《To Be Loved By A Mikaelson | Hayley Marshal》MR. CONFUSED


"Her smile made his eyes light up but her words crushed his soul."

right into the Salvatores drive way. Casually getting out of the car as he fixes his sun glasses on top of his head.

Anyone would be awe struck at first glance. He truly was a sight to see. Those who did know him said he was the most handsome Mikaelson out of them all.

Not even bothering to knock he opens the door to see Elena Gilbert and Damon Salvatores head snap towards him in alarm.

"Great now we have a Mikaelson in town. What more could happen?" Damon sarcastically quips, throwing his hands up in annoyance.

Rolling his eyes Gabriel's eyes drift towards Elena. "Where is Caroline?"

"At the hospital with her mom." Elena's mood turns solemn as she recalls Caroline begging them to give Liz vampire blood.

Nodding his head he turns around to leave when Elena calls his name warily. "Caroline's in denial, but it's only a matter of time before... I know we never got along but I think you're the only one who could possibly get her through this."

"We never got along because you killed both of my brothers. Feel lucky you're still alive at my mercy." He replies with a stony face at the reminder of his brother's deaths.

Parking outside of the hospital Gabriel's heart slowly beats a bit faster at the thought of seeing Caroline Forbes.

He loved Caroline with all his heart and truly saw a future for them. But the timing was never right and she still had a lot of growth and maturing he knew she needed to do. Unfortunately he had a feeling her mother's death would be part of that.

But he moved on, his little wolf was waiting for him at home. He smiled inwardly as he thought about the brunette and her rosy cheeks whenever he bluntly complimented her. He had a pregnant she wolf at home and nothing would stop him from returning to her.

There was a little voice in his head that said he'd never really stop loving Caroline in that way. That there was always a part of him that wished she was his future. But the rest of him yearned for Hayley Marshall. He would give his all to that woman.

Walking through the halls he's blown out of his thoughts by a familiar yell. "Stop you're going to kill her!"

Speeding towards the room he saw Caroline on the ground in pain from what he assumed was an aneurism and a brunette male syphoning from Elizabeth Forbes.

He saw red.

With a twist of his hand the male was passing out onto the floor of the hospital in a deep sleep.

Caroline's shouts ceased as she stared at Kai in confusion before lifting her head towards the only other person in the room.

Time froze for her and her breath hitched. He came. She didn't know if she was doubting him or not but some part of her knew he'd come. She knew she didn't deserve it, she practically called him and his family all monsters.

Some part of her knew that he was her epic love. Even though she was still dating Tyler at the time and there was a war between the 'Scooby gang' and the Mikaelsons. She loved him so much just within a few months he had her falling for him. But she took it for granted and when he left she was devastated and buried herself in her friends problems.

Somewhere along the way she started to have feelings for Stefan Salvatore. She would always be in love with Gabriel Mikaelson, but it wasn't their time.


"You came." She whispered in awe. Suddenly she launches herself right into Gabriel, wrapping her arms around his torso and began sobbing.

Her regret and all of the Mystic Falls drama finally getting to her.

Almost immediately Gabriel reciprocated the hug as she clung to him like a life line. Wrapping his arms around her shoulder she buried her head into his neck. "Shhh, it's alright darling. You're going to be fine."

"She's dying." Caroline croaked. Her voice cracking and Gabriel had to take a deep breath to calm his own emotions that she was causing him.

"I know.. I know.." he shushes as he runs his fingers through her hair. "Just think about it like this. No matter what happens she will always be with you. You'll carry her with you always through out your whole life. As long as you live her memory will always be alive."

Caroline lifts her head off his shoulder with a trembling lip. "Thank you for being here."

"I'll always be here." He whispers as he sighs to himself thinking about what a certain brunette would feel if she saw this.

Looking towards the bed he sees Liz Forbes awake looking at them with a fond smile. She had always looked at him that way ever since the night he showed up to cure Caroline of a bite Niklaus had gave her.

When his phone rings Caroline detaches herself and finally notices her mother was awake. When he's about to excuse himself out of the room to answer the call Liz softly calls out his name. Caroline leaves the room with the promise of bringing her mother some tea because it was 'healthier.'

"Please, take care of her." Liz whispers with teary wide eyes. When he's about to object she shushes him. "She's in love with you, I don't think she'll ever admit it because she's so focused on what everyone thinks of her. Even if you don't end up together now I know that you'll somehow find your way back to each other. I trust you with her Gabriel. More than anyone else on this planet."

Clearing his throat to attempt to get rid of the emotions in his eyes he nods his head squeezing the sheriffs hand in reassurance. "I promise. I'll take care of her. Whatever she needs."

Nodding her head she watches him walk out of the room with a small smile, him with a conflicted mind. They would never end up together right now, both had so much on their plates in completely different places. Call it a mothers intuition but she had a feeling, they would be together in the end.

As he walks down the hallway he finally takes his phone out of his pocket looking at his missed calls.

Blowing out a sigh at his thoughts he calls her back only for it to go straight to voicemail. "Hello Love, I'm sorry for missing your call. I was caught up in something."

Caroline comes walking down the hallway with a confused glance when she hears the last part of his words. "Is that Klaus?" She asks with a teasing glare but ultimately laughs a bit when she thought about what quip Klaus would be making.

Sucking in a sharp breath when he realizes how that might look to Hayley he sends her a tight smile though it softens when he sees her furrow her brows.

"Call me back when you get this little wolf." He whispers with out taking his eyes off of Caroline.


"Little wolf?" Caroline tilts her head in confusion. "Is that a name that you all made to make fun of Klaus now? Because his wolf is so small compared to yours?" She questions with a mind blowing smile that he would never forget.

Not wanting to lie to her he looks anywhere but at her and shakes his head no. "Her name is Hayley."

Caroline's smile quickly faded away when she realized that he wasn't joking. "Hayley Marshall?" She whispered with hurt in her voice.

Lifting his head in confusion he slowly nods his head. "How did you know?"

"She uhm, she was the one Tyler cheated on me with." She mumbles staring at the floor.

Gabriel's stomach clenched when he realized how much this actually must've hurt her. He never intended on falling in love for a very long time after Caroline, it just happened.

"Caroline..." he says taking a step towards her but she backs away quickly.

"You moved on already?" She questions with a quivering lip.

"Yes, no, I- I don't know it's complicated." He stumbles out not knowing how to explain it to her. When she finally lets him come near her he traps her with both his hands against the wall on either side of her head.

A sudden rage filling her has her shouting. "Why would you come here if you moved on! To shove it in my face for making a mistake!" She yells while pounding her fist into his chest as hard as she could with tears falling. Though she's much younger than him it still somewhat hurt him every time she punched but he refused to move. Letting her get all her emotions out. "To tell me you don't love me anymore?! Is that what you wanted! To make me suffer?!"

Lowering his body he shoves his head in the blondes neck, his wolf inhaling her scent, calming him. She shoves at him trying to get him away from her as her eyes shine with hurt. "Get away from me!"

"I never stopped loving you Caroline." He whispers into her neck, halting her movements. It takes everything in him not to fall into his sudden wants and lay kisses all over her neck. Her mothers words suddenly getting to him and his wolfs primal instincts wanting her.

"What?" She whispers, hurt and confusion still swirling in her eyes.

"I love you. I always will. But you were never and still aren't ready to be with me." He says into her ear as they both breath heavily. " I do love Hayley. It may be wrong to love you both at the same time but we both know that it isn't our time. I don't know if the time ever will be right. Maybe I'll marry her and be with her for the rest of my life. Maybe one day down the road we'll meet again under different circumstances and we'll try again. But know that I will always love you. Never doubt that."

Caroline lifts his head with her hands softly staring into his eyes with sadness and love. "Why does it hurt so much that you love another girl?" She whispers.

Leaning his forehead onto hers he sighs. "It hurts me just as much that you love another."

Her eyes widen wondering how in the hell he knew that with a little bit of guilt in them.

"It's okay." He reassures. Both their eyes teary. "When we both part ways again I want you to live your life to the fullest. Don't think about the what if's or wait for me. Just like I can't wait for you anymore. If we're meant to be, we will be. It might be years or months from now but if we're supposed to be together we will be."

Caroline nods and slowly leans in for a kiss. When their lips meet they both pour all their love and sadness into the kiss. Caroline moans into the kiss, speeding her into an empty on call room Gabriel lays her down onto the bed.

Kissing down her throat he roughly nibbles down onto her neck making her moan. "Gabriel!"

Caroline wraps her legs around his waist and Gabriel growls as she lifts her hips to meet his.

He didn't even think about how this would affect his little wolf. He was so caught up in the allure of Caroline Forbes and what might be their final goodbye that she didn't even cross his mind.

Putting his large hand right onto her butt he squeezes roughly and lifts up her mid section into his.

Ripping her top into two he throws it mindlessly to the side doing the same with her bra. Caroline entangles her hands into his hair pulling harder when he takes her boob into his mouth sucking down hard.

"Oh." Caroline moans with her mouth wide open as she throws her head back onto the pillow.

Sitting up while straddling her, his legs on either side of hers he takes his shirt off and throws it behind him.

Caroline practically drools at his bare chest rushing to pull him by his neck by into a kiss. Their tongues fighting for dominance but when Gabriel begins to rub her on the outside of her jeans directly over her sensitive spot she loses.

Bucking her hips up hoping to get more friction he hastily shoves her hips back down disconnecting their lips to unbutton her pants. Quickly throwing the material off he's quick to lower himself directly over her and lick right over her panties as she becomes a moaning mess.

"Please." She begs him.

"Please what?" He says with a husky voice. They had never been this intimate before, therefor she never knew how much dominance he truly showed in bed.

"Fuck me." She begged wiggling her hips in frustration.

Quickly throwing off his own pants and boxers he slips Caroline's thong slowly and sensually from her legs.

Hovering over her he sucks harshly on her neck while slowly sitting up. Bringing her with him by the hips to straddle his lap.

He slowly slides her onto his shaft as she moans so loudly the whole hospital might have heard. He was the biggest she had ever had.

She starts rocking her hips back and forth in need. He grabs both of her hips tightly rocking into her hips harder.

Gabriel lets out a long moan at how good he felt while inside of her. His fangs slowly come out along with his tribrid eyes and he delicately sinks his fangs into the side of the blondes neck.

Caroline, in so much pleasure stops rocking her hips, her heavy breaths being the only thing heard. She didn't think it could get any more pleasurable until he put both of his hands under her knees standing up still inside of her.

He begins roughly slamming into her and she had never been more turned on by a males dominance. Taking his fangs out of her neck he lifts his head with out stopping his ramming allowing her to do the same.

She sinks her fangs into his neck and he slowly stops moving her hips and lays back onto the bed with her on top.

His deep moans making Caroline shiver in pleasure. "You're so fucking good baby." He grunts.

Taking her fangs out he flips them both over now being on top again. He pounds into her like his life depends on it as she scratches into his back so hard that blood was dripping from his back.

Caroline screams out as she cums, her legs shaking from the knot in her stomach finally coming loose.

Gabriel continues sloppily grinding into her naked form a few times before collapsing on top of her as he came. Careful not to put all his weight on top of her.

Leaving small kisses all over her neck she tiredly giggles, he lays his forehead on top of hers and kisses her slowly.

"Wow." Caroline breathes out. Expecting for him to be done with her after all that work.

"We're not done yet baby." He whispers into her neck. Suddenly pulling out of her and flipping her onto her stomach. With both hands on her hips he slowly enters her once again his eyes rolling back.

After hours of rough love making they both were asleep. Caroline laying directly on top of him with his arms securely holding her naked body tightly to himself.

Even in his sleep he'd make sure she was safe.

With how busy he had been he missed the hundreds of calls from all of his siblings.

New Orleans

"Bloody hell! Where could he be?" Rebekah yells and throws her hands in the air.

Elijah and Klaus pace around the house seeing broken pieces of glass everywhere from where she obviously was attempting to fight off the intruder.

Walking around the kitchen counter Elijah sees his track phone he had given Hayley what seems like ages ago.

Picking it up he sees that she was last listening to a voice mail from his brother. "It seems like he's answered Hayley." He muses.

Playing the voicemail Rebekahs gaze turned into pity and sympathy for the werewolf when she hears the blondes cheerful voice coming from the other side. "That's the last thing she listened to."

"I think we all know what our dear brother is doing." Klaus sighs out. He knew Caroline had a big pull on his brother still. But he knew he loved Hayley just as much if not more. Him being alone with the blonde was not a good idea and they all knew it.

Mystic Falls

Gabriel gently lays Caroline down as she lightly snores. Putting his clothes back on he leaves his shirt out for the blonde seeing as he tore in half hers. Grabbing a random white shirt from one of the cubby's he slips it on.

With out looking at his phone he walks out of the room leaving a note for Caroline letting her know he was going to shower.

Hours later he gets back he hears the deafening cries of Caroline Forbes.

Rushing towards her room he sees her crying into her moms dead body with Elena, Damon, and Stefan watching helplessly.

Bringing Caroline into his arms he kisses the top of her head ignoring the looks from the other three in the room. "It's okay, you're going to be okay."

She clings onto him much like she did the day before. Grabbing her cheeks gently he stares into her eyes.

Stefan thinking he was going to compel her takes a step towards the two but surprising all of them Elena shakes her head at him. She knew how much of a bond they had, he could help her.

"You're going to be okay. Listen to me, you are Caroline Forbes. You can do anything. You're one of the strongest women I know. I love you, you're going to be okay." He whispers against her head rocking them back and forth.

Eventually he had gotten her to calm down, staring sadly at the wall in his embrace while the others watched.

Suddenly she shot up. Everyone watching her cautiously. "I need to get everything ready! The casket and the flowers. I have to go." She exclaimed rushing out of the room.

Elena turned to go after her but she's interrupted by Gabriel's voice. "Let her go."

"She's grieving! She shouldn't be alone." Elena argues.

"No this is what she does. She dives deep into whatever she can to distract herself from her problems. The only thing you can do is be there for her when she finally breaks." He says calmly though his worry for the blonde was sky rocketed.

He sighs loudly when his phone starts ringing, he hasn't checked it in almost two days and he knew his siblings were probably freaking out. Still on his knees from comforting the blonde he answers the phone. "Listen I'm kind of bus-" he's interrupted by a voice that made his heart crash into his stomach.

"Gabriel?" A sweet voice questions. Hayley heard the voicemail, but she was too shook and frightened at the moment to care.

Stefan, Damon, and Elena all watch in silence as Damon raises a brow as Gabriel's facial expression suddenly slacks and he holds his breath unintentionally. Regret filling his whole body. Not because he didn't love Caroline but because he's going to be the reason for his little wolfs pain. Because he could never lie to her. Even if he lost her because of it.

"Hello?" Hayley questions again, confused as to why he wasn't replying.

"Hayley." Gabriel mutters taking a deep breath.

"Something happened. Um I don't know what to do and you said to call you if anything happened." She whispers feeling an awful feeling coming on.

"What happened?" His whole body straightening up, ready to sprint his way to New Orleans if need be.

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