《Modern Phantasia: siVisPride (Original!Urban Fantasy, Survival Thriller)》(Finale) Goodbye (And Good Riddance) (2/3)


They started by “swimming” to each other, which involved using siVis to bluntly buck themselves forward or across. Then it was a matter of keeping Stark in the relative middle, as Jackie grabbed her left arm while Aiko grabbed the right. The duo were the strongest in the group, after all. Maddie ended up on the tail end of the left, while River and Tracy flanked the right.

And just like with the car, Stark used her ability, without a call this time. With that, they were drawn forward towards the well, as Stark visibly shook in place.

As Jackie tried to keep a steady grip, versus adding more strain to the girl, she felt her summation of this thing being a “wound” was correct. Everything wasn’t being sucked into it, but pouring out of it. It was less of a spinning galaxy, a collapsing star or a newborn blackhole than… A hole being punched in a human arm. It isn’t just blood that makes the wound, but the scattering of bone, nerves and muscles splayed outwards.

Again, Jackie thanked the former world being the way that it was, for her to think like this.

It got to the point that Stark was stuttering to move forward, and the wisps were not only visible, but whipping at the group. It didn’t hurt, but there was push back of some kind. The girls aided, once against using siVis to thrust themselves, which due to the counter action, gave enough for Stark to launch them all towards the “event horizon”.

Jackie did not mean to make that title literal.

The clusters of nerve-endings branched outward, spilling out of the well. But in those series of large spaces, in between… It was akin to a mindscape, they saw various… Memories?

No, dreams.

These were the dreams of the former human race.

Jackie didn’t know if there was a set pattern to it… Or it was based on her perspective. But without any prompting, her eyes alight with siVis. Just to understand what was a blur of concentrated information on a cosmic scale.


A woman that finally gotten her recognition. Not only burying, destroying, the so-called legends that came before her—but the wretched existence that spurred her on the journey to begin with. Everything that she did to get there, proven to be the right choice in the end.

A dream of a young girl, which was surprisingly quaint. Rocking in a chair, before a grassy field that stretched endlessly. No prying eyes, nor piercing voices. It was just her, and her alone. Finally relaxing in that absolutism. Finally away.

Jackie knew who this one dream belonged to. A being that threw away the concepts of humanity that they’ve long since hated. Not just the world’s strongest, or a universal constant—but a content being. No long worrying about petty upkeep, or politics, or limitation in general. They simply was.

The grips from the other girls brought Jackie out of it. She glanced about, but not staring at them to gauge the reactions. Shock, horror, confusion, sadness, pity.

But what really got her, was the sniffling of Stark.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you…” Stark said under her breathe, for that person only, whoever she saw. Jackie felt ashamed, that she overheard that, and continued to just look deep into the wellspring.

It was power. It was too much of it in one place. Searing white, that was doing nothing but trying to escape upwards, only being able to trail into the wispy whips. But somehow, someway… they were braving them.

And soon, they began to brave whatever was at the bottom.

This was like entering the sun. After a point, Jackie couldn’t experience anything but the most ideal white. Anything that wasn’t such, it quickly turned into scratchy lines before being consumed withing seconds.

Which made the sudden “appearance” so fucking startling.

They were, for most intents and purposes, at the bottom of a bottomless pit.

Jackie rose up, helping up the others quickly. The “ground” were just the source of the clusters of cosmic nerves. Stark was on the money, now that they were here, they could see that this was a gnarly wound. They were just standing on it.


“…You… Survived… Of course you survived…”

Jackie turned towards the smarmy voice, that was truly humbled. “To be fair, we were going to say the same to you, Mr. Davenport.”

The man was spilled out of a protective pod, that was battered despite being made with the strongest, reinforced Shiftication metal. In fact, his legs were merged with the bottom, and it was hard to tell what began and what ended. But the rest of what was left human was a beaten man. Bruised into being blood soaked, his hair almost of the scalp. Side of the face collapsed. And whatever was his suit, it was melted in metal, wires and blood. It was black, and Jackie felt that hurts the vain man more.

“The fuck did you do?” Maddie, straight to the point as always.

“Paradox Machine proved to do it’s job too well…” Davenport barely could hold himself together. It was a miracle that he was still lucid. “We always meant to drop it, first on the new Shift creations that those damn kids made… It was a test. It was all meant to be a test we knew we’d score heavily on. The true first step… And she got the better of me in the end…”

“‘She’…?” River asked.

“You know who,” Davenport replied, incredulous that they didn’t get it the moment he referred to the woman.

Jackie perked up. “Taber, then.”

“This was her fall back, after all… But she knew. She knew that we’d be too greedy. That we wanted to go back—and gave us a fucking illusion. Oh no—I saw that subtle twitch from each of you. This is still a watching nightmare. The universe is still destroyed. But we’re in our own pockets of it, you see. Kings of nothing.”

“I understand that you’re both in mental and physical pain right now, but you have to explain this to us,” Stark crossed her arms.

“The Paradox Machine was meant to be the final resort. In theory, if used correctly, could simply restart the universe in a clean sweep. Better chances, better results… She always thought this was meant to happen, this entire Shift mess. We’ll never be rid of it, not truly. But in the event of things being truly lost, well. This is what resulted. Destroy the universe. Live in our dream worlds as it slowly dies. And it would be quick, our demises. We’re already asleep, all that’s needed is the final breath.”

“So how the fuck did we survive it?” Maddie asked. “It makes no fucking sense.”

“What can I say…? You were broken already—Terri is just an oddball all around, but you all... Didn’t matter just enough, and you slipped through the cracks. But at the very least, now you have seats to the death of reality.”

“Oh my god…” Tracy covered her mouth, shaking her head. “Oh my god. This is it?”

“For everything, Ms. Goodwin. Forever.”

Jackie looked down. She knew more than anyone that it meant “defeat” for her.

But she was soon glad that she did.

“What’s that, then…?” Jackie pointed down, to the wellspring that spiraled onwards and onwards.

“The epicenter. It’s still raging on and will continue until it simply doesn’t anymore.”

“Raging. So still in progress, despite the damage being done?”

“It’s called a paradox for a reason, you—”

Then the old man’s sole eye flickered with realization. Brilliance. Light.

“My god. Paradoxes. You’re walking ones… You could very well turn the tide.”

Jackie looked towards the rest, as they looked back at her, gob smacked.

“Well then, ladies…” Davenport chuckled lowly. The next words were slowed and pained. “It truly is up to you… If we continue again… Or… Put to rest… Finally…”

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