《New Beginning in the Magical World》Chapter 72: Mushroom Cloud.


Chapter 72: Mushroom Cloud.

Unbest known to them the powerful explosion was caused by Hubert's fight.

The explosion happens because Hubert's attack have finally managed to puncture the skin of the bloated monster floating in the air. And the excess lightning from his attack have immediately reacted to the strange power inside of the creatures hideous body, causing a negative reaction resulting to a powerful explosion comparable to a small atomic bomb.

Hence, all the soldiers and knights in the Florentine city have witnessed the sudden rise of a second sun coming from outside of their city, followed by the quick rise of a grayish mushroom cloud rising up from the sky.

Even the fog that surrounded the Florentine city was disturb by this explosion, as the shockwave alone have thinned out it's existence almost erasing it from their vicinity.

Because of this, the thick fog blocking their sight was finally unveiled. Revealing the huge patched of the destroyed farm land and forestry around their surroundings.

It also allows them to finally witness the destruction that their city have received from this monster wave.

Almost half of the building in Florentine city was damaged to some degree, and even huge sections of the stone wall was stripped of it's surface cover revealing the strong glimmer of metal plates inside.

But despite of this situation the city wall still remain standing protecting them from further danger. Since it absorbs most of the shockwave from the explosion. Without this wall more than half of the establishment in the city would definitely collapse.

It's also a good thing that the monster wave have finally ended, if not the casualty case would definitely rise. Because none of their soldier have a proper set of mind as everyone of them are now in shock.

All the remaining soldiers in the city are now in disarray while the knights are still busy hunting for the remaining monster inside the city.

Because of this it might also take them a while before the city can regain it's order. Especially now that most of the people are in chaos as a result of that gigantic explosion.

Even Michael who is riddled with injuries have come out of the building to watch the rapidly forming mushroom cloud in the night sky. Making him gape in awe as this is the power he wishes to obtain.

And for Lucas he is stunned by this sight as he never expected to see something like this in this world.

Lucas is filly aware that Mushroom clouds are well known signs of a very strong explosion. And to see it with his own eyes is something he didn't expect.

Although he is aware that there are some people who are capable of this deed, it never occurred to him that an explosion of this caliber would occur on their very own territory.


Lucas is certain that if the explosion happens on the center of their city it has enough power to erased them from the map.

Obliterating everything on it's wake.

With his exhausted body Lucas have forced himself to quickly get out of the building just to see the chaos and panic erupt around him.

The powerful explosion alone is enough to made everything vibrate Lucas can even feel the air itself is still riffling causing a lot of disturbance on everyone.

The shockwave from the explosion have also caused the ground to move quite a bit creating a lot of cracks on their solid floor.

Once he got out of the building Lucas was immediately greeted by the ongoing pandemonium.

He can hear a lot of yelling going around himself as everyone was covered in chaos and disorder.

"What's going on?" as People around him keep on asking towards one another.

"What the heck is that?"

"Did you see that? Did you see that?"

Repeating the same question again and again.

Finally someone answered.

"I don't know and I don't wanna know." Before it was drowned out by more chaos.

But even with the chaotic surroundings, Lucas was quick to notice Michael sticking out among the crowd as he was the only one without armor and covered in bandages.

"Is it another monster attack?" Michael ask worriedly while staring at the forming mushroom cloud in the night sky.

Even with the dark cover of the night the huge mushroom formation still can't hide itself. As lightning is constantly being generated inside of it that makes it light up like a Christmas tree.

"It shouldn't be. We haven't seen any tier 5 monsters among this wave, most of them are only tier 1 or 2." Lucas answered shortly as he tried to convince himself to stay calm.

If a tier 5 magic beast decided to attack them at this time, their only option is to reveal the secret of their city and activate the barrier to protect themselves.

"But I remember that there are still several tier 5 monster in the enchanted forest, maybe one of them have decided to attack us this time." Michael replied while anxiously staring at the location of the huge explosion.

"No its not." said by a tired voice that suddenly appeared behind them.

This voice has prompted both of them to turn their heads, and there they saw the pitiful appearance of Hugo.

"Sir Hugo!" Lucas and Michael shout in alarm upon seeing his current appearance.

And even the soldiers around them have momentarily stopped for a moment to look at him in disbelief.

Hugo is known for being neat and tidy among knights. It is also a fact that he was the second strongest man in their city but now even this man is covered in dirt and dried blood.


The shiny armor he used to wear have also suffered terribly as it was covered now in holes taking away a large chunks of it's material.

It's important to note that Hugo is wearing the armor of resilience a reward he got from Hubert. It was also one of their price possession since they only have a handful of this armor.

The armor of resilience was made out of magic star metal. It can even withstand a few attacks of someone like Hubert but now 30% of the armor now is damaged.

It's a strong proof that Hugo's foe isn't as simple as it looks like. Because in order to damage the armor to this degree it would take a strong attack far surpassing it's limits.

In addition, Hugo also have a lot of wounds covering different part's of his body, and even the left side of his cheeks is punctured by a coin size hole that is still not healed as blood is still dripping from it.

"Sir Hugo, What happen to you?" Michael asks in shock as his voice has risen by an octave.

Prompting him to take a deep breath as his sudden movement has caused him great pain.

"You should tone it down a little bit, I'm still in a better condition compared to both of you." Hugo said nonchalantly while settling his gaze on the towering pillar of a mushroom cloud.

Especially towards the direction of the huge explosion that is now starting to calm down.

"What could possibly make you suffer like this? to even damage this armor made out of star metal." Lucas asks in shock as he quickly mobilizes the soldier around him to bring him a healing potion.

"Sir Hugo please drink this potion." A running soldier said as he quickly handed a bottle of pink potion to him.

"Thank you." Hugo calmly replied before gulping the entire bottle.

"Hah ~sign~." As Hugo exhales a huge breath of relief.

The potion quickly shows its effect as most of his wounds has immediately stopped bleeding. Although it still might take him a week or two before the wound on his cheeks heal completely.

After seeing the effect of the potion on his body Hugo started to explain everything that happen to him.

"This armor saves me from danger multiple times and without it, I might not be able to defeat my foe." Hugo said with a small smile on his lips.

Although he is smiling it can be seen that Hugo is ashamed of his achievement. To rely on armor to defeat a foe that is below his own league is an insult to him.

It is something that a knight like him would wish to never happen to them as it's one of the most shameful achievements they wish to never earn in their lives.

Hugo's foe is only a tier 2 mutated creature but the beating he got from it is more than enough to describe the abnormal power of this monster.

Since Hugo's strength is already at the peak of Senior knight that is comparable to a tier 3 magic beast.

"Is it caused by that weird monster earlier?" Michael ask flabbergasted.

"Yes.......The power of that creature is weirder than I thought. It can even resist most of my attacks, that's why I suffered terribly on its claws." Hugo explained shortly as he began to stretch his body to show all the wounds he got from his fight.

"If you guy's decided to face that monster on your own I don't even know what would happen to both of you." Hugo said solemnly.

"We might not be as powerful as you Sir Hugo but I'm certain that we can outrun it." Lucas replied reassuringly.

"You might be able to outrun it but if you got hit by any of its attacks you are basically done. Because look at me." Hugo said as he brandish his wounded body to them.

"I'm wearing this armor of resilience that is known for its powerful defense but even with this, it's still managed to wound me to this degree." Hugo explained with furrowed brows.

"That's why it's great to know that you were able to defeat that creature sir Hugo. I'm certain that none of us here can kill it." Michael said as he look at him with eyes full of respect.

Hearing this praise immediately lightened up Hugo's mood but it was immediately quenched when he looked up at the sky.

As Hugo witnessed a power that he wishes to attain in his career. A power that can create such a huge towering cloud of mushroom dust.

Since this is a strength that every man would like to have.

"But what creature could possibly create this kind of huge explosion?" Lucas asks puzzledly as they all watch the soldiers around them start to calm down.

Hugo looks at him weirdly before deciding to say something in a very solemn voice.

"That's the direction where your father is fighting the 3 huge flying beasts. The explosion has come from that same direction." He said to them before running and leaving them in shock.

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