《To Be Loved By A Mikaelson | Hayley Marshal》MR. YOURS


Gabriel stares down at the pregnant wolf that lays besides him with love in his eyes.

But there was also an underlining layer of regret and sadness welling in his eyes as he thought about how much he put her through ever since that night in Mystic Falls.

He now felt like he wasn't enough for her, like he didn't deserve her. But he was damn sure he would spend the rest of his life making it up to her by being the man she deserves.

He made a promise to himself to always protect her and the baby. The baby was special to everyone in the Mikaelson family. It was a miracle that none of them knew that they needed.

'Never would've guessed Niklaus to be the one to bring such a blessing.' Gabriel rolls his eyes at his thoughts with humor.

He's quick to grab his ringing phone off of the nightstand in fear of waking up the precious Beauty next to him. He could tell she was exhausted from the past couple of weeks.

He was about to decline the call out of annoyance but stopped when he realized it was his little sister that he missed so dearly.

"Rebekah." Gabriel greeted quietly with a small smile on his face.

Hayley slowly stirred but instead of waking up she simply rolled on top of him, laying her head on his chest and wrapping her legs and arm around him. Gabriel was in awe at the sight.

"Gabriel?" Rebekah pulls her phone from her ear in confusion from the other side of the phone. "Why are you whispering?"

Gabriel's silent for a moment before rolling his eyes for the second time this morning. "My little wolf is sleeping." He responds.

Rebekah gasps loudly and Gabriel has to pull the phone away from his ear when her screeching and squealing almost bursts his eardrums.

"Have you finally gotten together with her?" She questions a little bit more quiet.

"One step at a time Rebekah, I'll wait for her to be ready." He says as he runs his fingers through her hair in a soothing manner.

"You really love her." Rebekah sighs happily knowing her brother may finally, after a thousand years, get what he deserves.

"I do." He instantly replies. "I'd do anything for her. Enough about me, how is your travels? Where are you right now?"

"No need to fret, I am currently in Italy. Enjoying the finest of wines they have to offer." She teases.

In the middle of her sentence Hayley slowly blinks her eyes open. Gabriel sends her a smile and kisses her forehead like he always does. And in return she rests her chin on his chest as they just stare at each other in content listening to Rebekah go on about the men and wine Italy has to offer.


"When are you coming back?" Gabriel questions with a sly smile. Hayley lifts a brow as if saying 'are you crazy?'

"You know I can't come back." Rebekah rolls her eyes with a sad undertone.

"Niklaus cannot do anything to you as long as I'm around. We proved that for the thousandth time before you left. I make zero excuses for him but I do know he misses you." Gabriel slowly frowns as he thinks about not seeing his sister for a while.

Hayley kisses his bare chest in hopes of comforting him with out interrupting his conversation and he sends her a faint smile.

"Gabriel... I'm finally free. No dagger in sight, no being controlled. I can live my life." Rebekah says with a sad smile, knowing he couldn't see her from the phone.

"I know... I just miss you Bex." He sighs.

"That's the first time you've called me that since that night." Her sniffles can be heard from the phone. "Bloody hell, only you can make me cry while I'm getting my nails done. Can I call you back later?"

"Of course. I love you Bex, stay safe."

"I love you too." She says and then hangs up.

Gabriel places the phone back onto the nightstand and gazes back towards Hayley with a lazy smile.

"Good morning beautiful." He says.

Hayley swoons at his morning voice for what seems like the hundredth time that morning and cuddles into his hand that was cupping his cheek.

"Morning." She whispers.

"What time do you need to be back to the Bayou?" He questions with a small pout.

Looking towards the clock to see it was only eight in the morning she shrugs. "Probably not for a couple of hours."

Gabriel let's out a beaming smile and scoops her body closer towards him to where she was laying directly on top of him. "Good. We can cuddle for a little longer and then I'll make you breakfast."

"Sounds good to me." Hayley mumbles in content.

He slowly rubs her back and she smiles in happiness.

"Little wolf..." Gabriel breaks the calming silence.

Hayley lifts her head to show she's paying attention and he looks away from her curious gaze.

"There... there is nothing in the world I could say to express how sorry I am. How much I regret what happened in Mystic Falls and how I handled it afterwards. You deserve so much better-"

Hayley cuts him up by sitting up abruptly with a frown on her face. "If this is the part where you tell me I deserve better than someone like you and that I should stay away like some cliche movie I'm going to be really mad."


Gabriel let's out a small chuckle and shakes his head. "I was going to say I'm willing to spend every day of the rest of my existence making it up to you."

Her face slowly softens with every word and cups his cheeks with her soft palms. "What you did was a really crappy thing. But people make mistakes, and I- I can't just let this be the end of our story."

Gabriel's eyes slightly water and he grabs her by her hips and pulls her back into him. "What did I ever do in this life to deserve you?" He whispers.

"Well spending a thousand years with Klaus must've gained you a couple of points." She lightens the mood making him bark out a hearty laugh.

"There is something I want to tell you... I don't want any of this." He points between himself and her. "To be ruined because of secrets."

"What is it?" Hayley questions cautiously.

"Elijah had given me a letter the day after I got back. He said it was sent to the compound a few months prior while I was in my coma." Gabriel studies her face for a reaction.

"Okay... what's so special about this letter?" Hayley stares at him confused.

Pulling his nightstands drawer open he slowly slips out a white unopened envelope and hands it to her.

She slowly takes the envelope from him and takes a few moments to process the front.

"Caroline." She whispers under her breath. Looking up she takes a long emotional breath. "Why are you showing me this?"

"I once loved Caroline. I thought she was my future but all she is to me now is my past. I want you to have it." He explains.

Hayleys watery eyes snap towards his face in shock. "It's not for me Gabriel, here take it." She shoves it in his arms and attempts to get up from the bed but he gently pulls her back down.

"I want you to have the power in this relationship Hayley. Keep the letter, read it, don't read it, burn it, or send it back. Nothing matters to me if it means I lose you." He expresses with a pleading expression for her to believe him.

She stares at the letter for another moment in silence before nodding her head. "Okay." She whispers.

"Okay." He lets out a breath of relief and wipes her stray tears away. "You're my priority, she holds no part of me anymore. I want you to have every part of my soul and heart. You have the power to hurt me more than anyone else on this planet."

Suddenly he sets her on to the bed and walks into his walk in closet and comes out with something that makes Hayley gasp.

A white oak stake.

"Gabriel what are you doing!?" Hayley panics but he calms her down slightly.

He places the stake in her shaky hand and points it directly at his heart. "I would gladly let you drive this into my heart if it meant you were safe. If i ever hurt you again I you to drive this straight through my heart. This is how much power you hold over me."

Hayley snatches her hand away in panic and throws the stake across the room. She launches herself at him and punches him in the chest a few times in anger. "Why would you do that? Dont ever say that to me again!" And then she hugs him like her life depends on it.

"I-I would never hurt you like that... please don't make me do that again." She begs.

He wraps an arm around her waist and rubs her hair with the other arm. "Shh. It's okay. I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"You shouldn't have that." Hayley suddenly says and rushes towards the corner of the room to grab the stake.

"Come on now love." He sighs lowly.

"N-no you tried killing yourself before you shouldn't have this." She stutters in sadness.

He speeds towards her making her gasp and holds his hand directly over her heart. "As long as this beats, I'll never have a reason to want to die. That's all I could ever ask for."

Hayley looks up to him and slowly hands over the stake as he coerces it out of her hands.

"My siblings can't be trusted with it so I always keep it within reach." He explains.

"Please never die." She says.

"Not as long as I still have something to fight for." He genuinely says.

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