《Romantic One Shots》A Memory of Tomorrow


I opened my eyes and tried getting up, but a hand that squeezed me didn't let me, a man was looking at my hand. I had dozed off holding the pregnancy stick until the man in the bed squeezed my hand. Was this a dream? I started blinking rapidly and using my free hand to poke myself rather forcefully. Relief exploded through my body when I felt his grip was real, being that I had imagined it only so many times before. His life support machine suddenly starts beeping.

"I need to go get you help." But the man with the tubes going in through his mouth squeezed my hands tighter. Even in his state, he looked just as handsome as when I met him.

"I won't leave you, ok?" I cupped his cheek with my free hand.

I pressed the emergency button next to his bed for a nurse or doctor to come. Two nurses rushed in and disconnected him from the machine, taking out the tubes.

"We need you to let go of your girlfriend so we can finish this up." A nurse interrupted. Was I his girlfriend? Or something in between a friend with benefits and a girlfriend? Baby momma? What even were we? I hadn't even told him I was pregnant and wasn't even sure how to address this or tell them that I wasn't who they thought I was.

He looked at me as I nodded, and in cue, he released my hand.

He'd been under an induced coma for one week, and we weren't even sure he was going to make it, and now this happened.

The view was rather terrifying. Suddenly his body starts shaking uncontrollably. I couldn't move, I couldn't even breathe, I just wanted him to be okay.

These past seventy-two hours had made me so anxious, thinking the man I loved would die. I just stood there as they did their thing, and my thoughts were blank. Suddenly I went back to when it all happened.

I came to Rome with a group of friends. We all worked remotely and decided to stay here for a while for a change of scenery, hoping to meet new people and to forget all the crazy shit awaiting us back home.


Three nights ago was supposed to be our last night. We stayed as long as we could in a foreign country without needing visas to stay. So we went out to party hard as a farewell to Italy, it had been our home for a short time.

We got together with a group of friends and drank and smoked too much. I hadn't lost control like that the whole time we were here, but I needed to let go. I wanted to forget the reality check awaiting me back home. I wasn't looking forward to it at all. I would have, mainly because of Henry, if I had a way to stay. But I didn't want to think of him right now. Dancing and expressing how my body felt became my night's motto. I wasn't doing it to attract anyone, but the high and the music had me feeling the night as horny as a bitch in heat. I'm only human.

Men suddenly surrounded us, and I took the opportunity to get even more loose, grinding on their bodies, getting close, teasing them, and seeing how they responded.

Suddenly I looked around, and there he was, my Henry enraged at a distance. My groins clenched at the sight of him. Looking at him brought me back to the world rocking pleasures he brought to my life. Sometimes I thought I'd never get enough of his talents. They say some women don't teach well, but when it came to him, he must have a list of perks he picked up from every single one of them.

Shacking my head and brushing off my otherworldly thoughts, I wondered how he knew I was here. I didn't even think I'd see him before I left, given we fought, and he was upset because I was going home. He had this sense of property over me, and I sort of did too in a way, but the way he did, scared me. I wasn't scared of him but for myself, for my heart. But was he mine though? Not really. Ever since I met him, though, I had this familiar feeling, like I always knew him, yet I only had been seeing him for weeks at best. But our last conversation honestly threw me off when he told me he wanted to be with me. Then, I did what I always do towards the end, push them away because that's just how I am. I protect myself at all costs, even other hearts. You can call me a heartless bitch, but what kind of future can this man and I have when I was about to leave without the possibility of coming back for a while. When you've been through enough heartbreaks, you stop caring for other hearts that aren't your own.


I suddenly saw him pacing to where I was, and I grabbed the foreign hands invading my personal space, touching my body, but the man wouldn't let go of me.

Suddenly Henry is next to us, pushing him off me and pressing his lips to mine as he grabbed a fist of my hair.

"We're you going to say goodbye?"

But before I could answer, a group surrounded us, and I looked at Henry.

"Back off."

"No, you back off, asshole. We had plans for the lady and her friends tonight. Plans involving no clothes."

Suddenly one of them pulls out a knife and grabs me rather forcefully, dragging me out of the scene.

"This will end badly for you."

Henry threw a punch, and as a horror movie, I saw how all of them started to beat him brutally. He fought back as they all jumped in on him. A few men joined, and an ample bright light appeared out of the blue. Everyone had to close their eyes. All the men in the fight, including Henry, fell unconscious when it stopped. I kicked the man in the nuts, and he let go, and I took the opportunity to run to grab my phone and called the cops.

Luckily the paramedics got here on time, and we rushed him to the hospital. My friends left yesterday, but I was so affected by it all that I stayed and changed my flight to make sure he was okay.

I needed closure with this and then finding out I am pregnant to top it all.

I must have been out of it for a while with my thoughts because I found myself sitting down and Henry looking at me. His voice was suddenly in my head and brought me out of my thoughts.

"What was that?"

"How long was I out?"

"Three days."

"You missed your flight."

"That doesn't matter."

"I'm glad you didn't go."

"Honestly, I think I'm going crazy. Sometimes I feel you inside my head."

"You must be confused. I was talking."

"Some things don't make sense to me. Our otherworldly intimacy, the things I've seen like the white light in the bar. I feel you in my head sometimes."

"Henry, we're having a baby."

Suddenly a woman appears in front of me.

"This is not real."

"What do you mean it isn't real?"

"This is how your future will look like when you arrive in Rome."

"This isn't funny. Who are you?" I eye her warily.

"I am a dream giver. I show your future through dreams. You will not remember much of this and will disregard it like any dream, but you deserved to know what new life awaits you, full of possibilities."She smiles and continues. "Henry isn't an ordinary man. He is a celestial being like me bound to our duty. Yet he will fall in love with you."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because creatures like us are not supposed to have children. He will break the order of things, and some like me want to prevent it."

"You can't decide my course. You just showed me it is already written."

"I can make you remember just enough so that it never happens. So the sense of déjà vu triggers you into walking away from him before it happens."

"I felt the love I could have for him. I can be careful; I don't have to get pregnant."

"I will revisit you, foolish human, but for now. Your plane has landed. Wake up."

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