《Blue Road》Episode 19 (Part 1)


Richard skipped across the sidewalk once he left the work building. He sighed with content, the sense of accomplishment rushing through his veins. He could hardly wait to tell the others about tonight, minus the stuff involving Lily. That was their little secret. Once Richard had reached the other side of the street, Fawn approached him. She exchanged glances from both sides before floating over and trembling. Fawn mentioned having news to bare, and they should hurry back to the motel to discuss.

Back inside, Richard took off his coat and shoes before plopping down on the bed. He sat up straight and sighed. Fawn phased through the walls and waited for him to relax and change clothes before telling him her side of the story. Fawn told him about an assassin, hunting him down and coming for him. Richard then told her about his side of the story, about how things went for him.

“Did you ever commit murder before?” Fawn asked. “That person seems to have a vendetta on you for some reason.”

“Of course not,” Richard replied. “I don’t see why this individual wants me dead. I don’t even know who this person is. Do you?”

“Not really.” She looked back towards the window. “Whoever they are, they could still be out there, somewhere.”

“But I could use some shut-eye.” Richard rubbed his eyes and yawned. “Can’t you float there and keep an eye out for that person?”

“I guess I can do that for you.”

“Thanks, I appreciate it. Good night.” Richard fluffed the pillow and mattress before resting his head, closing his eyes, and falling asleep.

“Night,” Fawn muttered.

After a while, Richard’s phone went off on the other side of the room. He stretched his arms and let out a yawn before getting out of bed. He trudged over to the phone and picked it up. Checking the text, the message appeared to be from Mindy, telling him to meet back at the work plaza to discuss their next set of plans.


Richard sighed in defeat. Guess I can’t even rest for just a minute. He changed into work clothes and headed out the door, with Fawn following suit.


Richard and Fawn headed back to work at the W.A.S.P. building. When reaching the cubicle area, Mindy, Ken, and Kelly had a short meeting about their progress so far. Each of them sat on chairs near Mindy’s cubicle room, all appearing to be distraught over what happened hours ago.

“So, you weren’t able to find anything?” Kelly asked.

Mindy nodded. “After all that time, we couldn’t get anything out of it.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” Richard spoke up, walking towards them.

Once everyone’s attention turned to him, he pulled out the real blue capsule and showed it to everyone. The group’s jaws dropped. They couldn’t help but stare, as Richard had a smile on his face.

“No way, is that...?” Mindy got up from her seat and inspected the capsule. “That’s impressive.”

“Why, thank you.” Richard bowed before giving it to her.

“How did you do that?” Kelly inquired.

“Well, hard to say.” He lied. “But can you decode it?”

“Leave it to us!” Mindy adjusted her glasses as she sat back down to work on the computer. She used the code from the previous capsule, but it wouldn’t register. She stroked her chin and squinted her eyes, trying to figure out what went wrong.

“You ok?” Richard walked over and bent down, peeking over her head from the computer.

“I am, but this is going to be tough compared to the previous ones I had earlier.” She pulled back from her seat and crossed her arms, thinking about the possibilities of what the answer could be.


“What did you do last time?” Ken inquired.

“I used a binary code about the blue blobs,” Mindy replied. Her eyes widened as she snapped her fingers. “That’s it!” She looked something up and typed in the password bar.

“Wait, did you figure it out?” Richard asked, tilting his head.

"Hold on; I think they changed the password to activate this capsule. Let me try the binary code for the actual creatures’ names: Usukui Puru."

"Are you serious?"

"01110101 01110011 01110101 01101011 01110101 01101001

00100000 01110000 01110101 01110010 01110101"

Mindy typed it all down and pressed enter. Soon, a video popped up on the screen.

“Whoa, it worked!” Richard stepped back.

“Alright!” Mindy exclaimed, pumping her fist in the air.

“Well, good to see things are working nicely, then.” Ken stretched his arms. “Let us know if you need anything from us.”

He and Kelly got up and started heading back to their stations when Mindy played the video. A voice spoke from the speakers.

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