《Can love burn out? (Kai x reader){Completed}》three
I sat on the bounty admiring the ocean, waiting for the others to come back from their call to Jay's parents. It gets a bit boring being on housesitting duties but it gives me the peace of mind I need, the whole ship to myself to do as I please. My meditation got interrupted the moment the others came back, almost making me fall into the ocean as I was at the tip on the end.
"Hey y/n!!" Kai greeted me first, jumping over the railing to give me a big hug.
"Hello Kai, welcome back." I smile, "how was the mission?"
"Oh nothing, just my parents turning into snakes, and were curing them right now, and were still trying to track down where Lloyd is, and snakes are chasing us so we gotta hurry into the sky, the usual." Jay quibbled, holding I'm assuming the fangpyre staff.
"uh, huh...." I said quietly, nodding, taking a quick glance at his parents to see them in green skin, a small tail protruding from their backs. "I'll help, I know my way around medicine and herbs." I slip out of Kai's arms, grabbing the staff from Nya's arms, I direct her to start the bounty for cruising.
I arrived in the kitchen, immediately starting the kettle, letting the antivemon sift through into smaller cups. The bounty started to rock a bit as we started sailing through the sky, as the kettle boiled, I gently place tea leaves into the cups, pouring the water above.
"Make sure to finish in one sip, I have to go up and help." I smile as the two thanked me on my way out. I run to the main engine room seeing Nya heading for for the clouds, the coast was clear as far as I can tell.
"We lost them thankfully, but we gotta find a place to drop off Jay's parents now after they transform back, we don't have room for them on the bounty for them to stay forever." Nya said, putting the ship on autopilot to a beach marked southeast of Ninjago City.
"We have that figured out at least, for now, we shall take a rest for the night. Zane will start dinner soon, Jay, can you show your parents the guest room?" My uncle requested, Jay sighed in disdain as he walked out to find his parents, Zane left right after leaving the bridge to just me, uncle, Nya and Kai. "Niece my dear, can you come with me?"
"Of course, what is it?" I follow him to the lower deck, we made our way into one of the spare rooms we had, the smallest one in fact. Theres a lot of weird rooms here, ironically the 4 bunk bed room the boys share, the master room uncle uses, and 3 smaller rooms, one being the guest room, and the last one, the smallest room available we used temporarily as a storage unit for extra things.
"Can you convert the extra room into a bed room? I have a feeling Lloyd will be joining us soon and I want to make sure we have something prepared or him. Theres already a twin bed and things for set up, I just hope you don't mind clearing it and making it homey for him." He said opening the door, there was some things scattered inside, but nothing terrible over cramped.
"Of course, Ill have the room done by the morning, but how do you know?" I ask as we turn around to head towards the dinning room.
"A vision I saw from my meditation, I'm also planning to teach the boys the lesson on defeating your enemy."
"That one? They're not gonna figure it out."
"Which is why Lloyd would be the perfect example for it, I'm sure he would be excited to meet you for the first time as well."
"I sure hope so..."
Dinner was finished as I make m way to the hallway, the boys jumped to their console while Nya and Jay left to go watch a movie in her room. I slide open the door to properly see the small build up of things, shuffling through the whole room, I noticed a lot of it was just things meant for a kids room. Plushes, posters, night lamp, cartoon themed things, just all dumped here.
"wu..." I whisper quietly to myself, be glad I am willing to do anything for Lloyd.
I started with throwing everything off the small bed, green and black pillow set buried under everything. I spread out the new sheets making sure everything is tucked in its place, the pillow up last. I shuffled through the floor looking for anything else to put on the bed, pulling out a massive black cat pillow, and a bunch of other smaller things, I throw them onto the bed against the wall to cushion.
I started cleaning out the closet, the insides were still dusty from the lack of use, I put in the extra sheets and covers inside for wash day. There was some clothes ranging from hoodies to shirts in different sizes I took out to hang inside as well, most of the clutter went into the closet anyways. The last thing I had to do was set up the bookshelf, correction there was nothing to put there I just had to move it, along with putting the massive collection of comics on it. Seriously what is uncle's budget, I get that were descendants of the first spinjitsu master but what is our income.
"Knock knock!! you in here princess??" I turn around to see Kai peaking his head in, I smile as he closed the door behind him looking around the small room. "Did sensei get you to fix up the room for the little twat?"
"Don't be mean," I say gently punching his shoulder, "and yes, Wu did make me fix it up for him."
"aww man, are you almost done then? I wanted to spend some time together." Kai pouted as he got on his knees to beg.
"Fine, what do you have in mind?"
"I want cuddles, and a movie, the others are going to bed and I don't wanna be around them right now."
"Slow down Kai, I'll see you in my room alright? Im almost done here."
"Fine, I expect a kiss as compensation." he said leaving the room, I froze in spot hearing that.
Me? and him? Kissing?? already??? its only been a few weeks at most since our supposed date.
Kai what are you doing to me?
I sigh loudly, finishing up the last little bit, plugging the night lamp in by the bedside, the stars carved onto the sides.
"You'll be home soon..." I said quietly. I leave the room once everything was in its place, I take the two steps down the hallway to my room only to see Kai on my bed.
"Hey beautiful." he greeted.
"Hey..." I said back closing my door to sit by him on the bed, "got a movie in mind?"
"Nope, I'd rather just lay here with you." he said quietly, pulling me down on my bed to cuddle. I turn around to lean into his warm touch, facing his collarbones. Kai was playing with my hair as we stayed there for who knows how long, I finally had the courage to ask him the question that's been lingering on m mind.
"Kai..?" I ask looking up at him, he stopped moving to make eye contact.
"Yes princess?" he answered, in that smooth voice he uses to flirt.
"Are we...are we dating now? or is this just, a fling..?" I ask breaking eye contact. He shifted to prop himself above me, arms pressed beside my head as he's on top of me.
"I like you a lot, and there's nothing more that I want to do, than to protect you from harms way. I love you y/n." Kai leaned closer to my face, nose bumping mine gentle.
"I...I love you too Kai..." I let out, he smiled and closed the gap between us as he kissed me, his warm lips touched mine as he held my face. I felt him press his body more into mine as the kiss lasted, butterflies fling around my stomach as I blush more. After who knows how long, we finally let go of each other, I open my eyes slowly to see him smiling, dropping down from above me, he laid on my body as the night grew longer.
"Goodnight princess," he whispered as he started to doze off.
"Goodnight my knight..." I say as I fell asleep right after.
I woke up the next morning, to something weighing down on my body, I shifted a bit to move to a more comfortable position only to feel it hug me tighter.
"Five more minutes Sensei..." I hear Kai let out as he pushed his face into my body more, I realized last night wasn't a fever dream. I gently push myself up a bit to see the mop of loose brown hair on my chest, Kai continuing to snooze away. I gently pat his hair, free from the spikes he usually wears, its cute that his hair is kinda curly when its not styled.
"Kai, wake up..." I said gently shaking him, all he did was bury deeper.
"Kai, its 9 am, the others could already be up by now..."
"Fineeee......" He dragged on, lifting his head to look at me, "morning princess." he slurred out, sitting up enough to kiss me.
"Alright, alright enough, go before the others are teasing you about sleeping here." I said kissing him one last time.
"Ill see you later then, I love you." he smiled, leaving my room, I didn't even get the chance to say anything. I quickly got up and changed in my bathroom, putting on a casual attire for the day. I tied my hair up into a loose bun on my way out, heading to the kitchen to grab a apple to much on. Wanting to see how the training is going, I make my way to the main deck, seeing the boys whispering between themselves and uncle doing morning stretches. I waved at Kai as he smiled back, taking a bite out of my apple, I sit on top of the entrance frame to the lower decks enjoying the show. it wasn't long before Wu realized that the ninja wasn't paying attention, and smacked Kai on the head asking them whats more important than his training right now.
"Nothing sensei." "Talking? we weren't talking." "Yeah sensei, we were paying attention the whole time."
"Well, if morning stretches arent important, your training today is to answer this question: how do you defeat your enemy?"
"With a sword!" "Lightening!!" "Obvoiusly you beat them up real bad." I laugh at their responses being all wrong, they really think like feeble minded little kids.
"Your all wrong! Your training is to figure out the answer by the end of the day, and no cheating by asking y/n for answers." Uncle left after and I see the bos crowd around Zane asking about something, I jump down to hear their discussion.
"Forget about training, tell us more about the green ninja Zane." My head perked a bit hearing those words, why does Zane have to do with him?
"Care to join us y/n?" Zane asked seeing me approach. "I had a dream about the green ninja last night."
"Curiosity will kill the cat." I say, "Karma will bite you guys if you try to unmask him first, after all, the green ninja only responds to all four weapons, clearly none of you guys fit that criteria."
"It could happen! you don't know that!!" Jay yelled out, I hold in my laugh a bit at their desperation. Zane started to explain his dream more in depth, mentioning quirks that all come from one of each of the ninja, lightening nunchucks being used, super strength, a hand on fire, and the falcon landing on their arm at the end. The others immediately broke out into another fight about whos who, as I leave to the bridge to their quibble, Nya ran out.
"The boarding school of darkly's is under attack! we gotta go help them!!" She yelled out, the others jump immediately complaining about babysitting as Nya and I hurry to the boarding school. The bounty rushed its way to the mountain top where the school resided, I still think its weird its a pagoda, whoever designed t really wanted to make it a tower like school.
"How are we gonna get down??" Kai asked looking over the railing with the rest of us.
"I have a idea, but you are not going to like it." Jay declared to the others, I hear Kai take a gulp, expressing that Jay's ideas are not always wanted. The very next thing I knew, the group was hanging on the anchor as they scream on their drop down.
"What do you see in that guy?" I turn to face Nya.
"He's always in a silly goofy mood what can I say." She shrugged, "and you can't get up on me about Jay, you're seeing my hotheaded flamey-o brother! You cant hide from me what you guys were doing last night."
"All we did was kiss and fell asleep Nya! Nothing dirty done!" I yell out in embarrassment, she wasn't letting me have it as we continued our talk on the boys.
"Girls, as much as it is entertaining to watch the both of you cry about boy troubles, we have to prepare for when the ninja corner my nephew and the anacondrai on the roof." Uncle said interrupting us, we both immediately stop, Nya rushing to the bridge to adjust the bounty to the top of the school as I stood by the railing, ready to assist. I see Lloyd and a purple anacondrai snake panicking on the roof as the other ninja busted trough the trap door.
The anacondrai started to monologue as far as I know, kicking Lloyd over and grabbing the map from his back pocket. He immediately turned invisible and ran away as Cole picked up Lloyd, Nya landing the bounty right next to the roof.
"Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon! You come here right this instant!!" The others made their way on the bounty coming up with punishments for the kid, I stood next to uncle as he declared what he had in mind. "y/n dear, go take him to his room, I'll be over in a moment." Cole dropped Lloyd in front of me as I gently grab his hand.
"Lets go." I smile at him, dragging him downstairs.
"Have I met you before..?" He asks when we arrived at his room.
"You could say, Im your sister, though I doubt you would remember me, I don't even remember anything about you from when I was younger." I told him as we both sat in his bed, he looked down in shame, not knowing what to do.
"You're warm...and nice...unlike everyone else..." He said crawling into my lap to hug me, I gently wrap my arms around him, gently patting his soft blond hair.
"I promise I'll protect you from now to the end of the world." I push back his bangs, revealing his forehead, gently kissing his head, I let us sit in silence enjoying the peace until uncle arrives.
"You promise..?" He said looking up, I nod my head to let him know he's safe with me. A knock startled him as we both look up, Uncle walked in hold a book in his hand behind him.
"Ready for a bedtime story Lloyd?" He asked sitting on the bed with us, Lloyd looked confused as he turned around in my lap to look at the book in question, it was the one about Jack the rabbit. He nodded his head as uncle started the book, going through page after page about why you should never trust a snake. Lloyd started to doze off a bit more towards the end, exhaustion finally catching up to him, I tuck him in bed as uncle finished. "...and that is why Jack the rabbit, never trusts a snake.
"Man, if only my dad told me that story, I never would've opened those tombs..." Lloyd yawned.
"Im sure if he was here, he would, now rest up my nephew, have a good night." Uncle closed the book and stood up to leave.
"Good night Lloyd." I whispered to him, kissing his forehead again before leaving and turning off the lamp. I closed his door to see the others crowding the hallway complaining about why he gets to be read a bedtime story to uncle.
"Say, did you ever figured out my question?" he asked the group.
"No, we thought of everything but we don't know." Kai sighed in defeat, I giggle a bit as uncle glanced at me to give the answer.
"Its to make them your friend."
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inazuma eleven orion X Reader "Love?" [FINISHED]
[BOOK COMPLETE] [BOOK UNDER REWRITING SO IT MIGHT BE CRINGE ON THE REST OTHER 10 CHAPTERS] [only 10 chapters has been finished re-writing!] (Books cover art: not found the creator please dm me if you know the artist who did this incredible art! If the artist doesn't want his/her art to be used as a book cover please dm me and I'll change it!) ⚠️English isn't my main language! Be warned of bad grammar! None of these character belong to me! It all goes to inazuma eleven orion so is the stories too, I just changed them. [F/N](first name) [L/N](last name) is a student from [C/N](country name) that has been chosen to be in the one and only inazuma Japan.Since little, you enjoyed soccer, after years you participated to your first soccer league in your country to see who's the best team out of there, you and your team winned it.You got noticed by tons of people,interviewer's,fan's, ect soon after that you got invited to Tokyo, In Japan to join the team "inazuma Japan."But what didn't you knew is that some boy's will get interest in you in more the story continues.Wich will you fall for?Read the story to know! Inazumaeleven rank number 1: September 26th /2020/Japan rank number 14:October 4 /2020/Orion rank number 1:October 5 /2020/Started: In August 2020 (Unknown numbers)Finished: 23 October 2020
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