《Natasha Romanoff One Shots》Championships ~ F





x daughter!reader

Age: 14


One thing that Natasha had always made clear with you, was that she wanted you to have everything that she couldn't. The whole nine yards. She tried her absolute best to make sure that you had meals you loved on your plate every day, provided you with all the resources you could need to pursue whatever hobby you wanted and made sure that you were well-socialised with those your own age, and your family.

She wanted you to want for nothing.

Some may say that Natasha had spoiled you, but anyone who knew Natasha would know that this was not the case. Yes, she kept you stocked up on things you wanted, and yes, she tried to wrap you up in a little bubble so that you would never have to see the horrors of the world, but you were not spoiled. She made sure that you earned things that were not a necessity, except for the occasional gift when she wanted to surprise you.

Another thing that Natasha had always made clear with you is that you have to work to achieve. The world will not hand you everything on a grand silver platter.

The world could also be cruel. She hated that it was a guarantee that it would be cruel to you at some point in your life. If it were up to her she would make sure that it never happens, but that was impossible, so she gave you the tools that you needed to survive and thrive.

She taught you to be strong mentally, but to not make the mistake of shutting people out as she often did. She taught you how to run fast and to hit hard. On paper, you were all prepared for the real world, even at your young age. But in Natasha's mind, she would never be ready to send you out, but another thing that she wanted for you was your freedom.

Natasha was always complimented for the way that you had turned out so far. Having raised you to be a well-rounded and experienced child, you got on with most people who entered your life. Making Natasha a very proud mother whenever she watched you interact with those around you or your environment in general.

Powered by ambition you always sought out ways to put your best foot forward just like your Mom.


Being fast and athletic, at school you gravitated towards being on the track team, which is something that your Mom always encouraged, seeing the way your eyes lit up when you talked about how various practices went.

Having never gotten the opportunity to attend school, and therefore teams and clubs, seeing you get that experience always put a smile on Natasha's face. She wanted the experience to be perfect for you.

So, she sold her sports car to buy a classic Mom Minivan to be able to take you and your friends to various inter-school track meets and competitions, always making sure the pockets and doors were full of water bottles and healthy snacks for the journeys. She learnt how to sew so that she could fix your uniform if you ever ripped it, which happened often because you were somewhat of a clutz.

That was the main difference between you and Natasha, every movement of hers was calculated and precise, whereas you moved around as though you had eight limbs. You were always grateful for the fact that your Mom's reflexes were out of this world, as it meant that she always appeared out of nowhere just as you were about to injure yourself.

Mothering you was a double full-time job. But it was one that Natasha wouldn't give up for the world.

You were well aware of Natasha's past, she liked to be transparent with you. So, when most of your friends got embarrassed when they thought their moms were being too enthusiastic about their lives and achievements, you couldn't relate.

Seeing the smile and pure joy on your Mom's face when you told her about your day, what you had been up to, or when she saw you in action on the track, that was enough for pride to beam through your own chest.

Life had given her so many battles, but she had overcome them all.

Every single one.

She fought for her life on the daily and came out on top, and now she is living the very life that she had always wanted since her youth.

So, when you had gotten through to the track finals, where you alone represented your school against the other schools in the state, it was not a surprise when Natasha was acting more frantic than normal that morning to get you to the school on time. She just simply wouldn't be able to forgive herself if you missed out on something that you had worked so hard for just because she was late.


Even though she was on track to get you there forty minutes early.

"Mom, you can slow down a bit you know, you're gonna pull a muscle", you spoke before taking a hefty bite out of an apple. Natasha gave you a pointed look at first as she triple checked that your bag had everything, but her face softened after a few seconds.

"I know, I know, but it's your big day! I don't want anything to ruin it for you".

Chuckling lightly, you moved around the kitchen island and towards Nat who promptly pulled you into a side hug. "Nothing's gonna ruin it, Mom, promise", you grinned up at her, receiving an identical grin in return.


Whilst completing your pre-race stretches, you looked up to the stands after hearing your friends yelling your name in support, after all, you were the only one competing for your school's glory. You smiled and waved at them, and spotted your Mom behind them. She was animatedly talking to the other Moms of your school. Not being able to help it, you shook your head lightly with a chuckle.

She was like this at every track competition, but it's nothing that you would want to ever change.

Not before long, you and the other runners were being called up to the track. Exhaling a deep breath you slowly walked over with the others, before placing yourself in position.


Taking deep breaths, you looked ahead. Your jaw clenched in anticipation, waiting for the horn to sound to signal your sprint. It was always torture having to wait, the adrenaline always made you want to lurch forward before you heard the signal, but that would mean immediate disqualification. It was a lot of pressure.

When the sound of the blaring horn rang through the air, you started immediately at a quick speed, settling into second place.

Your legs moved as fast as they could as your chest rhythmically fell up and down as your subconscious kept your body in the right posture, after years of training you didn't have to think about it anymore.

What you did have to think about was moving your legs faster, you would not settle for second.

As you reached halfway you were neck and neck with the person who was previously in front of you. She was fast.

Your legs hurt from the exertion but hearing the people in the stands cheering you all on powered you through, especially knowing that a certain someone was watching you. So, with all of the power that your muscles could muster, you picked up the pace in the last quarter, sprinting forward at an unfathomable speed, very quickly putting great distance between you and your opponents.

Your strides lengthened as you reached the last few steps, trying to ensure that you would be the first to pass the line.

The whistle blew, and the crowd cheered.

You did it.

As you collapsed onto your knees in your lane, your chest heaving to get in the oxygen and rid your muscles of the lactic acid, you could hear a very familiar cheer from a very familiar person, a breathless grin erupting on your face.

The few moments that you had to catch your breath were soon ended when your teammates hoisted you up off of the floor and into a group hug. Oxygen was once again not a luxury that you could afford as they started jumping up and down with you in their hold, your brain being jostled about all over the place in the process.

But you couldn't help but laugh, you had done it. Years and years of training and hard work had led to this moment.

And you had done it.

The crowd soon dissipated to make their way over to the main area where the awards would be held, leaving you space to move again. Within seconds you spotted your Mom walking up to you, a smirk on her face as she opened her arms for you to move into. You didn't hesitate to run forward into her hold, even with your legs that felt like jelly.

"I did it!", you spoke against her shoulder, where your face was smushed against.

"Hell yeah you did! I'm so proud of you sweetheart", Natasha lightly moved you away from her so that she could cup your cheeks and press a kiss against your forehead, "So proud", she grinned down at you, her eyes shining the usual way they do whenever they look at you.

Full of love, and full of pride.

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