《New Beginning in the Magical World》Chapter 30: Ethan


Chapter 30: Ethan.

Michael and Ethan don't really get along as they don't enjoy each other's presence. In short they don't like each other.

Ethan himself has a sharp tongue and doesn't have any control over the words coming out of his mouth.

And Michael hates this side of Ethan, because he always said whatever is on his mind and never bothers to even consider the situation of others.

They both met when they were in their teenage years that was 5 years ago. Ethan is now 18 years old and Michael is 16 years of age. At that time, both of them are competing against each other to be praised by my father for more attention.

Although none of them talk about it, I know that they are both thankful for my father and he would always have a special place into their life, as he was the only man that help them when they were at the lowest point of their life.

Father have met Michael when he was just a young orphan on the other side of the kingdom.

Michael doesn't know his father since he only grows up in the care of his mother, but she died due to a plague that hit the city. He spent almost a year as an orphan in that city, before father found him and bring him here.

When the plague hit the place all the infected people are brought in one place in order to isolate them Michael didn't managed to see his mother until he just received the news of her death one day.

While for Ethan, at the young age of 13 after his master died he have to spend most of his time hiding from other forces, that wanted to capture him.

At a very young age he was persecuted by a lot of people due to the wanted posters that the potion guild have spread around the continent, putting his lives on great danger.

It also didn't help that he has a huge bounty on his head.

As it is also the reason why most people who recognized him always wanted to hurt him for their own greed.

He traveled a lot of times, in order to escape from them.

He also learn how to cover all his tracks to make sure that no one would be able to trace him.

He was alone and hated by people.

And maybe this is the reason for his detached personality. I don't know how he spent most of his time, since he didn't tell us anything about his journey before he ends up in our city. I guess it was a painful memory that he doesn't want to remember.

"But I know that Michael is also aware, that Ethan is the only person we can trust to process all of this magic fruits, and he knows how important is this for our city." Father said suddenly cutting me off from my thoughts.


"And although they don't get along, it doesn't mean that they treat each other as enemies. Remember one time, when Michael got sick. Ethan is the only person who spend his time for researching a new potion that can cure him." Father said with a small smile.

"Ah yeah, I still remember that time. I can't even believe that someone as strong as Michael would suffer from an unknown illness, and yet, the potion that Ethan has managed to make has a terrible taste of spicyness to it. And although it cures Michael's illness this unique taste have also caused him to loathe Ethan more." I said to father with a small laugh.

"Both of them might not like each other, but if one of them needs help they always have each other's back." Father said in a low voice as he stares outside the window.

"I agree with that father, both of them have great similarities they just aren't aware of it." I said while deep in thoughts.

Michael and Ethan might dislike each other but I know that they also understand each other's situation.

"It's late already, both of you should better go back to your room and take your rest. We still have a lot of jobs to do tomorrow morning as we still have problems to solve." Father said suddenly to me and Gaspar.

Although the situation regarding the magic beast has passed. It doesn't mean that the damage in the city is done because it's just the start.

"Well, then I should take my leave lord Hubert and Master Lucas." Gaspar suddenly said as he takes a polite head bow and exited the room.

"I should also excuse myself father, and you too should also take your rest, it won't be good if you stay awake for the entire night." I said to father as I look at his tired face.

"Thank you Lucas, I now have a lead on how would I solve this situation that our city is facing in, I just hope that it would really work." Father replied back to me.

"I would also take my rest after this and you can now go back to your room as both of us have a lot of things we need to do for tomorrow." Father added before taking the bag of magic fruits away.

"Ethan would definitely be happy to see all of this magic fruit. He might not sleep tonight just to turn all of this into a potion." I said as I take a glance at the bag.

"And even if I take this to him tomorrow, it would still be the same scenario he was just too obsessed at making his potions." Father said defeatedly.

"Yep I agree. He reminds me of Gaspar." I suddenly said as I stop my sentence from completing since comparing this two people doesn't sounds good.


Both my father and I looked at each other in the eye before father suddenly speak.

"You have a point, but at least Ethan is not as terrible as him." Father said with uncertainty as he try to maintain his serious voice.

"I should better take my rest now. I don't want to remember anything that has something to do with Gaspar It makes my stomach, aches." I said to father as I stand from my seat.

"I also don't want to remind myself about that decision I'd make earlier, but Gaspar contributed a lot for our city, so he deserves a reward for that." Father said before we both exited the room.

"We have a lot of things to do tomorrow Lucas, so take your rest and sleep, I'll take care of Michael and Ethan." Father said before leaving.

As I walked towards my room I can't help but think about the troubles that we need to face tomorrow, but now that we have solved the problem with the magic fruits, I know that we can handle all of this, one step at a time.

As I reach my bed I can't help but recall the past.

When father brought the young Michael back into the mansion. Even though I was just a young boy at that time I'm already aware in a lot of things

And I know that Michael is not my father's child outside. So I don't have any grudges against him, and I'm also too young to have that kind of sentiment.

All I have against him that time is curiosity, as it's the first time I see a child that is so thin. Michael is pretty malnourished when father got him.

When father brought him back to the city no one would recognize Michael as that young boy.

He was far too thin and small, apart from his familiar blonde hair color and blue eyes, no one would have thought that it was him.

Because now that he has grown into a young man, no one can associate him with that weak and thin boy.

With his looks alone, People would have thought that they have met a prince and not just a normal man.

He also carries a peculiar aura around his body that affects everyone around him.

As someone who grow up with him, I know that Michael himself didn't notice this kind of peculiarities on his body. In fact, he is so oblivious to it, that he thought it was just a normal thing.

Even my father knows this, and I once have raised this concern to him, but he himself said that I shouldn't said anything about this with anyone, as Michael is somewhat special.

All I understand for now is that my father Knows something about Michael's condition, but he can't tell it to me yet, because he won't just train or bring a young boy into our mansion for nothing.

I know my father although he is kind, he is not a saint either.

The situation with Ethan is much easier to understand than Michael. Because of our lack of access to potions from the guild, father decided to convince him and become our exclusive potion maker.

Though father have approached him with this motives, he also said it to Ethan directly.

As he knows that hiding something from him, would only result to a misunderstanding. That is also the reason why Ethan has trusted my father compared to others as he is blunt with his intentions.

Because father is the only man who approaches him without any hidden agenda.

It also helps that my father genuinely appreciate his talent, as a potion maker, and offered him a deal. In which, father would help him train to improve his skill as a potion maker and provide him with all the necessary materials he needed.

Since our family doesn't have a good relationship with other nobles, it also helps us to avoid the ongoing illness in the circle of nobility.

More and more nobles are now acting tyrant in ruling their territory, as they considered themselves special compared to the ordinary people, and Ethan have witnessed this a lot of times, in different places. Except here, in Florentine city.

Most of the people he encountered at this place, are honest and kind people.

It also helps that our family have a good reputation among the people, but it sure still takes a huge amount of effort from my father before he was able to convinced Ethan to stay here in the city.

But I know the real reason, on why Ethan takes a long time to decide at that time. It is because I heard him say it personally to me when I was a young kid.

He said that he doesn't want anyone to get hurt, or be put in danger because of him.

At that time I don't really understand what he meant by those words, but now that I'm older I finally understand that he was just scared.

That the people in Florentine city would be put into a grave danger because of the potion guild and the people that was chasing after him.

He even says his whole name to me at that time he introduced himself as Ethan Vex Medecii to my younger self. This event happens when I was still 6 years old so it's been a long time.

He was a nice person after all, so knowing all of this in my heart. I sleep that night with a contented smile on my lips.

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