《To Be Loved By A Mikaelson | Hayley Marshal》MR. REGRET


"I don't know what hurts more, someone you love hating you or self hatred."

his way to New Orleans Gabriel was sweating and his eyes were bloodshot red from trying so hard to not let his heart break just yet. He just needed to make sure his sister and Hayley were safe.

Stumbling out of his car he hears his sisters voice in the Abattoir. "I stink like Bog."

He then hears Klaus but it sounds like he's under water. "Serves you right for undermining me and saving those wolfs I sent to slaughter."

"Nik they're your family we saved them for you." Rebekah exclaims throwing her hands up in anger.

Finally getting to the door after what seemed like ages he unintentionally stumbles into the door making it slam into the wall and all three of his siblings turn to the door in alarm.

They relax when they see it was their brother but Rebekah gasps as she takes in his appearance.

"Everyone leave!" Elijah shouts to all of the vampires in the building, all of them speeding away.

Though Marcel stays.

Gabriel's whole body was visibly sweating, his eyes bloodshot red, he couldn't stand straight, and he was gasping for air.

Klaus and Elijah are the first to react as they rush to their brother just as his knees buckle. Rebekah screams out his name but he couldn't hear her. His eyes going in and out of focus.

"What happened?!" Klaus yells trying to get his elder brothers attention. Slightly slapping his face but he gets no reaction.

Suddenly Gabriel starts frantically scratching at his chest so hard that he successfully rips part of his shirt off as his wolf claws come out and dig into his chest. Blood begins oozing out like a waterfall.

"Stop!" Rebekah screams as tears come to her eyes she rushes to help her brothers attempt to restrain him.

Marcel stands back watching someone who was once a father figure to him try to tear out his own heart.

All three of his siblings teary eyed watched in bewildered and worry. They were scared. What could've brought their big brother this much pain? The one who could defeat every single Mikaelson sibling all together at once with either a flick of his hands or just his physical strength alone.

"It hurts!" Gabriel screams out as he continues to gain power over his siblings. Scratching through his chest again. Marcel rushes to help the trio by holding one of his arms down.

"What hurts?" Klaus frantically questions looking over his brother for any other injuries besides his self harm.

"Please." He begs tears falling down. "I-I don't know what's happening to me, it hurts." He sobs out.

All of the siblings and Marcel watch with tears freely flowing down their cheeks by now.

"She's going to hate me." He thrashes around like a wild animal who's been wounded. "They both hate me."

"Who? Who hates you?" Marcel questions worriedly.

"She told me that I was a m-monster. She never loved me. Hayleys going to hate me." He yelled but there had to have been something else wrong with him. They all knew it. He was in physical pain.


"Who is he talking about?" Marcel asks confused and scared.

"Caroline." Rebekah sniffles but silently fumed. The blonde was the reason for her brothers pain.

"I'll get Davina." Marcel muttered with his eyebrows furrowed in sadness. He didn't know who Caroline was but he knew it had to be someone Gabriel loved.

Suddenly Hayley walks out of her room just waking up from a nap. She starts panicking when she sees Gabriel covered in blood screaming on the floor. "Gabriel?!" She screams rushing down the stairs.

"Please let me die." Gabriel mutters as he instead starts attempting to claw at his throat.

Rebekah sobs as she holds her brothers hands back with all of her strength. It broke her heart to see him like this.

Hayley drops at his side with wide eyes in worry. "Gabriel? What's happening?"

"Hayley back away, he's dangerous right now!" Klaus yells as his brother starts thrashing at the sound of Hayleys voice.

Davina comes rushing down the stairs in worry, having started to care for the man after he showed her so much kindness and care. "Hold him down!"

Trying to hold him down as still as possible after Marcel joined in once again Davina puts both her hands above his head trying to concentrate on what's whats happening to him.

Hayley slowly puts a hand down on his arm as a single tear rolls down her cheek. "It's okay." She whispers over and over again.

Gabriel starts calming down slumping in exhaustion as Davina chants a spell. "I'm so sorry Hayley." He chants over and over again.

Davina is suddenly thrown back as she coughs. Marcel immediately running time her aid as Gabriel's eyes flutter shut mumbling one last word. "Monster."

"D! Are you okay? What happened?" Marcel questions her worriedly.

"No ones using magic on him." She coughs out. Everyone but her letting out a breath of relief. "He's using it on himself."

"What the bloody hell are you talking about?!" Rebekah shouts in disbelief. "You expect me to believe that my big brother put himself in this much pain by choice?!"

Hayley silently rubs her palms on his jaw in sadness. Not knowing how to help him.

"He was trying to kill himself." Davina whispers while staring at the dark haired mans still form.

"Do not lie to me witch!" Klaus screams jumping up ready to kill the little girl.

"Niklaus!" Elijah yells. "Gabriel will kill you if you harm her."

"Yes well apparently he'll kill himself all the same Lijah." Klaus shouts but everyone can see the grief in his eyes.

"Why would he want to do that?" Marcel questions, his eyes darting to Hayleys quiet form as she places his head in her lap.

Rebekah stands up suddenly pulling her phone out as everyone besides Hayley watches confused.

Rebekah stares blankly at a wall as she listens to the ring of the phone waiting for the person to answer.

"Blondie?" Damon Salvatore questions confused.

"What. Did. She. Do. To. My. Brother?" Rebekah grits out in the most venomous voice any of them had ever heard her speak with.


"Oh you mean before or after they slept together?" Damon sarcastically questions. Unaware of what he's caused.

Elijah clenches his eyes shut and shakes his head as his brothers decisions as everyone else stares at Hayleys tense form. One of her hands ghosting over Gabriel's cheek frozen.

"After you stupid wanker!" Rebekah yells in anger.

"Ohhh you mean telling him that he was a monster, that she never loved him, that she used him, and then kicked him out of her house. Oh and then turned her emotions off." He nonchalantly says.

Hayley stares blankly ahead as tears fall from her eyes. He promised.

"I'm going to rip her heart from her chest." Rebekah whispers before hanging up the phone. Her heart aching for both her brother and the pregnant wolf.

"Why hasn't he woken up?" Hayley quietly questions after a moment, staring at the man she grew to love.

"He put himself into a coma of sorts." Davina says shocking everyone even more.

"Why would he put himself into a coma?" Rebekah whispers more to herself than anyone else.

"He felt so much sadness and guilt that he used as much magic as he could to put himself to sleep when you guys didn't let him die." She responds.

Although her heart was broken and full of betrayal she still loved him. If he felt that guilty maybe she could grow to trust him again. Over time. He couldn't die, not now, not ever.

Placing her forehead on his sleeping form she whispers. "Please come back."

Taking a long deep breath her whole body suddenly tenses. Caroline. She could still smell her scent on him. He was practically bathing in it. With out knowing it Gabriel accidentally allowed her into his mind.

She looks around confused until she remembered Elijah showing her his memories when they first met. But this time it was dark. it was the plantation but glass was broken everywhere, everything was shattered and broken.

"Gabriel?" She whispered.

There in the corner was Gabriel rocking back and forth. Suddenly a loud voice was heard like the whole house was surrounded in speakers.

"You're a monster, just like your family!" Hayley hears and her heart begins to pound as she watches Gabriel's form begin to sob. Not even noticing she was there.

"I never loved you!"

"How is Caroline?" She gasps as she hears her own voice nervously ask.

Crouching next to the weak form of Gabriel she puts her hand on his arm softly.

"Hayley?" Gabriel croaks and he peers up at the brunette.

Hayley tearfully nods.

"I'm so sorry!" He sobs. "I don't deserve you! Leave me here."

Hayley shakes her head in disagreement. Taking his face into her hands. "Please come back." She pleads.

He shakes his head no. "I can't. I can't. I can't face you, I love you so much please you have to leave." He begs with desperation in his voice. "I can't bare to see you not in love me. I can't live in a world with out you as mine, loving someone else. I won't." He shakes his head stubbornly, confident in his choice.

"I'll never stop loving you." She pleads for him to really hear her. "I need you please just come back."

"I slept with Caroline, Hayley. I won't ever forgive myself for hurting you. For betraying our promise." He swears.

"Hey, hey, you can make it up to me okay?" She tries to convince him in desperation. The thought of never seeing him awake again breaking her heart even more.

"You won't love me like you did before." He convinces himself.

"I promise I don't love you any less." Hayley promises. "I just need some time to get over it."

He suddenly gets up to his knees begging her. "I swear I'll never talk to her again. I'll never even look at a woman again."

Hayleys heart warms at his declarations. "We can work it out if you wake up."

He leans his face towards Hayley just wanting to feel her warm plump

Lips back on his. He wants to feel at home again. And she was his home.

Hayley turns her head at the last second and his head drops. "I'm sorry." He murmurs.

Hayley nods her head sadly. "I know."

Suddenly Hayleys back in reality with everyone staring at her.

"Is he okay?" Rebekah immediately questions worriedly.

"I don't know." Hayley sadly mumbles. "Did someone move me? Why was I taken out?"

"He pushed you out." Klaus tells her with pity written all over his face.

"Why would he." She stops mid sentence, wishing she would've just kissed him back. Reassured him of her love. But she was too hurt. The wound was too fresh.

Suddenly Diego runs in with Tiery right besides him both holding bodies. "Klaus! Marcel!" They both yell in alarm.

Everyone besides Rebekah and Hayley quickly hide their emotions and red eyes. "What is it Diego?" Klaus questions in annoyance but freezes when he sees the desiccated vampires. With someone he defeated long ago, papa Tundes sign.

"Oh bloody hell." Klaus yells and slams his fist against the brick wall.

"That mark has some bad mojo that comes with it, I would stay away if I was you." Marcel tells the two younger vampires.

"I'll bring Gabriel to the guest room." Elijah mutters. Seeing as Klaus had given Hayley Gabriel's room. It being, no surprise, the best room in the house. The comfiest bed, best air conditioning, great view of the city.

"No." Hayley stops him with intense eyes. "Bring him to my...our room." She whispers.

Rebekah goes to object but Elijah stops her with his raising hand. Silently nodding his head at the wolf and bringing his brother up to their room with Hayley silently following.

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