《Mark of the Fated》Book 2 - Chapter 54 - Rescue


Reb articulated my thoughts as we neared the daylight of the storm culvert. “It smells like a warzone. There’s death in the air.”

I’d thought the stink of the drains had been bad, but it was perfume compared to the taint that carried on the breezes outside. Everything was burning; cars, buildings, people. It was a melange of vile, tangy scents all mingling with the subtle stink of shit, both human and invader. I could physically taste it as I drew in breath, so I switched to my nose instead which only made it worse. “At least it’s just the cities,” I said, more to myself.

“And only in Osterland,” added Sun.

“I guess he feels pissed off at these people the most,” I replied. Would his vengeance spread further when the country had fallen, or would this be enough? The northern landmass was joined to the equivalent of South America by a range of mountains from a period where the two tectonic plates had butted heads. I quickly looked at the region on the map. There were plenty of lowland areas the dinosaurs could merrily plod along to reach the poorer countries like Edresia and her neighbours. With luck, they would be content to feast in the northern part of the continent for a while, which would buy us some time.

I laughed, drawing a raised eyebrow from Cris. “Care to share?”

“You didn’t hear my thoughts?”

“I wasn’t listening in,” she replied.

“I was just thinking how much I was starting to think like Bart. How sacrificing a few million could save many millions more in the wider world.”

Cris shook her head in angry denial. “That’s not thinking like Bart, or at least the beings Bart belongs to. It’s called being pragmatic. They’ve seen this world fall, so you’re starting from zero. Even if we save ten people, that’s better than the alternative.”

“I’m not sure how well repopulation will go if we only save ten,” I replied.

“Fantastically well for a guy if it’s him plus nine women. Yeah, they might die out in a generation from inbreeding, but he’ll have a whale of a time until the lights go out on the world.”

I chuckled. “Can you imagine all the nagging? I bet he’d become a monk and sail to a deserted island.”

“Asshole! We don’t nag.”

“Are you kidding me? I know the shelf needs putting up. You don’t need to keep reminding me every six months.”

It was her turn to laugh. “You saw that in a meme.”

“I’m woefully lacking in original content. Almost everything that comes out of my mouth is meme quotes and stolen movie lines. But frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.”

She swooned into my arms. “Gone with the Wind. I love that movie!”

I gently pushed her away. “Speaking of that, I need to be gone with the wind too. Does everyone want to look away?”

“We’ve all seen what you’ve got to offer,” replied Sun. “Get to it.”

Before I could fire back, my achievements lit up and of course it was another insult. I was going to shove the open mic down the alien’s throats.


Achievement Unlocked – Peewee

Description – It’s not our fault you were born with a second “outie” belly button in your pants. Some people just don’t strike it lucky in the genetic game of life. In fact, you didn’t even get a single number in the length lottery.

Reward – 5 pack of ribbed condoms (extra small)

“Go fuck yourselves!” I half-yelled. “Everyone’s a comedian! It might not be massive, but you wouldn’t want to get poked in the eye with it!”

Cris wrapped a consoling arm around my shoulder after reading it too. “Don’t worry. You’ve still got fingers and a tongue.”

“Not helping!” I snapped, shrugging out of the grip and beginning the transformation. Fully clothed this time. As my body shrunk, I disappeared inside my suit. Without the strength to free myself, I had to caw and scratch until someone lifted it at the waist, opening a tunnel for me. I waddled out, squawked at them again in frustration, and scuttled from the drain. Bounding off, I took flight and rose as high as I dared with the faster, bigger flying predators all around me. I was counting on my relatively low meat to size ratio working in my favour with all the plump, slow humans running around. The golden arrow on my minimap followed the curve of the river. Spying the Pteranodons circling, I hugged the water, flying close enough that the tips of my wings got wet as I flapped them.

To be honest, I figured everyone would be dead by the time I got there. It was wide open and easily accessible by the road or air, not to mention cut off from both sides of the city by marauding reptiles.

They were sitting ducks.

I caught sight of the two massive support towers and their monstrous cables stretching down to their anchor points. Powering higher on the wind while remaining vigilant, I saw the smoke drifting to join the plumes caused by the burning city. Whether by providence or purpose, each end of the wide span was an inferno, with pops and rising mushrooms of fire as the petrol tanks erupted. The sky was alive with the Pteranodons, but the noise, smoke, and heat was keeping them at a respectful distance. I saw one brave predator take its chance, only to shatter its wings on the vertical suspenders. It screamed shrilly in pain, fell, bounced off the suicide barrier, and then splashed down in the water. In seconds its thrashing form sank without trace.

None of the others made an attempt.

You’ve got to get higher! I tried to convince myself, all too aware of the circling red dots and their prehistoric owners.

The water receded as I climbed.

Twenty-five feet.

Fifty feet.

Seventy-five feet.

One hundred feet.

I felt the throb of cupped wings as only birds can sense. Tucking my wings in, I dived just as the Pteranodon scooped at the air with its talons where I’d just been.

So much for being too small to eat!

I chanced a look back, and the predator quickly realised it had missed. Unfurling its own veined, membranous wings, it used its weight to barrel after me in the dive. I juked to the right, barely missing its next lunge. My hope that I carried the manoeuvrability advantage given my smaller size was dashed as it quickly resumed the hunt. All thought of reaching the bridge was put aside as I frantically thought of a way to escape.


There isn’t one, I suddenly realised.

My madly fluttering bird heart grew calm, and I turned over as the shadow swooped in. I was already midway through the transformation when it hit, and I let the talons bury into my meat. Roaring with agony, I downed my health potion to buy time to fully change. It looked down at me as it flew, cocking its head to the side almost comically. I saw the neck draw back as it prepared to snap at me as its fellow Pteranodons had at the poor people near The Pit. The difference was I wasn’t a helpless civilian. Its beak darted in to have a taste, only to feel my knuckles as I punched it in the snout. My fingers and the dinosaur’s upper mandible broke from the blow, flopping sideways as the creature reeled in pain. I cast shimmer strike, reversing my position onto its back. I activated my armour set even as the wounds in my flanks and my shattered fingers knitted themselves back together. Wrapping my arms around its neck, and legs around its lower body, I held on for dear life.

Looking up at the horizon, I almost let go in shock as the injured predator headed straight for the same wires that had killed its kin. There was no way I’d transform back to an eagle in time, nor would my superhero landing save me from the solidified water below.

I had one chance.

I unlocked my ankles and moved to a semi-kneeling position. The smoke-tinged wind lashed at my face, making my eyes water. I didn’t have time for my vertigo to kick in as the creature slammed into the upright cable. I’d already pushed off and hit the thick, intertwined steel at speed alongside it. A hollow gong rang out, and the vibrations quivered up and down the length of the robust support. My ride squawked as it tumbled away from me. It hit the suicide ramp, shuddered, and lay still.

I was winded like I’d never been winded before. More of my bones were broken, but I held on and tried to release my paralysed diaphragm. Even with my increased strength, the layer of grease began to undo my efforts to stay put while I worked through the lung-lock. My speed increased until with a grunt of anger that had the added bonus of forcing a breath, I pushed off and aimed for the road. I heard people scream as I fell, and more cry out with dismay when I hit the surface in the famous pose. Standing up, I heard a familiar voice.

“Brother! Are you alright?” yelled Kordell, fighting through the gathered crowd with his twin and their bodyguard in tow. Their enforcer looked at me with far more respect now and I gave him a nod to show there were no hard feelings.

“I’m fine. What happened?”

Ramell pointed in all directions. “The traffic just stopped. People were trying to flee in both directions, going nowhere.”

“What about the fires?”

“They started naturally when people crashed. It was bumper to bumper, but we managed to create a space. When that fire dies down, those things will swarm us.”

I already knew that. I’d seen the number of dinosaurs that paced back and forth, ready to feed. Raptors, T-Rexes, and other species that I didn’t recognise, all waiting patiently without fighting one another.

Something roared past overhead, making us all duck. “Fucking hell!” I blurted, looking at the dwindling blue cone of the jet’s afterburner. Another pair of fighters followed, their gatling cannons buzzing like angry wasps. We were hit by two more waves of downdraught that knocked people flying. One of the Pteranodons was cut to pieces by the barrage and rained down onto the river. I was waiting for the hot casings to follow, but the jets must’ve had a collection system.

Unable to contain myself, I jumped up and whooped with joy. “Have it, you pricks!”

The military was fighting back too, which meant I wasn’t the only hope the people of Osterland had. Coming around, the pilots moved in for a second run. Missiles flared on the approach, seeking out their targets. The unfortunate creatures were vapourised by the blasts which hit us with further waves of concussive energy.

Everyone was cheering at the sight, until the Pteranodons had taken enough losses and flew directly into the paths of the jets. Their bodies exploded upon impact, tearing through the fighter’s chassis, cockpit canopy, or wing. The stricken craft dropped like stones, their pilots ejecting. One landed in the water, kicking up a wave that washed over the nearby bank. The others carried on into the nearest buildings, erupting in balls of fire and blowing out the windows of anything within a hundred yard radius. My relief at the survival of the pilots was short lived as the Pteranodons swooped in and tore them from their chairs, parachute and all.

“How?” gasped Ramell. “They killed themselves on purpose to wipe out the jets.”

“They’ve been modified,” I explained. “Far more intelligent. Possibly even under control by someone.”

“What are we going to do?” asked Kordell.

“Firstly I’m going to try and save you, and then… I have no idea.” I turned to the crowd and yelled. “Anyone that can shoot a gun, come over here and get locked and loaded!”

I dumped my cargo in the middle of the road between a rusting heap and a doughnut truck then headed south.

“Wait! Where are you going?” called the brothers in unison.

“I’m going to do something crazy! I’ll be right back!” I shouted in reply, dodging away between the cars. In my mind I only had one thing to add. At least I hope I will.

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