《Deviant's Masquerade: Setting Lore Compendium》Patreon Sanctuary Dossiers: Punk Squad #27


Sanctuary Dossiers: Punk Squad #27

Unit Purpose: A criminal counter unit, specializing in the physical dismantlement of organized crime groups featuring mechanically oriented M.A.D. support and technologies.

Current Unit Size: 4 (3 Field, 1 Support)

Unit Restrictions: Due to former and possible criminal elements of the unit, no unit is allowed anything beyond C Rank Cyberware without prior authorization of the supervising Director.

Unit Threat Clearance: [Reductive B Rank] Unit is authorized to pursue any criminal organization on a city wide scale up to [C Rank] without prior clearance from their local director. If under the supervision of their Director, unit possesses a skill level capable of pursuing any [Upper B Rank] threat to the local region.

--- Dulce Flores ---

“Is everyone in place?” She asked over the comms as she looked over the building blueprints on her computer.

“I’m set up on my end.” A female voice answered.

“In position.” A half-synthetic male responded.

“Just waiting for you, beautiful.” A(n over)confident voice assured her.

“Alright, just one last review and will kick things off.” She told everyone as she began uploading images onto their various AR huds. “This is a simple interception job. While there will be two gangs present, each with about half a dozen bodies, we are specifically going after the Cyberpunk outfit who should be fairly obvious with their modifications. So if you’re forced to choose who to go after, then pick them.”

“So same old same old.”

“We do reviews for a reason.” She reminded her most troublesome co-worker as she uploaded a specific photo. “We have fairly good reason to believe that this is the M.A.D. outfitting this group, and that she will be present for this meeting. Above all else we need to take her off the board.”

“Visual confirmed. I’ll extract her the moment the opportunity arises.” The synthetic voice promised, once more reminding her who was her most professional co-worker.

“And I’ll snipe the cars just to be safe.” The team’s other female cheerfully added, perhaps not as professional as the other (but at least she’s trying to be helpful.)

“Good.” She nodded, before checking their mapping once more to make sure everyone -More specifically Cobbs.- was actually in place, and upon seeing the trouble maker hadn’t drifted off somewhere she went ahead and gave the order to, “Go ahead and knock.”

--- Jason Cobbs ---

“Showtime.” He laughed with a roll of his shoulders as he walked up to the warehouse this arms deal was taking place in and proceeded to knock on the door.

With his cybernetic eye he watched the various yellow figures that the Ninja’s optics had flagged, -The appearance of these images only mildly disorienting despite only appearing in a single eye.- as they sent two of theirs to investigate who would oh so brazenly interrupt their meeting.

Idly, he wondered if he was the only one to realize this whole plan could be executed in about five minutes if everyone just stealthily rushed the meeting. Even if they limited themselves to non-lethal means the whole thing would be an easy gig. (Too easy. You’ve got to love when the ‘safe’ plan is also the ‘fun’ one.)

The door was forced open ever so slightly, and a -unaugmented- man stepped out, clearly hiding a handgun just inside the door.

“Who are you?”

There were a few ways he could answer that as he began working his magic on the man in front of him, but ultimately he decided to go with the ‘audacious’ answer of. “I’m a cop.” Which was a blatant lie, even if he did work for Sanctuary. (I’m more of a… indentured employee at this point.)


“Cobbs…” Dulce groaned over the comms, likely developing a headache that he would happily offer to help her deal with after the gig was over, regardless of her inevitable rejection. (Really, whoever she dated before must’ve been a terribly selfish lover to make her think so little of my abilities. Even before I use my… abilities.)

He couldn’t help but laugh at that thought, even if it was only mildly funny.

“Oh, think you’re funny?” The guard asked him.

“Yes, but honestly it’s more the brain damage keeping me from filtering my responses properly.” He admitted, because really was upset that he’d lost his poker face. (It was the only thing Charlie couldn’t beat me at.)

“W-what?” The guard blinked in confusion, and unknowingly giving him an opportunity.

“Look, clearly I am a highly suspicious individual as I am sure the other guard behind this wall-” he tapped the yellow silhouette in his right eye’s vision “-would agree. So why don’t you bring me inside so that your bosses can try -and fail- to interrogate me.”

“Cobbs, you are an idiot.” The team ninja told him, before asking the team spitfire. “McGee, you have your shots lined up?”

“Yep. Just waiting on Jason to piss someone off.” Mags assured their ornery teammate. “Shouldn’t take long.”

[Ah, thanks for the compliment Mags.] He messaged the team chat, knowing it would pop on everyone’s optics… (and rub in the fact that I’m the only one who can mentally send those.)

He quickly spotted the M.A.D. they were here for and couldn’t help but give a very appreciative once over. “Ooh, I am loving the cybergoth look. Photos really don’t do you justice beautiful.”

Rather than taking the compliment, the M.A.D. gave him a disgusted look. (Which I get, some people don’t like strangers complimenting them.) He really did need to work on that filter thing, he usually held off on flirting until he knew someone would be receptive.

“Who is this idiot?” The other crime boss asked.

“Says he’s with the cops.” His escort answered, unaware that he himself was compromised already.

“Technically, I work for Sanctuary.” He clarified. “And this is actually the start of a raid on this place.”

“A raid?” The (sexy) cybergoth scoffed. “You by yourself?”

“You two mind saving his ass before he gets himself killed?” The sweet, Dulce asked with no small amount of frustration.

“You lot are vastly underestimating me.” He told both his teammates and the criminals holding him at gunpoint as he aimed a finger gun at a nearby cyberpunk.

The world around him slowed to a crawl as his neural accelerator kicked on and began applying a faint strain on the entirety of his nervous system.

A bit of focus on each guard and he had access to the software said cyberpunk was running on his tech. While he lacked the abilities of an actual hacker, between his tech and his natural abilities he was able to… nudge the programming in a way he felt only his siblings would be able to understand if he tried to explain it. And with a few other nudges in key places he switched his accelerator off and said, “Bang.” just as the cyberpunk spasmed and dropped to the ground.

“Shit, he’s a Deviant!” One of the men yelled as all eyes fell on him, people attributing the faint bang to his powers rather than to McGee shooting out the engine on one of the cars.


“Ah, ah, careful if you don’t want to drop too.” He called out, with a grin as he waved a second finger pistol around solely for show, despite not needing it to drop half the room.

--- Tadashi Hamato ---

His eyes roamed the forces below as unseen fingers curled around the hilt of his blade, just in case the idiot needed backup, before he could get an opportunity to go after the primary target.

(Thirteen units in play.) He counted below.

The primary target backed away from Cobbs as the guards surrounded him, and Tadashi took this as the ideal opportunity to kick back off of the support beam he was perched upon, faint sparks of electricity dancing around his feet as the electromagnetic fields shifted to propel him further.

With a backflip to shift his momentum he landed unseen behind the M.A.D. who had foolishly placed all of her guards between herself and the dual Deviant she thought the only threat of the night.

As he stood the target backed into him -one hand on the door of the car- and would’ve turned to face him if he hadn’t immediately wrapped an arm around her throat, pinning her mouth shut and lifting her an inch off the ground. “Let’s keep the noise to a minimum.”

Loosening his grip ever so slightly so her feet were on the ground, he kept a hand on her jaw as he dragged the M.A.D. back a handful of steps before throwing her in the trunk of the car, still open from the weapons deal. Reaching inside he withdrew the only weapons case they’d yet to unload before slamming it shut just as the M.A.D. began to scream.


A gangster turned towards him but saw nothing as his stealth module continued to distort the light around him into a near invisibility. “Hey, where’d the boss go?”

He set the case on the ground out of sight of the criminals as they began splitting their attention between the idiot and their missing boss.

A few quick swipes of the smaller monoblades attached to his fingertips and he found the tech blade inside. A relatively simple thing compared to some of the other blades he’d… confiscated over the years, but the electrified blade could prove a suitable non-lethal alternative to his normal blades.

Retracting his claws, he lifted the blade from his case and stood just as one of the gangsters came closer to investigate the banging from the trunk.

The moment the target was in range he turned the blade on and used it to tase the criminal into submission, propping the man up to keep his compatriots from immediately realizing something was wrong.


“What the hell was that?” A second asked, as a few of them turned to investigate the car as they lost interest in Cobb’s idiocy, as the fool seemed to be negotiating a takeover of the arms deal with the other gang’s leader.

“Conflict escalation imminent.” He warned everyone over the comms as the men drew nearer and his stealth module began to run low on power. “Beginning in five… four… three… two… one.”

As he became visible to the world around him, he shoved the man he’d been propping up backwards, all but throwing the criminal into another and sending both toppling into the ground.

Not hesitating he stepped forward with his new blade and slashed the dull edge into a third criminal’s side, pushing the man into the car as he tased him.

Seeing that the fourth had drawn his gun and was beginning to take aim, he took a step back with a spinning flourish before delivering a roundhouse kick to the third criminal’s chest with a metallic leg and throwing a knife into the fourth’s shoulder causing his bullet fire to spread wide.

(Tch… Ten…)

“Just so you know this is your only chance to surrender.” He warned the criminals as more of them turned towards him, purposely leaning on the synthetic sound his mask filled his voice with to intimidate them. And if that didn’t work he was sure the fact that he was using the blade to tase the criminal on the ground would’ve done something.


“Uh, is the cyber-ninja with her guys or what?” Cobbs asked, taking a step back with his hands raised. A gesture that would seem submissive to anyone who didn’t notice the man’s glowing blue eye dashing between the criminal cyberpunks in the room, likely hacking and defanging any threat they may pose.

“You think you can take all of us?” The remaining gang leader asked, pointing a gun at Cobb’s head, something the fool seemed only mildly interested in. “Now that we can see you we can just gun you two down.”

With that said, they were in something of a standoff. An admittedly one-sided standoff given how he was fairly certain none of their guns were of a high enough caliber to damage his suit and as much as he may be a fool, Cobbs was a rather notorious hitman before Sanctuary flipped him. One that likely already had a kill method established for half the people in the room should things escalate beyond non-lethal.

Meaning that if he wanted to get out of this without any real bloodshed, he’d have to de-escalate things.

Of course, because he was the only competent member of his field team, the moment he realized this was also the exact moment when McGee decided to leap through a window, guns blazing.

--- Margaret ‘Mags’ McGee ---

After taking out each of the cars’ engines with her rifle -which was more of a cannon if she was being honest- she gave the warehouse a once over as she broke her rifle’s power circuit by removing its firing chip. With normal eyes all she would’ve seen was the outside of a metal and brick building, but thanks to her optics she could clearly see AR overlays of everyone in the building.

Aware that no one could move her rifle without at least a few physical enhancements, she left it on the rooftop as she pocketed the firing chip and stood up before attaching her shotgun to her back as she watched Dashi seemingly use some guy as a meatshield.

“Conflict escalation imminent.” The team ninja warned over their comms.

Not needing to know anything else about the situation, she gave the building another once as she began backing away from the roof’s edge, double checking that she’d gotten the distance right even as gunfire went off inside of the building. (Yeah, I can make that.)

Taking a running stance she inhaled and wiggled her ears, flicking her Overheat system on as the cybertech in her body began running at max power. With this boost running through her system she shot forward faster than an olympic sprinter, before kicking off the roof’s edge and launching herself into the air as said edge crunched beneath her boots.

Seeing that she was going to make her jump, she readjusted her legs to hit the skylight steel plated boots first as she grabbed her shotgun by the grip and felt the circuits in her hand sync the device with her Overheat system. In the corner of her vision she noticed her weapon’s energy meter flicker on as she fell through the air, glass falling all around her.

With an ease only possible due to the modifications to her legs she landed on one of the cars in a crouch, crumbling its roof beneath her weight, before bouncing onto her feet with a feral grin as she aimed her shotgun at the nearest gang goon.

“Sup bitches!”

Everyone froze at her (suitably) dramatic entrance.

Except for Jason who used the distraction as an opportunity to steal a gun being aimed at his head, and breaking his assailant’s jaw before snapping his fingers and dropping two cyberpunks in the back as he shot a regular goon.

(Damn, he’s got the cold blood.)

Refusing to let her moment be stolen, she proceeded to shoot the goon she was aiming at discharging a blast of electricity through the air that -through an M.A.D. process she was still trying to crack- bled most of its voltage into concussive force, sending her victim flying.

As she leapt off of the wrecked car she spotted Dashi rushing another goon on his end with an electric blade that was distinctly different from the blunted blade Sanctuary had authorized for this little outing. (And he complains about me and Jayce breaking the rules!)

She used her annoyance at that bit of hypocrisy to kick one of the goons in the chest -which from her resulted in several broken ribs and a two foot flight- before shooting a cyberpunk and watching as the electricity caused the man’s cybertech to glitch and spasm out.

(Ugh, hate that feeling.) She couldn’t help but grimace, less in sympathy and more in memory of when she’d accidentally zapped herself while building her gun using a stolen bit of sparktech.

In that moment of distraction, a second cyberpunk rushed her, a glowing blade shooting out of the woman’s arm as she tried -(and failed)- to cut her baby in half, only to knock it out of her hands instead.

“Not so cocky now, huh, pipsqueak?!” The woman laughed, either not noticing or caring that she was one of the only two -(Nope, Dashi is choking that guy out, make it the only one of)- the cyberpunk’s people still standing.

“Yeah, no.” She scoffed, before weaving around the woman’s blade, picking her up off the ground and throwing her about thirty feet away into the metal wall, where the cyberpunk then proceeded to fall another ten feet to the concrete ground. “She’d probably been better off leaving me my gun.”

“Please, we both know you could’ve just stood there and tanked her until she tired herself out.” Jason joked as he patched up the goon he shot to avoid dealing with the paperwork killing someone would’ve caused.

Idly, she wondered if she should be as okay with that knowledge as she was. (Then again, as long as they’re not civilians I don’t honestly care too much.) Dashi and Dulce were the team’s moral compasses, she was just the heavy hitter.

(Thinking of…)

“Alright, Dulce go ahead and send in the clean up crew.” She told the nicest member of their unit. “Everyone is down, and we can keep them down as long as we’ve got to.”

“Good to hear, the police will be there for their guys in a few minutes and our guys will be there for ours in the same.” Dulce told them over the comms. “And biometrics say nobody was hurt too! Good work, guys!”

“Ha! It was easy.” She assured the team medic. “These chumps had nothing on us!”

Jason whistled drawing her attention, before whispering. “Kill your Overheat before she notices.”

She gave her competitive wingman a thumbs up, having once more forgotten about that and knowing it would kill her cool factor if Dulce was the one to remind her, but another wiggle of ears fixed that problem for her as the mechanical bits of her body began to vent the heat she’d built up.

Dulce gave her a laugh over the phone, “Alright, I’ll see you guys in a bit then.”

--- Dulce Flores ---

“And with that your inhibitor chip is back in place.” She told her patient as she took a step back.

“Ugh, hate that we have to do this after every op.” Jason groaned, rolling his shoulders and making the metal on his spine shift with a smoothness that she wished her tech could replicate. “I mean when are they going to trust me enough to leave me be.”

“You’re the one who broke the law.” She reminded their resident redemption case.

Jason scoffed. “And I brought down one of the most infamous and dangerous crime lords in the country when I turned myself in! What more do they expect from me?!”

“You know that whole thing would be a lot more impressive if you actually told us which crime lord you took down.” Mags pointed out, as she tossed Jason his shirt. “Also put this on.”

“What? Not liking the show?” Jason asked, gesturing to his vaguely visible abs with a smirk. “What about you Dulc? You like it?”

She rolled her eyes at Jason’s flirting, having long since realized the man was simply an unrepentant flirt. (Really wish he’d realize I’m just not interested in dating anybody.) She was simply too busy between her job and taking care of her son.

At the very least he stopped when she went from amused to annoyed, which is more than she could say for any of the other pendejos trying to get in her pants.

“It’s actually pretty obvious who it was if you’re paying attention.” Tadashi told them as he put up his own gear, sounding much more human without his mask.

“Really who is it?” Mags wondered, leaning forward excitedly.

An emotion that she liked to think she did a much better job at hiding given how much secrecy everyone at Sanctuary who knew seemed to have about the whole thing. (Which is another point against dating someone with criminal connections that dangerous.)

“Classified.” Tadashi smirked as he closed his locker.

“Boo!” Mags frowned, kicking at the air in a disappointment they both felt.

“If they redacted it on his file, then I’m not going to be the one to go spreading it around.” Tadashi shrugged, crossing his arms and leaning against his locker, though his eyes never left Jason’s as the two had a silent conversation. “All that matters is he helped take them down in the end.”

“Appreciate that.” Jason nodded before slipping his shirt back on, apparently done with his flirting for the night.

“So everyone packed up?” She asked, given how she was the one who was supposed to lock up the truck that made up their mobile ops center.


“I’m good.”


Everyone sounded off before making their way to the exit, though Mags did turn around once she’d hopped out of the truck. “Hey, since you’ve got the little man a sitter tonight, I was wondering if you wanted to grab a couple drinks? You know a girls’ night?”

“You know what, sure.” She smiled at the closest thing she had to a sister before pointing a thumb at the truck. “Just let me lock up real quick.”

“Sure thing!” Mags smiled back like the adorable puppy she was.

(Turning back to the truck, she did not notice said puppy giving the resident criminal a taunting pair of middle fingers after scoring something date-adjacent from their mutual crush.

Hamato as the only one uninterested in the love triangle merely rolled his eyes at the trio.)



Name: Dulce Flores

Deviancy: M.A.D.

Combat Classes: [Medic] [Overwatch]

Unit Role: Primary medical physician and M.A.D. for any maintenance the unit’s cyberpunks may require. Due to not being a field unit, Agent has also taken a minor role as team Overwatch.


-Being born to immigrant parents, Flores pushed through a number of economic and racial hardships before entering medical school and obtaining a nursing degree. During this time she became pregnant with a child, she carried to term despite her strenuous class work.

-After graduating Flores’s status as an M.A.D. was discovered when assisting with a failing operation, she sparked out and took over correcting the problems and saving her patient’s life. Unfortunately, due to the circumstances she lost her job at the hospital due to breaking several minor laws in taking over the surgery without a valid medical license.

-In the following months Flores lost the majority of her savings as no other hospital would hire her. Near the end of this time it came to light that the person she’d lost her career saving was [Name Redacted] a Sanctuary officer at the time, who offered her employment as thanks for saving their life.

-From there Flores was eventually assigned as the primary handler and doctor of Agent McGee, followed by Agent Hamato upon the formation of Punk Squad 27 and eventually Probationary Agent Cobbs a few years later upon his assignment to the squad.

Psych Profile:

-Subject is goal oriented, with a notable priority being given to taking care of her son. What’s more given her repeated stints of poverty throughout her life, she seems to have attached her family’s financial safety with her stability as a Sanctuary medic, making her easily the most loyal member of the unit to Sanctuary as a whole.

-Possesses a minor savior complex requiring her to help people who have been physically injured, a complex that typically results in her sparking out and achieving the peak of her M.A.D. abilities. As such it is recommended that she always retain a Medic role in whatever position she is given so as to maximize her Deviancy’s potential.

Notable Equipment:

-Standard Sanctuary Medical M.A.D. kit.

Notable Abilities:

-A low ranking M.A.D. with a focus on mechanical medical technologies.

-Given her status as an M.A.D. with surgical potential, Flores is fully capable of performing Cybertech surgery while lacking the ability to upgrade said tech beyond their default parameters.

--(Note: Exception to this in the case of life support Cybertech, but given the non-offensive nature of this tech, risk of upgrades is deemed fully acceptable. Even encouraged if it generates loyalty towards Flores within the unit.)



Name: Margaret ‘Maggie’ McGee

Alias: Mad Mags McGee

Deviancy: Cyberpunk

Combat Classes: [Bruiser] [Blaster] [Marksman]

Unit Role: Functions as both long and short range Artillery unit, either picking hostiles off at a distance or engaging in melee when a heavier hand is needed.


-McGee’s early life was relatively normal, coming from a middle class family in a decent neighborhood with a housewife mother and an office worker father. The only notable exception to this normality was her elder brother, a mid-ranking M.A.D. who kept his awakening secret from the rest of the family as he played around with his abilities.

-Things changed when on a road trip the family was in a car crash, injuring their entire family, rendering their parents unconscious and the youngest McGee in a critical state. Under the stress of these events Margaret’s brother sparked out and began operating on her in an attempt to save his sister’s life. An attempt that succeeded if in a flawed way.

-Due to a lack of resources, the Cybertech implanted in McGee was unstable and while life saving suffered from system wide rejection. Thus by the time the family received proper medical care she required even more Cybertech to survive than had been initially implanted. So much so that McGee’s natural biological growth was impeded to the point where she required constant adjustments to at least partially simulate said growth.

-In the following years the McGees received more and more attention for their Deviant children, until eventually their local gang [Redacted] attempted to pressgang them into joining. An event that led to the fatal wounding of Margaret’s brother, which served as a breaking point for her psyche. One that led to her slaughtering the entirety of the gang from within their primary base, an incident that would’ve led to her arrest due to the number killed if not for the intervention of Sanctuary and the offer of employment.

Psych Profile:

-[Flagged] While subject is largely stable, she has demonstrated a tendency to *Snap* under extreme stressors, causing her to react with increased aggression and violence. Given the high limit of this stress the problem in itself is largely manageable, seemingly only triggering as a PTSD survival response, likely developed during either the incident that turned her into a cyberpunk or the one that brought her into Sanctuary’s employ.

- Possesses a notable sense of body dysphoria, whether this is from before or after her initial modifications is unknown but has led to her undergoing constant modifications to try and ‘fix’ whatever part of her feels wrong after prolonged downtime. She most often describes this as her parts feeling like they’re ‘the wrong size’.

--Note: Given how the subject has successfully been tricked into believing the problem has been ‘fixed’ after being rendered unconscious with no actual modifications it is recommended this method be repeated to avoid degrading the subject's physical health with constant cyber modifications.


-Synthetic Organs (Lungs, Liver, Right Kidney): Several of subject’s organs have been replaced with cybertech, which while not possessing any esoteric functions do have increased functionality beyond baseline human.

-Sub-Dermal Plating: Subject has a series of fiber plating applied ‘underskin’ over various points of her body, allowing her to survive bullet and knife wounds with minimal internal damage.

-Reinforced Skeletal Structure: Subject’s skeletal structure has been reinforced at various points with metallic plating and pins so as to reinforce it to the point where the user can be hit with a car and suffer little damage to their skeletal system.

-Reinforced Tendons: A special set of augmentations have been applied to the tendons within the subject’s arms and legs allowing them to generate significantly more force than normally plausible for her muscle mass.

--Note: These tendon’s have been further reinforced during maintenance on the subject’s skeletal structure, further increasing force generation while offsetting the significant increase various augmentations have caused to their weight.

-Hand Plating And Cybernetics: Subject’s hands have been virtually rebuilt, being more cybertech than organic at this point, allowing them to integrate with compatible tech upon contact as well as giving them heavier weighting similar to in-built brass knuckles.

-Over Heat System (B Rank): A system of cybertech laced throughout the body enabling the user to overclock all of their systems for enhanced functionality at the cost of rapidly raising their body temperature.

--Note: Safety Limiters will forcibly disable cyberware into a venting period should they believe the user’s Heat level has risen or stayed too high for too long.

-Full Optics: Standard optics array with full spectrum vision and an adaptable AR scanning and information hud.

Notable Equipment:

-Custom Tech Scatter gun: A short range gun capable of firing powerful electrical pulses, inflicting increased damage to any electrical equipment hit. These shots can be charged for additional firepower at the price of consuming a greater amount of energy per shot.

-Custom Railgun Rifle: An extremely high powered miniature railgun capable of building power to fire rounds through several inches of solid steel plating.

--Note: The sheer weight of this gun makes its deployment highly impractical for any users without some form of strength enhancement, regardless of its overall firepower.

-Custom SMGs: A custom set of SMGs capable of firing rubber rounds thus offering a non-lethal option of rapid fire mid combat. These guns also possess internal tech allowing them to integrate with Agent McGee’s Over Heat System allowing them to be fired with increased speed and power at the price of straining an internal motor.

-Custom Made Explosives: A set of custom explosives adapted from scavenged sparktech, generating a number of esoteric and/or elemental effects. Explosives possess internal hardware allowing them to function as grenades, motion based mines, or remote triggered explosives.

--Effects Agent McGee is known capable of replicating are: Cryo, Burn, Electrical, Concussive, Tether, Flash, and Chem Smoke.

-Blast Proof Jacket: A custom weave jacket made from several M.A.D. acquired materials allowing the jacket to both spread and dampen impacts across the jacket’s entire surface while also maintaining a resistance to both heat and electrical conductivity.

--Weakness Note: Despite jacket’s near indestructibility the materials that comprise it do not allow for the easy escape of heat, thus making it relatively easy for the wearer to overheat in the proper circumstances. Such as the use of Agent McGee’s Over Heat System.

-Coolant Jacket: A custom weave jacket made from several M.A.D. acquired materials allowing the jacket to reduce and maintain a temperature in the seventies even when external temperatures pass the hundred degree mark.

Notable Abilities:

--Mechanical Engineering: While herself not an M.A.D. subject has been around them for so much of her lifetime that she has developed an advanced understanding of engineering beyond what is commonly taught. As such, the subject should be treated as a low-level M.A.D. with a focus on mechanical engineering.



Name: Tadashi Hamato

Alias: Yamamoto Yoshi (Criminal Identity)

Deviancy: Cyberpunk

Combat Classes: [Infiltrator] [Scrapper] [Scout]

Unit Role: First response infiltration and scouting, marking and eliminating threats before hostilities can begin before following up with physical support.


-Originally a young detective Hamato's professional career mostly consisted of an undercover operation against a criminal group through connections to his more criminally inclined brother, in exchange for clemency for said brother. Over the course of several years, Hamato's department mapped out the entirety of the criminal operation as well as their connections to several other local criminal elements, resulting in hundreds of arrests.

-On one such operation, Hamato was caught in a car bombing alongside his brother resulting in his brother’s death as well as severe damage to the entirety of Hamato's body. At this point Sanctuary intercepted Agent Hamato at the hospital, having mistaken the younger Hamato as his brother who had become an asset in dismantling a Deviant trafficking ring after learning about Tadashi's own undercover work.

-Taking into account Hamato's extensive record, the Sanctuary Director offered him a deal for full body augmentation in exchange for helping bring down the operation that had killed his brother and hospitalized him. An operation that they succeeded in bringing down the initial ring, but not the group of Deviant arms dealers actually responsible for ordering the hit.

-Using this incident to officially transfer into Sanctuary, Agent Hamato was eventually assigned to Punk Squad #27, where he used his extensive experience in both criminal and law enforcement activities to help dismantle numerous operations alongside Agent McGee and Flores. All while continuing to comb through each organization’s records for any connection to the group that killed his brother.

Psych Profile:

-[Flagged] Subject possesses a near obsession with solving the case that resulted in his augmentation, and will devote all extra resources to said case. However, the subject has shown no trouble focusing on other cases, working to complete them with the greatest efficiency possible so that he may return to his primary case without delay.

--[Mild Resolution]: Having been forced to work with the more chaotic members of the unit, the subject has realized that completing a job correctly is more important that completing it quickly if only because the review process will consume twice as much time as saved.

--Sub-Note: Despite becoming better, it has been observed that subject has been a part of a concerning number of Agent training simulations for any skill or weapon he believes will be useful in pursuit of his goals. It is recommended that these hours be limited if only to preserve subject’s health in the long term.

-Subject seems to have fully adapted to cyber augmentations, despite both the recentness and thoroughness of these augmentations. While not exactly flaggable in itself, it should be noted that the subject may be suppressing actual reactions via obsessive pursuit of their goals.

Notable Equipment:

-Monoblades: A series of confiscated M.A.D. built blades of various makes and modifications, designed to cut through virtually any material.

-Cybersuit: Grants protection from small caliber rounds and blades, as well as protection from manipulation of EM fields. Custom slotting on the torso holds several dozen throwing knives and shurikens.


-Limb Prosthetics, with Full Replacement of Right Arm.

--Monowire Reels: A set of fifteen meter wire reels, capable of retracting with enough force to pull users’ entire weight.

--Blade Slotting: Right arm possesses a number of slottings for hidden blades.

--Electromagnetic Footing: Augmentations to legs allow the user to run faster as well as cling to metallic surfaces for an extended period of time.

-Stealth Module: Modifies user’s innate EM field to bend light granting near total invisibility.

--Warning: Prolonged use can lead to trouble focusing as EM field manipulation is known to cause intense migraines.

-Modified Hearing Aids: Restores hearing to peak, with adjustable volumes for hearing beyond human.

--Full Optics: Standard optics array with full spectrum vision and an adaptable AR scanning and information hud.

Notable Abilities

-Powerful understanding of the operation of criminal organizations.

-Highly developed martial skills including but not limited to: Stealth, Hand to Hand, Swords, Knives, Chain Wire, Combat Claws, Handguns, Rifles, Throwing Stars, Kunai, and Explosives.



Name: Jason Cobbs

-Real Name: [Redacted]

Deviancy: Psychic/Cyberpunk

Combat Classes: [Adept]

-Priority Classes: [Puppeteer] [Slaver] [Tactician] [Marksman] [Infiltrator]

Unit Role: A jack of all trades, capable of passably functioning in any standard situation and regularly applies a wild card factor to turn ops to the unit's advantage.


-Once a member of the infamous [Redacted] crime family, Jason Cobbs spent his formative years developing a criminal education before eventually becoming one of his father’s primary assassins via a mix of precision based kinetics and telepathics. (Note: Subject has claimed guilt of several crimes that he was not a part of, likely to obscure the guilt of other family members.)

-Over the years Cobbs father became increasingly abusive towards him and his siblings, with several of the family’s largest setbacks being due to Cobbs sabotaging his father so that the man would focus on the crime syndicate more than his children, several of whom intelligence reported as missing during this time. (Note: Cobbs has admitted to aiding several of his siblings in escaping their father.)

-One such act of sabotage was discovered, resulting in Cobbs fleeing cross country as the entirety of the crime family was brought down upon him, including the siblings still loyal to his father. During this time he reconnected with his sister, [Redacted] who aided him in triggering a raid on his father’s primary base so that they could infiltrate and eliminate the man.

-After being captured in the wreckage of the raid, Cobbs was discovered to have suffered from a bullet to the head with his survival only clinging due to his psionic healing factor. During his ensuing medical treatment Cobbs agreed to joining Sanctuary in exchange for clemency of himself as well as his more innocent siblings for their parts in their father’s organization.

Psych Profile:

-[Flagged]: If reunited with any member of his family will inevitably return to criminal behaviors for the length of said reunion. Though given previous interactions, the subject will return to base unrepentant in the face of any punishments he may be given.

-Projects a lackadaisical persona to the world, but contains a deep understanding of tactics and criminal operations. Whether this personality is a mask or truth is unknown.

--Note: Subject has mentioned trouble filtering his verbal responses since his neural augmentations, whether this is truth or an excuse is currently unconfirmed.

-Has repeatedly shown reckless and mildly suicidal behavior. While the actual depths of this tendency is currently unknown, the fact that he willingly took a bullet to his head during his conflict with [Redacted] paints a general disregard for his own life if it accomplishes his greater goals.

Notable Equipment:

-Psycho-Reactive Rings: A set of rings that react to and retain nearby psionic energies, thus allowing the user to increase their physical output by coating their hands in Psi-Energy.

--(Note: Only usable by Deviants with Psionic abilities.)


-Neural Accelerators [Prototype, Estimated Rank: B]: Can accelerate neural processing, enabling rapid deployment of psionic abilities and thought processes.

--Warning: Unit causes neural damage after prolonged use, and while negated in the long term by psychic status, overuse of psionics can cause rapid damage overwhelming the innate neural healing factor of psychics.

-Custom Optics [Right Eye]: Full Spectrum vision and standard AR augmentations, alongside personal biometric monitor of personal brain function.

-Prosthetic Fingers on Left Hand: No Special Functions.


Notable Abilities:

-Psionic Abilities

--Precision Kinetics: While lacking the raw power seen in some kinetics, subject is capable of manipulating small objects to the point where any pebble can be seen as a bullet in his hands.

--Telepathics and Psychology: Subject has an extreme understanding of human psychology, which when combined with his telepathic abilities allows him to easily manipulate anyone who isn’t actively guarding against both of these venues of attack.

--Technopath: Due to unique neural connections formed with Cybertech, the subject has developed previously lacking technopathic abilities. Essentially allowing him to ‘Hack’ any technology he can see or form a connection with via psionic ability, thus bypassing most standard defenses.

---Note: Given how technopathic abilities are linked to his psionic abilities, the amount of power he has to devote to ‘Hacking’ an object is proportional to the complexity of an object’s programming. Meaning that even if he can bypass most security, this ability can be circumvented with the proper redundancies of devices thus forcing him to burn through his own mental resources.

Notable Weakness

-Due to augmentations, subject suffers from the common weakness of all Deviant Cyberpunks in that his base pool of Deviant energy has been notably reduced from his pre-augmentation levels.

--Note: While subject claims his deficit is around 20% of his original pool, previous records indicate that this deficit is closer to 50% with the difference likely being an attempt to control his perceived threat level.

Special Handling Note

-Given the recentness of subject’s augmentations as well as the unwillingness of them, he has been assigned to Punk Squad 27 due to the similar circumstances of the other two agents in an attempt to form camaraderie between the three, while also accounting for the years of loyalty that the other three agents have had with Sanctuary.

-With any luck these factors combined with the subject’s clemency deal and known loyalty factor will result in a secondhand loyalty to Sanctuary, thus negating any possible flight risks he may pose.

-Should this prove insufficient subject’s threat level and previous crimes have placed a retroactive Kill Warrant on file, should the Director in charge see the need to use the [Redacted] implanted in his [Redacted].


Punk Squad #27

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