《New Beginning in the Magical World》Chapter 29: Grand Master.


Chapter 29: Guild Master.

His master was the former leader of the potion guild, but for some kind of reason he later became hostile with that organization. He abandoned his position as the guild leader to venture into faraway places, to look for more rare material in order to improve his skills, but he eventually died 4 years after leaving the potion guild.

But before he died, he encountered a young man that he adopted as his student, but he only managed to teach him for a year before he passed away.

I don't really know the whole story behind that, but based on what I heard from my father, this student of his, have later on went to the potion guild to continue what he started with his master, but he was immediately kicked out of that place. And for some unknown reason, the potion guild has put a huge bounty on his name.

They also put a wanted portrait of his face all over the place, and compare to the church of Agatha, the potion guild is a more powerful organization than the church as they even have certain influence in the three empires.

The church of Agatha might be in control of lower nobles for many kingdoms, but their power and influence is not enough to fight the influence of potion guild.

Since potion guild itself is a humongous entity that controls most of the powerful potion in the Vreachland continent, and because of their natural advantage, many kingdoms always followed their orders without any questions.

But fortunately, potion guild doesn't have control over the entire continent because of the existence of 3 human empires that keep all the other neighboring forces at bay.

The Helios empire is located in the central continent and it is the one responsible for guarding the Great Fortress. We also considered them as the most powerful empire in this land. They are considered as the guardian of the Vreachland continent, so they have unlimited access to any material they need to make sure that no demonic creatures won't be able to cross the Fortress, and invade the mortal land.

While for the other 2 empires they are located in west and southwest part of the continent. The Manarian empire which is located at the southwest of the continent is considered as the youngest among the three empire.

They completed their unification several hundred years ago and becomes more powerful after the destruction of the kingdom of Aqua, as most of the surviving citizens of this kingdom have fled to them. With the additional manpower and population from the kingdom of Aqua, the Manarian empire has become more powerful than before. Enough to rival the Aetherian empire which is known as the second most powerful empire in the land of Vreachland continent.


A lot of surviving members of Aqua kingdom like, wizards and knights have passed their legacy arts on the Manarian empire as they also have a great ties and relationship with people living within it. The Manarian empire also becomes the new center for wizard activities, but compared to before, the number of people who becomes a wizard has drastically gone down since the fall of Aqua kingdom.

Without the abundant supply of resources like the Mana spring, it became much harder for everyone to advance on their level as the materials that are rich in mana becomes rarer and more expensive.

The last of the 3 empire is the Aetherian empire, and I know them for their wide range of application of magic formation and magic tools.

Every year, a lot of armors and weapons are produced from this empire as they have a lot of people who is knowledgeable in forging and craftsmanship. It is even said that Aetherian empire is the land with the most Dwarves on this continent as they are the best craftsmen known to man.

They are also responsible for the supply of armaments in the central continent to make sure that the Great fortress has enough power to defend itself against the siege of demonic creatures.

So no matter how powerful the potion guild is, they aren't capable of contending against the 3 biggest forces in this continent. At the same time, the 3 empires also have their own apprehension against the potion guild, who controls the largest supply of potion on the continent.

They know that it is not a good thing for an important resource, such as potions, to be controlled by just one organization. That's why they also have their own potion masters that can exclusively supply them with potions. But because of limited knowledge they only have several hundred of recipes of potions, which is far from the number that the potion guild has.

That's why when the wanted poster of his face has spread throughout the land, a lot of people are interested to join on this hunt. But the 3 empires know that there was something wrong with the situation. Especially when they found out that the man in the wanted poster is just a student of the former guild master.

This wanted poster managed to attract the interest of powerful organization on the continent, that's why the 3 empires also releases their own wanted poster looking for the same man. Although the reason that they are looking for him is to keep him safe, and possibly to encourage him in joining their empire. Since they are interested with the knowledge that he learned from his master and from the skills he have shown.

It is also the reason why my father was shocked when he met that wanted man in our city, and his reason for staying in this place is because the potion guild won't think that he will go to such a poor place like this.


Florentine city is located at the middle of nowhere, with a small number of population with very little visitors from the outside, this makes the Florentine city the perfect hideout for him. And my father met him 5 years ago on the edge of the Enchanted forest during their hunt.

5 years ago Father saw him collecting herbs and materials at the forest and father immediately felt something odd about that person because aside from his unfamiliar face, he also has a different aura around his body. And despite him pretending to be a normal person his actions alone have gave it away.

No normal human would dare to get closed on this forest alone, no matter how peaceful the scene on this place is, since there are still a lot of dangerous creatures that lurks around this place.

This is also the time when my father recognized him and decided to hide him from the rest of the world despite the possible consequences, but in exchange he will provide us his service by making some potion for our own supply.

"But Father, are you sure about this? He hasn't even tried to make this kind of potion before, right?." I ask with uncertainty.

"I know what you meant Lucas, but he is the only person we can trust to process all of this magic fruit in this place." Father calmly said as he put down the magic fruit he is holding on the table.

"I know that father, but I just don't know how many magic fruits would end up as a waste material before he succeeds in making the potion." I said with remorse.

"It's part of the process son. He doesn't have the formal education like the other potion master. But he does have the skill to become a great person in this field. And with this amount of material, I know that he can improve his skills and knowledge by leaps and bounds." Father said trying to assure me that everything would eventually be ok.

"I also hope that with the help of this large amount of material, his success on his recipes would further improve. Especially now that he can formally start his experiment using all of this magic fruit." I said as I pick up one of the magic fruit from the bag.

This magic fruits are all the same shapes. They look like big Cherry with transparent reddish skin. Like a jelly with crystalline shell, but once you break their hard shell a very aromatic fruity smell would immediately spread around the surroundings.

At the same time, the presence of Mana elements around the place would rise rapidly. Although it is very tempting to take a bite out of this fruit, it is very dangerous thing to do as it would certainly result to death.

Only people with powerful body can directly consume this fruit as they can handle the rampant energy from it.

People such as High ranking wizards and knights as there body have already acclimated to the high output of energy, and their veins are already strong enough to handle the stress from a sudden outburst of Mana elements from the magic fruit.

"Don't worry Lucas, I have a great trust in his skills, aside from that he is the only person I know, who managed to create multiple new recipes of potion from scratch, that can rival the effects of other potions from the potion guild." Father said with full determination.

He was pertaining to Ethan, that he hired to become our local potion master despite his lack of experience and despite the multiple wanted poster posted around the continent.

My father had a hard time convincing this guy name Ethan to stay in our city. Due to multiple reasons, such as he doesn't want to be tied down in one place, and he also has a massive distrust against everyone.

I don't know what happen to him on why did he become like that, but it sure takes a long time before my father have managed to convince him to stay.

Although it is true that Ethan has an exceptional skill in potion making his way of interaction with other people was the complete opposite of it.

Because he lacks a great deal of human kindness and understanding when it comes to his social interaction. If some people who doesn't know him talks to him they would immediately be piss off and would punch his gut.

"As long as this would make his skills level up, then we don't have to be worried about the expenses. A potion master is much more important than the potion itself. Always remembers that Lucas." Father said before looking at me in the eyes.

"Yes father I understand, but Michael has also seen all of this Magic fruit earlier. I just don't know if he would agree to hand all of this to Ethan. You know that those two have a complicated relationship towards each other." I said to him as both of us showed a troubled look on our face.

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