《To Be Loved By A Mikaelson | Hayley Marshal》MR. GONE GONE GONE


"Just sign the document Gabriel." Elijah pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

"You and Niklaus seemed to have forgotten who's the older sibling here." Gabriel begins to fume. His brother had been scolding him like a child for refusing to sign the treaty for the past hour with Niklaus teasing him about being the childish one.

"And yet you haven't acted like it." Elijah points an accusing finger at him, only fueling his anger even more.

Before either of them can blink they're both up against the walls by their neck gasping for air, unable to push his hands away.

"I am not Niklaus I don't need to be controlled and you are still a little boy to me Elijah." He seethes in anger. "Remember how fast I can put you on your ass next time you try to manipulate me into signing a pointless treaty. I will not make peace with the witches that tortured my little sister and I will not kneel to my entitled little brothers." He threw them both to the floor as they gasp for air.

Elijah tries to speed towards him in genuine belief that he was right and his brother was just being immature. But Gabriel simply stomped on his chest before he could even lift himself a foot up and right back into the floor. "Do not forget who cried to me because they couldn't protect this family. I have sacrificed everything for you all before and I refuse to lose everything now."

"Stay down Niklaus." Gabriel warns and he does as said. "Oh and one more thing Lijah." He says his name like poison on his tongue.

Bending down he roughly grabs his brothers jaw. "Hayley is mine. I see the way you've begun to look at her. And I'll rip your eye balls out if it continues."


Standing up he dusts off his jeans that he had put on after everyone left the party and scoffs. "You two are pathetic. I'm taking Davina and we're leaving."

"Leaving?" Klaus snaps his head up in shock.

"Yeah." He nods his head. "We're leaving. You wanted to do things by yourselves? You think you're both fit to take care of this shitty family go on ahead."

"You swore a vow!" Elijah shouts in anger.

"And you've both broken that vow hundreds of times!" Gabriel throws a chair above their heads stunning them into silence.

"You Niklaus, your need to be in control of all of our siblings at all times is the reason why Kol is dead and why Rebekah will not come back!" He then points to Elijah. "And you with all of your suits and manners are nothing but a coward. You have always favored Niklaus over Rebekah, Kol, and Finn. You've watched him torture them for centuries and never did a damned thing about it but scolded him once every hundred years and called yourself the noble one."

Both brothers stare at him with their jaws slack speechless.

Shaking his head in disbelief Gabriel stomps out of the room and opens Davina's door to find the little witch peacefully sleeping.

"Only you could sleep through something like that." He lowly mumbles in amusement.

He glides his hand through her hair in attempts of waking her up and with his luck she lets out a loud groan.

"Go away Josh." Davina grumbles.

"Wake up Little witch, we're leaving." Gabriel whispers with a frown realizing he was forcing her to change her lifestyle all over again.

Davina rolls over and groggily opens her eyes. "What do you mean we're leaving?"


"My brothers are going to start a war with the way they're going about things and I don't want you caught in the cross fire." He admits.

"Where will we go?" She looks up worriedly.

"Not to worry." He calms her. "I have an apartment on the other side of town we'll stay at until I build a house."

"What about Hayley? How will you protect her if she's carrying Klaus' child?" Davina tilts her head in confusion.

Gabriel's heart was beating out of his chest as he finally admitted what his thoughts had been the whole night.

He didn't know.

He didn't know how to protect his little wolf, his queen. Because no matter how much he hated it she was tied to Klaus for life.

But he did know he would protect her with his life if all else failed.

"I'll figure it out." He promised her. "I always do."

After getting all of Davina and his stuff out of the house he proceeded to ignore his brothers ashamed and shocked looks.

"Is this place okay for the time being?" He nervously questioned, just wanting the little witch to be happy.

"It's perfect." Davina sends him a beaming smile.

"Listen I've got to-"

"Go see her!" Davina practically shoves him out of the house with loud giggles.

"You can invite Josh over if you'd like!" He yells behind him.

Speeding towards the Bayou in his car he steps out and notices that Hayley and her pack mates must've heard his car because they were all staring at him. Some with less friendly looks than others.

"Gabriel!" Hayley says in surprise and happiness jumping into his arms.

He pulls her impossibly closer to him and hopes she can calm him down.

Hayley notices his tense body and gives her pack all a look to continue on with their actions. "What's wrong?"

"I moved out of the compound." He sighs deeply through his nose.

Hayleys face turns into one of shock. "I thought you were kidding when you said that."

"So did I." Gabriel mumbles in anger.

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