《To Be Loved By A Mikaelson | Hayley Marshal》MR. FATHER


Gabriel enters the compound and notices multiple puddles of blood on the floor. "Rebekah would throw a tantrum." He hums as he steps over them. Following a trail of bloody paw prints that eventually turn into human footprints with a dead woman's body laid against the fountain.

He continues to follow the trail already knowing who was the cause of this mess. He walks into the bathroom and sees another dead body laid against the tub that his little wolf was taking a bubble bath in. "Come to check up on me?"

"Not necessarily, ill leave this mess to Elijah." He gestures to the blood and dead body.

"I was having a crappy day, so Klaus took me out to the Cauldron. Wouldn't you know, we ran into some witches!" She enthuses.

Gabriel sighs in annoyance. "I can very clearly see that."

Hayley stands from the tub, naked and covered in bubbles. Instead of being aroused Gabriel looks at her flatly. He grabs a nearby towel and throws it in her direction. "Get dressed Hayley." He orders.

"Oh, don't judge, Gabriel! What I did is no worse than anything Klaus has ever done." She scoffs, wrapping the towel around her body.

"I would hope that you would hold yourself to a higher standard than Niklaus. But I'm starting to see my hope was misplaced." He monotonously states.

Hayleys eyes briefly flash with hurt but as fast as it came it was gone. "I'm a hybrid now, and I have a werewolf temper to go with my new appetite. And, the witches who tried to kill my baby are worth nothing more than food. Excuse me."

Gabriel walks into the room where Klaus and ELijah were arguing about how Klaus had been allowing Hayley to kill so heartlessly. He only assumes that Elijah had heard their conversation and confronted their brother. After so many months of dealing with his bratty little brother and Hayleys careless attitude he had simply given up. They would do whatever they wanted and Gabriel was tired of wasting his energy.

Hayley treated Gabriel like he was nothing to her before this all happened so he just stopped trying. He did say he would never pressure her to do something she didn't want and she's a grown woman. If she didn't want to be with him than so be it. He wouldn't beg her to love him.

"I am helping! You should have seen her last night! Covered in witches' blood and smiling from ear to ear! She is embracing this. A little less criticism from you, and Hayley will be just fine." Klaus spats at Elijah.

"Niklaus! The mother of your child deserves much better than just fine!You'll take her to the Bayou. Find any remaining wolves. Perhaps her people can reach her. Now, more than every, she needs a connection to something, some of her humanity. Some degree of dignity." Elijah then storms out of the room.

"Come to yell at me about your lover as well, Gabriel?" Klaus sarcastically questions.

"Nope." He blankly states. "You both will do whatever you want and continue this selfish act where you pretend you two are the only people suffering. No one but yourselves will convinced you otherwise."

Klaus gapes at his brothers retreating figure in regret.

Gabriel arrives to Marcels area where he had been recruiting vampires. Never had he ever seen something so stupid in his thousand plus years of life but he gave the man an A+ for creativity. "Gia's proven herself. She knows what she's getting into. So, she's going to be the first one that I turn. Everybody else? First, I need to be sure that you can handle moving up a notch on the food chain. The emotional ups and downs, the solitude, and bloodlust. Imagine hearing the sound of a heart beating, beating, beating, and wanting more than anything to feed. That's what it's like to be a vampire. It's not for everybody. Some folks, well... let's just say it brings out the worst in them."


Marcel notices Gabriel lurking and decides to approach the man "Gabriel, didn't expect to see you on this side of the river."

"Didn't expect to see you assembling a new vampire community. I suppose were both full of surprises."

"My community was fine until Klaus had the brilliant idea to make moonlight rings. Now that Harvest girl's making more, offering them to the wolves in exchange for their allegiance. And the wolves are just kneeling at her feet. The Quarter's become a dangerous place, and you? You ask me, you're better off joining my community! Maybe that's why you're here?" Marcel gives his father figure an innocent smile.

Gabriel smiles and shakes his head at the mans antics. He still had his childish charm from so long ago and he appreciated that. "No actually there was something I needed to talk to you about. My brother was going to come here himself and my guess is he would have threatened you to find the white oak stake or he wouldn't allow this recruitment to continue. I guess I came to ask nicely with no threats."

"Aw, even if I wanted to help, I don't have a clue where the stake is." The dark skinned man honestly replies.

"Yes but Elijah's though process in coming to ask you was because you're in contact with Davina. She has cut me out of her life so I cannot help on that matter." He confesses.

" I don't want him anywhere near her." Marcels tone becomes one of utmost seriousness.

"I couldn't agree more." Gabriel shrugs.

Gabriel watches hidden from sight as Marcel and Davina meet up to talk about the stake. When he sees her a soft smile reaches his face. She had grown, she looked older.

"Hey! Long time, little D!" Marcel greets.

"I got your message! What's going on?" The girl looks around curiously.

Marcel holds out his arms. "Come on, I don't get a hug?"

They embrace in a loving hug, like two old friends. The sight is odd to see if you knew their history.

"It's good to see you, too! I appreciate you coming all the way out here... How's school? Make any new friends?" Marcel questions. Gabriel didn't realize she transferred from online schooling into in person. His body slightly slumps as he thinks about how much of Davinas life he missed.

"I dunno. This one guy asked me out... but then, he stood me up." Davina sighs in sadness. Gabriels fist clench, if he ever finds out who stood up his little witch they'd pay.

"Say the word, and he's dead!" Marcel's statement makes them both laugh. "Okay, I hate to ask for a favor, but... I need a locator spell. Something's missing... a white oak stake that's powerful enough to kill an Original."

Davina looks at him horrified and Gabriel narrows his eyes. Watching the witches body movement very carefully. She was awfully tense. "Did one of them put you up to this?"

"D, if that stake is used on Klaus, every vampire he's sired dies, too." Marcel reminds her.

"I know. But, what if I do find it? I mean, I -I'm not just gonna give it to Klaus! He and Elijah are both brutal, sadistic monsters!" She snaps, but the gulp of her throat tells Gabriel she doesnt really believe what she's saying. She never bonded with Elijah, but she had briefly bonded with Klaus. So her fake statement alarms Gabriel.

"For a long time, that family has had all the power. They manipulate and kill anyone who gets in their way. That time's over. From now on, they can know what it is to be afraid." Davina rants before storming away.


Gabriel comes out of hiding as they both watch her hurry away from the man. "She's being manipulated or blackmailed."

"What?" Marcel sputters. "That's what you got from that?"

"Her body language is showing all of the signs. She has the stake, I'm sure of it." Gabriel sighs. " You may not know this but when Davina lived at the compound her and Niklaus had actually bonded. He gave her painting lessons and I often heard them joking around with each other. Nik hasn't harmed her since he found out she was a Claire. Nor has he harmed any of her loved ones. She was lying when she said all of that. It's only a matter of time before we realize what's really going on."

Both men walk down the streets of New Orleans conflicted on what to do with their current dilemma. "The stake is safe. Davina won't use it on Klaus if it would kill me. If what you say is true she wont use it on Klaus either."

"If she's being blackmailed or manipulated there's no telling what she will or wont do Marcellus." Gabriel pinches the bridge of his nose in exhaustion. "My main worry is, how long before some one realizes Davina holds the stake and she's attacked?"

"Huh. I'll get her to give the stake back! Alright? Just give me some time." Marcel tries to convince the man.

"My family will not harm her. Though Elijah always acts fast in stupid situations like this that often end in my never ending anger. I don't trust Elijah not to try to get to her in paranoia that the stake will end up in the wrong hands. Please do try to fix this fast. I will stand against my family for Davina but I don't want it to come to that. No one likes when The Mikaelsons declare war on each other." And with that Gabriel leaves.

Right as Gabriels about to enter his apartment he gets a text message from Marcel. "I've been with this man all bloody day what could he possibly want." He complains. But as he reads the message he speeds to his destination as fast as he could.

When he arrives he notices a man about to feed on Davina and throws them off. When the man stands back up, revealing his face Gabriels expression becomes numb. This is what Davina had been hiding for months upon months. She brought his father whom has been tormenting he and his siblings for centuries. The deepest sense of betrayal filled his gut. 'Hello, son. I'd hoped to see your brother first, but we have some unfinished business as well. Seeing as I know Kol saved that wretched wolf for your sake."

Gabriel attacks the man successfully getting a few hits in when Mikael catches him off guard by pulling the white oak stake out of his paints and aiming it for his heart. Gabriel tries to shove his hand away but they're matched in strength. Gabriels hurt and anger being his weakness.

Meanwhile Marcel rushes to get the bracelet off of the floor and to Davina.

Gabriel gets a flashback that makes him falter.

"Hello, little witch." Gabriel greets as Davina enters the living room. Hayley and Gabriel sat cuddled up together. The former watching TV and the latter writing in his journal.

"Hello. I, um got you something." Davina shyly holds a small box out to him.

He closes his journal and sets it to the side and Hayley turns the tv down now invested in their conversation. "You didn't have to." He lightly scolds.

"Well you've been taking care of me for months now when you didn't have to... You're like my dad." Her whole face becomes flustered as she says this.

Gabriel gapes at her words and Hayley silently cooes, overjoyed that she was here to witness this moment.

After getting over his initial shock, Davina shoves the box into his hands and kisses him on the cheek. "I have to go meet josh, bye bye Hayley!" And then she was rushing out of the apartment door.

Gabriel touches his cheek that she had kissed with a bright dazed smile. Much like he would months later when Hope had kicked him through Hayley's swollen belly.

Hayley watches with adoring eyes, Davina was like his daughter that had him wrapped around her fingers. Ready to do anything she needed or wanted him to do. "Open the box!" She urges.

Gabriel nods and slowly uncovers the lid to the box. Pulling out a silver band that had the words 'Property of Davina's father.' Engraved into the inside. His eyes become glossy as he puts the band onto his right pointer finger. "She loves me, little wolf."

"She adores you, you're the father she never had the chance of having." Hayley confirms.

Gabriel turns to face Hayley and pulls her into a hard kiss. Hayleys eyes widen in surprise, they both start laughing at how happy he is. "My daughter." he whispers to himself in disbelief.

Noticing the man was distracted Mikael gets the upper hand and the tip of the stake impales Gabriels chest. He screams. When Mikael realizes Davina had the bracelet again he speeds away to attack Davina instead but she already had the bracelet secured. "STOP! Go back, NOW." She demands.

Mikael speeds away and Gabriel who was still recovering from Mikael's attack stares at her with wide glossy eyes. Marcel looks between the two in disappointment. Even he was surprised Davina would do something like this so someone she called her father. But then again he supposed he didn't have much room to talk.

Davina shakes her head and runs out of the bar. Gabriel notices Kaleb behind the bar and gives him a look. making a note in his head when he sees a family glint of textured gold peeking out from the mans shirt. "Something to say?"

Kaleb replies stunned. "Not me, mate. Not a bloody thing."

And with that Gabriel had confirmed what he already believed. Kol was in another witches body, but he didn't know what was really going on yet so he let it be. He wouldn't tell anyone including Kol that he knew.

Gabriel arrives to the compound and joins his brothers in the wine cellar to discuss all that had happened today. Both Elijah and Klaus look highly disturbed, too distracted to notice Gabriels broken state. "It is worse than we thought.I met the witch, Cassie. I studied her, her presence, the way she carried herself. The fervor with which she voice her hatred of our kind. I looked into that girl's eyes, and, I swear to you, Gabriel, she's just just guided by our mother. She is our mother."

Gabriel becomes overwhelmed with this discovery along with what he had seen today he looks to ELijah in confirmation whom nods solemnly. "What is happening?"

"I'm going to kill her. I will boil her bones and feed them to the dogs, if that's what it takes. What? What could possibly be more important than the return of our mother?" Klaus rants when Gabriel tries to interrupt him.

Gabriel sighs. "Our father... He attacked me today... He was caught in some spell cast by Davina. She holds the power over him."

Klaus gapes and looks at his brother sadly.

"My own daughter was nearly my downfall today." He confesses.

"If she chooses to release him..." Elijah sighs.

"Well, then there's only one question we need to ask, isn't there? Which of our parents do we kill first?" Klaus shares a look with his brothers.

The trio goes up to the courtyard where Gabriel becomes confused. Hayley was leading a whole group of wolves into the compound giving them orders. "Take any of the rooms on the first floor."

"Are we running a kennel now?" Klaus looks at her astounded.

"I'll handle them." She insists.

"Our family is under siege. It is not the time for guests." He argues.

"If they're not with us, they're with the witches. You asked me to step up. This is me stepping up." Hayley narrows her eyes in defiance.

"Well, it seems I'm a good influence on you after all." Klaus smiles. "I don't see Oliver amongst them. Am I to assume you finished him off?"

"We made a deal. He'll pledge his loyalty to Cassie, report back, and tell me everything that he learns." She explains.

Klaus nods and turns to leave, Elijah following as well. Gabriel thinks about what he should do, where he stands in all of this. Gabriel goes into he and Hayleys shared room that only Hayley had been occupying these past couple months and throws the remainder of his stuff into a bag. Walking down the stairs with his bag in hand, Hayley looks to him in confusion. "Were you just leaving?"

Gabriel pauses his movements for a moment before looking back at her. She had that innocent gleam back in her eyes and he couldn't be happier. But he also couldn't ignore the fact that for months she was nothing but rude and looked at him like he was nothing to her. He tried and tried to get through to her only for his brother to be the one to do it. He can only wonder if that's a reflection on how much she really loved him. Wondering if he was only good enough for her now that she's ready for life to go back to normal. Because he sure as hell wasn't good enough for her the past few months. "To be perfectly honest with you... I need to leave I don't think its healthy for me to continue to stay in the room next to what used to be ours waiting to see when ill be good enough for you."

Hayley looks at him with hurt and regret in her eyes. "Gabriel I know I've been distant... I just didn't want you to see me like that. I was hurting. You don't have to go."

She truly did regret treating him the way she had been. She was so caught up in missing hope that she didn't believe she deserved to feel anything other than hurt for not being able to protect her daughter. But now she realizes that wasn't how she should've handled it. She hurt the man she loves.

"I think I do." He simply says before walking out of the compound.

Gabriel meets up with marcel in an alley where Gia was performing on her violin. "Let me guess, Davina's nowhere to be found. She wasn't in the attic, wasn't anywhere near the lyceé."

"Elijah has people looking all over this city. She is gone. No doubt to protect Mikael while he recovers from the wounds he sustained." Gabriel mumbles.

"She's scared, what do you expect? I don't think she meant to hurt you Gabriel." Marcel sympathizes.

"Seems to be a reoccurring theme around here." He ironically says.

"You in?" Marcel gestures towards the recruits.

Gabriel shrugs. "Why not, got nothing better to do at this very moment."

Marcel walks over towards Gia and nods at her, she nods back. He gabs her shoulders in comfort. "And these folks are gonna need your help."

He snaps her neck and carefully lowers her body to the floor. "Her name's Gia. I fed her my blood a few hours ago. When she wakes up, she's gonna need a mentor."

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