《[Editing] Mr and Mrs Clean Freaks》C̸h̸a̸p̸t̸e̸r̸ 2̸


"What do you mean like Sakusa?" I asked the Miya.

"He's also a germaphobe, yet he has a very deep love for volleyball" he said and looked somewhere behind me.

"Oh look he's there. We'll be going now" He said as he walked away with his friend. "Call me Atsumu by the way" he added and disappeared, leaving no trace of him nor his friend.

I found my teammates and we decided that we should eat something light before having dinner in a few hours. I agreed because you know, I'm hungry and I wouldn't miss an opportunity to eat.

We went to a nearby store and I got a light healthy snack and crisps, to balance it out even though there were more crisps in the packet than a healthy snack.

I took off my mask and I began eating a crisp and put my mask on again. I did this repeatedly until there were no more crisps left.

I went inside of the hotel and I went to my room.

I was about to sit down on my bed until I heard a knock which had made me groan since I can't even relax in a damn hotel.

"(Y/N)!" I heard the team captain call out.

"Yes?" I replied.

"You have a visit" she said and then walked away.

"Looks like I'm going to have to clean this room up again after they leave" I mumbled to myself as I headed down to the reception of the hotel.

I looked at the young woman who was looking around, fidgeting with her hands as countless of people kept walking in and out. They looked like an army of germs, I thought which made me want to vomit.

"What can I do for you?" I said, a really disgusted look on my face as my previous thought still lingered inside of my mind.

"(Y/N)..." she said with a gentle voice as she stood up and tried to touch me.

"I don't want your germs" I said while slapping her hand. I took out my hand sanitiser to ensure that no disease has been touched by my holy hands.

"It's me, (Y/N)" she said while looking down at the floor.

"I don't know who you are" I said and then walked away. I couldn't stand any longer next to her.

"Who was that?" my closest friend, Nakamura Seiko had asked me as I shrugged the question off.

"I don't even know myself" I said and walked back to my bedroom.

I got changed into my after school practice uniform and decided to go do some sets to the wall. I needed time to figure some things out.

I left the hotel, phone and keys in my jacket's pocket while having my purse inside of a different pocket and a volleyball on my hand.


I walked to a nearby volleyball court. I saw some boys from the youth camp but I ignored them as I found myself a nice looking spot in front of a wall. I picked up the volleyball and started doing some sets to the wall.

That woman...

I'm certain that it must be .

But why did she come now? Why is it that after years and years of countless rejections she comes to me like nothing happened? Why is it that I get to leave with this burden while she lives a stupid happy life where she didn't even think about me once.


I thought as I saw a volleyball coming in my direction from the corner of my eye, making me do a swift turn to slap the volleyball out of my way.

"What is it?" I asked with a serious, yet angry expression on my face.

"I wanted to ask, do you want to play with us. Kageyama (Y/N)?" he said while teasing me.

"You can clearly play by yourselves, there is no need for me to be there" I replied, doing my sets to the wall once again.

"But we don't have an extra setter" the yellow highlight guy told me as I ignored his statement since it was irrelevant.

"Sakusa wants you to set to him" I saw a guy from the same school as me say while puffing his chest. Making me stop setting to the wall.

"He's not here, now fuck off" I said.

"He's over there" the guy said while pointing at the very corner of the court. A large figure was leaning against the wall, a really disgusted look on his face as he made eye contact with me.

"Weren't you with Tobio?" At this point I was making up every excuse I could so I didn't have to play with them.

"Yeah, but he left" the blonde highlight haired guy replied.

"Fine" I said as I took off my jacket and swiftly threw it to the side with one arm.

"Stop being a savage and come here" the guy said.

"First off, I need your names" I told them all as I walked towards the nearest side of the court to me.

"Miya Atsumu" the blondie said.

"Komori Motoya" the light brunette said.

"I'm Sa-" Sakusa said before I interrupted him.

"I already know you, you clean freak" I said as I heard the rest of the names and quickly memorised them.

"Let's have a nice practice match" Atsumu said as we had both been named captains of each of our team.

I looked at my team, they were all pretty strong, specially Sakusa who was right next to me.

The practice match had started with Atsumu's team serving. I looked at the guy serving, a serious yet calm expression on his face. The aura around him was making my spine shiver. It was spreading. The aura of this guy is so strong that it makes you freak out. He was what you'd call an ace.


He threw the ball up in the air as he jumped and slammed the ball cleanly to our side of the court. Earning them a clean service ace point to their advantage.

Third set of the three sets practice match.

I looked around, noting everything that was happening down. The sweat flowing out of my face as I have been thinking too much to the point where my predictions were sharp enough to be able to see where the ball is going and how it should be taken care off.

I was on the bike line, getting ready for my serve as the whistle made itself loud and clear that it was time for me to serve. I decided to look upon my typical serve. I picked up the ball as I swiftly tossed it up in the air, running a bit before jumping as I felt my arms become the wings that I wished I was able to have when I was a kid.

I slammed it.

Another point for us.

"20-20!" a guy who volunteered to count up the points gasped.

I went back to the back of the line.

Time for my jump float serve.

I dribbled with the ball a bit, the whistle signalising me to serve. I took a deep breath as I threw the ball in the air, running up and taking off from my strongest leg. I hit the ball. But this time it wasn't as hard as my last serve. It was the right strength for the jump float serve.

I looked at the guy who was squatting down to receive the ball, a big smirk on his face until the ball dropped in the place next to him. Not where he had expected it.

"21-20!" the guy said.

Atsumu's team server and Komori received it smoothly. Sending it up again for me to set to a person. I got ready as the blockers were fixing their eyes on me and the ball. I looked at them and I tricked them into setting it to one direction but set it in the opposite direction where Sakusa was already prepared to spike.

He slammed the ball into the opposite team's libero and they couldn't keep the ball in the air.


"Tch" I said.

"What's wrong?" Komori asked me.

"She's becoming better by the minute, and it's pissing me off" he said as he indirectly sent a death glare to the girl to whom he sought out to be his new rival.

The girl turning around to face him, she could tell by the way he was looking at her that he called her his new rival. She gave out the same expression to him as she accepted his own challenge. The rain however, had to interrupt the little interaction that they shared. It was strongly pouring down, it didn't seem like it was going to stop until tomorrow.

"We'll call that a day" Miya Atsumu had said as he packed up and started going back to his hotel with his friend. Sharing their own umbrella.

"I'll go back as well then" the rest said, leaving one by one.

(Y/N) had looked at the sky, a deep fog was covering her mind as she tried to remember something. But what was it? Was it so irrelevant that she quickly forgot about it?

No, it had to be something else.

The rain was already making her soaking wet, the dripping of each drip of rain was making her feel sick already. The girl looked back at the sky as she now remembered.

She had a weak immune system.

She could easily get sick, her father had told her countless of times that she should always go outside with everything that she needs: just in case the weather decided to be against her.

"I'm sorry father" she said as she picked up her jacket, put the hood on and started walking back to her hotel.

"Hey wait!" Komori said while running up to the (h/c) girl.

"Yes?" she asked. A light fever slowly appearing, her invisible light red cheeks, hiding from the rest of the world, underneath a mask that she always has with her.

"Come here. Under the umbrella, I mean" he said as he invited her to his really big umbrella.

The one to which Sakusa was holding as he looked down at the sick becoming girl.

"You look sick" he said as he wanted to stay away from her and the germs that her developing sickness had been developing.

"Thanks for telling me something that I already knew" she said as she joined the two cousins into sharing one big umbrella.

"We'll drop you off first. Is that okay?" Komori asked her and she gave a light nod.

Man, I seriously need a hot bath as soon as I get back to the hotel. She thought to herself as she was shivering now.

"Stop shivering" Sakusa said.

"Hahaha" she laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" the guy with two moles asked her.

"Hahaha, haha, ha..." she said as her head was now filled with dizziness and her cheeks were becoming crimson red.

"Get a hold of yourself!" Komori requested the girl but it was too late.

She had already fainted...


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