《Protector's of Worlds》Journey across the sea!


Previously on Protector’s of Worlds:

The portal has taken our heroes from Cybenetex to the Jungle Planet: Florelvazon!

Going through dense plant life and encountering massive reptilian creatures that resembled prehistoric life from long ago, they came upon a beach shore. With nowhere else to go, Calem suggested building a raft to venture out to the sea in hopes of finding new land.

Not wanting to go back, Marcel agreed and the two gathered supplies needed throughout the day. When night came, the two ate and rest, waiting to build the raft tomorrow…..

What happens next? Let us proceed……..


Morning has come as the light from the sun shines down on our heroes, shining on their eyes and waking them up from their slumber. Slowly they get up, still sleepy as they stretch and scratch their eyes. Once ready, they proceed to finish what they started, using the materials they found: 9 logs and a lot of vines.

They start by having Marcel grab two logs and hold them while Calem uses the long and thick vines to tie the longs in place. When that is completed, they do the same thing with the others. There were a few mishaps though, such as Calem accidentally tying his hands together or wrapping the entire body of Marcel with vine. The process took hours but in the end…..

The raft was finally completed! It was a bit disorganized and some of the vines didn’t look that tight but overall seem to be in perfect shape, big enough for both of them.

“(Phew)…… We’re done.” Calem said, exhausted from the whole thing while wiping sweat off his face.

“Not bad for the first time, huh?” Marcel said as he removed the last of the vines from him.

“Well. we’ll see once we get it on water.” Calem said.

The two, giving it all they had, push the raft into the sea. As soon as it's aloft, the vines on the right side snap, causing two logs to drift away, leaving 7 logs to go and making the raft a bit smaller.

“Okay, minor mishap…..” Marcel said, jokingly.

The two walk into the sea before jumping onto the raft and using long sticks as oars to push themselves forward, journeying across the water to find new land.

Back on the island they had just left, on top of the tower high trees, was another alien creature, this time resembling a pterosaur that was about 12ft tall with green skin, purple stripes on its neck and tail, massive yellow wings with a single claw with membrane with visible vessels, a large crest with a magenta coloring, and on its feet are two toes with huge hook-like claws.


It was in the middle of resting with its head lowered and two toes gripping the branch tightly. A sudden growl from its stomach woke it up, meaning its time to hunt. It scanned the entire horizon for any signs of prey but stopped when it saw something strange move across the sea. It wasn’t like any other lifeform it has encountered before, but whatever it is……..that’s its meal.

X 2 hours later X

Across the wide blue sea, rowing for hours and they still haven’t seen any sign of land. Both were tired, their arms were hurting, and the heat from the sun made them sweat buckets.

“Break time?” Calem asked Marcel with exhaustion in his voice.

“Break time,” Marcel responded.

Both laid down the oar sticks, giving their arms a break as Calem lies on his back with his hands behind and resting his eyes but for Marcel, he lies on his stomach, putting his left hand into the water and making little splashes. He stopped when he noticed some marine creatures a few feet away, coming up for air while blowing water out of their noses. He didn’t get a full view of their bodies but noticed they had brown skin and brown stripes and when they dived, they had paddle-like tails.

Suddenly, a large shadow passes over them, startling them both. The marine creatures Marcel was observing quickly submerged in fear, hinting that there is gonna be trouble.

They got up in an instant and turned their heads in all directions, looking for the one that passed on right over them. It wasn’t until Marcel spotted something from the east: a silhouette of a giant winged beast flying at high speeds toward them.

“Don’t look now, pal, but we got some company,” Marcel warned his friend who looked to the east and witnessed the flying creature coming in.

“Okay, break’s over!” Calem shouted, realizing the danger.

The two hurried, grabbing the oar sticks, and rowed with as much speed as possible. The silhouette, revealing itself as the alien pterosaur from before, closes in and readies itself to grab one of the humans.

“Get down!” Marcel yelled, which made the two duck.

Just narrowly, they managed to avoid the razor-sharp hook claws as the flying reptilian flew over them. Angered but knowing this was just a slight mistake, the alien pterosaur circled back to them, coming in from the northwest this time.

Calem drops the oar when he sees the creature homing in on them. Sparks of electricity form around his left arm as a lightning bolt appear from his hand. Without any hesitation, he throws the bolt of lightning, frightening the alien pterosaur as it maneuvers to the left, letting the lightning bolt pass by it.


The creature was scared now that it realized its prey has the means to defend itself. It wants to turn around and head back to the island, find something else to eat, but it has come too far. It wants to get this over with as it comes in from the north on them, hoping to catch them this time.

Calem summoned another lightning bolt, ready to hurl it as the creature closes in on them again.

Starving and with prey in sight, the pterosaur-like alien brings in its claw and hopes to grab one of the two, hoping to eat finally! Just a few more feet and it would've gotten Calem or Marcel, but suddenly…….

Out from the sea, the head of a giant aquatic predator bursts out, clamping its massive jaws down on the pterosaur in midair, leaving the wings the only visible part!

Once the marine behemoth splashes into the sea, Calem and Marcel, who both had shocked expressions with wide eyes stared at each other, shaken that that giant flying alien was devoured by an even bigger organism!

Snapping out of it, Calem grabbed his oar in a hurry and both rowed with as much manpower as they could produce.

“Come on, Calem! Put your back into it! Row!” Marcel pressuring his friend.

“I am! I’m rowing like I’ve never rowed before!” Calem shouted back

“Have you?” Marcel asked, curious

“No! Just keep on rowing!” Calem shouted

They proceeded, rowing and rowing, even when their arms started to ache and cramp.

Finally, their hard work paid off! Calem looked north and saw a silhouette of a huge island just a few miles away!

“Land! Land!” Calem shouted with joy as Marcel spotted the island as well and then formed a big smile on his face.

“Yeah, baby!!” Marcel shouted with gee. “Let’s pick up the pace!”

With an island just within their reach, the two ignored their pain and mustered everything they could. In their excitement, they failed to notice that the shadow of the giant marine predator from before was right behind them!

The island was only 100 feet away from them and the two just can’t wait to walk on land again, but all that was disrupted when all of a sudden, the aquatic behemoth struck, breaching out of the water and high into the air with the raft stuck in its huge mouth, filled with many jagged teeth!

This giant looked like a mosasaur with greyish skin, black stripes, a white underbelly, and webbed forelimbs, was around 55ft tall and length could be around 70ft long.

“Jump!” Calem yelled to his friend.

Dropping their oar sticks, they jumped off the raft as the marine giant crushed it into pieces. They hit the water feet first and fastly get to the surface, gasping for air. Looking up, the sea behemoth was coming down, looking to fall right on top of them.

“SWIM! SWIM!!!” Marcel shouted

They swam away, but the long hours of rowing made have finally caught up to them, making them slow and sluggish. The behemoth splashes down, creating massive waves. With no chance of outrunning them, the waves catch up to the two, coming down on them before everything went black………..


On the beach shore of the unknown island, we see one of our heroes, Calem, unconscious on the sand for who knows how long…….


Awaken all of a sudden, Calem breathed in as much air as he could while coughing. Slowly getting up, he wondered about the whereabouts of his friend.

“Marcel! Where are you, buddy?!” Calem shouted

He looked everywhere for him, heading left and shouting as loud as possible until he finally found him. Marcel was just 10 feet away from him, on his stomach, unconscious. He runs to him, worried as he picks him up and holds him in his arms.

“Buddy, you ok?! Calem said, shaking his friend, hoping for some reaction. “Come on, pal. Please tell me your alive!”

Suddenly, Marcel coughs out some sand, spitting some onto Calem’s face who then wipes it off.

“Of course I am……(cough) (cough)...Otherwise, I wouldn’t be eating sand right now.” Marcel said, spitting out more sand as Calem helps him up. “So, where are we now?”

Calem shrugs his shoulders just when they heard animal calls coming right behind them. They looked back and to their dismay……..see’s a jungle area with huge trees, just waiting to be explored by them.

“Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding….” Marcel said displeased, knowing he’ll have to go through another jungle…….

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