《New Beginning in the Magical World》Chapter 86. The mysterious Cube (Part 2).


Chapter 86. The Mysterious Cube part 2. When they first came into this room and saw the floating cube inside, Michael was immediately taken aback by just the mere sight of it. He never expected that Lucas is right about his intuition, that they really missed something important inside this ruin. Michael was astonished to see such a bizarre sight, to see a floating object inside this weird room, he was certain that the cube is a type of unknown magic artifact. He was about to warn Lucas not to hastily approach it as some traps might lie around it. But it's already too late. Because when Michael came back from his reverie, Lucas was already close to it and he was about to touch the floating cube. And before he could even say anything to stop him, the cube suddenly rotate really fast and gave off a blinding red light before exploding into countless specs of dust-like particles. Michael immediately senses the danger coming on their way, and he quickly runs towards Lucas in order to pull him away from the cube. Still, an invisible barrier suddenly appeared separating them and stopping Michael from moving closer. "What's going on? What the heck is this?" Michael shouts in haste as he tries to push his way inside the barrier. But all of it was for naught, no matter how many times he punch or kick it, the barrier didn't budge a single inch. "Dammit, what the heck is this? Where did this barrier come from?" Michael uttered in frustration as he pounded his fist into it. He is only a few feet away from Lucas, but this short distance feels like an eternity for him. As he can't do anything but watch how Lucas suffers in agony. "AHHHHHH, STOP IT! DON'T." Lucas shouts while trying to pull his self away from the dust particles of this mysterious cube that is now burrowing under his skin. Lucas can't describe the pain he is feeling right now, it is even much worse than his own genetic disease. But no matter what he does he can't grab anything as the cube particle is already sinking into his skin. Lucas only felt like molten metal was trying to fuse onto his body as the dust particles sink into his bones and veins. Mixing into his blood and cells. "Fuck! get away from me." Lucas groaned in anger and pain as he tries to resist its invasion by releasing an aura field around his body. But even his last attempt to save himself was proven to be ineffective as it only quickened the progress of their fusion. When the dust-like particles of the cube come in contact with his aura it quickly serves as a powerful glue that binds them together. It didn't even take him that long before all the dust particles in the air went inside his body. And Lucas almost collapses mentally as it even affects his own mental strength. Because when the cube finally enters his body, it immediately goes after his spiritual world eating large chunks of his mental strength causing him to buckle in absolute pain and horror. Mental strength is one the most important thing for a transcendent human as it was the power that helps them control the aura or mana around them shaping it to whatever they desire. But now, with the mysterious cube taking over, Lucas felt like he had lost control of his body and mind. He was terrified and didn't know what to do. Michael, on the other hand, was frantically trying to find a way to break through the barrier and save him. He didn't know what the cube was, but he knew it was hurting him and he had to do something about it. Michael won't just let his only cousin to die in front of him without him doing anything to save Lucas. Michael tried using his own aura to shatter the barrier, but it was no use. The barrier was too strong and his aura was too weak in front of it. As he continued to search for a solution, Michael noticed that the dust particle of the cube inside the barrier had already banished, and Lucas was left alone. Kneeling inside the platform with his hands clawing towards his chest. Michael tried to talk to him outside the barrier but Lucas seems to be not responsive as if he was in a deep trance with eyes wide open. Michael knew he had to find a way to help him before it was too late. But how? He had no idea what the cube was or how it worked. It's certainly is a magic artifact but his knowledge about it is little to none. He frantically search his mind for any information that might be useful, but he came up empty. Just when he was about to give up hope and calls for support, the barrier suddenly opened and Michael was now free to go inside. Michael didn't waste any second as he quickly drag Lucas away from the platform and inspected him for any signs of damage. With a quick look no sign of wounds or intrusion can be seen on his armor but to make sure he is okay Michael still asks him a question. "Are you alright?" Michael asks worriedly. "Hey, can you hear me?" Michael called once again. "Dammit, come on Lucas!"Michael yelled as he shakes his body. But all was for naught as he didn't receive an answer as Lucas is currently lost in his thoughts. Unknown to him, Lucas is currently unresponsive since he is inside the cubes world. The mysterious cube brought his consciousness into an unknown place in a world full of modern tall buildings and even giant spaceships sailing in the sky. A spectacular scene that Lucas never expect to see in this world, but as he roam his eyes he noticed something weird in some places. It's like there are some spots around some space that are damaged and only random bits of number can be seen flowing on it like a stream of data that makes out the entire world. It's like seeing a world inside a virtual game with his own consciousness inside of it. That's right, the cube that fuses into Lucas body is now showing him its origin. A world far more different from his own. It's a civilization where magic met science. Where they coexist with each other, using their best products to supplement what the others lack. Lucas even saw an entire island floating above his head, with modern buildings peeking from above it. Upon taking a closer look Lucas discovered that the island floats by itself. With no machines sticking out underneath. It's a floating island that runs with the support of a giant magic formation as runes upon runes of magic circles can be seen encircling the island like a giant ring belt. Not in the far distance a giant spaceship dash towards the sky with bright jets of plasma behind it contain by a magic circle. Lucas watched everything with awe as he is certain that he never knew a place like this exist in his memories. The place looks so majestic that Lucas could not believe it's real, but nevertheless, he still notice something bizarre. No matter where he set his gaze Lucas can't see any human presence around him. "Where am I?" Lucas asks as if expecting to receive an answer from someone. "Where is this place?" As he looks around him, noticing the scene rapidly changing as if every second that passed is equal to a hundred years. Lucas watched in shock as he saw how this advanced civilization collapse on its own with the passing of time without even seeing any humans in sight. "Wh-What is this?" Lucas uttered in shock. "What's happening?" As he inspects the now ruin world. "What the hell is going on here?" Lucas asks in frustration. When suddenly, someone answered him from behind. "This is my world. All the things you saw happen in my world of origin." The voice simply said as Lucas quickly turned his head. "WHO?" Lucas asks. And was surprised to find a child standing behind him. Staring at him like he was a fool. (End of chapter) Authors note: Yeah, I like to end this chapter in suspense as I'm currently trying a new way of writing style.

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