《New Beginning in the Magical World》Chapter 92.


Chapter 92:

"How are we going to fix this?" asked the young, rookie soldier while staring at the dilapidated land outside the wall. His tan skin and muscular build suggested he was once a farmer, likely one of the many new recruits who volunteered to defend the city during the fog invasion. “I’m sure that Lord Hubert can find a way to resolve this pollution. Lord Hubert would definitely help us regain all the things we lost in this crisis.” Replied by a middle aged soldier with a rough voice as he pound his hands on the rookies back. "I hope you're right," the rookie soldier said, his voice heavy with doubt. Unintentionally, Lucas overheard their conversation, his sharp senses as a transcendent knight allows him to hear their words from a distance. However, their conversation did not fill him with positivity. Instead, it only makes him more anxious. Because he remembers that there's an old saying, that the higher you fly the harder you fall. He was glad that their people had a lot of faith on his father's strength, but he was also aware that too much faith isn't good. Believing blindly to something would only caused them their doom. And yet, There's already a bunch of people treating his father as if he was an omnipotent being who can help them solved everything, but that's not how it works. His father might be a strong knight, but he can't create miracles out of nothing. Many of their soldiers literally view his father words as sacred thing that should be followed. And Lucas is worried that their blind belief to his father, their thoughts that he can do anything might put him in precarious situation in the near future. The terrible pollution on their land brought by the blood of mutated creatures might be just one of the minor issues they have because of the fog invasion, but this is also the most worrying issues of all. Without a healthy land to farm their crops their city won't survive for too long. The remaining healthy land inside the city wall is also not enough to sustain their current population as even it would for short by several times. Trading with other city is also not a long term solution as it would only make us bankrupt in a short time. In addition, the current road condition are also not favorable for us to ship large amount of foods, it would take them days before they arrive here, and this only means that we can't eat anything fresh but only the preserve foods like dried fish or pickled vegetables. And they might be cheap to buy from other city but transporting them in bulk would be a huge problem for us. We don't even know how many carriages should we send if we really end up in this kind of situation. But just imagine how huge are the people's appetite in this world, a normal human consume double the normal amount of what people on earth it. Lucas has a theory that the people in this world had more advantage in physical strength but in exchange they must eat larger portions of food to sustain their cell activity. This is how this world lacks food despite having crops that grows on a faster rate, it would just never be enough. That is why having your own land to farm is important for the survival of every human on this world. If Lucas put it into scale, more than half of human territory is actually dedicated to farming, fishing, and everything that has something to do with food. A good example of this is their own city, the farm land surrounding their city wall is actually larger the city itself. That is how important the land is in this world. Originally, the land outside the city walls was once a lish and vibrant landscape even during the fog invasion, filled with fields of crops and waving grasses. The people of the Florentine city had always takes pride on their land that surrounds them, for it was the source of their livelihood and their sustenance. But now, as they looked out of the desolate wasteland before them, they could hardly believe that this was the same place they had known and loved. The land was blackened and scarred, the grass and trees withered and dying. The potholes that dotted their land were a constant reminder of the destruction that had been wrought upon their home. Thankfully, Lucas has now someone he can asks, that could possibly help them restore their land to it's healthy state. It was the mysterious cube he found in the frozen cave, the sentient being living on that cube might be the oldest being alive on this world. And Lucas is certain that Milo has the answer that he was looking for. The being named Milo despite having the appearance of a child, claims that he was older than the Great fortress of the central continent, and also the one who brought humans and other races to this planet. Milo mentioned that their current civilization is just a remnants of a much advance race. But for some unknown reason all sentient race have now forgotten it in the long passage of time. That's why gazing at the endless black land outside their city wall causes Lucas to feel grief and worry enveloping his heart, thinking about the bleak future that awaits them. A polluted Land that is as black as coal, with only little greenery on sight, you would not even think that this place is previously thriving with crops and grass. The entire place outside their city looks so desolate with only a few flowers and grass growing from a few patches of green. With their land current state, it would be a miracle if they could grow anything on it. On his estimates about 95% of their farm land outside the city wall had become polluted because of their blood, it's just a good thing that large section of forest a mile away from them is still in a fairly good condition. At the same time, potholes of different sizes can be seen spread around the land, it was the result of the Knights attack, using their aura skills to defend the city during the siege. Their powerful attack have save many of their soldiers from being overwhelmed by the mutated creatures, but their blind attack has also caused massive destruction outside the city, changing it's landscape forever. The sight outside their city looks like an apocalypse have come, with withered trees standing from a far. But there's one thing that attracted everyone's attention it was the giant crater made by the powerful explosion. A huge and deep crater can now be seen clearly by just standing at the top of their city wall. It sticks out like a sore thumb among this ruin and everyone was in awe, as they didn't expect it to be that big. What they are looking was the aftermath of the explosion caused by their lords fight with the flying creatures. The powerful explosion that rattled their city has finally revealed itself to them allowing everyone to see the destruction it left behind. The news of the fogs disappearance has rapidly spread throughout the city enveloping it in a festive mood, as every citizens celebrate their freedom after being trapped in this danger for two months. People immediately run towards the wall excited to welcome the triumphant return of their lord with people holding various things in their hands. Some holds a shovels, other have rake while some have pans and broomsticks creating a rocketing noise as they bang them together in celebration. But Lucas couldn't join in their celebrations, as he couldn't shake off the feeling of dread in his heart. He knew that their problems were far from over, and that the real work was just beginning. He couldn't help but think about the vast expanse of ruined land that lay beyond their city walls. He knew that it would take them a long time to restore the land to its former glory if they were just going to let it heal on its own, that's why they must intervene to fasten the process of its restoration. And even then, he couldn't guarantee that it would ever be the same again. The thought of all the lost crops, the destroyed homes, and the lost lives of their soldiers and citizens weighed heavily on his mind. "Milo, are you there? I have an important question. Hello, Milo!" Lucas called out in his mind as he tries to call the cube's attention. "What's your problem?" Milo replied in an annoyed voice clearly disturbed by his nagging. "You suddenly left earlier, so I thought something had happened to you. Furthermore, I need your help to solve the pollution on our land. Didn't you mention that you're from the northern continent? I'm sure you've already seen what happened to that place after the demonic creatures invaded it, right?" "You mean this pollution around your city? It's not even that strong compared to the northern continent." Milo revealed as he scanned the surrounding land. "Hmmmm, You know what? I can help you clean this out but it would still take us weeks or months to completely remove this pollution on your land." "Really! that's great, so what do we need to do?" Lucas asks in glee. "Somethings seems to be buried underneath this city, I think it was a magical formation of my era, but I can't really tell. I've been sending it multiple magic resonance but it is not responding to my call, but if you can find a way to bring me to the control room I can make some changes to it that can help us gradually clean the pollution on your land." Milo explains as he returns to his investigation. Hearing this, Lucas was immediately elated he didn't expect that their trip to the frozen cave would be the main key of solving their problem. The only reason why he insists to go back to that cave is because of the sharp intuition he had in his guts, he didn't know that his trip will result in him finding a mysterious cube floating in that room. In fact, the world he saw when he first entered the consciousness of the cube is already enough to blow him away. Who would expect that such a magical word like this with medieval looks hides such a dark secret? It didn't even cross his mind that such a thing is possible. I mean who would expect to see a giant spaceship in a fantasy world? certainly not him. That's why Lucas has great trust in the being name milo despite him not being human as he was the one who witnessed everything that happens from the time when humanity is at the peak of its civilization to its collapse. One example of that is the ruin under their city, it should be the magic formation that Milo had detected during his scan, and the capabilities of this formation are even enough for the Beaufort family to hide its existence to the world for hundreds of years. It just speaks the importance of this thing. "You must be pertaining to the magic formation that surrounds the city I can definitely bring you there but it would require the permission of my father. Is it okay if I reveal your existence to him? I swear he won't say it to anyone." "You can, because I also had something important to ask to your father. Especially to that sword and shield hidden under this mansion. Where did you even get that? it's an important artifact of-" Milo said in a rushed tone, cutting himself off as he realized the gravity of what he was about to reveal. "Artifact of?" Lucas murmured, curious about what he is going to say. "It's not the time yet for you to know everything. It's not something that a weak human like you can handle. You need to be stronger and more powerful before you can fully understand the significance of those artifacts." Lucas has still more questions for Milo but it was cut short by the sudden eruption of a loud cheer. His father and his knights have finally returned safely to their city while dragging a heinous monster. "Look it's lord Hubert! they finally returned." "Woooooooh! I told you whatever that monster is, it can't compare to our lord." As Lord Hubert and his knights approached the city gates, Lucas and Michael could see the excitement on the faces of the people lining the streets and even to the soldiers standing at the top of the city wall.


As the cheers and shouts of excitement filled the air, Lucas attention was immediately drawn to the sight of his father Lord Hubert, and his knights returning to the city gates. The people of the city were overjoyed and they celebrated their return with great enthusiasm. They lined the streets, cheering and clapping as Lord Hubert and his knights walked by, dragging the heinous monster behind them.

The men and women of the city were overjoyed, many of them were crying tears of joy. They had been worried about the safety of Lord Hubert and his knights during their absence.

Lucas, who was standing beside Michael, was also filled with pride and happiness as he watched his father and the other knights returning home safely. He still had many questions for Milo, but he knew that it would have to wait. Since this was a time for celebration and rejoicing.

"I'm glad, it seems like they all managed to return safely despite their armor being damage none of them looks seriously harmed." Michael immediately said with a sigh of relief.

"What's important is that they all got back safely we should greet them come on." Lucas said as he run towards them.

As they got closer, they could see the weariness on the faces of the knights, but also the sense of accomplishment and pride in their eyes. Lucas and Michael could also see the severe damage on their armor and the blood stains on their clothes, they knew it was a fierce battle.

"Father!" Lucas shouted as he reached his father's side. "Welcome back. We're so glad you're safe!"

Lord Hubert turned to Lucas and smiled. "I'm glad to be home, my son," he said, patting Lucas on the shoulder. As Hubert turn his attention to Michael, he could see the concern etched on his face. "What's the matter, Michael? Aren't you happy of our return."

"Of course, I'm happy. It's just that Lucas and I have made a mistake by going-" Michael was about to confess their illegal trip in the frozen cave but it was cut short by the loud shout of Kiel.

"Wait, Is that a young dragon?" Said a loud voice in shock.

Kiel said as he appeared behind the knights looking at the mutilated corpse of the strange dragon.

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