《The Strays of Dachaigh Gual》5. Marianne’s Waif


Morning eventually arrived and Fea could not help but smile as Dahlia and Àlainn woke up.

Their sweet yawns filled the air and his heart dance a little with every movement they made.

“Good morning.” They both greeted and he greeted them back with the gentle wave of a hand.

He then offered them some rabbit meat which he had managed to procure during the night.

He butchered and roasted the little creature and since the meat had since cooled, Dahlia and Àlainn could eat it swiftly.

“Did you get any sleep?” The boy asked.

“Yes and swallow before you speak.”

Dahlia nodded as he ate alongside Àlainn who’s eyes were half closed.

“Àlainn?” Fea called making her eyes widen.

She looked up at Fea with eyes that glowed a dim purple.


“Are you alright?” Fea asked.

“Yes, I’m quite alright. I’ve just been thinking about something quite a bit. My… don’t worry. I will tell you all about it when we get back home.”

Fea nodded before standing up.

He then packed everything up while Dahlia and Àlainn finished eating.

The three then made their way back into Ceàird Gaoil where they were greeted by light rain and a few more people than before.

Fea crossed his arms upon reaching the pier.

“Do you see it?” He asked as Dahlia and Àlainn stood by his side.

“No. Is something there?” The boy asked.

“Yes. A child. Beneath the water’s surface.”

“Is… the child alive?” Àlainn asked.

“I am not too sure.” Fea said while turning to face Dahlia.

“Here. I will see if there is anything I can do?” Fea said as he handed Dahlia one of his daggers.

The boy accepted it and Fea sat down shortly after.

He then crossed his legs and closed his eyes all while his body and the lake before it bathed in the gentle light of the rising sun.



Fea opened his eyes and stood up, leaving his body where it sat.

He then spread his wings to fly but stopped upon seeing a certain someone looming above.

“Good morning, Yar’ Ley” He greeted only for the air to be filled by a low, bone shaking drone.

[Good morning.]

“Could you shed light on the state within that child exists?”

[His paternal blood is of high birth, although not as high as the Prionnsa and he exists primarily in the Reverie Plane.]

“Is there a way to bring him into the physical world?” Fea asked only for a high pitched squeal to fill the air shortly after.

[The only beings capable of that would be his parents.]

Fea nodded before noticing that his nose was bleeding.

He wiped the blood away before turning to the child.

He took a single deep breath before flying to the center of the lake.

There, he looked the child over.

It had pale skin, short wet hair and closed eyes.

Fea lowered himself onto the water.

His feet sunk into the surface.

He then reached out to picked up but stopped as another high pitched squeal filled the air.

[I suggest that you cease that action.]

“Why?” Fea asked but Yar’ Ley did not respond.

Fea clicked his tongue before suddenly realizing something.


He quickly looked down to find that his gills were bleeding and his belly was covered in blood.

He quickly flapped his wings and flew away from the child.

“Mmm…” Fea droned.

He then quickly flew back to hos body and promptly awoke.



“Well?” Dahlia asked while standing protectively in front of Àlainn.

“According to the ever enigmatic Yar’ Ley, the child is a exists primarily in the Reverie Plane.” Fea said while unbuttoning his vest.

“He is also of high birth, like you, although Yar’ Ley did not detail the specifics of Great One hierarchy .” He added as he raised his shirt revealing his blood stained belly.

“What happened?” Dahlia gasped while Fea wiped away some of the blood with a towel he had in his bag.

“Nothing but a little exposure to a great one.” Fea said before looking at Dahlia with a raised brow.

“Although, if that is the case, how come we do not bleed when around you?” He asked with narrowed eyes.

“Dahlia would never want to harm us.” Àlainn said firmly.

“Do you think it a subconscious action of his?” Fea asked as he stood up.


“I see. Well, I would like to learn more about this place and the Waif, however, we have left our home undefended, so let us return.”

Dahlia and Àlainn nodded before following Fea out of town but before they left they made sure to thank the townsman who had allowed them entrance.

They then made their southeast, back to Dachaigh Gual although as they walked, a certain thought troubled Fea.

“We know they can alter our world in varying ways.” He muttered.

“Mmm?” Dahlia sounded while walking hand in hand with Àlainn.

“Oh- Pardon me. My thoughts spilt from my mind and out of my mouth. I was wondering if we could somehow categorize Great Ones by the degree of control or influence they have over our world. Oormaelor created an illusion but it had an area of effect that covered only his home. Yar’ Ley can, for some reason, turn flames purple and that ability of his only activates in his immediate vicinity. Gi’ Kolarum was able to plunge the world into a twisted nightmare and your father was able to take you from Dòchas to our home in nearly an instant. Or maybe that was your ability.” Fea said while biting on his thumb.

“Let’s assume that it wasn’t his ability.” Àlainn said but this made Fea stop.

“Why?” He asked with a confused frown.

“I have two reasons, one being the fact that, according to Dahlia, the change in location did not happen instantaneously. We were instead taken to the beach.”

“and the other reason?” Fea asked with a raised brow.

“He didn’t change anyone’s location when he got sick. That would have been the appropriate time for his powers to haphazardly activate but we were together the entire time.”

“Ah, but you yourself said that he would never wish us harm. So what if that subconscious desire prevented any of us from being affected?” Fea asked all while Dahlia looked at him and Àlainn from the side.

“I… do not know. I just think that his father had something to do with our change in location.” Àlainn said.


“And Yar’ Ley.”

“Mmm?” Both Fea and Àlainn sounded after the words left his mouth.

“He was the one who told me something. Something then hit my head just after he said that and that’s how we ended up on the beach.”

Fea and Àlainn glanced at each other before looking up to find Yar’ Ley looming over them.

“Well?” Fea asked but Àlainn hurriedly grabbed his hand.

“Please don’t! You have already exposed your mind to so much today.” She pleaded prompting Fea to nod.

He then resumed his walk into the forest deep with Dahlia and Àlainn in tow only this time, he etched into his mind a list of questions he had for Yar’ Ley.



The trio eventually returned home but by then, night had already fallen and they were quite tired and so, after eating some soup Fea made for them, Dahlia and Àlainn went to sleep, leaving Fea to tidy up.

He placed some fresh wood into the stove and quietly made his way to the main bedroom to find Dahlia and Àlainn soundly sleeping.

He silently wished them a pleasant night before making his way to the library but just as he grabbed the handle of the building’s door, he heard a loud bang coming from Dachaigh Gual’s gate.

He cautiously approached the gate all while something or someone kept banging on the gate.

Fea opened his mouth to ask who dared knock so loudly at such a late hour but before any words left his mouth, the sound of movement came from the other side of the gate.

Fea unsheathed his daggers just as five dark figures landed around him.

They reeked of rotting flesh and blood. Their eyes shimmering like daggers in the night a day their bodies emitted a strange heat.

“Well what do we have ‘ere?”

One of them asked as he stood upright. His body covered in a thick leather coat which was covered entirely in blood. His hand held a large steel saw which had a handle along its spine.

Fea frowned a little upon seeing that each of the men before him was covered thinly in what looked like grey fur and their noses were far longer and wider that normal.

“A boy and two women, one small and frail lookin’, the other tall and brutish. That’s who we’re lookin’ for. You haven’t seen a group matching this description, have ya?”

Another asked as he, along with his companions, circled Fea. His words revealed that his teeth were all sharp and this affected their speech, causing them to make the “shh” noise quite often.

“And if I did?” Fea asked.

“Well, we’d have to kindly ask that you show us where they are.”

The first one said.

“And if I refuse?” Fea asked.

“That wouldn’t be very nice.”

The second said as he and his companions came to a stop.

Nothing more was said as Fea glanced at each of the five men.

One of them then reached out to grab him from behind but he dashed forward towards a spear wielding man.

Fea placed his dagger on the man’s neck without drawing blood before snaking his way behind the man.

He had hoped that the others would cease their attacks but they all swung their weapons, gutting their comrade and in nearly cleaving off Fea's arm in the process and so he quickly let go of his hostage before hurriedly dashing backwards.

“Why do you hunt us? None of you died as a result of our actions!” Fea yelled as the four men slowly approached him.

“The Boss said that it was one of those three that caused the Endless Night. We’re here to ensure that what happened is never repeated because we are the Bloody Numbers and it is we who will put an end to the nightly scourge and all who aligned with it.” The first said while spreading his arms.

Two of his companions then dashed towards Fea who found himself cornered by the gate.

Their weapons were far too heavy to parry and so he forcibly spread his wings, ripping his vest and shirt in the process and used them to take the two incoming attacks.

“AHHHHHH!” Fea cried as the meat cleavers wielded by the Numbers tore through his wings but he used this opening to dash forward and stab the two in their eyes.

Their screams filled the air but before Fea could even catch a breath, one of the last two Numbers punched him in the face before hurriedly mounting the fallen Fea.

He then raised his spear in an attempt to attack but Fea shoved his bloody wings into the Number's face before forcing his dagger into the Number’s neck.

“DAMNED BEAST!” The first Number yelled while rushing towards Fea with a raised saw.

Fea protected himself by using the dead Number as a shield for the incoming attack.

The first widely swung his saw, cutting deep into his fallen companion’s back.

Fea could not use his hands to fight back since he was desperately holding onto a corpse to defend himself from being hacked apart and so he used his feet, kicking the number in the knee.

“Ah!” The Number cried before raising his saw once more but his moment of pain allowed Fea to grab one of his daggers and force it into the Number’s thigh.

After letting out an enraged cry the Number tried cutting Fea’s exposed arm off but Fea hurriedly dragged the mangled corpse over it, making the Number cut into the corpse of his comrade yet again.

Seeing that the saw was temporarily lodged in the corpses skull, Fea pushed the corpse aside before rushing onto his feet and grabbing his other dagger.

He then faced the enraged Number just as he dislodged his saw.

“RAAAAAAGGHHHH!” The Number roared as he took quick steps towards Fea who had his back, once again, on the gate.

The Number dashed towards Fea while raising his saw and Fea did the same only his daggers were crossed in front of him.

The Number swung his saw downward and, using both his daggers, Fea blocked the attack, shoved the saw to the side and jumped forward, hitting the Number’s nose with his knee.

The Number fell onto his back and after landing on him, Fea quickly stabbed his neck.

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