《His Enchanted Fairy》Chapter 14


~Criminals usually prey on weakness. They can smell it~

Steven Seagal

y heart began to pump at a quicker rate. My wings expanded. My body was preparing me for what was to come.

Xanders wolf form was quite massive. Not as large as Blades wolf form Ezekiel, although Xander was the second biggest wolf I've ever seen.

Xander began to growl and positioned himself in a strong stance. Fellow werewolves circled around both of us.

Daisy hopped towards me, her eyes filled with terror. I picked her up and hugged her.

"Fear not Daisy." I said while petting her. "I need to prove to these werewolves that fairies are not weak creatures. They think they can prance all over us."

Daisy hopped down from my arms and went off to the side.

Xander showed his canines and bolted towards me. I quickly began fluttering my wings, I lifted off the ground but the wolf was too quick. His claw nicked the bottom of my wing and I feel to the ground.

I watched the piece of my wing fall onto the grass and shrivel into ash. I did not have time to feel sorrow, I quickly stood to my feet and held out my arm.

Please powers work.

Xander lunged for me again, although I dodged it this time. Xander landed on the other side of the circle. He growled in anger and before I could react, he pounced for my face.

I let out a big whimper as I held my left eye. Blood began to poor onto my hand. My biggest fear was loosing my sight, however I was still able to see. I see all the werewolves smiles. I hear Daisy crying out to me. I hear the werewolves laughing at me.

I knew what was going through their heads,

A useless fairy cannot defeat the dominant werewolf.

I can win this I tell myself. I need to focus and dig deeper into my soul.

Uvira taught me how to not let my powers take control.

As of right now, I need to do the opposite.

Xander ripped my precious wing, he damaged my face. He says I'm weak, that I distract the king, and that I am trouble

Me trouble?

I will show him trouble.

I turn towards the wolf who has a smug grin on his face.

This ends now.

I use my wings and spring into the air. Xander tries to jump and catch me but I'm to high up.

I begin to provoke him, "Come on doggy, catch me if you can!" I say, zigzagging around him. He barks in response to my provokes.


I fly higher into the sky near a tree. I use both hands and think about the goal.

I see roots coming from the ground and before Xander can realize what is going on, I am back to provoking him.

I fly around in circles, making the wolf dizzy. The roots circle around him and weave through his legs.

I flutter to the ground and make my last move.

"Come get me Xander."

He runs towards me although, he does not get far. The farthest he gets is a face plant to the ground.

I smile and walk towards him.

"Weak and a trouble maker?" I say petting the wolf. "I agree with you that I am a trouble maker, however, weak you say?" Xander let's out a gowl.

The wolves all look at me in shock. Some faces are smiling and other faces are jaw dropped.

I back away from Xander and head towards the crowd of wolves. "Checkmate! Freya 1, Wolves 0." I grin.

Before I could brag more, my head begins to feel light headed.

The last thing I remember was Daisy rolling her eyes and me falling to the ground.

Freya 1, Wolves 1.

I rapidly opened my eyes, studying my surroundings. I was not in the forest anymore, but rather my bedroom.

After a few seconds of using my eyes, my left eye began to irritate. I rose from my bed and began searching for anything that will help reduce the pain.

"Your Highness, you must lay back down."

I turned towards the voice, it was Dahlia the maid.

"Dahlia! I have not seen you in ages." I spoke to her.

She brought me a glass of water and gave me some medicine. I took both from her and swallowed the pill. "I did not know that you were a doctor?"

Dahlia sighed and sat beside me.

"I have certain abilities. King Blade requested for me to assist you." She answered.

I nodded my head in response. "You're a witch aren't you?

My question resulted Dahlia to go into shock. Her eyes dilated and she began to stutter. It was silent for a few moments until she changed the subject. "How is your face doing Princess?"

I was confused on why she was asking about my face. Suddenly I remembered. Xander clawed my face.

I rose up in an instance. "I need to find a mirror!"

"Princess Freya, maybe we should just sit down." Dahlia spoke.

I walked towards the huge mirror located on the side of my bedroom. Dahlia was not too far behind me but before she could stop me from looking in the mirror. It was to late. I saw my face.


My upper left face had 2 scars going across my eye. The 2 scars were still swelled up, I could see stains of blood deep in the cuts.

My left arm rose to my face. "My... face." I whispered. "How did my eye not suffer." I ask.

Dahlia gulped. "Honestly I am not sure, I would call in a miracle."

I nodded and took a breath. "Well at least I have battle scars now. It makes me look more intimidating." I chuckle.

Dahlia laughs in return. "I am glad you find a positive outcome. I will go get some medicine that will help the swelling."

Dahlia turned away from me and walked out of my chambers. When I heard the door shut. I turned back towards the mirror. Still embracing the new part of my face.

"I want to see how Xander is doing." I told myself.

I made my way towards the voices and pushed through the heavy wooden door. The first thing I saw was Xander sitting on a chair. He had bandages covering his legs.

Yikes, those branches must've done some damage.

His sister Nia, was standing next to him raising her voice at him. She then looked at someone else and rolled her eyes.

"Xander I want you to tell me what the hell happened." The voice demanded. The voice was deep and I knew in an instance it was Blade.

I was hidden in the corner by the door although, I could see the scene unfold in front of me.

Xander chuckled. "You should ask your dear mate on what happened."

Blades whole body tensed. He walked in front of Xander and gripped his throat. Nia stumbled back, avoiding getting hurt herself.

"My dear mate almost lost her eye because of you." Blade said, squeezing his throat even more. "Just because fairies killed your parents, does not mean you can kill mine."

That's why Xander hates me. My kind killed his parents.

"I should rip your head of right here." Blade thought.

Nia grabbed Blades arms, trying to pry them off her brothers throat. "Blade please, ship him away but do not kill him." Nia pleaded.

The pleading was no use, Xander began gasping for air.

"Blade let him go." I said.

In an instance, Xander was pushed onto the ground gasping for air. Blade turned directly at me in shock. He took a deep breath and walked my way.

"Freya." He said, bringing me into his arms. "Why are you out of bed?" He asked.

"To stop you from killing your friend." I answered. Blade rolled his eyes and lead me out of the room into the hall.

We walked hand in hand back to my chambers. "I do not want you anywhere near Xander. I would ship him off though, Nia needs him." He sighed.

"He has a reason to hate me. I do not blame him." I said, pushing my door open.

"Hurting my mate is not an option." Blade said, caressing my face.

I grabbed him and lead him towards my bed. "I am not as helpless as you think Blade." I say.

Blade sighs, "I know darling, yet I still wish I could protect you from everything." He says while guiding me onto his lap. "Perhaps I should lock you in this room for eternity?"

He brings my face closer to his, "You could only be seen by me, only touched by me." He says, gliding his hands on my upper leg.

I position myself where I am now straddling him. "You are the only one that will ever touch me." I respond.

Blade chuckles in response, "That's my girl." He says before he crashes his lips against mine.

This kiss is different than what I've experienced. Both are lips were fighting for dominance. It seems like we are putting our frustrations on one another by this kiss. I then grip his neck and deepen the kiss.

He knows I want more, however, he is not giving it to me.

I begin straddling him even more and move my body in an up and down motion.

"Freya," He gasps, moving his face away. "As much as I want to take you right now I cannot, you need to rest."

Before he gets up, he kisses my cheek.

"Dahlia says you need to rest for three days." He says covering my lower body with bed sheets. "There is a ball tomorrow evening, although you will not be attending."

I gasp... a ball! I look up towards Blade who is walking away from me. "I feel fine Bla-"

Blade smirks', "Nice try Freya." He says shutting my curtains. "Rest now."

The rooms pitch black and the last amount of light I saw was Blade opening the door before he shuts it.

I stair up into nothing. Blade cannot boss me around. I am not a weak fairy anymore, I defeated a wolf.

If I want to go to this ball, that is what I shall do!

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