《To Be Loved By A Mikaelson | Hayley Marshal》Mr. PROTECTOR


Hayley walks through the party searching for Gabriel when Klaus catches up with her and wraps an arm around her shoulders with a sly smile. "I hear you made quite an impression with the wolves. My arrangement with them was supposed to be a secret, and yet you forced it out of them. It's very bold. As was your decision to represent them here today, on your own. I trust you'll do nothing to harm our cause."

Hayley narrows are eyes at him in annoyance. "Are you really gonna go behind Elijah's back?"

He laughs. "Come on! What difference does it make to you as long as your people benefit?"

Shrugging off his arm she rolls her eyes. "If I find out that you are playing some game, trying to manipulate us for one of your schemes..."

She's cut off. "You know, you've come a long way, little wolf. I knew you were tough, I knew you were cunning, but I never knew you were a queen."

Gabriel appears next to the two with a kind smile but Klaus can see the threat behind his brothers eyes. "Why don't you go accommodate our guests Niklaus."

Opening his mouth to make a snarky comment everyone's attention turns towards the entrance where a large group of drummers March in with perfect synchronization.

"Niklaus." Gabriel says as more of a question than a statement.

"Must've been Elijah's idea." Klaus murmurs back with annoyance written all over his face.

The lead drummer pauses with a bright smile adorned on his face. "Happy Fête des Bénédictions. We have a message for all of you from Marcel Gerard."

Gabriel's tribrid eyes make an appearance as he scans the crowd for the man.

Everyone whispers between each other in alarm while Hayley clutches her stomach in a protective manner.

It's only when all of the drummers take out straight razors and slice their wrists open, bleeding all over the floor that the three Mikaelson brothers understand what was happening.


Gabriel pushed Hayley behind him, effectively cornering her between the wall and himself when all of the vampires in the room begin to hiss with hunger.

"Control yourselves. This is a vulgar trick. We do not violate our agreement." Elijah shouts.

The lights go out and Gabriel feels Hayley clutch the back of his shirt in fright. "It's okay." He whispers, hoping to reassure her.

Screams of pain and sounds of blood splattering is all that can be heard. A vampire speeds towards Gabriel in hopes of getting the little wolf behind him but he's quick to rip out his heart in anger.

"Get them out of here!" Genevieves voice is heard amongst The chaos.

Gabriel rips into the neck of another vampire who had nearly gripped hayleys hair.

The lights switched on to reveal dozens of dead and injured humans and a few wolves.

On the walls, someone has written "THERE WILL BE NO PEACE"

"Elijah!" Gabriel grits out in pure anger.

He nods. "I'll take care of this." Elijah understands his silent demand.

Gabriel turns around and Hayleys eyes widen even more at the amount of blood he was covered in. "Are you okay!?" She frantically questions.

Cupping her cheeks he sighs in relief. "I'm okay. But are you? Is the baby okay?" He searches her body for any injuries.

She shakes her head. "No, no, we're both okay."

Gabriel nods, looking around he lowly growls in anger at all of the destruction and chaos His little sisters lover had created.

"I'm going to kill him if Elijah doesnt." He grits out.

Hayley places a gentle hand on his shoulder. "We should get somewhere else a bit less bloody first, yeah?"

He hesitates but when he sees the pure exhaustion on her face he relents. "Still want to stay at my place?"

She nods but then her face turns into one of panic. "Where's davina?!"


"It's okay." He cooes. "I saw Genevieve lead all of the harvest girls out of the compound when the drummers first announced Marcel's name."

Her panicked breaths calm. "Let's go find her before we go home."

He smiles and picks her up bridal style. "Let's."

• • •

Gabriel closes the door to Davina's bedroom as he hears her small snores. They had found her at the cemetery shaking in fear. Whether it was because she was surrounded by people who loathed her or because she had watched a band of humans slicing their wrists he didn't know, he just knew it was time to take her home where she could feel safe.

Walking into his bedroom he notices Hayley had changed into one of his shirts and a pair of his sweatpants, she was pacing back and forth through out the room. "Little wolf, is everything okay?" He frowns.

"There's something I need to tell you." She bites her nails nervously.

He nods encouraging her to continued

And so she goes on to tell him all about Klaus's proposition for the crescent wolves and although he was angered that his brother had gone behind his back he's learned not to be surprised about it.

"I thought that we should just live with Elijah's treaty, but after that party, those innocent people. There will never be a peace. The weak will always be at the mercy of whoever is calling the shots." She says and her eyes plead for him to understand. "We need to use Klaus' help while he's still willing to give it."

Gabriel stares at her for second after she finishes and sighs. "Do what you believe is best for your people Hayley. You're the alpha queen here, not me."

Her eyes brows furrow. "Are you mad at me? I'm sorry I kept it from you but I was against it from the beginning, but tonight it just put things into perspective for me."

Walking towards her he takes her crossed arms away from her body and pulls her into his chest, laying his head on top of her own. "I'm not mad hayley, just... don't trust my brother. He's not doing this out of the kindness of his own heart, we both know that. I don't want you getting caught in the cross fire."

Her tense shoulders relax and she pressed a soft kiss to his collar bone. "Everything will be okay? It has to, right?"

Closing his eyes in deep thought he responds. "I'll make sure it will. Now are you ready for bed, little wolf?"

"Mhm." She mumbles, practically half way asleep already.

• • •

Gabriel gasps awake from his deep sleep covered in sweat.

Hayley feels his movement, she sits up and lets out a quiet yawns. "Are you okay?"

Gabriel still attempting to calm his breathing doesn't respond.

"Gabriel?" Hayley questions again, snapping him out of his racing thoughts. "What is it?"

"Marie..." He whispers.

"Are you dreaming about her?" She feels a small pit of jealousy form in her stomach and looks towards the wall, but his next words alarm her.

"More like she got into my head while I was sleeping." He runs a hand through his nappy hair.

"Like actual Marie? Dead for a long time witch Marie?" Hayleys eyes widen in confusion.

Finally turning to look the woman in the eyes he nods. "She was sending me a message, a warning."

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