《Life and Death | THE ORIGINALS [2]》Alive and Kicking


I got up early this Morning since my dad is making a whole new community of vampires. So fun. Note my sarcasm. I'm sat outside as about 10-15 people stand outside my dads loft.

I see Elijah and stand up walking over to him with my dad. "Elijah, didn't expect to see you on this side of the river."

"I didn't expect to see you assemble a new vampire community. I guess we're both full of surprises," Elijah smiles.

"My community was fine until Klaus had a brilliant idea to make moonlight rings. Now that harvest girl is making more," dad says as me, him and Elijah walk away from the group of newly turned vampires, "offering them to the wolves in exchange for their allegiance. The wolves, just kneeling at her feet. The only quarters become a dangerous place. And you, you're the last true vampire left. If you ask me, your better off joining my community. Maybe that's why you're here."

Elijah smiles and shakes his head while making a sound of disagreement, "I came to make you an offer. Find me the white oak stake and I'll let this social experiment continue."

"Elijah," I warn carefully, "even if we wanted to help, we don't have a clue where it is."

"Yes, but you do have an ally in Davina. She can find it. Or you Maddison." Elijah says as I swallow hard in nervousness. Ever since last night my magic has been. . .complicated. Elijah notices my silence and keeps speaking, "See I'd speak to her myself but I feel the conversation would come a little unpleasant."

"You don't go anywhere near her," My dads warns him in a low but demanding voice.

"Then it's settled," Elijah places his hand on my dads arm, "you'll deal with the matter personally." Elijah walks off as me and my dad watch.


I stand beside Elijah in the busy street as he watches two people play chess. "Davinas on her way. By the time she gets here, you need to be gone." My dad says as he walks up to us.

"I'm not going anywhere until I know the whereabouts of that stake." He says not glancing his way for a second.

"You think she's gonna cooperate with you standing here?" I scoff at Elijah.

"First thing I learned living with your family, wherever you people go, threats and bloodshed are soon to follow. So, just stay out of sight. Try not to kill anyone." Dad tells him and we both walk away.

I'm standing by the window as dad is sat down, when we hear footsteps approaching. I turn my head to see Davina walk in.

"Long time, little D." My dad says as he stands up.

"Got your message. What's going on?" She asks with a smile.


"Oh come here. I don't get a hug?" He asks as she walks forward and wraps her around his neck.

"It's good to see you, Marcel." She says quietly in his ear before they pull away.

"It's good to see you, too. I appreciate you coming all the way out here. How's school?" He ask bringing his hand together. "Make may new friends?"

She smiles. "I don't know. This guy asked me out, but then he stood me up."

"He stood you up?" My dad raised his eyebrows as Davina smiles and hums. "Say the word, he's dead." That's all it takes for Davina to break into a wide smile and laugh with my dad as I smile from my spot.

"Ok. Look. I hate to ask for a favour, but I need a locator spell." I get nervous as Davina nods. "Somethings missing...a white oak stake. It's powerful enough to kill an original."

I sneak a glance at Davina and see her smile gone and her eyes looking over at me. "Did one of them put you up to this?"

I open my mouth but my dad beats me to it. "D, if that stake it used on Klaus, every vampire he sired dies, too."

"I know." She nods her head. "But what if I do find it? I mean, I'm not just gonna give it to Klaus. He and Elijah are both brutal, sadistic monsters." I furrow my eyebrows at her. I get they have hurt her but Davinas reaction is something I haven't seen before.

"I do wish I could disagree with you." Elijah says from the doorway looking at his hand. "Tragically, however, you're quite right." Davina shoots my dad a dirty look as Elijah walks further in the room. "Although you and I both have excellent reason to find that weapon. I want to protect my family, and you want to protect your friends and family. We'd do well to forget our grievances and join forces."

Davina shakes her head and lets out a sigh. "No."

"Davina...would you just-" Davina quickly cuts off my dad shaking her head and raising her voice.

"No! No. I'm done listening. For a long time, you and your family have had all the power. You manipulate and kill anyone who gets in your way. That time is over," she says walking straight up to Elijah. Something isn't right. Me and my dad could die from this stake and she's saying no to finding it. "From now on, you can know what it is to be afraid."

She walks out as Elijah turns and watches her. "I asked you to stay out of sight." My dad says walking closer to him.

"I wanted to speak to her face to face." He says.


"Why, So that you could piss her off?" Dad asks him.

"I wanted to see for myself." A look of realization settles on Elijah's face. "She cares for you, and yet how cavalier she was at the jeopardy that you now face."

"What are you saying?" My dad shakes his head but I catch on to what he's saying.

"She knows the stake won't be used...because she knows exactly where it is." I speak up for the first time making both boys look over at me. "She's had it all along." I whisper feeling betrayed once again.


Once again, my dad, Elijah and I are walking in the streets. "The stake is safe, Davina won't use it on Klaus if it will kill us."

"Of course she has no reason whatsoever not to use it on me." Elijah says to my dad.

"I guess you better behave, 'Lijah." I smirk with a teasing tone.

"And how long before someone else should make this discovery." Elijah asks looking at his feet. "What if it falls into enemies hands?"

"Look. I'll get her to give the stake back, all right? Just give me some time." My dad waves his hand around while trying to convince Elijah.

"Unfortunately, Marcel, unlike these wretched souls that you recruit here, your promises do little to inspire my faith. One way or another, Davina will comply." I sigh heavily before stopping and putting my hand in front of Elijah.

"This is where I stop you, Elijah. Do you ever wonder why your family has so many enemies? It's because you make stupid moves like this." I tell him.

"It really makes me wonder how the hell I ever survived you people." My dad questions himself.

"I don't fault you for your suspicion, not Davina for her contempt. That does not alter our present dilemma. She has that stake. I want it back." Elijah tells my dad before walking away leaving me and my dad standing on the street.


I hear from the phone speaker.

"The thing is, Elijah thinks you do. Matter of fact, he's convinced." Dad says almost amusingly.

"Your not safe, D. Anyone who's ever wanted to kill an original is gonna be coming after you."

"D, come on. Just tell me where you are. We can talk about this."

Davina hangs up the phone as I look to Elijah and my dad. Dad looks to Elijah before Elijah speeds up, heading to Rousseau's.

When we arrive, I immediately rush inside seeing the Mikaelsons father, Mikael. My anger comes out as I see him about to attack Davina.

"I'm going to enjoy this, Girl." He says but I rush at him and throw him against the wall and grabbing his shirt, throwing him to the ground. I brush my hair out of my face and look down at him.

"Don't ever touch her again." I say as he stands up. He goes to run at me but gets thrown back and I see a suited Elijah standing in front of me, almost protectively.

"Father." Elijah breathes out in slight fear.

"Hello, son. I hoped to see your brother first, but we have some unfinished business, as well." Elijah punches Mikael but Mikael just strikes him back as I wince.

My dad speeds in next to Davina to help her but I get distracted by Mikael trying to kill Elijah with the white oak stake. I look around as it gets closer to his chest and see a broken chair leg and go to stake him but he looks to Davina and I'm shocked and horrified at what I see.

"Stop." She says holding her bracelet, she's controlling him, "go back now." She turns to Marcel as I go to Elijah helping him stand up, knowing the white oak piercing in his flesh wasn't pleasant.

Davina shakes her head and turns around to begin walking out but catches my eye. I look down, not knowing what to do and basically feel the guilt radiating off her as she walks out.

Elijah turns his head to look at the boy behind the bar. "Something to say?" I smack Elijah's chest as his angry and hard tone at the poor kid.

"Not me, mate. Not a bloody thing." He responds with wide eyes.

My eyes soften and Elijah and my dad speed out of there as I bite into my wrist and pour it into a glass before sliding it over to him with a smile. "Be careful around here."


I stood watching Gia play her violin. It was dark apart from the street lights. Elijah walks next to me and crosses his hands in front of him, watching her play.

"Isn't she good?" I ask softly and smile.

"Indeed, she is." He replies not taking his eyes away.

"I almost forget what it feels like." I whisper feeling Elijah confused glance shoot my way. "Being human. Well, as human as I can be. I'm...pretending that I'm doing this but I'm not. I suck at being a vampire, I'm not as loyal as the wolves are and-" I stop as I look down at my feet.

"Maddison." His voice says making me look at him with worried and sad eyes. "What's wrong?"

"...my magic. It's dormant. Somebody is sucking away my magic. I can't practice, I can't do any spells, I can't feel it. All I can feel is something draining it away and it hurts." I pull my sleeve up and show him my arm, watching his eyes widen in shock. There was a mark embedded in my skin and I had no idea what it meant.


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