak Laboratories. Professor Oak's gaze fell upon her, and he asked, "Who's this?"

Serena introduced herself, "Oh, Hello Professor Oak," she said, waving at Oak and quickly dropping Pikachu.

Ash interjected, "Professor Oak, do you recognize her?"

Oak nodded, a hint of recognition on his face. "Yes, I do. Isn't she Serena, that girl you helped from getting lost?" he replied, holding his chin in thought.

As Oak and Serena chatted, Ash's attention was drawn to the commotion outside. His Bulbasaur was trying to stop a fight between two other Pokémon. Ash quickly ran out to intervene, leaving Oak and Serena behind.


A few moments later, Ash returned to the Oak Laboratories with a contemplative look on his face. "Have you decided yet, Ash?" Oak questioned him, noticing his hesitation. Ash had chosen the strongest of the Pokémon that he had for this quest, including Charizard, Greninja, Sceptile, Goodra, and Infernape. Ash was looking at each of his Pokémon, seemingly torn about leaving his Alolan companions behind.

Ash eagerly looked at Professor Oak as he asked, "Professor, can I take them with me?" pointing towards his Alolan gang. As he looked at Serena, an idea struck him, and he knew Professor Oak would understand. Serena was playing with Ash's Lycanroc and Ash called out to her, "Serena," who looked up at him expectantly. But instead of Ash speaking, Professor Oak continued, "Ash wants you to keep his Alolan Pokémon for him."

Serena's eyes widened in surprise as she exclaimed, "Huh?" She looked back and forth between Ash and Oak, before a huge smile spread across her face, "I'd love to," she replied.

"That's settled then," Professor Oak said, looking at Ash's Pokémon. He wanted to say something more, but Serena interrupted him before he could start.

"For your information, Ash, I have another free slot. I've transported Sylveon and Pancham to my mom after we reached Kanto," Serena said.

Ash's face broke out into a big smirk, "That's great, we can do a thing then, you can keep Heracross. The fact is it can also mega-evolve." Serena smiled back at Ash, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"So, Ash, you haven't told me what this quest is all about?" Professor Oak asked Ash, his voice filled with a mix of curiosity and excitement. Ash smiled back at Professor Oak, his eyes sparkling with determination.

"Remember, when I started on my journey, I told you I'd seen a Pokémon that you called extinct..." Ash started, his voice filled with a sense of purpose.

"Ho-Oh!" Professor Oak exclaimed, his voice filled with surprise and awe.

"Yes, Ho-Oh," Ash continued, "I'm going to find this mysterious legendary Pokémon that only appeared to me in my dreams. I've been waiting for this moment for so long, and I'm not going to let it slip away." Ash's voice was filled with determination and wonder.

Professor Oak's expression softened as he looked at Ash. "All the best then, young boy," he replied, his voice filled with encouragement and support.

Ash and Serena then began to leave, waving goodbye to Professor Oak as they headed out. They were going shopping, and Serena needed to get new clothes for her exploration of the Kanto region. Ash could feel the excitement building within him as he set out on this new adventure. He knew that it would be challenging, but he was determined to succeed and fulfil his dream of finding Ho-Oh.

: Trainers School, Melemele Island, Alola :

"We're bored, Jessie," James told his teammate, yawning, his voice filled with a mix of ennui and disappointment.

"We miss the twerp and his Pikachu," Meowth continued, his voice filled with a sense of nostalgia and longing.

"Yeah, and without battling him, life feels useless," Jessie replied, her voice filled with a sense of disappointment and emptiness.

"Wobbuffet!" Wobbuffet added, his voice filled with agreement and a sense of longing. Team Rocket was spying on the class from a distant tree, next to the school ground. While they were discussing all this, James was looking through the binoculars at the class.


"Guys, guys! I found something," James called to his teammates, his voice filled with excitement and anticipation. Meowth took the binoculars and looked into the class.

"It's the twerp's rival!" Meowth said, his voice filled with astonishment and glee.

"Let me see," Jessie took the binoculars, "Gary!?" she yelled, her voice filled with surprise and a hint of malice. Gary Oak had recently enrolled in the Trainer's School and it was his first day in class.

"Hello everyone, I mean, Alola. My name's Gary Oak and I'm from Pallet Town," Gary started introducing himself to the class, his voice filled with confidence and a hint of pride.

"Gary Oak from Pallet Town," Sophocles thought to himself, his mind racing with the possibilities.

"I'm the grandson of the world-renowned Pokémon researcher, Professor Samuel Oak, and grandnephew of Principle Samson Oak, and my partner is Blastoise," he said, releasing his Pokémon pal with a flourish. Team Rocket, who was watching this, wanted to catch Gary's Blastoise. From the tree, they were spying, and a hot air balloon rose. Team Rocket disturbed the class by using Mimikyu's Shadow Ball attack.

"Who's that?" Gary questioned through the clearing dust and smoke, his voice filled with confusion and anger.

"Prepare for trouble, make it double", James recited, his voice filled with excitement.

"To protect the world from devastation", Jessie continued, her voice filled with a sense of grandiosity.

"To unite all people within our nation", James added, his voice filled with a sense of unity.

"To denounce the evils of truth and love", Jessie said, her voice filled with a sense of malice.

"To extend our reach to the stars above", James added, his voice filled with a sense of ambition.



"Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light", Jessie and James said in unison, their voices filled with a sense of excitement and determination.

"Meowth! That's right!" the bipedal cat Pokémon adds followed by Wobuffet's, "Wobuffet!"

"Not you guys again!" Mallow exclaimed, her voice filled with a sense of disappointment and weariness. Her eyes widened in frustration as she recognized the familiar faces of Team Rocket.

"You people never change?" Gary questioned them, his voice filled with anger and disgust. His fists clenched tightly at his sides as he glared at the group.

"Huh? You know them, Gary?" Professor Kukui asked in surprise, his eyes wide with shock as he looked between Gary and Team Rocket.

"Yes, they're bad guys who operate from Kanto. Many times, my friend Ash and I defeated them, and yet these guys never change!" Gary added, a hint of bitterness creeping into his voice. "Blastoise, use Hydro Pump on their balloon," Gary commanded his Pokémon, his voice steady and determined.

"Blastoise!" The Pokémon followed its trainer's orders, unleashing a powerful stream of water at Team Rocket's balloon. Team Rocket blasted off, but Bewear caught them, preventing their escape.

"That's new," Gary said, looking at Team Rocket with a sense of curiosity and confusion. The whole class introduced themselves to Gary, eager to get to know the new student who had just saved them from Team Rocket.

: Route 1, Kanto Region :

Serena had finished her shopping, and Ash, Serena, and Pikachu were walking back home. It was a romantic evening in the Kanto Region. As they were walking, a Fearow was watching them. It rose and headed towards the trainer from Pallet Town. Serena was frightened and Ash commanded Pikachu to attack, but the bird dodged it. It was about to tackle Ash, but before it could attack the trainer, a sound was heard.

"PIDGEOT!" The Kanto bird scared away the Fearow. Ash looked up into the sky, it was his Pidgeot.

"Pidgeot..." Ash said, looking at the magnificent bird, its eyes met its trainer's. Ash shook his head with a smirk. Ash, Serena, and Pikachu now started moving again towards Pallet Town. That night Ash had a dream, he saw flashes of bright light everywhere around him, Pikachu wasn't with him nor was anyone else, but at a distance, a shine of hope was seen, a giant Water Shuriken. Ash fell off the couch before his dream was complete.

The next morning, Ash was in a hurry to get ready to meet his old friends.

"Serena, are you ready?" Ash called after Serena, pulling up his pants. He was wearing his Alola Polo shirt and blue jean pants.

"Yeah, almost... Aaah!" she shouted from the room. Ash ran to see what had happened.

"What happened, Serena?" Ash shouted, opening the door. When he opened the door completely, he could see Serena, completely dressed and sitting on his bed. She was wearing a pink top, a blue skirt, and a red hat matching Ash's Alola cap, and to her top was tied the ribbon Ash had given her years ago.

"Um... nothing, Ash," she said, walking towards him seductively.

"Uh... Sere...", Serena stopped Ash mid-sentence, as she leaned in for a kiss. The two were lost in the moment, but their romantic interlude was abruptly interrupted by the sound of Ash's mother, Delia, entering the room.

"Ash, Serena, what's going on?" Delia asked with a hint of suspicion in her voice as she surveyed the young couple.

"Nothing, mom. Nothing at all," Ash stammers, trying to come up with an excuse. "I couldn't find my cap, so I came here," he adds, fumbling for the right words.

"I've come here for the same reason. You left your cap in the kitchen while having breakfast. Here," Delia hands Ash his cap, an amused twinkle in her eye. Ash quickly grabs his cap and goes to grab his bag, eager to escape the awkward situation.

"Ready, Serena?" Ash asks the girl, trying to change the subject. Serena replies with a smile and a nod, clearly relieved by the change of topic. The two leave towards the entrance of the house, where Pikachu was waiting for them, Ash's mother following closely behind.

"Bye, mom," Ash waves at her, trying to hide the embarrassment on his face as he walks away into the forest.

"Bye, Ash, Pikachu, and Serena," Delia replies, cupping her mouth for her voice to reach the kids, and then waving at them.

"Pika Piii," Pikachu says, looking at Delia, as if to say goodbye too.

Later that day, Ash and Serena reach Pewter City and stand in front of the Pewter City Gym, ready to take on the next challenge on their journey.


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