《To Be Loved By A Mikaelson | Hayley Marshal》MR. FETE DES BENEDICTIONS


"You're late." Elijah states as Gabriel walks through the parade to find his little witch.

"I'm sorry do I know you?" Gabriel feigns confusion.

"Don't be immature." Elijah scoffs.

"Need I remind you what happens when you tell me what to do?" Gabriel's sarcastically smirks.

Elijah sighs before pointing him in the direction of which Davina sat upon a makeshift throne along with three other girls.

Walking towards the stage with a gift box in hand he's stopped when a male witch tries to guide him towards another witch.

Davina watches with a frown as she eyes all of the gifts the other harvest girls got while she was purposely embarrassed infront of everyone.

"May I suggest you move out of my way before I tear your hands from your body and make you eat them." Gabriel states with a friendly smile, not wanting to alarm any of the humans but serious enough for the man to know he was not joking.

The man quivers under his gaze and shakily moves aside receiving a glare of Genevieve a few feet away.

Walking toward Davina he teasingly bows before the girl making her childishly giggle. "Happy fête des bénédictions my little witch."

"You didn't have to get me a gift." She frowns, feeling bad that he's already given her so much.

"Nonsense." He waves her off. "You have more at home. But this is to help you feel a little more your age seeing as you've been stuck in the middle of all of this than you should be."

"Thank you for letting me participate." She smiles up at him.

"No need to thank me, it's your choice. Now open your gift." He smiles down at her fondly.

She carefully opens the gift and gasps. "You got me a computer!"


Scratching the back of his neck almost sheepishly he nervously replies, "what would you think about enrolling into online school?" He questions.

Her eyes widen in shock. "W-what?"

"I know it's not safe for you to attend school in person like you'd like but this is the next best thing. Only if you want to." He offers.

"Yes! Of course I'd love to." She says attempting to gain her composure when she notices the harvest girls glaring at her.

"Okay well, I'll see you at the party." Gabriel smiles before walking down from the podium.

He notices Hayley standing near by rubbing her swollen belly and his eyes brighten. Walking towards her her admires her with loving eyes.

"You look beautiful as always." He compliments making her shyly blush.

"Stop!" She playfully smacks his arm. "There are people around."

Wrapping an arm around her waist he rolls his eyes. "Good, I want everyone to know you're mine."

"I don't exactly think people are jumping at the opportunity to be with a pregnant wolf." She sarcastically quips.

"Well it's their loss and my gain." He mumbles into her hair after giving her head a gentle kiss.

She leans into him as they watch the parade start to slow down. "Are you coming to the after party?" He questions curiously knowing she didn't want to come in the first place.

"Yeah, Elijah requires it." She rolls her eyes as she thinks about the man arguing with her and Jackson about there needing to be a wolf advocate at the parade to indicate 'peace.'

Scoffing out a laugh Gabriel smirks. "Well Elijah always has a stick up his ass, do whatever you want, I promise you won't get in trouble."


Sighing she replies, "I think I should go, plus won't you be there?"

Nodding his head he remarks, "usually I wouldn't go but it is in honor of Davina so I'll go to show my support and then take her back home."

"You've grown really attached to her haven't you?" She looks up towards him with a fond smile.

He nods his head unconsciously. "Yes. Her parents never had her best interests at heart and she's starting to feel more like a daughter to me than anything. I don't know what id do if I lost her." He admits before looking down at her worriedly. " You don't have a problem with it do you?"

Hayley shakes her head. "No not at all. I think it's cute you've taken her under your wing." She teases.

"I hate to interrupt, but it's time to move things to the compound. Our home." Klaus' voice is heard from behind them.

Turning around Gabriel immediately bites back an eye roll. "Your home Niklaus. I have my own home now."

Irked, klaus scoffs. "It is your home as well Gabriel. We're just in a small tiff right now, you can come back to the compound and we can leave it in the past."

"Well you ran our sister out of said home, and now you've ran me out. How much of a home is it really now, brother." He emphasizes 'brother' just to bother him knowing it was said in a mocking way.

"Cmon let's go." Hayley tugs at his sleeves and he obliges, but not before sending his brother a glare.

"Are you sure you're feeling up for this party? I have a bad feeling." Gabriel voices his concerns as they enter the compound that was no doubt set up by a group of compelled humans.

"Everything will be fine." She tries to assure him.

Shaking his head he replies, "My gut is telling me to take you and Davina home before the party even starts."

"You can take me and Davina home after the party okay? We have to show some sort of willingness for peace. I have to do this for the pack." She rubs his tense jaw with her thumb.

Grabbing her wrist he kisses her palm and smiles widely.

"What?" She sends him a looks of suspicion.

"You called it home." He softly replies.

Hayleys face turns the shade of a bright tomato and she stutters. "W-well I-"

Bringing her into his arms he smiles. "Don't. It makes me happy that you'd think of my home as your own."

After a moment of peace people begin flooding in and Gabriel curiously questions the pregnant wolf. "Does this mean I get to steal you from those pesky wolves tonight?"

Slapping his chest she playfully scoffs. "Don't call them that, but yes. I'm all yours tonight."

"Good." Gabriel nods. "I was going to steal you even if you said no."

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