《New Beginning in the Magical World》Chapter 36: Callisto Duex Stratnan


Chapter 36: Callisto Duex Stratnan.

Although the Stratnan family have ruled that city of Kingstown for centuries, for it was them who found and discovered the rich deposit of mineral ore called as "Ignit". A special material used in magic crafting.

But even the rich Stratnan family can't avoid the strong influence and power of a noble with a higher rank than them.

Because after the nephew of the current queen transferred in their city for ore management, the Stratnan gradually lost all their control and influence over their own territory.

It only takes them 3 years before they lost control of the entire Kingstown city as it falls under the control of Nikolai Burnham.

The nephew of the current queen, Nikolai from the Burnham family isn't even considered as one of the most influential clans in this kingdom, and yet, due to his Aunt, who has become the queen of the Turox kingdom.

The Burnham family has risen into power at an astonishing speed. They also managed to conquer a huge plot of land and territory, especially those places that have rich deposits of mineral ores.

One of the territories that were conquered by the Burnham family is the land of the Stratnan family, who ruled the Kingstown city for centuries.

The previous leader of the Stratnan Family died due to an unknown illness that suddenly appears on his body 5 years ago.

And since the leader of the Stratnan family has fallen ill. The management of the Kingstown city has fallen to his son Callisto. And although he is already capable of handling the responsibility as a leader of the city, he was still a child at that time it happens.

At the age of 13 Callisto has become the acting ruler and becomes responsible for the management of the "Ignit" mine.

But due to his young age and inexperience in running the territory, a lot of troubles suddenly shows up and it affected the supply of the Ignit ore in the entire kingdom.

So the Queen has decided to pass the responsibility of the managing the mine to her nephew, Nikolai.

Though it allows the "Ignit" supply to go back to normal. It also comes with a price, as the entire Stratnan family has lost their power and influence to their own territory.

Although, it was still written on papers that the Stratnan family is still the ruler of that place. It is just on paper, and the Kingstown city is already under the control of the Burnham family.

The territory of the Stratnan family is also the same as ours. It was granted to their family during the foundation of the Turox kingdom and has been passed down since then.


The ancestors of the Stratnan Family is actually one of the first Knight that swears their loyalty to the first king of the kingdom of Turox and as a reward, the first king granted them the ownership of the Kingstown territory.

But if anyone would look at the situation, and investigate on how fast the Kingstown territory falls under the control of the Burnham family.

They would discover that there was something fishy on how smooth it happens, like everything was already set in stone.

That the Kingstown territory would fall under the control of the Burnham family. Like from the time that the head of Stratnan family fell ill and the young Callisto takes over the city everything was already planned from start.

Because after Callisto takes over the management of the territory, one problem after another suddenly appears. That causes a huge disruption to their mining operation of the Ignit ore and it also makes the Kingdom dissatisfied with their family.

That is also the reason why it was easy for the queen to transfer the management rights of the Ignit mine to her nephew, Nikolai.

"Sir Callisto, still hasn't left the city?" I said suddenly to Michael as I went back to reality.

"Not yet Master Lucas, But sir Callisto have told me that he was willing to help us in fighting and defending the city," Michael said to me using his serious voice as he look at me in the eyes.

"Did he asks for anything in return or any request?" I ask with a baffled voice as I looked at the window outside.

There was no reason, or rather Callisto won't achieve anything at all for helping us, in fact it would just make his situation much more worst than before, as a lot of noble families are currently hostile to us and they would surely make a lot of trouble once they find out about this.

"Sir Callisto doesn't really ask for anything in return, but he said that he wanted to talk to you in private anytime this week." Michael said in as he gave me a perplexing expression.

"Did you know each other master Lucas?" Michael inquired as he stand up from his seat.

"No, not really," I said in a baffled tone. "Though I know him through word of mouth and through the history of their knighthood but we don't know each other personally." I said as I lean back to my chair and closed my eyes to think.

"It seems like sir Callisto knows that it was you who revive the economy of Florentine city, and he might want to ask for some advice." Michael said in uncertainty.


"I don't think that it is the only reason on why he wants to meet me, there might be other factors as well." I replied back to Michael as I gave him a peculiar look.

Callisto Duex Stratnan is the current leader and head of the Stratnan family and also a young transcended knight.

He already has all the redeeming characteristics of a young hero who would someday rise from the ashes and would unleash his fury on his enemies. In short a main character vibe for a story.

He is also known for his braveness and courageous act and despite his young age of 19 he is already at the peak of junior knight rank, and it would only take some time and effort for him to break through at Intermediate rank.

Once it happens then Stratnan family would once again have a stronger pillar that can support and protect all of them, but it won't be easy to do at all. Since a stronger Stratnan family won't be acceptable to some people who have bad motives against them.

"Master Lucas, Do you have an idea on why the head of the Stratnan family would like to talk to you?" Michael said as he approaches my table.

"Yeah I do, but I'm not sure if it was because of that?" I said vaguely as I don't really have the exact idea on why he wanted to meet me.

"Then can you really help him with that?" Michael said as he stop his sentence for a moment before continuing.

"Master Lucas, everyone knows that because of your effort you managed to save our city and our people from bankruptcy, but the situation with the Stratnan family is more complicated than ours. It directly involves someone from the royal family." Michael seriously said everything as he look at me in the eye with conviction.

What the heck is he talking about?

I do have an idea on what Callisto wanted to talk about. But why does Michael firmly believe that I would definitely help that man?

Besides I don't want to be noticed by people who have sharp minds at all it would only bring harm to me.

And the things that I have done in our city in order to revive its economy is already enough to attract some unwanted sight.

If I do more than that and help this man name Callisto I'm sure that more people would come in to trouble me.

The first time I have transmigrated into this world I already promise to myself to be lowkey, but if I always involved myself with others then it won't be long before I get myself into serious trouble and harm.

"Don't worry Michael, I won't do any rash decision that might cause me some harm." I seriously said to him as I stand up from my seat.

"I'm glad to hear that Master Lucas, but the Stratnan family is already on their last leg. If we didn't give them any assistance as soon as possible it might cause them to collapse." Michael said as he tried to convince me.

"Michael, Why do you want to help the Stratnan family we don't even have any connection to them?" I ask in a confused toned as I tilt my head to look at him.

"It's because the Stratnan family is the reason why I was able to survive outside for too long, a young orphan like me in the Kingdom won't make it without others' help." He said in a solemn voice as he try to avoid my gaze.

I almost forgot that my father found him in the Kingstown territory when he went there for a visit, but I didn't know that the Stratnan family has a huge impact on his young life at all.

Although it was known to everyone that the Stratnan family are people with a golden heart, who is compassionate and kind. But it didn't even cross my mind that Michael is one of the beneficiaries of their actions.

The Stratnan family is also famous for their multiple foundations that aim to help the poor in the Kingstown city and is also one of the remaining places that treat their people properly.

Unlike other territories where the noble lord has an inhuman treatment for ordinary people Kingstown city is like a paradise for poor people. As Stratnan family is heavily engaged with charity for the poor people.

But even that paradise has become corrupted by the power of greedy noble as this situation is already spreading throughout the land.

"I get it, but I can't make any decisions on my own. I will still require a permission from my father." I said to Michael as I gave him a hopeless look.

After I said those words I saw that Michael has released a huge breath of relief before nodding and giving me his infamous smile.

"Thank you, Master Lucas, there are only a few people who I am indebted with, and this is the only way I can think to help him." He said with a grateful look on his face.

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