《To Be Loved By A Mikaelson | Hayley Marshal》MR. DANCING


"Yes Mrs. Marshall, I will meet you directly outside of the compound the second you get here. Are you sure I can't just pick you up?" Gabriel groans into his phone.

Elijah had just announced the night before that he was having a party to bring all of the factions together and he had asked Hayley to allow him to escort her to the party.

"Oliver and Jackson can't go alone so no." She laughs into the phone at the man pouts.

"They're grown men." Gabriel protests.

"Gabriel." Hayley warns with a small laugh.

"Well then you better hurry little wolf, I can't fend off all of the women by myself." He teases.

"It's a good thing I have claws." She says with a playful growl.

"Please do bring the claws out." Gabriel pretends to swoon though she can't see him .

"In my own home, I can't get a minute of peace." Klaus groans as he walks into the room.

"I do believe this is also my home, but I could always buy myself a new one. Live by myself, with out my pesky siblings." Gabriel jokes but then turns thoughtful as Hayley laughs over the phone.

"Don't even think about it, we have a perfectly good home here." Klaus rolls his eyes and walks out of the room as fast as he came.

"Well I'll see you in an hour love." Gabriel smiles into the phone.

"Bye Gabriel." Hayley whispers before hanging up.

Waiting near the entrance his eyes widen and jaw goes slack when he notices Hayley walking in. He shooes away a baby vampire who tried to gain his attention as he approaches his queen.

"Little wolf, you look stunning as always." He kisses her cheek and takes her hand in his own.


Looking towards the two male wolves behind her he sends them tight smiles. "Mutts." He mutters in greeting, Hayley roughly elbows him in the stomach and drags him away.

"Aren't you supposed to be the civilized Mikaelson?" Her raises a brow in amusement.

Gabriel shrugs. "I just get an off feeling from the blonde one and Jackson just ticks me off for some reason."

Hayley tenses momentarily but he doesn't notice.

"Would you like to dance?" Gabriel questions with a hand held out.

She immediately shakes her head. "I can't dance." She shyly admits.

"Cmon, I'll teach you." He says with a sincere smile.

He places her hands around his neck and places his own over her hips. She blushes and lays her head on his chest.

They sway back and forth for a while before Hayley hears a young witch speaking about Gabriel's looks and unconsciously lets out a growl.

Gabriel looks down at her with a smirk. "Bringing out the claws already I see?"

She playfully scoffs into his chest. "Shut up."

Gabriel's about to reply but stops dead in his tracks as he watches Monique completely dismiss Davina from getting a dance from Oliver.

A frown makes its way into his face as he watches the young witches eyes well with tears.

"Go." Hayley nods towards Davina with a fond smile.

"Are you sure?" He questions, not wanting to ditch the pregnant wolf.

"I may be your priority but I'm not blind to know I'll be competing with her for the number one spot." She says with a genuine smile. "I'm oddly okay with it, seeing as she's a teenage girl."

Gabriel shakes his head in disbelief. Giving her a quick shocking peck on the lips he whispers, "You're amazing."


Hayley stands there stunned as she watches the back of his suit make his way to Davina.

"Davina, may I have this dance?" He jokingly bows, peering up to her finally cracking a smile.

She nods her head and joins him in a friendly dance. "You know, in my opinion you're a much better dancer than Monique. Much better option." He eyes said girl with disgust.

Davina lets out a quiet laugh but then turns serious again. "She was my best friend before the harvest ritual..."

"In the supernatural world, your best friends will turn into your enemies and your enemies will turn into your best friends." He softly say with a sympathetic smile.

"Yeah, who would've thought I'd be getting painting lessons from Klaus." Davina giggles.

"Now, now, love. You're going to ruin my reputation." Klaus half jokes and half seriously speaks from behind them.

Gabriel turns around with a raised brow.

"May I have this dance little witch?" Klaus questions.

Davina looks up to Gabriel for permission and he wordlessly nods his head with a shrug of his shoulders and sets off to find his other brother.

A loud commotion has him looking at the source of it in annoyance.

There Oliver had his hands around a vampires neck and Elijah had a stake aimed at Jackson's heart.

"What are you waiting for, Elijah, kill him." Hayleys voice echos through out the compound. "I mean it was Oliver that handed Rebekah over to the witches, the witches cursed the wolves, while the humans all sat around and watched it all happen so kill him."

"Are you approaching a point?" Elijah hisses out in annoyance.

"My point Elijah is that we've all done bad things, if we can't all get along then we might as well kill each other now." She finishes.

Gabriel stares at her in awe and adoration.

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